
发布时间:2017-12-16 编辑:互联网 手机版


1. Something may have happened to her. She might have had an accident. 她可能发生了什么事,或许遭到了什么意外。

"may (might) + have + 过去分词"表示对过去发生的行为的推测,意思是"可能已经"或"也许已经"。例如:

① He may not have finished the work.他可能还没有完成那项工作。

② -Whatever has happened to George? 乔治发生了什么事?

-I don't know. He may have got lost. 我不知道,他可能迷路了。


Sorry I'm late. I have turned off the alarm clock and gone back to sleep again.

A. might B. should C. can D. will

答案: A

2. It's not like her to have missed two days of classes. 误了两天的课, 她可不像这样的人。

It is (just) like sb. to do sth.是固定句型,意思是"某人......恰恰就是这个样子",用来表示赞扬或不满等感情色彩;而It is not (just) like sb. to do sth.则用来表示怀疑,意为"某人可不是......样子"。例如:

① It is just like her to get ready to help others whenever necessary. 她就是这个样子,随时准备帮助别人。(赞赏)

② It's like him to leave the work to others. 他就是这样的人,总把工作推给别人。(不满)

3. It looks as if she's gone away for a few days. 看起来好像她已经去了某地,并且要呆几天。

在现在完成时态中,非延续性动词一般不能与表示一段时间的状语连用,此句在课文中有具体的语言环境,上文已有这样一句话: Obviously she's gone somewhere to stay. (显然,她去什么地方呆下来了。)由此可以推断: She's gone away for a few days. = She's gone somewhere to stay for a few days.

4. On his arrival he went straight to the counter and spoke to the clerk in uniform behind it. 一到饭店,他就径直往服务台走去,同柜台后面穿制服的职员说话。

本句中的on (upon) 意思是"一......就......",后面跟名词或动名词,相当于as soon as引导的时间状语从句。例如:

On hearing the news that he passed the college entrance examination, he jumped with joy. 一听到考上大学的消息,他高兴得跳了起来。

另外,介词at + 名词也具有这种用法。例如:

At the sight of the snake, the little girl cried. 一见到那条蛇,那小姑娘就吓哭了。

5. The moment he entered the room, Bill fixed the chain across the door. 比尔一进入房间,就用链条把卧室的门扣上。

本句中的the moment是名词词组作连词,相当于as soon as,意思是"一......就......"。例如:

I'll ring you up the moment he comes. 他一来我就打电话给你。

类似的名词词组还有the instant, the minute, the second等。例如:

We set out the instant we got the order. 我们一得到命令就出发了。

They have decided to tell him the news the minute he comes.他们决定他一来就把消息告诉他。

一些由time构成的名词词组如the first time, the last time, each time, every time, next time, all the time, any time等也可以作连词。例如:

She was picking cotton in the field the last time I saw her. 我上次见到她时,她正在地里摘棉花。

Don't stop every time you come to a word or phrase you don't know. 不要每碰到一个不认识的单词或短语就停下来。


I thought her nice and honest ________ I met her.

A. first time B. for the first time

C. the first time D. by the first time
