
发布时间:2016-7-12 编辑:互联网 手机版


一、 lose oneself in


At the meeting, he lost himself in reading newspapers. 开会时,他读报入了神。

She often loses herself in deep thought when she is alone. 独自一人时,她经常沉溺于思考之中。

[比较] be lost in迷失方向;沉溺于......

Take care, and not to be lost in the woods again.当心别再在森林中迷路了。

[特别提醒] be lost in的主语为人称代词的主格或名词,而不能为反身代词。

二、 say to oneself


I woke up at six and said to myself, "It's still early."我六点钟时醒了, 心想:"还早呢。"

When he heard what the teacher said, he said to himself, "I should study hard." 当他听到老师的讲话时,心想"我应当认真学习。"

[比较] talk to oneself "自言自语",反身代词和主语在人称上也应保持一致。

An old man likes to talk to himself. 老人喜欢自言自语。

三、 主语(人) + spend ...(in) doing sth.


He spent quite a lot of time (in) working out this maths problem. 他花了许多时间才解出了这道数学题。

How much time did you spend(in) reading this book? 读这本书花了你多长时间?

[比较]主语(人) + spend +金钱+ on sth.,花费金钱买某物;It costs /takes+时间+to do sth. 花费时间做某事;pay ... for ...,为......付款。

He spends most of his money on food.他把大部分钱用来买食物。

Did it take you much time to prepare for it?准备这件事花了你很多时间吗?

It cost me fifty yuan to buy this dictionary. 我花了五十元买了这本字典。

He paid twenty yuan for a pair of glasses. 他花了20元买了一副眼镜。

四、 I'm sure that ...

[句型介绍] 该句表示对某事有肯定的认识或判断。

I'm sure that she is an honest girl. 我肯定她是一个诚实的女孩。

Are you sure that she has stolen your pen? 你能肯定是她偷了你的钢笔吗?

[比较] I'm not sure if ...,表示对某事没有肯定的认识或判断,是I'm sure that 的否定句。

I'm not sure if he will come on time. 我无法确定他是否会按时来。

五、 get on with ...

[句型介绍] 意为"在......取得进展;与......相处融洽",如果进展顺利或相处融洽, on后面可加well,但此时该句不可用于How引导的特殊疑问句。

-How are you getting on with your speech? 你的演讲准备得怎么样了?

-I'm getting on well with it. 进展顺利。

Can Tom get on well with his classmates? 汤姆能和他的同学融洽相处吗?

[比较] get along with,含义及用法与get on with相同。

He is getting along well with his new book. 他的新书写得很顺利。

He is easy to get along well with. 他很容易相处。

六、 be fed up with ...

[句型介绍] 意为"对......感到厌烦"。with为介词,后面应接名词、代词、动名词。

I'm fed up with working with him.我讨厌和他共事。

Are you fed up with eating the same food every day? 你讨厌每天吃同样的食物吗?

[比较] be tired of对......感到厌烦;讨厌......

I'm tired of dealing with such kind of man. 我讨厌和这样的人打交道。