
发布时间:2016-8-24 编辑:互联网 手机版

Unit 1 Good friends

Ⅰ.Teaching Goals:

1.Talk about friends.

2.Use Direct Speech:He says,“…”.

3.Use Indirect Speech:

She said that…

She asks if/what/who/where/how…

4.Write an e-mail.

Ⅱ.Teaching Time:Four periods

Ⅲ.Background Information

Ⅰ.A Great Friend

As I am now a senior high school student,I have a great many friends,but there is one whom I prize(重视)over all the rest.I first made his acquaintance(结识他)when I began to go to school.He has been my constant companion(伙伴)ever since.

Though he is serious in appearance,he never fails to be interesting.Often he is clever,sometimes even merry and gay(快乐).He is the most knowledgeable friend a person could have.He knows virtually(几乎)every language of the world,all the events of history,and the words of all the great poets and philosophers.As a kindly benefactor(恩人),he is admired and enjoyed by everyone who makes his acquaintance.

To me,he has been a great teacher as well as a friend.He first taught me the secrets of my own language and then those of others.With these keys he showed us how to unlock all the arts and sciences of man.

My friend is endlessly patient.Dull(迟钝的)though I may be,I can return to him again and again,and he is always ready to teach me.When I am bored,he entertains(娱乐)me.When I am dispirited(沮丧的),he lifts me up.When I am lonely,he keeps me company(陪伴).He is a friend not only to me but to millions around the world.Shall I tell you his name?His name is “Book”.

Ⅱ.A Simple Friend and A Real Friend

A simple friend identifies(确认)himself when he calls.

A real friend doesn’t have to.

A simple friend opens a conversation with a full news bulletin(公告)on his life.

A real friend says,“What’s new with you?”

A simple friend thinks the problems you whine(抱怨)about are recent.

A real friend says,“You’ve been whining about the same thing for 14 years.Get off your duff(甩掉烦心事)and do something about it.”

A simple friend has never seen you cry.

A real friend has shoulders soggy(湿透的)from your tears.

A simple friend doesn’t know your parents’ first names.

A real friend has their phone numbers in his address book.

A simple friend brings a bottle of wine to your party.

A real friend comes early to help you cook and stays late to help you clean.

A simple friend hates it when you call after he has gone to bed.

A real friend asks you why you took so long to call.

A simple friend seeks to talk with you about your problems.

A real friend seeks to help you with your problems.

A simple friend wonders about your romantic(浪漫)history.

A real friend could blackmail(勒索)you with it.

A simple friend,when visiting,acts like a guest.

A real friend opens your refrigerator and helps himself.

A simple friend thinks the friendship is over when you have an argument.

A real friend knows that it’s not a friendship until after you’ve had a fight.

A simple friend expects you to always be there for them.

A real friend expects to always be there for you.

The First Period

Teaching Aims:

1.Learn and master the following:


Phrase:be fond of

Sentence Pattern:

So/Nor+link(modal or auxiliary)verb+subject.

2.Train the students’ listening ability.

3.Improve the students’ speaking ability by describing,talking and discussion.

Teaching Important Points:

1.Train the students’ listening ability.

2.Master the new phrase and sentence pattern and make the students be free to talk about their names,ages,hobbies and so on.

Teaching Difficult Points:

How to improve the students’ listening ability.

How to finish the task of speaking.

Teaching Methods:

1.Listening-and-answer activity to help the students go through with the listening material.

2.Individual,pair or group work to make every student work in class.

Teaching Aids:

1.a tape recorder 2.a projector 3.the blackboard

Teaching Procedures:

Step Ⅰ.Greetings and Lead-in

T:Good morning/afternoon,everyone.

Ss:Good morning/afternoon,everyone.

T:Sit down,please.Now you’re Senior Middle School Ss.From now on I’m your English teacher.I’m very glad to know you and willing to give you lessons.First let’s introduce each other.All right?Do you know“introduce”?(Bb:introduce)“introduce”means“to make known for the first time to each other or someone else.”So I introduce myself to you now.My name is…What about you?Hello,what’s your name?Nice to know you.”

(Go around the class and get individual Ss to introduce themselves.)

T:Yeah,from now on we have known each other,Maybe I’m not only your teacher,but also your good friend in future.Do you think so?


Step Ⅱ.Warming-up

T:Today we’re going to learn Unit 1“Good friends”.

(Bb:Unit 1 Good friends The First Period)“The First Period”.First let’s look at some words.

(Show the following on the screen.)

(Teacher teaches the words in the first box and explains them,then says the following.)

T:OK.Now I want you to discuss two questions.

1.What should a good friend be like?

2.What qualities should a good friend have?

(Bb:Write them on the blackboard.)Yeah,please discuss them in groups of four.After a while,everyone is asked to make a sentence using the words in these boxes on the screen.Of course,you can use other words if you like.Is that clear?


T:OK.Please discuss these questions.

