
发布时间:2017-12-10 编辑:互联网 手机版

<<陈老师课堂>>重点难点点拨 高三英语语法

Non-verbs form非谓语动词(1)

非谓语动词是高中英语语法教学中难度最大的一个项目.它的重点与难点要具体从动词不定式,动名词和分词三个方面来进行探讨. 今天探讨动词不定式.



主语:To say something is one thing, to do it is another. To get up early is good for you. It is necessary to learn English well. It is difficult to know oneself.

表语:His duty is to keep the room clean. My wish is to be an engineer.

宾语:He offered to help us. I think it necessary to learn English well. Do remem- ber to post the letter for me this afternoon. . He pretended not to see me.

定语:I have many homework to do this evening. She has two babies to look after.

状语:We hurried the school to find nobody there. Food must be kept in a refrige- rator to keep fresh. He is too tired to walk on.

宾补:At the party we asked her to sing that song. Wang Fang advised me to accept her offer.



动词不定式的一般式是to take,它的被动语态形式是to be taken,它所表示的动作通常和谓语动作同步或在谓语动作之后发生;E.g.

I plan to attend the meeting.

I believe him to be a Chinese teacher.

This box is too heavy to be lifted.

His father disappeared, never to be heard from again.

动词不定式的完成式是to have taken,它的被动语态形式是to have been taken,它所表示的动作通常先于谓语动作之前发生;E.g.

He is said that to have been working in that factory for twenty years.

I intended to have come to see you. .

I am sorry to have taken up so much of your time.

I expected to have finished the book by the end of the year.


That book is said to have been translated into many foreign languages.

动词不定式的进行式是to be taking,它没有被动语态形式,它所表示的动作通常和谓语动作同时发生;E.g.

They seemed to be talking about something interesting.

I hate to be lying in bed like this while other students are having class.


动词feel; hear; notice; observe; see; watch; have; let; make等后面的宾语补足语如果是动词不定式, 不带to, 但如果变成被动结构,就必须带to。E.g.

I often hear him sing the song. He is often heard to sing the song.

We heard you sing this song. You were heard to sing this song.

A student saw the thief enter the office. The thief was seen to enter the office.

Mr.Ma made Lily do her work again. Lily was made to do her work again.

The boss made the workers work ten hours a day. The workers were made to work ten hours a day.

动词不定式在介词but, except, beside后面时,如果这些介词之前有行为动词do的某种形式,那么介词后面的动词不定式不带to。反之,就要带to。E.g.

I have no choice but to act on his advice.

He desired nothing but to succeed.

He did nothing last night but watch TV.

There is nothing for me to do but wait.

Mary did nothing except clean her clothes.

I had nothing to do besides answer their questions then.

在would rather…than…, would sooner…than…, had rather…than…, had sooner…than…, rather than等结构的than后面的动词不定式不带to。 E.g.

I would rather not drink anything.

They would rather die than surrender.

They would sooner die than surrender.

They had rather die than surrender.

They had sooner die than surrender.

在cannot but, cannot choose but, cannot help but等结构的but后面的动词不定式不带to。E.g.

I cannot help but be sorry.

I cannot but admire his courage.

There was no bus that day. I couldn’t choose but stay there for another night.



What I want to do is run a foreign language school.

John cannot do anything but ask silly questions

What he wanted to do was wash his hands off it.

What he did to the matter was keep silent.

The only thing I could do was go there alone.

The first thing for them to do is collect enough money and grain.

The first thing I did on my return to my hometown was visit my teachers.


动词不定式的复合结构有两种情况: 1). It + be + adj. + of sb. to do sth.; 2). It + be + adj. + for sb. to do sth.;那么我们怎样去选择呢?也就是说选择for或of的理由是什么呢?当句子中的形容词表示的是人的性质或特征时,我们用of;当句子中的形容词表示的是后面的动词不定式的性质时,我们用for。E.g.

* This passage is too hard for me to understand.

It is easy for you to say so; you haven’t got to make the decision.

It is impossible for you to finish the task in five minutes.

