英语一轮复习讲稿Units 1&2, Book I

发布时间:2016-3-11 编辑:互联网 手机版


I. 词汇

A. 单词:honest; loyal; wise; smart; argue; fond; match; fry; saw; rope; movie; cast; survive; deserted; hunt; share; lie; adventure; error; closet; pronounce; broad; repeat; majority; total; equal; situation; trade; international; organization; government; tourism; communicate; exchange; service; signal; tidy; stand; independent; publish; expression; compare.

B. 短语:hunt for; in order to; care about; drop sb. a line; argue about sth.; even though; as … as possible; in total; make oneself at home; except for; stay up; end up with; a great many; the number of; more and more.

II. 重点精讲

A. 重点单词

1. match: match可用作动词和名词。作动词时,主要义项有:与……一致;和……相似;和……相配(称);比得过。主要搭配形式为:match + n. + to/with +n 把……和……搭配起来/调和起来;match + n. + in/for + n. 与……匹敌,是……的对手,势均力敌。

Eg. Please match each picture with the correct sentence.

No one can match her in knowledge of classical music.


相关归纳:(1)be no match for敌不过

Eg. I was no match for him at tennis.打网球我根本不是他的对手。

(2)match up to与……相当;符合……标准

Eg. The trip failed to match up to her expectations.这次旅行令她很失望。

2. share: share可用作动词和名词。用作名词时,主要义项为:一份;股份。 用作动词时,主要搭配和义项有:(1)share sth. (out)(among/between sb.)分给;分配;分派 (2)share sth. (with sb.)和别人分享;和别人合用;分给别人(3)share in sth. 分摊;共同承担

Eg. He shared his money out among his six children.

I’ll share the cost with you.

3. lie: 作动词时,主要义项为:躺着;位于;处于,保留,保持(某种状态);说谎

注意:lie作“说谎”讲时,是规则动词,过去式和过去分词为lied, lied;作其他意思讲时,是不规则动词,过去式和过去分词为:lay, lain

相关归纳:(1)lie down躺下(休息或养病)(2)lie with(责任等)在于 (3)give the lie to sth. 证实……是虚假的;证明不实;揭穿谎言

Eg. I’ll go and lie down for a bit. I’m a little dizzy.

The fault lies with me.

These new figures give the lie to the belief that unemployment is going down.这些新资料表明失业率在下降的看法是不真实的。

4. compare: 主要义项有:比较;相比

相关归纳:(1)compare A with B把A与B相比较(指同类事物的具体比较)。(2)compare A to B把A比着B(3)compare to/with与……比起来(常用作状语,可位于句首或句末)(4)compare with/to sb./sth.与……类似(或相似)

Eg. Compare John’s answer with Henry’s, which is better?

Shakespeare compared the world to a stage.

Compared to/with many people, she was indeed lucky.

This house doesn’t compare with our previous one.

B. 重点短语

1. as … as possible尽可能地……

注:as … as possible是as … as it is/was possible的省略,其中的possible用作表语,不可用副词possibly替代。

Eg. I’ll go to see you as often as possible.

2. forget to do sth. 忘记去做……,指忘了要做的事。

forget doing sth. 忘了做过……,指忘了已做的事或已发生的事。

Eg. Take care, don’t forget to write.

I forgot writing to him, so I wrote again.

具有相似用法的动词(短语)还有:remember, regret等。

3. more or less是一个固定结构,or不可换成and。more or less可以修饰数词,意为“大约”;还可修饰动词、分词、形容词,意为“或多或少,差不多,几乎”。通常放在系动词、助动词或情态动词之后,或放在动词之前,也可置于句末。

4. more than超过;很;非常;不仅

“more than +数词+名词”等于“over+数词+名词”,意为“超过”。more than用于修饰形容词、名词或动词时,要看作习语,意思是“不仅、很、非常”。

相关归纳:(1)no more than不超过 (2)more A than B与其说B不如说A。

Eg. His whole school education added up to no more than one year.

She is more hardworking than wise.

5. more and more越来越……


Eg. The more you read, the more you’ll get.

