
发布时间:2017-12-19 编辑:互联网 手机版


1. However, Shylock agreed to lend Antonio the money on one condition. 然而夏洛克还是同意借钱给安东尼奥,但是有一个条件。

condition作"提出的条件"讲时,常与介词on搭配。如句中的"on one condition";也可用在"on condition that"(按......条件;条件是......),此时that引导的是同位语从句,用来表述这个条件。例如:

I'll let you borrow my car on one condition: you lend me your bicycle in return. 我可以把我的轿车借给你,条件是你借给我你的自行车。

I'll come on condition that my parents are invited, too. 在我的父母也受到邀请的条件下,我才会来。


1) be in condition健康;情况良好

2) be out of condition健康不佳;情况欠佳

His company is in condition / out of condition. 他的公司经营情况良好(经营情况欠佳)。

3) on no condition在任何条件下都不;决不

You should on no condition visit that place. 你决不能去那个地方。

2. Have mercy on Antonio, Shylock. Do not be so bitter.宽恕安东尼奥吧,夏洛克。不要这样怀恨在心。

have mercy on / upon = have pity on, show / give mercy to"怜悯;宽恕"。例如:

He showed no mercy to the thief and beat him hard. 他毫不宽恕小偷,狠狠地揍了他一顿。

The landlord had no mercy on the poor peasants. 地主对贫苦农民一点也不怜悯。

at the mercy of"完全受......支配;任由......摆布;在......掌握中"。例如:

They were lost at sea, at the mercy of wind and weather. 他们在海上遇险失事了,不得不听凭风浪和天气的摆布。

What a mercy that...! 幸好 / 幸亏......!例如:

What a mercy that you did not go!幸亏你没去!

3. This is a most troublesome case. 这是一个非常麻烦的案子。

a most troublesome case=a very troublesome case,此处形容词最高级most形式前不用定冠词the,而用不定冠词a,most是"非常"的意思。例如:

He is a most skillful driver. 他是个技术非常高超的驾驶员。

4. You wanted justice, so you shall get justice, more than you wanted. 你要求公正,那么就让你得到公正吧,比你要求的还要多。

shall作为情态动词, 用于一、三人称的疑问句时,表示征求对方的意见。例如:

Shall I get you some more tea? 再来点茶好吗?

Shall he come, sir? 他必须得来吗,先生?


You shall fail if you don't work harder. 如果你不更加努力些,你会不及格的。(警告)

He shall have the book when I finish reading it. 我看完后,他可以得到这本书。(允诺)

The terrorists shall suffer for this. 恐怖分子会因此而受到惩罚。(威胁)


①-The room is so dirty.________we clean it? -Of course.

A. Will B. ShallC. Would D. Do

② It has been announced that candidates________remain in their seats until all the papers have been collected.

A. can B. will C. may D. shall

答案:① B ② D