综合练习 六 (人教版高三英语下册教学论文)

发布时间:2016-3-6 编辑:互联网 手机版

综合练习 六

Direction: Beneath each of the following sentences there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the best answer that completes the sentence.

1. I spoke to younger Mr. Hamilton, not Hamilton manager.

A. /…the B. the…/ C. the…the D. /…/

2. They copy on the cards a few sentences some interesting or rare words appear.

A. for which B. of which C. from which D. in which

3. He couldn’t keep his eyes to all these great changes in Shanghai.

A. shut B. to shut C. shutting D. fixed

4. Since the 1960’s, Mr. Rozanio blind people in Malaysia and Singapore with a precious service-a library of Braille books.

A. is providing B. has been providing C. had provided D. was being providing

5. Very few houses were left in the village after the tsunami(海啸).

A. stand B. stood C. standing D. to stand

6. The better prepared teachers are, the more likely it is that teachers will be ready to deal with happens in the class

A. whatever B. whenever C. no matter what D. no matter when

7. Some people take the view a newspaper is like a store with many windows, each of should be dressed to the same high standard.

A. /…which B. that…them C. which…them D. that…which

8. I asked him for some ink, but he hadn’t .

A. nothing B. anything C. any D. some

9. No one is blind those who will not see.

A. so…that B. such…as C. such…that D. so…as

10. How foolish it was the Emperor to believe the cheats said!

A. of…what B. for…what C. of…that D. for…that

11. Time , we’ll go to watch him basketball.

A. permitting…to play B. permitted…play C. permitting…play D. permitted…to play

12. today, he would get there by Friday.

A. Would he leave B. If he leaves C. Were he to leave D. Was he leaving

13. Somebody borrowed my dictionary yesterday, ?

A. didn’t he B. didn’t it C. didn’t they D. did they

14. That used car is .

A. as good as a new one B. as new as good C. as well as new D. as new as well

15. I happen to be, I am able to make myself at home.

A. Whenever B. When C. Where D. Wherever

16. This year they have produced grain they did last year.

A. less…as B. as few…as C. less…than D. fewer…than

17. Nobody believed him what he said.

A. even though B. in spite C. no matter D. contrary to

18. got outside than it began to rain.

A. Not sooner I had B. No sooner had I C. No sooner I D. Hardly had I

19. Today is my _ __ birthday, How happy I am!

A. twenty B. the twentieth C. twentieth D. the twenties

20. __ __ Einsteins did manage to send __ __ Einstein to a technical school.

A. /, a B. An, an C. The, / D. /, /

21. Take these chairs away. They are in __ __ way.

A. one B. a C. the D. this

22. I must be off now. I __ ___a manager from France at seven p.m.

A. meet B. meet with C. am meeting D. met

23. ---Have you finished your composition yet?

---No, I’ll finish it in ______ ten minutes.

A. other B. another C. more D. less

24. The hostess,together with the guests, ______ comfortably in the living room, listening

to the classical music.

A. was seating B. was seated C. were seated D. seated

25. With his camera, he kept taking pictures _______ he did and saw.

A. where B. which C. of which D. of what

26. He is considered ______ the experiment successfully in the lab.

A. doing B. do C. to do D. to have done

27. The headmaster’s office is equipped with _____ furniture.

A. old French brownish wooden B. old brownish wooden French

C. old brownish French wooden D. French old brownish wooden

28. Comrade Zhou is ____ chairman of the trade union of the English Department.

A. a B. one C. the D. /

29. It is impossible for so ____ workers to do so __ __ work in a single day.

A. few, much B. few, many C. little, much D. little, many

30. The party was held in ______ of a friend who was leaving for Britain.

A. pleasure B. respect C. honor D. regard

31. Breakfast is ______ in the restaurant between 7A. m. and 9 A. m.

A. served B. delivered C. fed D. afforded

32. You don’t expect to make much ______ within the first couple of years if setting up a


A. benefit B. interest C. profit D. advantage

33. With fewer cars on the roads, traffic is ______ major smoothly than usual.

A. floating B. flowing C. advancing D. pushing

34. Tropical rain forests used to cover 10% of the earth’s______.

A. appearance B. region C. surface D. colony

35. Have you seen the ______ for the new shopping centre?

A. patterns B. shapes C. designs D. forms

36. The pianist showed a music ______different from an early age.

A. tendency B. opinion C. attitude D. view

37. The idea that the earth is flat was _______ centuries ago.

A. refused B. disconcerted C. denied D. declined

38. Our car is a much older _______ than yours.

A. model B. pattern C. production D. character

39. When Catherine was a child, she was ____ girl to speak in public.

A. too much a shy B. much too a shy C. so shy a D. much too shy a

40. ---Did you have a good time in the party last night?

---not at all. it was ____ a meeting than a party.

A. more B. much C. less of D. more of

4l. Jackie was so beautiful at the party last night. She was wearing a ____ dress.

A. new green silk B. silk new green C. green silk new D. new silk green

42. There is ____ to hold the water. What shall we do?

A. nothing big enough B. nothing enough big

C. big enough nothing D. enough big nothing

43. ---Are you feeling ____ now?

---Yes, I feel much happier than ever and I have becoming thinner and thinner since I joined the health club.

A. any better B. more well C. many better D. any good

44. Mary reached home after a long journey at last.

A. tired and hunger B. tired and hungrily C. tired and hungry D. felt tired and hungry

45. ---What a nice fire you have in your fireplace! ---During the winter I like to keep my house_____.

A. warmly and comfortable B. warm and comfortably

C. warm and comfortable D. warmly and comfortably

46. When they heard the bad news, they all looked ____ at the teacher and felt quite ____ .

A. sad; sad B. sad; sadly

C. sad; sadly D. sadly; sad

47. There was ____ little hope of supporting ____ little children in ____ a poor family.

A.so;so;such B.so;such;such C. so; such; so D. such;so;such

48. ---What does Catherine look like? ---She is a ____ girl than my sister is.

A. more good-looking B. best-looking C. much good-looking D. better-looking

49. As we all know, knowledge is .

A. energy B. power C. force D. strength

50. She is not to maths teacher.

A. qualifying B. competent C. possible D. positive