6. bring in吸引,引入;请……做,让……参加;提出(新法案);赚得,挣

相关归纳:(1) bring about导致;引起 (2)bring back把……送回;归还;使回忆起;恢复;重新使用 (3)bring down打垮;击败;降低;减少;(飞机)着陆;击落

C. 必背句型

1. so或neither(nor)引导的(倒装)句型:





(4)前句表述的人或物情况复杂,无法使用so或neither(nor)引导的倒装句型表达另一人或物情况相同,则用It is/was with sb./sth.

Eg. -Tom likes playing basketball but he can’t play well.

-So it is with me.


Eg. -She can speak French. -So she can.

2. so…that如此……以至于……

(1)so + adj/adv + that…表示“如此……以至于”,that可省略;当so和它所修饰的形容词或副词放在句首时,主句倒装。

Eg. So interesting is the book that I want to read it again.


a. so +few/many+可数名词复数+that

b. so + little/much+不可数名词+that

c. so + adj + a(n)+名词+that= such +a(n) + adj +名词+that

3.should have done sth.过去应该干么事

(1)should have done表示“过去应该做某事,而实际上没做”,含有责备的意味。

(2)shouldn’t have done表示“过去不应该做某事,而实际上做了”,也含有责备的意味。

Eg. You should have come here yesterday.

He shouldn’t have gone without telling us.


(1)基本结构:It is/was +被强调部分+that/who+其余部分

(2)被强调句子是一般疑问句时,其结构为:Is/Was it+被强调部分+that/who+其他部分(用陈述语序)?

Eg. Is it tomorrow that you will go to see him?

(3)被强调句子是特殊疑问句时,其结构为:疑问词+is/was+ it +that+其他部分(陈述语序)?

Eg. Where was it that you held the meeting?

(4)强调名词性从句引导词时,其结构为:引导词+it is/was +that+从句其他部分。

Eg. He asked where it was that you held the meeting.

(5)对not…until结构中until部分进行强调时,not需要放在被强调部分,句式为:It is/was not until…that+主句部分(用肯定形式)。

Eg. It was not until midnight that he went back home after the experiment.

III. 疑难突破

1. match, suit, fit





(1) His clothes don’t ______ his age.

(2) Does the time _______ you?

(3) The new coat ______ her well. It is neither too big nor too small.

(4) Which day ______ you, Saturday or Sunday?

2. alone, lonely


(2)用法:作形容词时,alone只能作表语,有时作宾补,不能作定语;lonely可以作表语和定语。alone不能用very修饰,而要说much alone,或very much alone。


(4)固定结构:leave/let sb./sth. alone听任;别打扰;let alone更不用说。


(1) He feels ______ though he has two brothers.

(2) The old man lives in a ______ house in the forest ______.

(3) When he woke up, he found himself ______ in the room.

(4) Though he is ______ at home, he doesn’t feel ______, for he has many things to do.

(5) The baby can’t walk, let ______ run.

(6) Leave the machine ______. it’s dangerous.

3. although, though



(3)只能说as though(=as if);even though(=even if)。



(1) ______ they tried hard, they didn’t finish the work on time.

(2) They didn’t stop to have a rest ______ they were tired.

(3) He speaks English as ______ he were an Englishman.

(4) Even ______ he didn’t tell me anything about it, I know the whole thing.

(5) Child ______ he is, he knows a lot about computers.

(6) He said he would help me with my English; he didn’t, ______.

4. besides, except, except for, except that



except for说明整个基本情况后,对细节加以纠正,后接名词。

except that的用法基本同except for,但其后必须句子。它用来表示理由或细节,修下前面所说的情况。


(1) We all succeeded ______ Tom, so he is also glad.

(2) We all succeeded ______ Tom, so he is very sad.

(3) He is a good man, ______ hot temper.

(4) Your article is quite good ______ there are several spelling mistakes.

(5) Your article is quite good ______ several spelling mistakes.

5. a number of, the number of

a number of只能用作定语,修饰可数名词复数,意为“许多;若干”(=many)。number前可用large, small等修饰词。当它修饰主语时,谓语动词与它修饰的主语一致。

the number of的意思是“……的数量;号码”。当它与后面的名词连用时,中心词是the number。如果用作主语,即使后面的名词是复数,谓语也要用单数。


(1) ______ trees planted in our village is never under 200 every year.

(2) We have lived there for ______ years.

(3) ______ jobless people grows in the country at present.

(4) ______ students are playing football on the playground.

(5) ______ students in our class is over 70.