名词性从句 教学总结(新课标版英语)

发布时间:2016-11-7 编辑:互联网 手机版

一、 概况

1、 定义:名词性从句是在主句中充当名词性成分的句子。

2、 句中有哪些成分是名词性的:

句子成分一共七种:主谓宾定状补表。其中主谓宾是主要成分,定语状语是修饰性成分,而补语和表语是补充说明的成分。谓语是动词性的,主语和宾语是名词性的,定语是形容词性的,修饰句中的名词性成分;状语是副词性的,修饰句中的动词;补语可以是名词也可以是形容词,比如:They elected him president. (president n.作him的宾补). He makes me sick. (sick作me的宾补); 表语是说明主语的性质内容状态的,可以是名词也可以是形容词,如:He is famous. (adj.) / He is a famous actor. (n.) 因此,句中的名词性成分有:主、宾、表、补。

3、 从句的类别:上述四个名词性成分如用句子来充当,便成了名词性从句,它们分别为:主语从句、宾语从句、表语从句、补语从句。

4、 名词性从句的连词:

1) 连接词:that, whether, if (只起连接作用,不充当从句中的任何成分)

2) 连接代词:what, whatever, who, whoever, whom, whomever, which, whichever, whose

3) 连接副词:when, where, how, why

二、 主语从句

1、 that/ what


That: 只有一个地方缺名词性成分,或两处都不缺时用that.

主句缺:(主、宾、表)I think that Shiyang will win the contest. (主句缺宾语)

That Shiyang win the first place makes us happy. (主句缺主语)

Our expectation is that Shiyang win the first place.

从句缺:(定语从句)That is the girl whom I mentioned to you before.

两处都不缺:(同位语从句)We all know the truth that the earth is round.

What: 两处都缺名词性成分:This is not what I want. (主句缺表语,从句缺宾语)


1) Air is to man ______ water is to fish. (主句缺表语,从句也缺表语)

2) Electricity flows in wire _____ water runs in pipe. (主句从句都不缺成分)

A. like B. as C. that D. what

3) He was born in _____ is now called Xiangyang. (介词后面缺宾语)

A. where B. which C. that D. what

4) After _____ seemed a long time, he came back. (介词后面缺宾语)

A. what B. that C. it D. this

2、 whether / that (主语从句中没有if)

会议是否开还没有决定:Whether the meeting will be held has not been decided.

会议是否开已经决定:That the meeting will be held has been decided.

*请记住:主语从句中的是否有两个,whether和that。未定,有选择的用whether; 确定事实用that。 主语从句中的是否不用if.

3、 which / what

_____ team will win is unknown yet. _____ color will be chosen is unknown yet.

What +抽象概念 (color, information, news, whether, date, number)

Which+具体对象 (bag, hotel, boy)

但是有具体范围的时候都用which: What number is your lucky number?

Which number is your lucky number, 7 or 5?

4、 形式主语

that 引导的主从放在句首是很少的, 只有为了强调或谓语较长时才这样安排。

如: The price will go up is certain. /

That she became an artist may have been due to her father’s influence.

大部分情况下都用it 来充当形式主语,主要有以下五种情况。

1) it is +n. +that ( a fact, a common knowledge, an honor, a pity, a good idea, a shame , no wonder)

2) it is +adj.+ that (natural, strange, obvious, clear, true, fortunate, possible, likely, unlikely)

3) it +vi.+ that ( seems, appears, happens, turns out, occurs to sb)

4) it is + v-ed + that ( said, reported, believed, known, expected, proved, announced )

it is universally accepted that (地球人都知道)

it can be concluded that

it must be admitted that

5) it doesn’t matter that / it matters that

6) 当主句是疑问句时,一定要用it 作形式主语

Is it true that he has won the game?

5、 主语从句的主谓一致

1) How the boy climbed there ____ a puzzle.

