
发布时间:2016-3-5 编辑:互联网 手机版

Period 1

Step 1 1. Ask the Ss the following questions to talk about

Warming up ¨unforgettable〃 and ¨unforgettable experiences〃:

1) What does the word unforgettable mean?

forget 刜 forgettable 刜 unforgettable

forget: unable to think of sth. or sb.

forgettable: easily being forgotten

unforgettable: not being able to be forgotten

2) What experiences are unforgettable? Can you give an example?

3) What kind of people are unforgettable? Can you give some examples?

4) Are there any other things or events that are unforgettable?

2. Look at the four pictures and talk about them.

Step 2 1. Picture 1

Talking Talk about Zhang Heng and his seismograph.

2. Picture 2

Talk about Howard Carter and his discovery of King

Tutˇs tomb.

3. Picture 3

Talk about the Titanic and her sinking.

4. Picture 4

Talk about Tiantan and the chance of hosting the

2008 Olympic Games.

5. Talking Part on Page 103

First tell the Ss what they should do to go over the

part, and then ask them to work in pairs to make

up two dialogues.

Step 3 Go over Speaking Part on Page 23.

Speaking First listen to the tape.

Then look at the phrases used to express having

difficulty with something and how to ask for help.

Work in pairs to talk about the other three pictures.

Step 4 1. Go over the two listening texts on Pages 23 and 103.

Homework 2. Finish Part 1 on Page 104.

Period 3

Step 1 1. According to the power point, make the students understand the main idea of the text.

2.Ask the Ss to read the passage and find the answers to the questions.

Reading 1). What grew into a terrible roar?

2) .Where did she see a wall of water quickly advancing

towards her?

3). What did she want to watch?

4). To whom does the beautiful hair belong?

5). Who were silent?

Step2. Explain the language points.

1.Before she could move, she heard a great noise,

which grew to a terrible roar.

2.hear( watch/see/ feelK.) sb. doing/do sth.

3.must have done sth.

must do sth./must be doing sth.

should/could/would have done sth.


Post-reading 1. Ask the Ss to find the answers to Part1 on Page 25.

2.Finish Part2.3 and 4 on P25-26.

Step 4.

Workbook Check the answers to the vocabulary on Page 104.


Homework 1.Listen to and read the text again and again.

2. Find out the sentences with the Attributive clauses.

Unit 4. Unforgettable Experience Grammer


1. Review the words learned to describe your unforgettable


2. Learn the Attributive Clause.

Period arrangement:

Two period.


Period 4 /5


Word study Go over this part by asking some Ss to read the ten

Sentences one by one to check the answers.( P26 )


Grammar 1. Talking about the people

2.Talking about the things

3.Find the sentences with attributive clauses in the text.

4.Go over Part 1on Page 26.

5.Go over Part 2 on Page 27.


1.Whatˇs the name of the girl__________ just came in ?

2.The train ________ has just left is for Xian.

3.Here is the man _________ you want to see.

4.He is the man _____ we should learn from.

5.You can take anything ________ you like.

6.This is the girl ________ wallet was stolen yesterday.

7.We had twenty miles to walk to the nearest railway station ____ is one kilometer away.

8.There was only one ______ knew the secret.

9.This is one of the most interesting books _____ were on show.

10.They are talking about the schools and teachers ______ they have visited.


Workbook 1. Go over Part 1 on Page 105.

2. Go over Part 2 on Page 105 first in pairs, then check with the whole class.

3. Go over Part 3 on Page 105


Homework Finish all the exercises about the Grammar in this unit.

Unit4 Unforgettable experience Writing


1. Develop the Ssˇ writing skill.

2. Learn how to do assessing and make sure what has been learned in this unit.

3. Review the whole unit.

Period arrangement:

One period

Period 6

Step 1 Grammar:

Revision 1. Talk about people

2. Talk about things.

3.Talk about things, but only ¨that〃 is used.

Step 2 1. Integrating skills on P27-28.

2.Translation on P104.

3.Integrating skills on P107-108.

4. Writing and assessing on P108.