初一英语第二十八单元What time do you get up ?

发布时间:2016-4-25 编辑:互联网 手机版





Ⅰ. 语音学习

1 . 连续。

2 . 句子的重音和语调。

Ⅱ. 词汇学习

up , get up , late , early , week , weekday , breakfast , have breakfast , leave , begin , lunch , have lunch , middle , the middle of day , supper , have supper , wash , off , take off , get to , get home , then , over , be over , often , sometimes , by

Ⅲ. 语法学习

1 . 特殊疑问句。

2 . 表示时间的介词。

Ⅳ . 交际英语

1 . It's time to get up .

2 . I'm late .

3 . It's too late .



1 . up 向上

Carry the bag up to my room , please . 请把袋子扛到我的房间来。

The house is up on the hill . 那房子在小山上。

〖 点拨 〗 以前已经学过。stand up 起立,get up 起床。

2 . late 迟的,晚的

Don't go to bed too late . 别太晚睡觉。

〖 点拨 〗 be late for 干……迟到

Don't be late for school . 上学别迟到了。

3 . early 早

Come to me early tomorrow morning .

I often read English aloud early in the morning .

You must go to bed early this evening

〖 点拨 〗 反义词 late 。

4 . weekday 周日,工作日

We are at school on weekdays . 周末以外的其他几天,我们在学校上课。

We can have a basketball match on one of the weekdays . 我们可以在周日里的随便哪一天举行篮球赛。

〖 点拨 〗 weekdays 是指从星期一至星期五这段时间 , weekday 便是这些天里的任何一天。至于周末,用 weekend 。

5 . breakfast 早餐

What would you like for breakfast ? 早饭你想吃什么 ?

He drinks tea at breakfast . 他在吃早餐时饮茶。

〖 点拨 〗 吃早饭 at breakfast 。

6 . lunch 中餐

I will ask him to lunch . 我要请他来吃中饭。

Do you have lunch at twelve ?

〖 点拨 〗 在午饭时 at lunch 。

7 . supper 晚餐

They often go for a walk after supper .

Please stay here for supper . 请留下来吃晚饭。

When I came in , she was at supper .

〖 点拨 〗 breakfast , lunch , supper 既可作可数,又可作不可数,一般说来,指抽象概念时,在固定词组中为不可数;指某次具体的饭时,为可数。如,have a quick breakfast ( 吃一顿简便的早餐 ) ,a light lunch ( 一顿清淡的中餐 ) 等。

8 . leave 离去,出发

The bus is leaving at ten o'clock .

〖 点拨 〗 leave for+地点 “ 离开到…… ” 。

He leaves for work at 7 every morning .

9 . begin 开始

Class , let's begin our lesson .

You can begin doing your homework now .

He began to teach English at 20 .

〖 点拨 〗 begin to do sth 与 begin doing sth . 在很多情况下没有什么区别。不过,当强调情况的变化时,用 to do sth . 较多,当强调有意识开始某动作时,用 doing sth . 较多。在有些词,如 see ( 明白 ) 前面,只能用动词不定式,即 begin to see… ( 开始明白…… )

School begins at eight .

10 . middle 中间的,中级的;中间

I am a middle school student .

There is a big table in the middle of the room .

He came in the middle of the night .

〖 点拨 〗 in the middle of the… 中间。

We sit in the middle row . 我们从而在中间这一排。

11 . wash 漱洗;洗 ( 东西 )

I don't like to wash in cold water . 我不喜欢在冷水里洗。

〖 点拨 〗 do some washing 洗一洗。

12 . off 从……下来;……开,……掉

Can you jump off the horse ?

Don't take off your clothes . 别把衣服脱下来。

〖 点拨 〗 take off 脱掉,飞机起飞,turn off 关掉,get off 下车。

13 . then 那么,然后

First think and then speak . 先想然后说。

14 . by 乘 ( 车、船等 )

I came back by bus . 我是坐汽车回来的。

〖 点拨 〗 be + 交通工具,表示交通方式。要注意在这样的短语中,交通工具 ( 如 bus , car 等 ) 用单数,前面没有冠词。

15 . over 结束,完了

Sunday is over , it's Monday today .