2) What I like most and how I enjoy it ____me a lot of pleasure. ( bring/ brings)

3) Where and when the meeting will be held _____ been decided. ( haven’t / hasn’t )

4) What I like most ____ potatoes. ( is/ are)

5) What I like most _____ dancing. (is / are)

单个的主语从句作主语时,谓语动词用单数;两个或两个以上的主语从句作主语谓语动词用复数。有两个特例:① 单个主从,若表语是复数,则谓语动词用复数,如例4);②有省略形式的主从,先恢复原形,看是一句还是两句,如例2)、3)。

三、 宾语从句

1、 时态:主句是过去时,从句要用和过去相关的时态,除非是普遍真理。

2、 语序:宾从一定是陈述语序:I don’t know when he will come.

1) * I don’t know what’s the matter with him.

I don't know what the matter with him is. (×)


When do you think he will come? / Do you think when he will come? (×)

3、 间接引语的用词细节

“上周三汤姆问我他明天是否去我家”: Last Wednesday Tom asked me whether he had to come to my home the next day. (× must / go / tomorrow)

4、 三种宾语从句

1) 动词宾语:

2) 介词宾语

3) 形容词宾语:(表示心理活动的adj.: sure, afraid, happy, glad, excited)

`I’m glad that he has won the game.

5、 第一人称+主观判断的v.,后面的宾从中的否定要转移到主句

如:我认为你不对: I don’t think you are right.

6、 if / whether

1) if 表示“是否”只能用在宾语从句中,whether可以用于所有的名词性从句. 在宾从中可通用:I wonder if / whether Mr Smith is his father.

2) 能跟or not连用表示选择的只有whether:I don’t know whether he has money or not.

3) 作介词宾语只能用whether: It depends on whether he will come back.

4) 在状语从句中,if 表示“如果”, 而 whether和or “whether……or”结构,表示“无论”。

7、 谓语是doubt

1) 主句是肯定句,用whether 或if 来引导从句. If 持否定观点,whether持中立观点。

I doubt whether he will come. (不知是否会来)

I doubt if he will come. (估计他不来)

2) 主句是否定或疑问时,用that来引导从句

I don’t doubt that he will come.

Do you doubt that he will come?

8、 并列宾从中第一个that 可以省略,第二个conj.不能省。

e.g. I know (that) he will come and that his brother will also come.

I want to know ______ he’ll come ______ his brother will also come.

A. whether …… or B. ……or

C. whether……or whether D. …… or whether


1) 在主句中有宾补:I think it possible that / I find it difficult that

2) 宾从作介词词组的宾语:I will see to it that (the door is closed) / take it for granted that

3) 固定结构: appreciate it that

We appreciate it that you read the letter for me.



四、 同位语从句

1、信号词:主句中有抽象名词news, information, idea, thought, fact, truth, hope, belief,suggestion, advice, assumption, plan, practice, proposal 等,从句用来说明名词所表示的具体内容。

e.g. We all know the truth that the earth is round.

2、同位语从句 VS 定语从句

There is a problem that the road needs to be broadened. (同)

There is a problem that we have to discuss. (定)




I have no idea when he will come back.

The problem where can we raise the money is very important.

We will discuss the problem whether the sports meeting will be held on time.

I have no impression how he get there, maybe by subway.

I have no idea what happened to him.

五、 表语从句

放在be, seem, appear, look,remain, happen, occur to等系动词后面,充当表语的句子。

The problem is whether we can make a good preparation in such a short time.

The fact remains that we are still behind many developed countries.

1、 It seems / appears/ looks + that (as if / 连词省略)

It happens / occurs to sb + that ( as if)

2、 表示原因的表语:The reason is that = It/ This/ That is because =This/ That is why

The reason he was late for the school is that he missed the early bus.

He missed the early bus. That is why he was late.

He was late for the school. That is because he missed the early bus.


1、A saying goes ____ no pain, no gain.

A. where B. when C. what D. that

2、The other day, my brother drove down the street at ____ I thought was a dangerous speed.

A. that B. what C. which D. as

3、Mary wrote an article on _____ the team had failed to win the game.

A. that B .what C. why D. who

4、He left a word with my secretary _____ he would call again in the afternoon.

A. who B. which C. that D. as