初三Units 7-12易混词语精练精析

发布时间:2016-9-8 编辑:互联网 手机版


1. frightened; afraid

1) A ________ boy is crying.

2) I'm ________ I can't go to the cinema. My mother is sick.

3) The little girl is ________ to go out alone at night.

4) He was too ________ to speak.

2. none;no one

1) ________ of those buses go there.

2) -Are there any pictures in this book?

- ________ .

3) There was ________ here a few minutes ago.

3. real; true

1) It is _______that he has left London.

2) I'm learning to skate on ______ ice.

3) The old woman told me a _______story.

4. found; founded

1) After months of digging, they ________ very little gold.

2) She has already ________ her dictionary.

3) When was the PRC ________ ?

5. hear of; hear about; hear from

1) I've not ________ him for several weeks.

2) I've ________ him, but I don't know him.

3) I have never ________ his story before.

6. thanks to; thanks for

1) ________ John's kind help, we finished the work early.

2) ______ your good wishes.

3) But ______ space satellites the world is becoming a much smaller place.


1.1) frightened 2) afraid 3) afraid 4) frightened

frightened 指突如其来的"震惊"。既可作表语,又可作定语。 afraid 多用于习惯地、经常地"惧怕"某些事,泛指一种恐惧心理,只能作表语,不能作定语。

2. 1) None 2) None 3) no one

none 与 no one 都可表示"没有人"。none可以用于人,也可以用于物,意思是"一个人也没有或没有任何东西"。 no one 只能用于人,意思是"谁也不,没有人",口语中常用,而且比none的意味强得多。none作主语时,它后面的谓语动词用单数或复数形式都可以,如强调整体情况,多用单数形式,如强调个体时,多用复数形式。no one 作主语时,谓语动词多用单数形式。回答how many 或how much问句用none; 回答who问句用no one 或nobody。

3. 1) true 2) real 3) true

real 表示"真的","真实的","名副其实的",指的是客观存在,并非想象和虚构的,它是与"无"相对而言的。true是指"真正的","真实的",强调与事实和实际情况相符。它是与"假"相对而言的。

4. 1) found 2) found 3) founded

found 既是不规则动词的find 的过去式和过去分词,本身又是一个动词原形,意思是"建立"。founded 为规则动词found 的过去式和过去分词。

5. 1) heard from 2) heard of 3)heard about / heard of

hear of 指听别人说起或提及某人或某事,即间接"听说"。hear about表示"听到......的详情",常与hear of 换用。hear from "收到......的来信或信息",介词宾语可以是人或地方。

6. 1) Thanks to 2) Thanks for 3) thanks to

thanks to意思是"多亏"、"由于"。这个短语多表达一种原因。作状语时,可位于句末,也可位于句首。thanks for是一个客套用语,意为"因......而感谢",这里thanks可改为thank you。