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1. 2006年4月8日杭州市统测考场优秀作文选


I am studying in Hangzhou No.1 Middle School at present and I’ll have graduated by this June. My parents are taking charge of a small travel agency. I have planned to assist them in this summer holiday as I always do.

In Senior one I entered a new school as my family moved. In that school I developed the friendship with many classmates. I’m fond of music and join the team of gymnastics in our school as well. The happy life in Senior school will never fade in my memory.

Now I have begun to considerate the future development. My dream is to become a success as a translator or interpreter. In order to improve my language, I am eager to study in the Cambridge University.

得分 28分

------高三(2) 卢嫣萍

2. 优秀作文(2)

Due to my family’s moving to another place in Senior 1, I studied in a new school, Hangzhou No1. Middle school, where I made a lot of new friends. And I’ll have graduated by this June. My parents are running a small travel agency, where I always do them a favor whenever I am free, especially during the summer holiday. However small my devotion to my family may be, my parents think highly of me, which is a big comfort to me.

Not only am I fond of music but also I have attended the school gymnastic team. Furthermore, I now come to think about my future, longing to become an interpreter. Given my present language ability, I have the anxiety to develop it in Cambridge.

得分 29分

------高三(14) 俞茜


题目: 高三学生学习紧张,考试压力大,因此,做一些户外运动是必要的。请你以“Health and Sports” 为题完成一篇短文。可以围绕主题适当展开,字数 100-120。

1. Health And Sports

Some students say that taking sports is just a waste of time. At school, there are so many subjects to learn and so much homework to do that time is precious to them. To us senior three students, every minute counts. As a consequence, there is no time available, especially for students to take outside sports.

However, I should utter a sonorous voice that sports are essential to us. As the old saying goes, “All work and no play make Jack a dull boy.” Concentrating on study for all day long without any relaxation is not effective and may do harm to our health. Taking some exercises after class can relieve the pressure with which it brought the examination. Of course, it is improper for students to overdo sports.

As a whole, we should make a balance between sports and study.

高三(11) 班 方亦圆 (Candy)

4. Mountain climbing (05/8/24学生习作选)

We have a heated debate recently on whether we should use the equipment when climbing mountains or not. Here is my opinion.

Generally speaking, not only can mountain climbing show the spirit of human such as perseverance, enthusiastic and so on, but it also can show the ability of technology of a country as well. So it is very suitable to use the equipment when climbing mountain. And in this way, it encourages a country to develop technology and invest more money on it to improve its standard. So mountain climbing is a human activity that combines the characteristics of sports and exploring and the ability of a country. There is no doubt that climbing has a great contribution to the world of science.

As a result, mountain climbing with equipment should be supported.

高三(11)管来香 ( Grace )

5.Anything is possible

There is an old saying “There is nothing impossible to a willing heart.”

Some people who want to explore human possibilities think that they should take oxygen with them. According to their opinion, safety comes first. Of course, we should make sure that our lives are in safety. It is likely that without oxygen we will never achieve our goals.

All things are difficult before they are easy. We should always bear in mind that better later than never. We couldn’t know whether we can do it until we have tried.

They preferred to rely on the natural process of getting used to high altitude. Maybe this is a right choice. By doing this, they can know what they can do and prove themselves at the same time. So they were content to try like this.

The important thing in life is to have a great aim, and the determination to attain it. So no matter how difficult one thing looks like, we should try it.

高三(11)余 康 (Dennis)

6. Sample Writing (2001) (考生满分作文)

①I'm very pleased to tell you the change s of my life since reduction of learning load was brought in. ②But before that,I was often exhausted at weekends. ③I attended school and had classes the whole day. ④In the evening,I was often forced to do my boring homework and I could not go to bed until 11:30.⑤Since the program of reducing learning load was introduced,my life,however,has been much more interesting. ⑥I frequently pay a visit to museums,drop in at computer rooms and draw pictures in my leisure(=spare)time. ⑦After lunch,I watch TV,read stories and look through newspapers to enrich my horizon. ⑧No longer do I stay up;on the contrary,I go to bed at about 10p.m.⑨In short,I am quite satisfied with my life now.(25分)

7. My view on fashion

More or less, fashion has influenced on everyone's life. Because fashion is the prevailing style or custom, as in dress, behavior etc , It is formed in society, and people couldn't living without the society.

Fashion is changing at all time. Maybe it is the fashion to wear short skirts today, but tomorrow it goes out of fashion.

Some people are very keen on fashion, they always follow the fashion crazily. If loose trousers are the latest fashion, they will buy a pair of them and put on them at once. This kind of people never feel bored in shopping, and spend most of their time and money in going shopping. In my opinion, they are silly, and it is extravagant to buy too much unless things.

Of course, fashion is also important to the economy. For example, pop singers making tapes or CDs about their pop music to sell every year. Obviously, it is a very big market to earn money.

As a student, I think we couldn't spend much time to follow the fashion. Although fashion is important, it isn't most important. We have to accept that other things in our life which also important. It will have influence in our life, such as our schoolwork, our family and so on.

---------高二(11)班 陆盈

8.Never judge a book by its cover

When we meet someone who is wearing old clothes, what do we think of him or her? Shall we consider him or her to be dirty, stupid, boring, horrible, silly? The answer must be ‘shouldn’t’. We should always remember the saying, ‘Never judge a book by its cover.’

In my opinion, everyone is a ‘book’, different people are different books, and those books are different as people have personal characters, different opinions. The books’ cover maybe is the clothes we wear, and the story of the book maybe is our ability, to someone like knowledge, virtue, and so on.

