V-ing 的句法功能 (人教版高三英语下册教学论文)

发布时间:2016-1-25 编辑:互联网 手机版

V-ing 的句法功能

一、V-ing 的基本时态与语态

主动 被动

一般式 doing / teaching Being taught

完成式 having done/ having taught having being taught

一般式表示的动作发生在谓语动作的同时或紧跟着之后。They began singing just now.

完成式表示的动作发生在谓语动作之前。Mike was praised for having done a good dead.


Thank you for coming. He escaped being skilled in the battle.


1. 主语 一般看作单数不可数名词,谓语使用单数形式。Looking after children is her job.

常可用it做形式主语,真正动名词短语置于句末。It is really tiring working late like this.


It is a waste of +V-ing / It is no/ little good / use + V-ing / It is worth V-ing

There is no use/ good V-ing / There is nothing worse than V-ing

动名词与no连用 表示禁止。No smoking / No parking / No spitting

2. 宾语 分为动词宾语与介词宾语。

动词后加动名词作宾语:advise consider(考虑) admit appreciate感谢感激 mind suggest 建议 fancy 想象avoid 避免excuse 原谅delay 推迟 imagine deny否认enjoy keep practise resist 抵制 escape risk冒险 allow permit forbid 禁止miss错过mind finish

动词词组:can’t help give up be worth be/get used to look forward to盼望 complain of 抱怨 object to 反对care for 喜欢 feel like insist on get down to devote to see to set about put off rely on 依靠 think of

What/ How about V-ing?

3. 表语 动名词作表语时通常不强调具体动作,表语解释主语。His hobby is collecting stamps.


This film is exciting.

4. 定语 动名词置于名词前表示名词的用途与性能: a swimming pool a waiting room a hiding place a changing room a guessing game a walking stick

现在分词作定语表示名词在进行的动作,其动作通常是与谓语动作同时或基本同时发生并在进行中。running water a flying bird a waiting car a sleeping boy

分词的完成式不能充当定语。如果动作有先后关系,则不用现在分词作定语,可改用定语从句。正: The students who have seen the film are coming out of the cinema.

误: The students seeing / having seen the film are coming out of the cinema.

5. 宾语补足语:表示动作正在进行,宾语与宾补的关系为主动being done表被动关系

I saw a girl running towards me. I saw the child being beaten by his father.

可以加宾补的动词:V+宾语+宾补 表示感觉的动词:see hear look at listen to feel watch notice observe find 使役动词:have make keep ;

send leave start set catch

6. 状语: 可作时间原因条件方式伴随或结果状语。分词表示的动作与谓语的动作同时发生或几乎同时,与逻辑主语间为主动关系(通常逻辑主语为主句的主语);若先发生则使用分词的完成式。现在分词的被动式表示动作正在被进行。

Being poor, he couldn’t afford a TV set. Working hard, you’ll surely succeed.

The boy sat in front of the farmhouse cutting the branch.

Not having received her letter for long, he felt a little worried.

Being helped by the teacher, she will learn English well.

注意 : 分词作状语时,主句前不能使用任何连词。

Being an engineer, so he can repair the engine.


The operation being over, the patient was sent back to his room.

Winter having coming, it’s getting colder and colder.

Her mother being ill, she had to look after her at home.

固定习惯语:generally/ strictly/ honestly/ frankly/ roughly speaking

talking of/ about considering judging from/ by considering