
发布时间:2016-3-12 编辑:互联网 手机版

The Second Period

Teaching Aims:

1.Learn and master the following words and phrases:

survive,item,mirror,hammer,saw,rope,compass,company,Pacific Ocean,parachute,hunt for, make a fire,care about,on board

2.Improve the studentsˇ reading ability.

3.Enable the students to value the friendship between friends by learning the reading text.

Teaching Important Points:

1.Improve the studentsˇ reading ability.

2.Master the following phrases:

hunt for,make a fire,care about,on board

Teaching Difficult Points:

How to make the students understand the reading text better.

Teaching Methods:

1.Discussion before reading to make students interested in what they will learn.

2.Discussion after reading to make students understand what theyˇve learned better.

3.Fast reading to get a general idea of the text.

4.Careful reading to get the detailed information in the text.

Teaching Aids:

1.a recorder

2.a projector

3.the blackboard

Teaching Procedures:

兌Step ⒐.Greetings and Revision

Greet the whole class as usual.

T:Yesterday we learned some self-introduction.We know how to describe yourself and your friends in English.Now who can give us self-introduction in English?

(Teacher asks some students to introduce themselves in English.)

兌Step ⒑.Pre-reading

T:OK.Thank you for your self-introduction.We all know that we have lived with our parents,since we were born.We have never been left on a place without your parents,brother or sister,friends and all the things we use in our daily life.Yes or No?


T:Imagine that you were alone on a deserted island.You have to survive.Yeah,do you understand¨deserted,survive〃?(Bb:deserted,survive)


T:¨Deserted〃means¨of the place where no people can live〃.¨Survive〃means¨continue to live〃.Now do you understand the two words?


T:If you have to survive on the deserted island,what will you do?Here are some items that would be most useful to you on the island.

(Show the following box on the screen.)

a knife,a box of matches,a mirror,a radio,a frying pan,a gun,a book,a hammer,a saw,an umbrella,a rope,a compass

T:Maybe some of them are new words.Now I explain them to you.

(Teacher begins to explain them.After that,teacher saysK)

T:Now letˇs discuss in pairs which three items are most useful to you on the island.Of course,you must explain why you think they would be useful.Please begin.

(Teacher goes among the students to listen to their discussion.Then choose several students to express their opinions.)

T:OK.Now I want some of you to list the three most useful items and explain why you think they would be useful.Youˇd better use the sentence structure to express your opinion:I think that ___________ would be the most useful,because I could use it to ___________,to ___________,and to ___________.(Bb:Write it on the blackboard.)

Suggested opinions:

1.I think that a box of matches would be the most useful,because I could use it to make a fire to prepare a meal,to warm myself,and to give the signal.

2.I also think that a knife would be useful,because I could use it to defend myself to cut down trees to build a house,and to cut up something to eat.

3.I think that a radio would be the most useful,because I could use it to listen to singing or music to enjoy myself ,to listen to news broadcast and weather report,and to frighten savages or other animals by turning it up.

兌Step ⒒.Reading

T:OK.Today weˇre going to learn a similar passage ¨My Friend Wilson〃.Now open your books,turn to Page 3.You are given four minutes to read the text quickly and silently.Try to remember the general idea.Then answer the question:Whoˇs Wilson?Please begin.

(After five minutes,teacher checks the answer.)

T:Time is up.Who wants to answer this question?Any volunteers?

S:(A student stands up):Wilson is a volleyball.

T:Quite right.Wilson is Chuckˇs unusual friend.Now read the passage again and then answer the questions on the screen.This time,you should read slowly and carefully.

(Show the following questions on the screen.)

1.Whatˇs Chuckˇs job?

2.What happened to Chuck one day?

3.What things must Chuck learn to do to survive on the island?

4.What does Chuck learn about himself when he is alone on the island?

(Teacher gives students another four minutes to read the passage and then asks some students to answer these questions.)

Suggested answers:

1.Chuck is a businessman and a successful manager in a company.

2.One day Chuck is on a flight across the Pacific Ocean when suddenly his plane crashes.But Chuck survives the crash and lands on a deserted island where there are no people.

3.Chuck must learn to survive all alone.He has to learn how to collect water,hunt for food,and make a fire.The most importance is that Chuck has to learn how to survive without friends.

4.When Chuck is alone on the island,he learns how to be a good friend to Wilson.Even though Wilson is just a volleyball.He learns that we need friends to share happiness and sorrow,and it is important to have someone to care about.He also learns that he should have cared more about his friends.And he understands that friendship is about feelings and that we must give as much as we take.

兌Step ⒓.Language Study

T:Now you are familiar with the passage.But you should also pay attention to some useful phrases.Letˇs look at their usages.

(Show the following on the screen.)

1.They hunted high and low for the book.

2.Itˇs your turn to make a fire.

3.She thinks only of herself;she doesnˇt care about other people.

4.There were 50 passengers on board when the ship sank/the plane was crashing.

(Bb:hunt for,make a fire,care about,on board)

(Teacher asks some students to translate these sentences into Chinese.At the same time teacher explains the underlined phrases.)

兌Step ⒔.Listening and Consolidation

T:Now Iˇll play the tape.You can follow it in a low voice.Pay attention to your pronunciation and intonation.

(After that,teacher asks students to discuss the last two questions behind the text in groups of four.)

T:OK.Now look at the last two questions behind the text.(Teacher begins to read them.)I give you several minutes to discuss them in groups of four.After a while,Iˇll ask some of you to talk about your opinion.

(Students begin to discuss the two questions and after a while teacher asks some students to express their ideas.)

Suggested ideas:

3.First Iˇll search for something to eat,some place to live in,then Iˇll try to get in touch with the family or government as soon as possible.

4.I think the scientist should get the parachute.Because the scientist is of greater value than the other three persons to the world.

兌Step ⒕.Summary and Homework

T:In this class,weˇve read a passage about my friend Wilson.Weˇve learned a lot from it and we know friendship can help us understand what kind of people we are,why we need each other and what we can do for each other.At the same time weˇve also learned some useful phrases.After class,read the passage again and again until you can recite some sentences.Whatˇs more,donˇt forget to preview¨word study and grammar〃in the next period.Well,thatˇs all for today.Class is over.

兌Step ⒖.The Design of the Writing onthe Blackboard

Unit 1 Good friends

The Second Period


Phrases:hunt for,make a fire,care about,on board

Sentence:I think that___________would be the most useful,because I could use it to ___________,to ___________,and to ___________.

兌Step ⒗.Record after Teaching