In order to make themselves popular, some people wear fashionable but expensive clothes, they are beautifully dressed. Of cause their books’ cover are beautiful, and can attract somebody to read, but soon they’ll throw them away because the contents of the books are so empty. Opposite to them, there are such full of knowledge and experience, maybe their books’ cover aren’t so attractive, but the more you read, the more you like. So we should never judge a book by its cover!

高二(11) 房 珏

9. 英语作文仿写材料(优秀背诵文章)(2006/4/16)

Ladies and gentlemen,

Welcome to Hangzhou!

It is a great honor to give you a brief introduction to Hangzhou. Hangzhou,a well--known tourist city at home and abroad, is the capital of Zhejiang Province located on Qiantang River with a history of over 2000 years. Covering an area of 16,596 square kilometers, Hangzhou has a population of 6 million. The old Chinese saying “in heaven there is paradise and on earth there are Hangzhou and Suzhou” has helped to attract millions of domestic and overseas visitors.

Fortunately, Hangzhou lives up to the reputation. Talking of Hangzhou, the famous West Lake can never be far from one’s thoughts. Apart from it, numerous historical relics and places of interest will be impressive. There can be no doubt that a visit here is certain to be a memorable one. Also, you will fall in love with the relaxing and comfortable shopping environment here and you are sure to end up with a handful of local food and products.

As a dynamic city, Hangzhou enjoys favorable investment environment. As the location of the 2006 World Leisure Expo, Hangzhou is showing its beauty to the world!

That’s all. Thank you!

II. 英语考试作文范文(2006/3/16)


According to a recent investigation, the percentage of city people owning computers has reached 30%. Meanwhile / Besides, many village people are becoming more and more interested / show more and more interests in computers, and some even have bought one / computers.

When it comes to the purpose of buying a computer, the investigation shows most parents, about 70%, take their children’s study into consideration. And closely following it, about 40% bought computers with the purpose of helping themselves with their work. Funny enough, some bought them just because others did. / just to follow the fashion. Even some bought them just for entertainment. / / When it comes to the purpose of buying a computer, as the investigation shows, helping children with their study ranks the first, taking up 70%. Following it is to improve working efficiency. Funny enough, some bought them just because others did. / just to follow the fashion. Even some bought then just for entertainment.

The investigation also shows only about 30% of the students use computers to find out useful information while 60% use them to chat on line. Worse still, 65% of the students admitted they mainly used computers to play games and 20% use computers to watch VCDs or listen to music.

In my opinion, we should make better use of our best invention---- computers.


2. 2006/2/8淳中返校考试作文范文:

Which are better, e-mails or hand-written letters? My class had a heated discussion on this question and opinions are divided.

Most students, about 60 % in all, like the idea of using e-mails. They think that e-mails are quicker and can save postage. E-mails can also be stored in the memory of a computer. So if you want to read a letter again, you can easily get it back from the machine. However, 40% of the students think that there is something special about a hand-written letter that sets it apart from an e-mail. Although it takes time to write and it is slow, a hand-written letter can be kept for years, which often brings good memories to the person who gets and keeps the letter. What’s more, they believe that the stamp on the letter is an art from which they can learn a lot of useful and interesting knowledge.


Ladies and gentlemen,

It’s my honor to be here to give a brief introduction of the AIDS situation in China. Since 1985 when the first AIDS patient in China was discovered, / since the first AIDS patient was discovered in 1985, the number of people living with AIDS has increased rapidly. So far / up till now, there have been about 600,000 people in China infected with HIV virus.

The Chinese government has come to realize the serious problem, determined to spend 100 million yuan each year on the prevention work. Scientists have also been making every effort to develop medicines to either treat or prevent the disease, which is expected to be available in the near future.

Apart from their efforts, TV, films and newspapers also draw people’s attention to the danger of the disease and the public are called on/upon to care more about AIDS patients.



Boys and girls,

May I have (take) your attention, please. I have an announcement to make.

There will be a lecture at half past three on Friday afternoon. It's about "Information and English Study". And it will be given by Mr Li Ping, who is a famous teacher from the English Department.

There's sure to be something instructive and interesting. We can get more information from it, I think. And it will improve our English studies to a new stage. Anyone who / whoever wants to attend it can come to Room 206. After it, we are supposed to have a discussion.

Please come here on time. Don't be late!



How people spent their holidays

The way people spent their holidays changed a lot from 1993 to 2004. The table shows that a greater number of people spent holidays traveling aboard. The rate of 2004 doubled that of 1993. And we are sure the number will increase because more and more people can afford their journeys with increasing income.

The seaside still attracted people, though the rate dropped slightly from 38% in 1991 to 31% in 2004 because of the pollution. The polluted seaside would certainly drive visitors away.

Things about camping and climbing were almost the same. The rate of that grew by three times. The reason may be that the beauty of nature is striking people. They are eager to get closer to nature. (名师高三UNIT3-4范文)


Save in everyday life

As middle school students, we should take an active part in creating a society that advocates saving.

On one hand, the natural resources are limited. We don’t have enough water, oil or forest in many places. On the other hand, people keep cutting down trees and letting out more carbon dioxide. At the same time, everyone knows that the environment is getting worse. People suffer more typhoons and tornados nowadays. What’s worse, air and water pollution is becoming more and more serious.

In my opinion, we should do something to stop wasting. We can save food, water, paper, electricity and so on in our daily life. Meanwhile, we should take buses instead of cars, refuse to use chopsticks which are only used once and avoid using plastic bags.
