语法系列讲座15 (新课标版高三英语下册教学论文)

发布时间:2016-11-3 编辑:互联网 手机版



(1) 一般式(to+动词原形):表示与主句谓语动词动作同时(或几乎同时)发生或在主句谓语动词之后发生的事情。例如:

We’re happy to have you on our side. 有你在我们这边我们很高兴。

I saw him go out. 我看见他出去了。( 不定式go out 与 see同时发生。)

They invited me to have dinner with them. 他们邀请我和他们一起吃晚饭。

I hope to see you again. 我希望再见到你(to see发生在hope之后)

(2) 进行式(to be+现在分词):表示主句谓语的动作发生时,不定式动作正在进行。例如:

She’s said /believed to be living nearby. 据说/据信她就住在附近。

When he came in, I happened to be sleeping in bed. 他进来时,我碰巧正在床上睡觉。

They seem/appear to be enjoying themselves. 看上去他们似乎很快活。

He pretended to be doing his homework when he heard his father’s sound. 他听见父亲的声音,假装正在做作业。

The president was reported to be visiting the hospital. 据报道总统正在访问那家医院。

(3)完成式(to have+过去分词):表示在主句谓语的动作之前发生的事情。

如:I’m glad to have met your parents here. 我很高兴在这儿见到了你父母。(已见过)

I’m sorry to have kept him waiting for me so long. 我很抱歉让他等了我这样久。(已经等过了)

动词不定式的完成式和下列动词的过去时连用,表示过去没有实现的事情:plan, hope, expect, be, intend, mean, wish, 等。注意一定是它们的过去时。另外还有should/would like/love。这个结构表示“本打算/想/计划…”的意思。例如:

The game were to have taken place in Room. 比赛原计划在罗马举行。

He planned to have gone abroad last week.= He planned to go abroad but he didn’t. 他原计划上周出国的。

I’d like to have been offered the job and(to have been)given the opportunity to prove myself. 我真想(当时)把这个工作给了我,给我个机会让我证明我自己。


I had hoped to visit the great pyramid .= I hoped to have visited the great pyramid.=I hoped to visit it, but I didn’t. 我本希望参观大金字塔的。

They would have liked to have your help.=They would like to have had your help.=They wanted to have your help but they didn’t have it. 他们本想得到你帮助的。


一般式:to be+过去分词

完成式:to have been+过去分词


You’re lucky to have been accepted . 你很幸运已经被接受了。

These criminals are to be hanged . 这些罪犯是将被绞死的。

We’re glad to have been invited. 受到邀请我们很高兴。

What’s to be done next? 下一步做什么?

It is an honor for me to be asked to speak here. 我很荣幸应邀在这里讲话。


You will make it if you try (to). 如果你努力,你会成功的。

George says he is going to leave Shanghai, but I don’t think he really wants to. George 说要离开上海,但是我不认为他真的愿意走。

Some of them retired, and others were ready to. 一些人退休了,还有的准备退。

He always speaks faster than he needs to. 他说话总是没必要的快。

I’d like to do it now, but I haven’t got the time (to). 我倒是想现在干,但没时间。

“Would you go there with me?” “I’m glad to.” “你愿意和我一起去吗?”“愿意。”

“Did you pass the exam?” “No, I tried (to), but I failed.” “你考试及格了吗?”“没有,我努力了,但没成功。

“Do you want to sing them an English song?” “I prefer not to.” “你愿意为他们唱首英文歌吗?”“我不想唱。”

You’d better sing an English song if they ask you (to) again.如果他们再要求你,你最后唱一首英文歌。


used to 常常 be going to 打算

mean to 打算 ought to 应该

plan to 计划 want to 要想

(十)两个不定式由and, or, except, but, than 连接时,第二个可省略to,尤其是两个不定式紧密相连时。例如:

I intend to call on him and discuss this question again. 我打算去拜访他并和他谈谈这个问题。

I’d like to lie down and go to sleep. 我想躺下睡觉。

You’re free to talk or laugh here. 在这里你可以随便说笑。

I’m anxious to go and ask him about it. 我急于去问问他这个事。

Do you want to have lunch now or wait till later? 你想现在吃午饭还是再等会儿?