There goes the bell . Class is over . 铃响了,下课下。

〖 点拨 〗 be over 结束。

16 . often 常常

Is he often late for school ?

I don't go swimming very often .

〖 点拨 〗 注意 often 的位置,在通常情况下,放在 be 动词后面或主要动词前面,有时放在句末,在特别强调时放在句首。

17 . sometimes 有时

Sometimes he does his homework at school .

〖 点拨 〗sometime某时,some times几此 ,some time一段时间。


1 . get up起床

What time do you get up in the morning ?

He gets up early on weekdays .

Get up and put on your clothes .

2 . be late 迟到,迟了

You are late for the bus .

3 . put on 穿上

He's putting on his school clothes . 他正在穿校服。

4 . school clothes 校服

he is washing his school clothes . 他正在洗校服。

5 . speak to sb . 和……说话

You mustn't speak to your uncle like that .

What are you going to speak to him about ? 你打算同他谈什么呢 ?

Am I speaking to Miss Gao ? 您就是高小姐吗 ? ( 电话中用语 )

6 . be early 早

It's too early for bed . 现在上床睡觉太早了。

7 . on week days 在工作日,在平常

We work on weekdays .

I have a lot of things to do on weekdays .

8 . have breakfast 吃早餐,have lunch 吃晚餐,have supper 吃晚餐

What time do you have supper ? 你在什么时候吃晚饭 ?

I often have breakfast with my mother . 我常和妈妈在一起吃早饭。

注意在这几个短语中,breakfast , lunch , supper 前没有冠词;have 不再是 “ 有 ” 之意,变疑问句、否定句时必须用助词 do 或 doesn't 。

9. begin school 上课

What time do you begin school ? 你们什么时候上课 ?

get to 可表示 “ 到达 ” ,get 为不及物动词,表示位置的变化,to 为介词,当后面接副词时,不再加 to , 如 get here ( 到达这里 ) , get home ( 到家 ) 等。

10 . by bike 骑单车

12. every day 每天,天天

不要写成 everyday , every day 作状语,而 everyday 为形容词,表示 “ 每日的,日常的 ” ,如 everyday English ( 日常英语 )





It's time ( for , sb . ) to do sth .

It's time for us to start .

It's time for you to tell him about it .

for sb . 为后面动词不定式 to do sth 的逻辑主语,表示后面的动作该由谁去做,有时可省略。

What time do you do sth ? 你什么时候 ( 干…… ) ?

What time do you do your homework ? 你什么时候做作业 ?

What time 问的是几点几分的具体时间,因此,回答时要用具体时间。

What time does he / she do sth ? 他 ( 她 ) 什么时候…… ?

What time does she have breakfast ?

What time does he leave home

区别:What time is it ? 几点啦 ?


1 . What time does Han Meimei get home every day ? 韩梅梅每天什么时候到家 ?

get home 意为 “ 到家 ” , “ 离家 ” 是 leave home 。如要表示 “ 到校上学 ” ,应说 get to school , “ 到达工厂 / 农扬 ” ,则说 get to the factory / the farm。例如:

1 ) My father often gets home late . 我父亲常常到家很晚。

2 ) He works in a factory . He gets to the factory at eight in the morning . 他在一家工厂工作。他每天早晨 8 点钟到厂。

注意:leave home 离家,go home 回家,get home 到家,在 home 前都不用冠词。

2 . Late ? No , you aren't ! You're early . It's Sunday today ! 迟到 ? 不,你没迟到 ! 你早着呢,今天是星期天 !

Late ? 是省略句,全句为: “ Are you late ? ”

Late 的反义词是 early “ 早 ” ,例如:

A: Am I late ? 我来晚了吗 ?

B: No , you are early . 不你很早。

I often go to school early . 我经常早到校。

3 . On weekdays , what time do you get up ? 在周日,你几点钟起床 ?

