(牛津版)初一英语同步辅导(含同步练习)Unit 9-10

发布时间:2016-2-15 编辑:互联网 手机版


1. 掌握情态动词的用法

2. 能够说出不同标志的含义

3. 掌握时间表达法

4. 了解一般现在时的基本用法

二. 需要掌握的词汇和句型

Excuse me.

I see.

We can … / We can’t…

Can I…? Yes, you can. / No, you can’t.

What time is it?

Do you…? Yes, I do. / No, I don’t.

What time do you get up in the morning?

三. 重点与难点的分析讲解

1. We can play football there.

can 情态动词,表示能力或许可 can’t cannot

He can draw.

You can play football on the playground.

She can’t stay here.

Can I go home now? Yes, you can. / No, you can’t.

must 情态动词,表示“必须,应该” mustn’t

We must do our homework now.

You mustn’t do that again.

Must he answer the question in English? Yes, he must. / No, he needn’t.

2. What time is it?

What’s the time?



基数词 + o’clock 表示整点 o’clock可省略

nine (o’clock ) one (o’clock)

基数词钟点 + 分钟

5:20 five twenty

12:06 twelve O six

10:50 ten fifty

3:30 three thirty

4:15 four fifteen

8:45 eight forty-five



to表示“差” “缺”

基数词分钟 + past/ to +钟点

5:20 twenty past five

12:06 six past twelve

10:50 ten to eleven

3:30 half past three

4:15 fifteen past four / a quarter past four

8:45 fifteen to nine / a quarter to nine

3. I like playing basketball, football and ping-pong.

like: v. like +n. / v.- ing 喜欢

We all like English.

They like listening to music.

like: prep. 像, 如…一样

I have lessons like Chinese, Math and Art.


Push 推 Pull 拉

Open营业 Closed 关闭

On开 Off 关

On Sale打折出售 Not for Sale 恕不出售



1. 用适当的人称代词形式(主格或宾格)填空

1) (他)is Lucy’s uncle.

2)Do you like the dog?-No, (我)don’t like (它).

3)His aunt gives (我们) a book.

4)She is between you and (我).

5)We often play with (他)in the afternoon.

6)She is a nice girl. (他们)like (她)very much .

2. 根据括号内的汉语,写出适当的英语物主代词

1)This classroom is .(我们的)

2)Where is (我的)ruler ? -It’s on (她的)desk .

3)This is (我的)book . (他们的)are on the teacher’s desk .

4) (她的)sister is a nurse . (我的)is nurse , too.

5) (我的)pen is here . (你的)is over there .

6) (他们的)classroom is on the ground floor. (你们的)is here.


1. This is a bus. (变复数)

These ________ ________ .

2. They are teachers. (变否定句)

They ________ _________ .

3. The children are on the playground. (就划线提问)

____________________ ?

4. He is twelve. (同上)

_________ _________is he?

5. There is a lot of juice in the glass. (同上)

__________________ ?


1. When you go to school in the morning, you say _____ to your parents.

A. goodbye B. good evening C. good night D. hello

2. Where ____ you _____?

A. do…from B. are… from C. do…come from D. B and C

3. There is some ______ in the box.

A. food B. eggs C. apples D. rice

4. I usually have _____ at 6:00 in the morning.

A. the breakfast B. an breakfast C. a breakfast D. breakfast

5. Please _______ my grandmother. She is ill .

A. look for B. look after C. look like D. look at

6. I _____Ann. You ______ Sam and she ______ Kate.

A. is, am, are B. am, is, are C. am, are, is D. is, are, am

7. He often _______ for things in his room.

A. watches B. talk C. look D. looks

8. ---I like computer games very much. ----________.

A. I am, too B. I like C. Yes D. Me, too

9. Can I call______ Uncle Wang?

A. he B. him C. she D. her

10. --- Does he have a watch? --- _______.

A. Yes, he has B. No, he does C. Yes, he does D. Yes, he have

11. It’s time _____. Let’s _____ the windows first.

A. to go to home, close B. to go home, close

C. to go home, closed D. to go to home, closed

12. Do you have______ to do?

A. many homeworks B. much homeworks

C. much homework D. many homework

13. My sister likes to play ______volleyball before ______ supper.

A. the, the B. /, the C. the, / D. /, /

14. My parents _____ Shanghai.

A. is come from B. come from C. are from D. comes from

15. Sam _______ his homework at school.

A. doesn’t B. doesn’t do C. do D. don’t does

16. My birthday is _____3rd October.

A. on B. in C. at D. to

17. There are _______ students in our school.

A. seven hundreds B. seven hundred of

C. seven hundreds of D. seven hundred

18. ______ mother’s bike is blue. ______ is red.

A. I, Hers B. My, Hers C. My, she D. My, she’s

19. The Space Museum is ______ today.

A. closing B. to open C. close D. closed

四 完形填空

Mr Brown has got a good job. He 1 gets his money on Fridays. Every Friday, Mrs Brown takes all his 2 , and then she 3 him just enough for his lunch in the office every day.

One day Mr Brown get 4 very late. Mrs Brown is 5 TV, and have chocolates.

“What’s wrong 6 you?” Mrs Brown asks.

Mr Brown says, “My dear, I 7 10,000 pounds in the lottery.(中彩)”

“ 8 !”says Mrs Brown, “But just a minute. How do you buy the 9 ?Where is your 10 from?”

( )1. A. once B. never C. usually D. sometimes

( )2. A. pens B. food C. money D. clothes

( )3. A. asks B. takes C. gives D. borrows

( )4. A. up B. out C. here D. home

( )5. A. seeing B. making C. mending D. watching

( )6. A. on B. at C. for D. with

( )7. A. get B. use C. count D. throw

( )8. A. Bad B. Hard C. Great D. Help

( )9. A. bag B. coat C. food D. ticket

( )10. A. money B. pocket C. friend D. clothes

五 阅读理解

Jim likes fish very much. He buys fish outside and takes it home. When his wife(妻子)sees the fish, she says to herself(心里想), “Good! Now I can ask my friends to have lunch, and we can have the fish. They like eating fish very much.”

When Jim comes back in the evening, he can’t find any fish and he asks his wife, “Where’s the fish?” She says, “Your cat likes fish and eats it.” And she gives him some bread for supper. Jim is angry(生气). He takes the cat and his wife to go shopping nearby. Then he turns to(转向)his wife and says, “My cat is one kilo and the fish is also one kilo. The cat is here, but where’s my fish?”

( )1. Jim likes very much.

A. hamburgers B. cats C. fish D. meat

( )2. eats the fish.

A. Jim B. His wife C. His wife’s friends D. B and C

( )3. His wife tells Jim eats the fish.

A. her friend B. she C. Jim’s friend D. the cat

( )4. Jim is very .

A. happy B. angry C. hungry D. sorry

( )5. knows the cat doesn’t eat the fish.

A. Jim B. Jim’s wife C. Her friend D. Jim’s friend


一、1. 1)He 2)I it 3)us 4)me

5)him 6)They her

2. 1)ours 2)my her 3)my Theirs

3)Her Mine 4)My Yours 5)Their Yours

二、1. are buses

2. aren’t teachers

3. Where are the children?

4. How old

5. How much juice is there in the glass?

三、1~5 A D A D B

6~10 C D D B C

10~15 B C D B B

15~19 A D B D

四、1~10 C C C D D D A C D A

五、1~5 C D D B A