Unit 19 Modern agriculture

发布时间:2016-1-11 编辑:互联网 手机版

Period 1 Listening

I. Purposes: (教学目的)

1. Learn and master the following:

words: produce, effect n. , dike n. , drought n. , leader n. , cane n. , sugar-cane n. , tobacco n. , local adj.

phrases: depend on; so on ; be used for ; in early times; too… to … ; change … into ..

2. Train the students’ listening ability describing, talking and discussion.

3. Learn to talk about agricultural produce and farm and farmers.

II. Teaching Important and difficult points: (教学重点、难点)

Important points:

1. Train the students’ listening ability.

2. Master the new words and phrases, and make the students talk about agricultural produce and farm and farmers freely.

Difficult points:

1. how to improve the students’ listening ability.

2. try to ask or teach the students to talk about the modern agriculture and its effect on people’s life.

III. Teaching appliances: (教学辅助用具)

Computer & tape-recorder

IV. Teaching approaches: (教学方法)

1. discuss the topic simply which will be touched by us.

2. listening-and-answering activity to help the students go through with the listening material.

V. The instruction of learning method for the students: (学法指导)

1. Learn how to look at the graph and discuss the following questions.

2. try to practice more listening and speaking freely in class by the clues given by the teacher or students or the other materials.

VI. Teaching steps: (教学步骤)

Step One: Lead-in: (引入新课)

First, greet Ss .

Then, Teacher (T) can ask the students to learn the new words of this period such as: produce n. 产量、产物、农产品; effect n. 结果、影响、作用; dike n.堤坝;排水沟 , drought n. 干旱;leader n. 领导者;cane n. 细长的茎、藤条; sugar-cane n. 甘蔗;tobacco n. (烟草)制品;抽烟;local adj. 地方的;当地的;

Then remember the new words together.

Today we’re going to learn Unit 19 “Modern agriculture ” the first period

Step Four listening ( 听 )

Say to the students: Now we’ll do listening. One passage you’ll listen to is about farming while the other is about what different jobs Helen has to do. They tell us about farming of all countries in early times and protection of nature and environment. Listen to the tape carefully and do the exercises concerned. Now read the requirements, please. I’ll play the tape for three times. After listening for the first time, you can leave over the ones you aren’t sure about. You can do them when I play the tape of the second or the third time. Check your answers with you partners after listening.

Step five Summary and homework ( 总结 )

Today we talk about listening. So we have got more information about modern agriculture. At the same time we have learnt some new words and phrases and have tried to use them in class. After class, try to find more information about modern agriculture and preview next period: Speaking.


Remember the new words and phrases we have learnt today.

Listen to the material again and the others in workbook again and again.

Preview speaking you’ll learn tomorrow next period.

Feedback in teaching:(教学反馈)

Period 2 Speaking

I. Purposes: (教学目的)

1. Learn and master the following:

Useful expressions in the text: giving advice and making decisions.

In my opinion you should … I think he is right…

If I were you … Wouldn’t it be better if …. ?

We can’t do both, so… The other idea sounds better to me…

The other idea sounds better to me…. We have to make a choice…

As far as I can see the best thing would be to …

2. Improve the students’ speaking ability by practicing giving advice and making decision.

3. Enable the students to master the expressions of giving advice and making decisions.

II. Teaching Important and difficult points: (教学重点、难点)

Important points: 1. Train the students’ speaking ability. 2. master the new phrases, sentence patterns and everyday English and make the students be free to talk about modern agriculture.

Difficult points: How to finish the task of speaking

III. Teaching appliances: (教学辅助用具)

Computer & tape-recorder

IV. Teaching approaches: (教学方法)

1. listening-and-answering activity to help the students go through with the speaking materials together.

2. individual, pair or group work to make every student practise speaking in class

V. The instruction of learning method for the students: (学法指导)

1. Learn how to work out the problems: how to make a decision for themselves which they meet with when they are teaching by themselves.

2. practice more speaking freely in their spare time about the modern agriculture.


VI. Teaching steps: (教学步骤)

Step One: Lead-in: (引入新课)

Create a situation and ask the Ss for some advice or help so as to practise some patterns: In my opinion you should …

I think he is right…

If I were you …

Wouldn’t it be better if …. ?