( 1 ) weekdays ( = work days ) “ 周日 ” 、 “ 工作日 ” ( 在英美等国家指除星期天或星期六以外的日子 ) 例如:

A: On weekdays , what time do you go to school ? 在周日,你几点钟上学 ?

B: I go to school at seven thirty . 我七点半钟 上学。

4 . We have lunch in the middle of the day . 我们在中午吃午饭。

( 1 ) have lunch 吃午饭

have 可以和不同的词搭配构成词组,在不同的词组中,它具有不同的意思。例如:

have breakfast 吃早饭,have a look 看一看,have a walk 散步,have a talk 谈话,have a swim 游泳,

Have an apple , please . 请吃个苹果。

Can I have some oranges ? 我可以买些桔子吗 ?

( 2 ) in the middle of the day 在中午

in the middle of the night 在半夜,

in the middle of 还可表示位置,例如: in the middle of room 在房间中间,in the middle of the river 在河当中


在一天的早上、下午、晚上,用介词 in 。例如:

in the morning 在早上 在上午,in the afternoon在下午,in the evening 在晚上,在傍晚

在某一天,用介词 , 例如:

on Monday 在星期一,on Sunday 在星期天,on Friday 在星期五

在几点钟或某一时刻时,用介词 at,例如:

at two o'clock 在两点,at three fifteen 在三点一刻

5 . He's taking off his clothes and going to bed . 他正在脱衣服,打算睡觉。

( 1 ) take off “ 脱掉 ( 衣服 ) ” “ 取下 ( 帽子 ) ”

take off 的反义词是 put on ( 穿上,戴上 ) 例如:

I want to take off the coat and put on this sweater . 我想脱掉外套穿这件毛衣。

( 2 ) and going to bed = and he is going to bed .

6 . In the afternoon , classes are over at 3:30 , and I get home at about five . 下午三点半钟下课,我五点钟左右到家。

( 1 ) be over “ 结束 ” 例如:

Class is over . 下课了。

They play basketball after school is over . 放学后他们打篮球。

( 2 ) get home “ 到家 ”

go home “ 回家 ” get here “ 到这儿 ” get there “ 到达那儿 ” ,这些短语中的 home , there , here 都是副词。

get to 后接名词,例如:

I often go to school at 7:00 and get to school at 7:30 . 我经常七点上学,七点半到校。

( 3 ) at about 4:00 在大约四点钟。about 大约

There are about five people in the room . 房间里大约有五个人。

I have lunch at about 12:00 . 我在大约12点钟吃午饭。

7 . I often watch TV , but sometimes I read .

often ( 经常 ) 和 sometimes ( 有时 ) 是两个表示频率的副词。

often 的频率高于 sometimes 。例如:

Mike often goes to school early . 迈克经常到校早。 ( often 表示迈克到校早的次数多。 )

Tom sometimes goes to school early . 汤姆有时到校早。 ( sometimes , 表示汤姆到校早的时候不多。 )

often 和 sometime 可置于句首,句中,句末,位于句首时有强调的意思,例如:

Often I go to school early . 经常,我上学都很早。


I go to school early , sometimes . 我到学校很早 ( 但只是 ) 有时候。

8 . on weekdays 工作日,学习日

weekdays 指每周除周六和周日以外的工作日 ( 对于工作的人来说 ) 或学习日 ( 对于学生来说 ) ,一般指周一至周五5天时间。注意前面介词是 on,而不用 in。例如:

What time do you get up on weekdays and what time do you get up on Saturdays and Sundays ? 平常你几点起床 ? 在周六和周日你几点起床 ?

