复合谓语 (人教版高三英语下册教学论文)

发布时间:2016-9-19 编辑:互联网 手机版



1.情态动词can,could,may,might,will,would,shall,should都可与不定式的一般式连用,意思是"可能" 、"许可"、"必须"等。如果要表示对现在或将来的推测时,情态动词的过去式与一般式在含义上并无多大 区别,只是语气更为婉转。例如:

(1)--Could I borrow your dictionary?我可以借用你的辞典吗? --Yes,of course you can.(NMET94-23)可以,当然可以。

(2)If there were no examination,we should have a much happier time at school.(NMET94-30)要是不考试,我们在学校就会玩得更开心些。

2.can,may,must和不定式的完成式连用,表示对过去发生的行为或存在的状态进行想象和推测,含义是“ 可能已经","或许已经","一定"等。例如:

(3)Where is my pen?I must have lost it.(NMET92-35,SAM)我的钢笔在哪里?我准是弄丢了。

(4)--Li Hua must have gone to Beijing.李华一定是去北京了。

--No,he can't have gone there.I saw him a minute ago.('92江西 省高考适应性试题)不,他不可 能去北京,我刚才还看见过他呢。

3.could,might,would,should,ought to,needn't和不定式的完成式连用,不仅可以表示对过去发生的行为 或存在的状态进行想象和推测,而且还可以表示"本来可能","本来应该"完成而实际上并未完成的动作或 状态与过去事实相反的假设,而needn't则表示本来不必实现而又完成了这样一种情况。例如:

(5)I told Sally how to get here,but I perhaps should havewritten it out for her.(NMET94-16)我 告诉塞丽怎样去那儿,或许我本来应该给她写清楚。

(6)Tom ought not to have told me your secret,but he meantnoherm.(MET93-15)汤姆本来不该把你的秘密告诉我,但是他没有恶意。 II.had better,would rather和不定式连用,表示劝告或主观上做出选择, 例如:

(7)--Mum,I think I'm well enough to get back to school.妈,我想我已经恢复健康了,可以返回去上 学了。

--Not really,my dear.You'd better stay home for another day or two.(NMET93-38)你还没有真正康复呢,亲爱的,你最好是再在家里呆上一两天。

(8)--I'm sorry.But what happened?对不起,发生了什么事啦? --Well,I would rather not tell you.(SBII,p60)唔,我情愿不告诉你的好。

III.be going to,be to,be about,be able to,be likely to,have to,happen to,seem to,appear to,u sed to,get to等结构和不定式连用的情况极为普遍, 例如:

(9)Is this the problem to be discussed at the meeting nextFriday? ('92江西省高考预选及师范专 科统招试题)这就是要在下周星期五的会上讨论的问题吗?

(10)If city noises are not kept from infreasing,people will have to shout to be heard even a t the table 20 years from now.(MET92-31)如果不能制止市内噪音的增长,人们只好从现在起用二十年时间 在会议桌边大声疾呼,以使人们听见他们的呼声。

Ⅳ.表示说话及心理状态的动词如 say,report,believe,suppose,think,know,consider等的被动结构后面常 接不定式,例如:

(11)I don't know the restaurant,but it's said to be quitea good one.(NMET94-36)我不知道那家餐 馆,但是据说它是满不错的一家餐馆。

(12)Charles Babbage is generally considered to have invented the first conputer.(NMET93-15)人 们普遍认为是查尔斯贝贝治发明了第一台计 算机。

(13)The new secretary is supposed to report to the manageras soon as she arrives.(MET90-16)新 来的秘书一到就应该向经理报到。

Ⅴ.许多主动语态带复合宾语的动词构成被动语态后,补足语为带to的不定式、分词或形容词等,这也是一 种复合谓语形式。例如:

(14)John was made to wash the truck for a week as a punishment.(NMET91-28)约翰被迫洗一周卡车作为惩罚。

(15)The missing boys were last seen playing near the river.(NMET94-25) 上一次有人看见那些遗失 孩子在河边玩。

(16)When the time comes,the cocoons are torn open by the aunt nueses.(SBI,p225)到时候蚕茧就被 保育蚁撕开。


1.谓语是某些表示知觉或感觉的动词如 feel,sound,taste,smell,look,seem,appear等。

(17)--Do you like the

material?你喜欢那材料吗? --Yes.It feels very soft.(NMET94-27)(不用softly)喜欢,它摸起来 很柔软。

(18)These oranges taste good.(MET91-21)(不用well)这些橘柑味道鲜 美。

2.表示从一种状态变为另一种状态的动词如 become,grow,get,turn,fall,go,come,run等。

(19)--Can I join your club,Dad?爸爸,我可以参加你们的俱乐部吗? --You can when get a bit older.(NMET94-15)你长大了就可以参加。

(20)It worried her a bit that her hair was turning grey.(NMET92-35) 使她有点忧虑的是她的头发正 在变白。



(21)Tom kept quiet about the accident so as not to lose his job.(MET90-27)汤姆对那一事件守口如瓶,以不致于丢掉饭碗。

(22)The Swede stood quite still.(SBI,p252)瑞典人一动不动地站着。

(23)The temperature stayed high this week.气温一直居高不下。

4.上述1-3项中只有appear,seem,prove,turn out等之后可以接"to be +形容词"结构,其它则不能。这又是易错题。例如:

(25)The weather turned out to be very good,which was morethan we could expect.(NMET94-39)天气 结果很晴朗,这是我们始料不及的。

(26)She appears to be very tired and sad.(SBI,p215)她看起来既疲备又悲伤。