Step Two: Warming-up ( 热身 )

1. Talk about the modern agriculture according to the bargraph :

First ask the students to look at the graph on Page 43.and discuss the questions:

Q 1 : What is the graph about ? ( growth of major products )

Q 2 : What is shown on the x-axis? ( grain, cotton, oil, sugar, meat, fish, fruit )

Q 3 : What is shown on the y-axis ? ( the percentage )

Work in pairs or groups. Several minutes later I’ll ask some students to talk about them.

2. Go further to talk about the modern agriculture:

T: How are people’s eating habits changing over the years ?

S: we can see that the eating habits of the people in our country have changed greatly.

T: Why do you think this happens ?

S: …..

T: How has agricultural produce changed during the first half of the 1990s ? And what do you think caused these changes ?

S: From the first half of the 1990s, scientists started to develop new techniques to increase agricultural production without causing damage to the environment, especially for “ GM ”.Scientists have developed new kinds of seeds, better cows, pigs, sheep as well as fish.

T: Do you agree with him?

S: Yes, I do. People are eating more meat and milk. That is, they need more fish, pigs, sheep and cattle as well as poultry. To feed these animals ,we need more grain, esp. more grass. To protect our environment, the ways to raise animals have changed. Some of the fields are not needed to produce more food. ( The teacher will help the students a lot. )

Step Three Speaking ( 说 )

Now let’s do speaking. This part says that a group of farmers in your area have been given a large piece of land. The villagers together with the village leader have to decide how to use the land. Work in groups of five students. Each group member will play one of the roles. Prepare role cards, discuss the problem and try to make a decision. Before discussion, who can give us some useful expressions about giving advice and making decisions?

Giving advice:

S1: My advice would be … . I advise you to do …

S2: I think you ought to …. You’d better ….

S3: If I were you, I would … I would advise you .

S4: I don’t think you ought to … .

Making a decision:

S1: In my opinion, we should … I think believe you should …

S2: I don’t think it is necessary to do sth. … . We must decide …

S3: I hope we can make a decision.

The teacher will write all the expressions above on the Bb.

Step Four Practicing ( 操练 )

Now let’s have a discussion, using the expressions on the blackboard late, I’ll ask some students to act it out.

S1--- Villager A S2--- Villager B

S3--- Villager C S4--- Villager D

S5 ---- the villager leader

The teacher will ask them : Why should we grow… ? Why shouldn’t grow … ?

S5: As we all know, we are given a large piece of land. I’ve got all of us here to have a discussion and decide how to use the land. Please give us your advice.

S1: I advise we should grow corn on this piece of land. It’s large and flat and machines can go up and down, so we can spend less time and get more corn. A lot of money can be made after selling the corn.

S2: I think we ought to build a farm there and raise pigs or cows with the grain we harvest. So we can make more money.

S3: My advice is that we should turn it into a garden, and grow flowers there. Then we can sell the flowers. There is nobody here selling flowers. So I think our business will surely be good. Besides sometimes selling grain or meat is hard, for the price could be too low.

S4: I think we’d better design it like this: We build a building of a few floors. In each floor, we can raise one kind of animals. With their wastes, we can raise fish or grow vegetables on the top or in the space which faces the sun. We can also grow mushrooms in the dark places. We can use one some of it to do this and build a garden one some of it so that people can enjoy themselves here. Half of the rest grow flowers to sell and for the other half we can grow grass on it so that our environment will be better.

S1: That’s a good idea. But it will need a lot of money to do this. I hope we can make a decision today.

S5: We must make a decision. My opinion is that we do as S4 said. Any other opinions ?

S2 and S3: I agree with you.

Step Five Summary and homework ( 总结 )

In this class, we’ve talked about two statistical graphs and listened to a passage. We have also talked about how to use a large piece of land, using some expressions of giving advise and making decisions. After class, choose a subject as you like with your partner and have a discussion, using the expressions on the Bb. That’s all for today.

Step Six Homework

1. Listening work: Listen to the listening material about Christmas in workbook on page 77.

2. Written work: Write a description of your favorite festival. The description should include 1) the name 2) the time 3) characteristics 4) activities, etc.