On weekdays , we go to school at about 6:30 in the morning and come home at about 5:30 in afternoon . 平常我们早上大约6:30上学,下午大约5:30回家。

9 . by bike 和 on one's bike

表示骑车去某地,我们常说 go……by bike。要注意的是 by bike 这一短语中,名词 bike 不能用复数,前面不能用任何修饰语或限定词,如不能说 by a bike , by bikes , by his bike等。如果要带限定词或其它修饰语,则不用介词 by,而要用 on。如可以说 on a bike , on his bike 等。另外,我们可以说 by car ( 乘小汽车 ) ,by bus ( 乘公共汽车 ) ,by boat ( 乘船 ) ,by plane ( 乘飞机 ) 等,也可以说 in a car , in his car , on the bus , in the boat 等。例如:

I go to work by bike / by car / by bus every day . 我每天骑车 / 坐小汽车 / 乘公共汽车上班。

She is coming to see us in his car .

10 . school clothes 校服

clothes 统指衣服,只有复数形式,没有单数形式。可以说 many clothes , these clothes。但不可以说 a clothes , three clothes。



In England people don't usually talk very much . You can go on a bus or in train , and everyone sits looking out of the window .

Often they read . They read books and papers . But they don't talk much .

When you meet English people , they often talk about one thing - the weather ( 天气 ) . So when you meet someone in England , you can say , “Nice weather for the time of year ! ”

“But it was a little cold ( 冷 ) yesterday , ”someone may answer .

“But it was a little warmer ( 暖和 ) later ! ”you can say .

Talk like this , and the English will think , “How friendly you are ! ”



Mary has a little sister . Her name is Rose . Rose is only five and can't read or write .

One day , Mary sees her litter sister at the table with a pen in her hand .

“What are you doing ? ”Mary asks .

“I am writing to my friend , Kate , ”says Rose .

“But how can you ? ”says Mary , “You don't know how to write . ”

“Well , ”says Rose , “It doesn't matter . Kate doesn't know how to read . ”

赏析:Rose 会写字吗 ? Kate 会看书吗 ?


Tom finished school when he was eighteen years old . He wanted to work at a bank in the city . He went to the bank and asked for a job there . A man took him into a small room and gave him questions on a piece of paper . Tom wrote the answer on the paper in a hurry . The man looked for a few minutes , and then said , “Was your birthday on the 12th of December , Tom ? ”

“Yes , sir . ”Tom said .

“What year ? ”the man asked .

“Oh , once a year sir . ”Tom said .

赏析:Tom 的生日是12月12号,但是他出生于哪一年,他回答出了吗 ? 别人问他出生于哪一年,他回答每年一次,是问错了,还是回答错了 ? 我看两者都错了。


A . 猜一猜

1 . I am something that can run out but can't walk . What am I ?

2 . Add two numbers to 19 and make it less than 20 . How can it be ?

答案:1 . water 2 . 19 ( 1/2 )


I am Class One , Grade One . Our classroom is 1 .       

big and nice . The windows are big but the walls are 2.       

white . There is a big blackboard in the front wall . 3.       

There have two maps on the back wall . One is a map of 4.       

China , the other is a map of the world . In front 5.       

of the room there's a big desk . Its for the teachers . 6.       

There're some little desks and chairs . They're for 7.       

our students . What's on the teacher's desk ? There're 8.       

some flowers . We all like our teachers . Their 9.       

are good teacher . 10.       

答案:1. am后加in 2. but → and 3. in → on 4. have → are 5. in后加the 6. Its→It’s 7. little → small 8. our → us 9. Their → They 10. teacher → teachers





( 1 ) 英语特殊疑问句是以疑问词开始的疑问句。它的语序与汉语不一样。英语的特殊疑问句是把疑问词放在句首,后面接 be 动词的变化形式;或接助动词 do / does,或 can , would 等,再接句子的主语、谓语动词及其它成分,句末用句号。例如:What does he often do on Sundays ? Where is the boy singing ?

( 2 ) 如果疑问词在句中做主语或主语的一部分,疑问词或疑问词加主语部分后面直接跟 句子的谓语动词及其它部分。例如:Who is on duty today ? Whose father is an English teacher ?

