
发布时间:2016-6-25 编辑:互联网 手机版


班级 ______________ 姓名 ______________ 分数 ______________

1. The movie was boring from b ______________ to end.

2. Much of Holland is b ______________ sea level.

3. The goods were sold c ______________ because they were on sale.

4. Can you make s ______________ of this poem? I just don’t get it.

5. The longest moustache reached a l ______________ of 1.6 meters.

6. There are many things we need to take into c ______________ before we buy an expensive product.

7. Learning a foreign language usually takes place in school and there are few o ______________ to communicate with other speakers of the language.

8. Australian English d ______________ in pronunciation from British and American English.

9. Paul’s not a ______________ at present. Should I ask him to call you back?

10. Mary d ______________ most of her spare time between the study and her bedroom.

11. The harder you work, the more ______________ (精力旺盛) you will become.

12. Several years ago there came a ______________ (灾难) ---SARS, in which many people died.

13. He is an ordinary man of ______________ (中等的) height.

14. We are thinking of ______________ (扩大) our business at home and abroad.

15. One problem of young people today is their lack of ______________ (雄心).

16. My back gives me a lot of pain, so I have to c ______________ my doctor about treatment.

17. He looked very much e ______________ when he was speechless in public that day.

18. He is so fat that he had to walk through the doors s ______________.

19. Of the two doctors, the l ______________ is far better than the former.

20. I doubt whether the boy will be a ______________ to the key university.


班级 ______________ 姓名 ______________ 分数 ______________

1. At the UN conferences, there are always r ______________ from all over the world.

2. How amazing it is! We can find no word to d ______________ the beauty of the scene.

3. The o ______________ meaning of this word is different from the meaning it has nowadays.

4. Every spring our school organizes trips to d ______________ places of interests nearby.

5. His works of art will be on e ______________ in the museum next month.

6. --- I’m sorry I i ______________ you. Please go on. --- Were was I?

7. It was g ______________ of Bob to offer to pay the dinner bill for both of us.

8. S ______________ enough, some famous scientists have the qualities of being both careful and careless.

9. I am sorry it’s b ______________ my power to make a final decision on the project.

10. His rich experience gave him an a ______________ over the others applying for the job.

11. My teacher always e ______________ me when I meet with difficulties.

12. This v ______________ painting is worth more than a million.

13. G ______________ speaking, the more expensive the TV is, the better it is.

14. Plastic is a kind of widely used m ______________ .

15. Geographically the United States may be s ______________ into three major districts.

16. Tommy was ______________ (缺席) from school with a cold.

17. The ______________ (攀登) made me worn out when I reached the top of the mountain.

18. He ______________ (答应) me that he would pay back within a week.

19. I’ll have to buy a pair of ______________ (裤子) to match my new shirt.

20. Last year Sam went to ______________ (欧洲) on business.


1. beginning 2. below 3. cheaply 4. sense 5. length 6. consideration 7. opportunities 8. differs 9. available 10. divides 11. energetic 12. catastrophe/disaster 13. medium 14. enlarging/expanding 15. ambition 16. consult 17. embarrassed 18. sideways 19. latter 20. admitted


1. representatives 2. describe 3. original 4. different 5. exhibition 6. interrupted 7. generous 8. Strangely/Surprisingly 9. beyond 10. advantage 11. encourages 12. valuable 13. Generally 14. material 15. separated 16. absent 17. climbing 18. promised 19. trousers 20. Europe