3. preview Pre-reading

Step seven the design of the writing on the blackboard

Unit 19 modern agriculture

The second period

Giving advice:

S1: My advice would be … . I advise you to do …

S2: I think you ought to …. You’d better ….

S3: If I were you, I would … I would advise you .

S4: I don’t think you ought to … .

Making a decision:

S1: In my opinion, we should … I think believe you should …

S2: I don’t think it is necessary to do sth. … . We must decide …

S3: I hope we can make a decision.

The teacher will write all the expressions above on the Bb.

Feedback in teaching:(教学反馈)

Period 3 Reading

I. Purposes: (教学目的)

1. Enable the students to learn sth. about modern agriculture from the text.

2. Enable them to master the new words and expressions in the text.

3. improve the students’ reading ability such as scanning, looking through, guessing the meanings of unknown words by the context, grasp the general idea of a passage as fast as possible.

II. Teaching Important and difficult points: (教学重点、难点)

Important points:

1. How to improve the students’ reading ability.

2. How to get the students to master the new words and expressions of the text.

Difficult points: How to help the students understand the reading material better and answer some questions on the passage.

III. Teaching appliances: (教学辅助用具)

Computer & tape-recorder

IV. Teaching approaches: (教学方法)

1. discussion before reading to make students interested in what they will learn.

2. discussion after reading to make students understand what they’ll learn better

3. fast reading and careful reading to understand the passage correctly.

4. pair or group work to make the students take an active part in the activities in class.

V. The instruction of learning method for the students: (学法指导)

1. Learn how to work out the general idea of a passage.

2. practice more reading in their spare time about modern agriculture.

VI. Teaching steps: (教学步骤)

Step One: Revision and Pre-reading ( 复习 预读 )

Get Ss to repeat the last discussion. Who will act it out for us ?

Step Two Pre-reading ( 读前 )

1. Get the students to talk about the pictures: Picture 1: shows a farmer sitting in the courtyard, in front of the house. There is a basket in front of her and two chickens that eat from the basket. On this farm, chickens can walk freely in the yard. The picture below shows a large building in which thousands of chickens sit in small cages. On this farm, chickens sit in cages inside a building. Picture 2: shows a pile of animal shit (manure) The picture below shows a bag of chemical fertilizer. Picture 3: shows a farmer working on the land with two animals. The animals pull the plough to work the land. The picture below show a tractor. In this picture, the farmers use the tractor to work the land. Picture 4: shows dry, barren land. The earth is so dry that nothing can grow there. The picture below show s a green- house , where plants grow in a building made of glass.

2. Answer the following questions.

Raising chickens

Small scale :

The farmers can keep only a few chickens.

It does not cost a lot to keep the chickens.

It is not a lot of work to keep the chickens.

The chickens don’t have many problems.

The chickens are not so fat.

The eggs and meat taste very good.

The chickens are free.

Large scale:

The farmer can keep thousands of chickens. It costs a lot of money to keep the chickens.

It’s a lot of work to keep the chickens: feeding, cleaning, etc.

If chickens get ill, many die or must be killed.

The chickens are big and fat.

The meat and eggs do not taste so good.

The chickens are not free.

The farmer can sell the chicken dung.


Natural fertilizer:

It’s free or can be bought at low prices.

It is a lot of work to mix it with the soil.

It has a bad smell.

It takes a lot of place to store.

It is difficult to transport.

Chemical fertilizer:

It’s expensive.

It is not a lot of work to mix it with the soil.

It has no smell.

It takes little place to store.

It is easy to transport.

Horse power

Animals( buffalo; ox)

They are not so expensive.

The “ fuel ” is cheap ( grass, hay etc. )

They don’t pollute the air.

They can be used on different terrain; e.g. hill slopes or wet ground.

They need to rest sometimes.

You can use them for about 10---20 years.

If they get young ones, you get more for free.

If they get young ones, you get more for free.

If they totally “ break down”, you can eat them.

Machines ( tractor )

They are expensive.

The fuel is expensive.

They pollute the air.

They can only be used on flat and dry terrain.

They don’t need to rest.