It is necessary for us to learn English well.

* It is wise of you to give up smoking.

It is clever of you to guess right.

It’s very kind of you to help me with my English.


动词不定式可以与疑问词who, which, what, how, when, where连用, 构成动词不定式的疑问结构。动词不定式的疑问结构可以用来做主语,表语,宾语和宾语补足语。

She couldn’t decide what to do next.

When to hold the meeting has not been decided.

The question is how to put the theory into practice.

The problem is where to buy this kind of material.

The computer teacher showed us how to operate the computer.


有时为了避免重复,我们可以用to来代替前面的动词不定式,这种情况常出现在动词except, prefer, care, mean, forget, want, wish, hope, try,之后。但如果在


省略的动词不定式结构中含有be,have或have been,这些词要保留。E.g.

* I broke a dish while washing up this evening. I didn’t mean to.

You don’t have to finish the soup if you don’t want to.

I wonder why he didn’t do as he was told to.

He doesn’t live here now, but he used to.

Ought I to finish my homework today? Yes, you ought to.

Why did you do that? They told me to.

Would you like to go to the film with me? I’d love to.

Are you going to transfer to another school? I hope to.

* I didn’t tell him the news. Oh, you ought to have.

Are you on holiday? No, but I’d like to be.


下列动词的后面要求接动词不定式做宾语。他们是:ask, want, attempt, intend, wish, demand, expect, prefer, love, plan, need, promise, refuse, agree, decide, trouble,

determine, pretend, manage, learn, desire, long, choose, afford等。E.g.

I can’t afford to take flying lessons.

We expected to organize a youth club.

He demanded to know the truth.

She didn’t expect to see him here.

He intended to have come yesterday.

He pretended not to have seen me when I passed him.

Her legs began to tire and she wanted toget up and stretch.

下列动词的后面还要求接疑问词+动词不定式做宾语。他们是:decide, ask, tell, advise, know, wonder, explain, consider, discuss, discover, forget等。E.g.

He didn’t tell us where to hold the meeting next week.

She was wondering whether to stay there another week.

We haven’t decided when to hold the meeting.

He didn’t know where to find his father.

The peasants taught us how to do farm work.

Li Mei is considering where to spend her holidays.

I didn’t know how to look up information in Internet five years ago.


下列动词不用动词不定式做宾语补足语。他们是:hope, find, demand, agree, suggest, lead等。这些动词必须熟记在胸。



动词不定式做定语通常指未来行为。它与被修饰的词或是主谓关系,或是动宾关系,或是同位关系。不及物动词构成的动词不定式做定语则应该加上必要的介词且常用主动语态。 E.g.

Our headmaster is always the first one to come to school every day.

Mr Zhang said that he needed someone to help him do the housework.

I have an important meeting to attend this afternoon.

China is the first country to use gunpowder in the world.

We have made the plan to learn a second foreign language.

It is your job to cook three meals, wash the dishes and do some cleaning.

She has eight children to look after in the kindergarten.

The pen to write with is borrowed from my English teacher.


动词不定式的逻辑主语是动词不定式所表示的动作的执行者,用主动语态形式;动词不定式的逻辑主语是动词不定式所表示的动作的承受者,用被动语态形式; 动词不定式和它前面所修饰的名词构成逻辑上的动宾关系,又和句子的主语(人)或宾语(人)构成了逻辑上的主谓关系时,用主动语态形式。 E.g.

Do you have anything else to say for yourself?

Please tell us the homework to be done this evening.

Do you have anything to take to your parents?

Do you have anything for me to take to your parents?

Do you have anything to be taken to your parents? ( taken)

It is a great honour for him to have been elected an advanced teacher.

在there be句型结构中,当说话人考虑的是人去做某事时,动词不定式用主动语态形式;如果只是考虑某事要完成,动词不定式用被动语态形式。E.g.

There is a lot of housework to do this afternoon.

There is a lot of housework to be done this afternoon.



“This book is difficult to understand.” Mr. Chen declared.

“He is nice to get on with.” The headmaster intruduced Mr. Li to us and added.