综合练习 八 (人教版高三英语下册教学论文)

发布时间:2016-1-8 编辑:互联网 手机版

综合练习 八

Direction: Beneath each of the following sentences there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the best answer that completes the sentence.

1. Mr.Smith is going to stay in Paris for______more week.

A. one B. a C. another D. other

2.There______a variety of books in our school library.

A. seem to have B. seems to have C. seem to be D. seems to be

3.The clerks in the office_____not to make so much noise.

A. ought B. must C. need D. dare

4.Some students ran back to the dormitory,______.

A. magazines holding under their arms B. magazines to hold under their arms

C. magazines held under their arms D. magazines were held under their arms

5.The company______a rise in salary for ages,but nothing has happened yet.

A. is promising B. promised C. had promised D. has been promising

6.Tom got to the station very late,_____which time his friends had already left.

A. after B. at C. by D. during

7.I had no money,so I had no alternative but_____at home in the summer holidays.

A. stay B. saying C. stays D. to stay

8.That singer is said to ______ a businessman for half a year.

A. have got married B. have been married to

C. have marrried with D. be married

9. Those flowers were for your mother on her seventieth birthday, but as she is away, I would be glad if you accept them.

A.devoted B.produced C.intended D.supplied

10.______you know Latin,you should be able to translate the inscription.

A. For B. Before C. While D. Since

11.What______at present?

A. you think the important issues are B. do you think are the important issues

C. do you think the important issues are D. you think are the important issues

12.He lay on the straw mat with his______.

A. closed eyes and his mouth open B. eyes closed and his mouth open

C. closed eyes and his open mouth D. eyes closed and his open mouth

13.Christmas is not just for Westerners any more.Look around Shanghai,______nearly anywhere in China’s big cities,______you’ll see trappings of the Christian holiday.

A. and…/ B. /…and C. or…and D. and…or

14.It is high time to advise that young people ______ and______for a healthier life style.

A. must stop smoking…try setting B. should stop to smoke…try to settle

C. have to stop smoking…try to settle D. stop smoking…try to settle

15.Yesterday,Jane walked away from the discussion; otherwise, she______something she would regret later.

A. had said B. said C. might say D. might have said

16.He is the murderer ______ arrest a reward was offered by the local government.

A. for whom B. about whom C. for whose D. about whose

17.______,she would have been a developed country already.

A. If China was a member of WTO 20 years ago

B. If China were a member of WTO 20 years ago

C. Had China been a member of WTO 20 years ago

D. If only China were a member of WTO 20 years ago

18.It is the people ______ are devoted to making the country clean and tidy______

Singapore should be proud of.

A. who…which B. which..that C. which…who D. who…that

19.Having been there many times,______.

A. he is convenient to be our guide B. we regard him as our guide

C. we ask him to be our guide D. he will be invited to be our guide

20. Tom hasn’t a bike, and therefore he has to go to school on foot every day, ?

A.does he B.hasn’t he C.doesn’t he D.has he

21.High school graduates do not have their parents tell them what career______.

A. to choose B. to be chosen C. being chosen D. choosing

22.David is a senior emplyee, ______I have turned for advice throughout my career.

A. to which B. to whom C. whom D. which

23._____was always the case with Simon, he rested his head on his hand when

speaking to his customer.

A. That B. It C. As D. What

24.The town market is a______bus ride form the farm.

A. two-hour B. two hours C. two-hours D. two-hours-long

25._____a boat trip,and you will be fascinated by the oddly-shaped hills and peaks along the river.

A. To take B. Take C. Taking D. If you take

26.Nowhere______between man and desert as ancient as______.

A. is the battle; Egypt B. is the battle; in Egypt

C. the battle is; Egypt D. the battle is; in Egypt

27.With land prices_____,I can’t afford a piece of land big enough to park my car on.

A. going up B. gone up C. go up D. to go up

28.______springtime Saturday morning I visited a close friend of mine.

A. One B. At one C. In one D. A

29.Tall trees______the side of the lake.

A. lined B. lined along C. lined by D. were lined by

30.I determine to take up the only business I was born_____.

A. in B. at C. for D. into

31. ----I want a first class ticket to Shanghai, please.

---_______what date, sir?

A. To B. In C. At D. For

32.______,and the problem would be straightened out.

A. Bit more effort B. Having a little effort

C. If you have a bit more effort D. There being a little effort

33.You’d better change another copy of the magazine, because______page of the copy

is missing,and______cover looks very old.

A. a…the B. a…a C. the…a D. the…the

34.I don’t really work here.I______until the new secretary arrives.

A. just help out B. have just helped out C. am just helping out D. will just help out

35.---Can I help you?

---I’d like to buy a present for my father’s birthday, ______ at a proper price but of great use.

A. that B. one C. anyone D. everthing

36.It is not the instruments a scientist uses but rather how he uses the instruments that

______him a scientist.

A. makes B. make C. made D. is made

37.---The meeting is about to start,yet the speaker hasn’t turned up.

---No one knows_____.

A. what the matter is B. what is the wrong

C. what is the matter D. how matter stood

38.To succeed in passing the exam, ______.

A. one needs to be diligent B. diligence is needed

C. one needs be a diligent person D. diligence is what one needs

39.---Would you like to go to the concert with me,Mary?

---I have got no interest in it; _____ ,I have lots of homework to do.

A. otherwise B. besides C. however D. therefore

40. Mary, _______ careful with your handwriting.

A.is B.do C.do be D.does

41.Cameras can catch a moment in______detail.

A. pemanent B. natural C. essential D. vivid

42.The poor man was suffering from a life-_______disease.

A. frightening B. threatening C. disturbing D. damaging

43.He seemed to have developed a sixth______about mineral resources.

A. feeling B. sense C. sight D. intellect

44.We regret to finform you that the goods you ordered are_____.

A. out of work B. out of stock C. out of reach D. out of order

45.They______in spite of the extremely difficult conditions.

A. carried away B. carried out C. carried on D. carried off

46.When Mr.Jones gets old,he will_______his business to his son.

A. take over B. hand over C. go over D. get over

47.He’s watching TV? He’s______to be cleaning his room.

A. known B. supposed C. considered D. obliged

48.The government is trying to do something to______better understanding between the two countries.

A. raise B. promote C. lift D. advance

49.The soldier was______of running away when the enemy attacked.

A. scolded B. charged C. accused D. punished

50. Some people like drinking coffee, for it has ______ effects.

A. promoting B. stimulating C. enhancing D. encouraging