You can use them for 5-20 or more years if you can get enough spare ( repair ) parts.

Climate control

Open air:

If the weather conditions are bad you can loose the crops.

The landscape is more beautiful.

The land must be good for farming .


Weather conditions are controlled, so they cannot damage crops.

It is expensive to build and operate( gas, water, electricity) a greenhouse.

If there is a power failure, you may lose crops.

The landscape is ugly.

Greenhouses can be built where the land is not suitable for farming.

What other changes have happened on farms in the last 100 years ?

Over the past 100 years there have been some changes on farms and in agriculture:

The use of machines, the use of chemical fertilizers, the use of insect killers, the use of food supplements in animal feed, the growth of the farms, doing the work with workers who are not part of the family, growing different crops, etc.

Step Three Reading ( 阅读 )

Part I Listening

Now get the students to listen to the tape and answer the followings ( books closed ):

1. For thousands of years traditional agriculture in China changed very much.

2. In China, only seven percent of the land cannot be used for farming.

3. Farmers in China have long used techniques to make their land produce more.

4. More advanced technical information was brought in from abroad in 1980.

5. It was from the early 1990s that scientists started to develop new techniques to increase agricultural production without harming the environment.

6. New techniques should increase agricultural production but also be friendly to the environment.

7. The biggest problem of Chinese farmers is the shortage of money and modern techniques.

8. Today fewer vegetables are not grown in gardens but in greenhouses where they are protected from the wind, rain and insects.

9. Another technique tries to create plants that produce more and bigger fruit.

10. Future agriculture should depend on high technology without traditional methods.

Part II Fast reading: Read the text fast and then answer the questions:

1. When was more advanced technical information was brought in from abroad ?

( In the 1980s, more advanced technical information was brought in from abroad. )

2. What is important for future agriculture?

( Both food production and taking care of the environment are important.

Taking care of the environment is more important, because we have only one earth.)

3. What should future agriculture depend on?

( Future agriculture should depend on high technology as well as traditional methods. )

4. What does “ which ” refer to in the last two lines?

( golden rice )

5. What is the other name of “ gold rice ”?

( GM rice.)

Part III Post Reading and discussing

Now let’s do part 1 : Read the text again and answer the questions in post reading. If possible, you can have a discussion with your partners.

Then revise the answers. ( 1. D 2. A 3. C 4. C 5. C )

Now let’s continue. Say:

Speaker A. I want to change apples. I want them not only to grow bigger and more delicious, but also of the same size. Because some of the apples now are smaller and not delicious and the apples of the same size are popular.

Speaker B. I want to change fruit trees. I want them to grow shorter so that the fruits on them are easy to pick up. And they must give us more fruits so that the framers can make more money and become richer.

Speaker C. I want to change carrots. I want them to grow much bigger. Because the carrots our villagers grow are smaller.

Speaker D. I want to change the vegetables people usually eat. I want them to be better for people’s health. So they will spend less money on medicine.

Speaker E. I want to change cows. I want them to have more babies. So they will not be expensive to buy. If so, more farmers can buy them and become rich.

Speaker F. I want to change fruit trees. I want to plant the trees growing in the south. So we will have more kinds of fruits than ever before.

Step Four Reading aloud ( 朗读 )

Play the tape for the students to listen carefully and at the same time follow the tape

aloud in class. ( a paragraph if possible )

Step Five Discussion ( 讨论 )


What should we do for modern agriculture in the future after reading the passage ?

Step Six: Supplement Reading: ( 扩展性阅读 )

A greenhouse is a building made of gases which is used for keeping plants warm when the outside temperature is low. In a similar way there are several gases in the atmosphere which trap ( 捕捉 ) the heat produced by the sun and prevent it from escaping. These gases are known as “ greenhouse gases ”, and the way in which they trap heat in the atmosphere is called the “ greenhouse effect ”. This is not simply air pollution. Most of the main greenhouse gases exist naturally in small amounts in our atmosphere. And without them earth would be 30 degrees colder and human life would not exist. In other words, the greenhouse effect is a natural course which is to some degree helpful to us.