( 3 ) 疑问词还可以与某些单词搭配,构成不同的词组来表示不同的意思。如:what colour , what time , whose coat , which girl , how many 等。这些词组必须放在句首。

( 4 ) 特殊疑问句的回答与一般疑问句不一样,即不用 yes 或 no 来回答,有时可以只回答有关的疑问词或词组。例如:Who likes singing ? Li Fang likes singing . ( 或 Li Fang . )

※ 一般现在时和现在进行时

在英语中,句子主要通过谓语动词形式来表示动作或情况发生的不同时间,这种动词形式叫做时态。至现在我们已学了两种时态,即一般现在时和现在时。它们的谓语动词的构成形式不一样,这与句子所表示的概念以及所用的时间状语有关。因此,我们在确定用什么动词时态时,要理解这一句子讲的是一般性情况,经常性的动作,还是此时此刻正在发生的动作。如果是一般性情况或经常性动作,往往用一般现在时,句子里常常有 often , sometimes , everyday , in the evening 等类似的词语作时间状语。如果强调此时此刻正在进行某个动作,则用现在进行时,句中有时用 now , at this time 等作状语,试比较:

Do you often do your homework in the evening .

你经常晚上做作业吗 ? ( 经常性动作,用一般现在时。 )

Are you doing your homework now ?

你现在正在做作业吗 ? ( 强调此刻的动作,用现在进行时。 )

He gets up at six every day .

他每天六点起床。 ( 每天发生的动作,用一般现在时。 )

He is getting up and putting on his clothes .

他正在起床穿衣服。 ( 此时此刻在干什么,用现在进行时。 )

We have six classes every day on weekdays .

我们从周一至周六每天上六节课。 ( 一般性情况,用一般现在时 )

They are having supper now .

他们正在吃晚饭。 ( 此刻在干什么,用现在进行时 )



A. 根据句子内容填空,每空填一词

1 .- _____ father is a teacher in your class ?

-Ling Feng's father is a teacher in our class .

2 .-_____ is this in English ?

  -It's a banana .

3 . -_____ is Tom ?

-He's Kate's brother .

4 . -_____ _____ bikes can you see in the picture ?

-I can see five .

5 . -_____ man is your English teacher ?

-The one in the black coat .

6 .- _____ _____ do you go to bed every evening ?

-I go to bed at 9∶30 .

7 . -_____ is Lucy's hat ?

- It's on her desk .

8 . _____ do you like the machine ?

9 . -_____ does Han Meimei like eating ?

-She likes eating apples and eggs .

10 . -_____ does your mother do ?

-She's a driver .

B. 用适当的介词填空

1 . Jim and Kate are _____ the same school , but they are _____ different classes . They go to school _____ weekdays . _____ school , Jim often plays football _____ his friends .

2 . Class begins _____ eight _____ the morning . Now the students are all _____ the classroom . They are listening _____ the teacher . The teacher is speaking ____ English .

3 . Uncle Zhou is a worker . He works _____ a factory . He doesn't work _____ a farm . He goes _____ work Monday ______ Friday . He goes there _____ bike . He stays ____ home _____ Saturday and Sunday .

C. 选择正确答案

1 . A:_____ are your new shoes ?

B: They're all right .

A . What B . How C . How many D . Where

2 . Their classroom is big and ours _____ big , too .

A . are B . isn't C . aren't D . is

3 . A:_____ is your school bag ?

B: The yellow one .

A . What B . What colour C . Which D . Where

4 . Here are some books for _____ sister and _____ .

A . his , he B . my , I C . they , them D . her , her

答案:A. 1 . Whose 2 . What 3 . Who 4 . How many 5 . Which 6 . What time 7 . Where 8 . How 9 . What 10 . What B. 1 . in , in , on , In , with 2 . at , in , in , to , in 3 . in , on , to , from , to , by , at , on C. 1 . B 2 . D 3 . C 4 . D 5 . B 6 . D 7 . A 8 . A 9 . C 10 . D








( 请同学们把你改后的答案反馈给我们 )


1. On weekdays my parents go to work very early .

2. We begin classes at 8:00 o’clock in the morning .

3. At noon we have our lunch at the school . / We have lunch in the middle of the day at our school .

4. After school I play games with Li Ying .

5. Sometimes I don’t do my homework at the school .