(After a while,teacher asks some students to describe a good friend.If time permitting,teacher may ask more students to answer.)

T:Now time is up.Who wants to say first?

S1:I think a friend should be kind and honest.

S2:A good friend is someone who makes me happy.

S3:A good friend should be loyal,wise and brave.

S4:I think a good friend should be smart,kind and funny.When I am bored,he can entertain me.When I am lonely,he keeps me company.

T:Very good.Your opinions are all right.Now who can describe yourself in three adjectives?You try,please.

(Teacher comes to one student.)

S:I think I am beautiful,strong and wise.

T:What about you?(Teacher comes to one boy.)

S:Yeah,I think,first I’m honest,and I’m well educated,Of course I’m handsome.

Step Ⅲ.Listening

T:Now please turn to Page 2.Let’s do some listening.You are going to hear two friends arguing.What are they arguing about?How to solve their problems?It needs your listening carefully.Write down what you hear.At last I’ll check the answers with the whole class.Is that clear?


T:OK.Let’s begin.

(Teacher plays the tape for the first time.Then play for the second time,during this time,teacher may pause for students to write down the information.Play some parts of the tape more times if necessary.Finally teacher checks the answers with the whole class.)

Step Ⅳ.Speaking

T:OK.Now I’d like to know something about your favourite hobbies.(Teacher comes up to one boy.)What are your favourite hobbies?

S:I love football and hiking.I also like reading a lot.I think reading can make people rich and wise.

T:Yeah,what about you?

S:I enjoy computers and music.I often surf the Internet and listen to some pop music.But I don’t like classical music.

(Teacher may ask more students to answer.)

T:Yes.We know different persons can have different hobbies.Now look at the part -“Speaking”on Page 2.You are given four minutes to read the following self-introduction.After that,fill in the following form.

(Show the form on the screen.)

T:OK.Time is up.I’ll ask six of you to fill in this form.Each student fills in one person’s related content.I can give you one example.For example,as to“Stephante”,you can fill in “Age→14,Gender→girl,Likes→skiing,reading,Dislikes→hiking,rock music,football”,Do you understand?


T:OK.Who can fill in John’s related content?Li Lin,you try,please…

(Teacher asks another five students to fill in the form,then teacher shows the suggested answers on the screen.)

Suggested answers:

Name Stephante John Peter

Age 14 15 15

girl boy boy girl

skiing, reading foot ball,reading singing

Dislikes hiking,rock music,football singing,computers,rock music football,classical music dancing

Ann Sarah Joe

16 14 Gender

girl boy Lik-es

dancing,computers,rock music reading,football computers,skiing

hiking,reading dancing,computers football,hiking

T:Now please discuss in pairs who could be your friends according to the form which you filled in just now.Of course,you’d better give your partner your reasons.When you express your ideas,you can use such sentence structures.Look at the screen.(Show the following on the screen.)


1.I’m sure ___________ and ___________ could be friends,because…

2.I’m not sure if ___________ and ___________ could be friends,because…

3.Perhaps ___________ and ___________ could be friends,because…

(Teacher reads the structures,then says…)

T:Is that clear?


T:OK.Please begin to discuss them.

(Teacher goes among the students and listens to their discussion,then chooses several students to express their ideas in different ways.)

T:Who can use Structure 1 to express your idea?

S1:I’m sure John and Sarah could be friends,because both of them like reading and football.

S2:I’m not sure if Stephante and John could be friends,because both of them like reading,but Stephante thinks that football is boring,while John loves football very much.

S3:Perhaps Ann and Joe could be friends,because they both like computers and dislike hiking.

Step Ⅴ.Language Study

T:That’s all for discussion.Now let’s learn some language points.First,pay attention to a phrase:be fond of(Bb:Write it on the blackboard.Then we’ll learn a sentence pattern: So/Nor +be (have,did,etc.)+subject.(Write it on the Bb.)Now look at their usages.(Show the following on the screen and explain them.)

1.be fond of:like

e.g.He is fond of sweet food.

I am fond of swimming in winter.


e.g.(1)-I have finished the work.

-So have I.

(2)-Mr Smith is really a kind person.

-So is his wife.

(3)-I can’t swim.

-Nor can I.

(4)-Tom is not a student.

-Nor am I.

Step Ⅵ.Summary and Homework

T:In this class we’ve done some listening and speaking.We’ve also talked about some self-introduction.Of course we’ve learned a new phrase and a very useful sentence pattern.After class,practise more talking about self-introduction in English.Master the useful sentence pattern(Teacher points to the blackboard.)and preview the reading material“My Friend Wilson”.So much for today,Goodbye everyone.


Step Ⅶ.The Design of the Writing on the Blackboard

Unit 1 Good friends

The First Period


2.Phrase-be fond of

3.Sentence Pattern-


Ⅱ.1.What should a good friend be like?

2.What qualities should a good friend have?

Step Ⅷ.Record after Teaching