The problem is that in the last century and half we have been putting too many of these gases into the earth’s atmosphere by burning large quantities of coal and oil and by cutting down forests. The rapid increase in greenhouse gases is making the world warmer, the world’s temperature has already gone up by half a degree this century, and the sea level has risen by 10 centimeters. If carbon dioxide in the atmosphere doubles, there will probably be a rise in the earth’s temperature of between 1 and 4. this may seem a small increase, but it would be enough to cause major changes in geography and agriculture. Large areas of the world would be flooded, and some areas would become dry and unable to produce crops. It is important, too, to consider that there may be a delay of about 30 years in the greenhouse effect. This means that we are probably experiencing only now the effect of the gases put into the atmosphere before the 1960s. Since then , our use of these gases has greatly increased.

1. “ Greenhouse effect ” means ________ .

a. the way in which gases are used for keeping plants warm

b. a natural course which is to some degree helpful to us

c. the way “ greenhouse gases ” trap heat on the earth

d. the whole course in which greenhouse gases prevent heat

2. If there were no greenhouse effect, _________ .

a. no plants would grow on our planet

b. earth would be thirty degrees colder

c. man could not live on the earth

d. all of the above answers are correct

3. Which of the following is not true ? __________ .

a. Burning too much coal and oil produces lots of greenhouse gases

b. It has become warmer on the earth now than in the past

c. Gases put into the atmosphere now will effect the earth years later

d. The temperature in a greenhouse is as high as that in the


4. Suppose the earth’s temperature rose by 3 degrees, ______ .

a. great harm would be done to mankind

b. the sea level would go up by 10 centimeters

c. all the land in the world would be flooded

d. crops would be unable to grow on the earth

5. This passage mainly deals with _______ .

a. the concept and harm of greenhouse effect

b. the relation between greenhouse gases and man

c. the concept and charge of greenhouse effect

d. the effect of the rise of the earth’s temperature

suggested answers: BDDAC


1. Oral Work: Read and recite the new words learnt in this class.

Read and recite some beautiful and useful sentences in the text.

Written Work: Suppose you are the journalist of Huipu Sunshine Magazine.

You are going to write a passage about Kwanzaa.

VI. Blackboard design: (板书设计)

Unit 19 Modern agriculture

The Third Period

New words:

Modernize, control, modify.

Useful expressions:

Depend on: Health depends on good food, fresh air and enough sheep.

Short of : He didn’t buy anything because he was short of money.

Stand for: USA stands for the United States of America.


What should we do for modern agriculture in the future after reading the passage ?

VII. Feedback in teaching:(教学反馈)

Period 4 Reading Comprehension ( 2 )

I. Purposes: (教学目的)

Learn how to read aloud according to the tape ;

Understand the main idea of this reading passages;

Master some important language knowledge;

II. Important and difficult points: (教学重点、难点)

Important points: learn some language knowledge in the text Modern agriculture; to retell or revise it

Difficult points: After reading, retell Modern agriculture and then learn

to use the language knowledge;

III. Teaching appliances: (教学辅助用具)

Computer & tape-recorder

IV. Teaching approaches: (教学方法)

讨论法, 讲练法

V. The instruction of learning method for the students: (学法指导)

1. Learn how to work out some language problems for themselves which they meet with when they are touching this text.

2. practice more in their spare time about Modern agriculture.

VI. Teaching steps: (教学步骤)

Step One Retelling

First, fill in the blanks:

For thousands of years_____________ agriculture in China did not change very much. In China 7 % of the land can be used for ________ . It is on this ________ land that the farmers produce food for the whole ___________ of China.

Farmers in China have long used techniques such as fertilization and __________ to make their land produce more. Over time, many farming techniques have been __________ . To make as much use of the land as possible, two or more crops are planted each year where possible. More advanced technical information was brought in from abroad in the 1980s. ________ of technology and machines, and the international exchange of _________ have helped Chinese farmers improve their __________ .

It was from the early 1990s that scientists started to develop new techniques to increase ______________ production without harming the environment. Chemical fertilization helps to produce better crops, but is ________ to the environment. Future agriculture should depend on high _________ as well as _________ methods.

The biggest problem of Chinese farmers is the shortage of _________ land. Using the latest technologies, Chinese scientists grow vegetables in _________ . The roots of these vegetables are not planted in earth but hang in water that contains all the ________ they need to grow. In greenhouses they are protected from the wind, rain and insects. The ___________ is controlled by computers.

Another technique tries to create plants that produce more and bigger fruit. There is a technique known as GM. So the new tomatoes are bigger and _________ .They can grow without danger from _________ .They also need much less time to ripe.

In China, about one hundred research ________ are now doing GM research to make better tomatoes, cotton, and rice and so on. GM rice called “ golden rice ”, which will have more __________ and can grow in_________ soil.

After that ask them to look at the some key words or sentences and ask a good student to retell the main idea of Modern agriculture.

Step Two language Points

While dealing with any language points, we will try to touch or talk about the difficult sentences or important patterns

1. modernize: v. to make sth. suitable for modern use or for the needs of the present time. e.g. He spent a lot of money modernizing his house.

2. depend on : Health depends on good food, fresh air and enough sleep.

3. short of: He didn’t buy anything because he was short of money.

4. control v.: have power over…, rule, direct. e.g.The machine is controlled by this button. control one’s anger

5. stand for: USA stands for the United States of America.

6. modify: to change sth. such as a plan, an opinion, a condition e.g. To modify anything is to change it a little.

7. over the years: over a. 在。。。期间, 直到。。。过完; b. 一面。。。, 一面。。。 e.g.

Will you be at home over Christmas?

Our farm has consistently gathered in good harvests over the past few years.

The girls sang over their work.

Let’s have a talk over a cup of tea.

8. effect: “ 影响、结果 ” 可做可数名词、不可数名词.

e.g. It will have much effect.

The medicine had a good effect on him.

9. too … + adj. adv. + to do sth.

e.g. You are too young to understand such things.

I’ve been too busy to find time to answer that letter.

She was too surprised to see how angry Mary was.

too … to … 和 never, not 连用时,表示肯定意义“ 非常、不会不”

She’s too careful not to have noticed it.

It is never too late to learn.

English is too difficult to learn.

10. business

e.g. Selling books is my business.

It is a pleasure to do business with you.

He runs a small business in the town.

A teacher’s business is to help children learn.

11. population: 地点 n. + has a population of + 基数词 ;

the population of + 地点名词 + is + 基数词

e.g. This city of Kalamay has a population of 250,000.

The population of Kalamay is 250,000.

What ‘s the population of that country ?

a large great population; a small population .

The population of shanghai is larger than that of Beijing.

One third of the population of this country are farmers.

12. allow + n. pron. ; allow + sb. + inf. ; allow + v-ing ; allow + sb. + prep. adv.

The law doesn’t allow such an action.

My parents won’t allow me to stay out late.

The policeman wouldn’t allow parking in the street.

The doctor allows her up for two hours each day.

Summary & Homework

Today we’ve learnt lots of language points and review it.

Finish off the other exercise-books.

Preview integrating skills.

Feedback in teaching:(教学反馈)

Period 5 Language Study

I. Purposes: (教学目的)

1. go through this part and make sure the students know what the text talks about

2. master the grammar The use of “ it ”( 2 ) for emphasis

II. Important and difficult points: (教学重点、难点)

Important points: master the structure of this grammar:

It be + 被强调部分 + that who + 剩下部分( 正常语序 陈述语序)

Difficult points: how to find out the differences between emphasis and attributive clause

III. Teaching appliances: (教学辅助用具)


IV. Teaching approaches: (教学方法)


V. The instruction of learning method for the students: (学法指导)

1. Learn to understand and master this kind of the structure:

It be + 被强调部分 + that who + 剩下部分( 正常语序 陈述语序)

2. practice more in their spare time about emphasis.

VI. Teaching steps: (教学步骤)

Step One: Revision

Let the students retell the reading passage.

Step Two: Word Study

First let the students work out the answers to the questions by themselves.

Then revise it but without many words.

Complete the following chart and choose one word to complete each of the sentences below.

Key to “Word study”:

Step Three: Grammar

Read the instructions: the use of “ it ” (2) for emphasis to the students and make sure they will understand it very well.

1. Rewrite these sentences, emphasizing the underlined parts.

2. Rewrite the sentences below, emphasizing as many parts as possible.

The teacher will do the first one and then the students will do the others in pairs.

They can have a short discuss if possible. After that revise the answers together.

Step Four Practice ( 操练 )

There are some other useful sentence patterns for you. Please do the exercises.

Part I

1. It was reported ( 据报道 ) that dozens of children died in the accident.

2. It’s a pity ( 真遗憾 ) that he can’t swim at his age.

3. It is likely ( 很可能 ) that they will beat us tonight.

4. It seems ( 看来 ) that he enjoys pop songs very much.

5. It is still a question ( 还是一个问题 ) when we shall have our sports meet.

6. It is uncertain ( 还不确定 ) whether he can attend this conference or not.

7. It doesn’t matter ( 不要紧、没关系 ) whether we go together or separately.

8. It is up to you to decide whether to take the job or not ( 决定是否接受这项工作 ) .

9. It is important for us to learn English ( 我们学英语 ) .

10. It is kind of you to help me ( 你帮助我 ) .

11. It took me five days to solve the problem ( 解决这问题 ).

12. It’s no use arguing with her ( 与她争论 ) .

Part II

1. It is has been three years ( 已经有三年了 )since his father passed away.

2. It was not long before ( 不久 ) the police arrived.

3. It was already 8 o’clock ( 已经8点了) when we got home.

4. It is high time that ( 该。。。) she wrote a letter to her boyfriend.

5. It is the first time that ( 这是第一次 ) these Europeans have visited the Great Wall.

6. It is time for us ( 我们该。。。) to go to school.

Test: Choose the right answers:

1. Does ______ matter if he can’t finish the job on time ?

a. this b. that c. he d. it

2. It was not _____ she took off her dark glasses _______ I realized she was a famous film star.

a. when; that b. until; that c. until; when d. when; then

3. Tom’s mother kept telling him that he should work harder, but _______ didn’t help.

a. he b. which c. she d. it

4. _______ is a fact that English is being accepted as an international language.

a. There b. This c. That d. It

5. It was about 600 years ago ________ the first clock with a face and an hour hand was made.

a. that b. until c. before d. when

6. Was _______ that I saw last night at the concert ?

a. it you b. not you c. your d. that yourself

7. _______ was in 1979 ______ I graduated from the university.

a. That; that b. It; that c. That; when d. It; when

suggested answers: DBDDA AB

Step Five Homework ( 作业 )

1. Revise what the students have learned today.

2. Ex. 1 is used as exercises.

3. Ex. 2 and 3 will be done in the workbook.

The design of the writing on the blackboard

Period 5 Grammar

Word study: Noun verb adjective

Grammar: It be + 被强调部分 + that who + 剩下部分( 正常语序 陈述语序)

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Period 6 Integrating Skills

I. Purposes: (教学目的)

learn through Integrating skills and make sure the students know what the text is


II. Important and difficult points: (教学重点、难点)

Important points: to learn about the Farming and gardening ; to master the main idea of it.

Difficult points: Tell sth. about Farming and gardening.

III. Teaching appliances: (教学辅助用具)

Computer & tape-recorder

IV. Teaching approaches: (教学方法)

阅读法; 讨论法;

V. The instruction of learning method for the students: (学法指导)

1. Learn how to work out the problems for themselves which they meet with when they are teaching by themselves.

2. practice more reading and writing in their spare time about the festivals & customs

VI. Teaching steps: (教学步骤)

Step One: Lead-in: (引入新课)

Get the students to talk about one of the China’s early agricultural scientists, Jia Sixie.


1. Who is Jia Sixie?

2. What did he do ?

Step Two Reading (Integrating skills) ( 综合技巧 )

With the students the teacher plays the tape for them to listen carefully and read aloud.

The teacher will ask some questions from each paragraph and deal with any language points if possible.

The teacher will draw some important or difficult sentences for each paragraph and explain them to the students if necessary.

Step Three Speaking ( 口语练习 )

At last the students will read aloud the passage together and try to retell the story of farming and gardening.

Then ask some good students to have a try.

Homework ( 家庭作业 )

1. Finish off all the exercises in Workbook.

2. Revise the whole unit.

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