We had nothing to do except (to) look at the posters outside the cinema. 我们无事可做,只有看看电影院外面的招贴。

He had nothing to do except talk nonsense. 除了胡说八道,他没别的事干。

I would rather die than be insulted. 我宁死也不受侮辱。

I’ll do anything but work on a farm. 除了去农场干活,我什么都干。

It’s easier to persuade people than (to) force them. 说服人容易,强迫人难。

It’s better to take a taxi than (to) wait here. 搭出租车也比在这等强。

句子中but后面的不定式带不带to,取决于but前面的句子里含不含do,只要有与do/did有关的词(do作谓语,to do作定语等等),but后面的不定式就省掉to。例如:

I can do nothing but go there alone. 除了独自一个到那里去,我别无选择。

I have nothing to do but go there alone. 除了独自一个到那里去我没事可干。

He did nothing but cry all day long. 他除了整天哭,什么也不干。

Now let’s do some exercises:


1)Let’s _______ (早回家). → go home early

2)I am going _____ (问问题). → to ask some questions

3)I’ve been hoping ______ (会见格林先生)ever since I left school → to see Mr. Green

4)It is difficult ______ (照顾这么多小娃娃). → to look after so many babies

5)He likes _____ (在月光下散步). →to walk in the moonlight

6)She is afraid ____(独自去). → to go alone

7)I pretended ______ (睡着了). → to be asleep

8)I should like _____ (今晚去看那个话剧). →to go to watch that drama tonight

9)Be careful ____ (别着凉). →not to catch cold

10)Mr. Green seemed ____ (越来越不喜欢他). →to dislike him more and more

11)It is too heavy _____ (你搬不动). →for you to carry

12) You have to work hard ____(考试及格). →to pass the examination

13) Tom intends ____(找个新工作). →to look for a new job

14) What do you want ____ (吃)? →to eat

15) I hate _____(这么早离开),but I am afraid ____(我不得不这么早离开). →to leave so early; I have to

16)The enemy soldiers refused ____ (再战斗下去). → To fight anymore

17) He decided _____ (成为物理学家). →to become a physicist

18) The woman came out ____ (看看在发生什么事). →to see what was happening

19) I mean _____ (完成这个任务), one way or another. →to accomplish the task

20) He was planning _____ (和她一起去). →to go with her

21) He seems _____ (过去是个猎手). →to have been a hunter

22) I happened _____(看过这本书). →to have read the book

23) I happened ____ (正挨着他站着) when he was shot. →to be standing next to him

24) The enemy is believed ____ (已被击败). →to have been defeated

25) The teacher wanted the composition ______ (当堂做完). →to be finished in class

26) He appears _____ (是你的朋友) but I doubt if he is. →to be your friend


1)学生们要求进来。 The students asked to come in.

2)我希望不久可以见到我奶奶。 I hope to see my grandma soon.

3)我刚才设法把门打开了。 Just now I managed to open the door.

4)我答应等他。 I have promised to wait for him.

5)那位官员拒绝见我。 The official refused to see me.

6)他们似乎误了火车。 They seem to have missed the train.

7)你想要和我一起走吗? Do you want to go with me?

8)他没答应走开。 He didn’t promise to go away.

9)他答应不走开。 He promised not to go away.

10)记住不要和那个阿飞(teddy boy)说话。

Remember not to speak to (talk with) that teddy boy.

11)我希望不久接到他们的来信。 I hope to hear from them soon.

12)比尔好像并不明白。 Bill doesn’t seem to understand it.


You must remember not to leave until seven o’clock.

14)那些人不愿意留在这里。 Those men don’t want to stay here.

15)望你及时把它完成。 You are expected to finish it in time.

16)登山的人没有到达山顶。 The climbers failed to reach the peak (top of the mountain).

17)他认为(expect)我会等他吗? Does he expect me to wait for him?

18)你没有告诉他在信上贴邮票吗? Didn’t you tell him to put a stamp on the letter?

19)你愿意帮我学习这一课吗? Will you help me (to) learn this lesson?


Why not get her to help you?或Why don’t you get her to help you?

21)请你让前面那个人把帽子摘下来。 Please ask that man in front of you to take his cap off.

22)你要我干什么呢? What would you like me to do?


Let your friends all stay here if they want to.

24)我们尽量设法使他明白。 We tried to make him understand.

25)我不知道怎么开始。 I don’t know how to begin.

26)很抱歉,我星期六没来。 I’m sorry not to have come on Saturday.

27)李红要一个人做全部工作。 Li Hong wants to do all the work alone.

28)我很高兴见到你。 I am very glad to see you.

29)你不能使那些孩子们安静下来吗? Can’t you make those children keep quiet.

30)你打算带多少人去看电影呢? How many people are you going to take to the cinema?

31)我没有把药吃完,因为你叫我别都吃了。I didn’t finish the medicine because you asked me not to.

32)如果你要我给你做早饭,我就给你做。 I will cook your breakfast if you would like me to.

33)这水太脏,不能用。 The water is too dirty to use.

34)那些石头太重,你搬不动。 Those stones are too heavy for you to carry.

35)那台电视机太贵,我买不起。 That TV set is too expensive for me to afford.

36)工人们太累了(be tired enough),立刻就睡着了。The workers were tired enough to go to sleep at once.

37)那孩子很累,以致立刻就睡着了。 The boy was so tired that he went to sleep at once. 38)那个老头累得站都站不直。 The old man was too tired to stand up straight.

39)你想去看电影吗???不,我宁愿呆在家里。Would you like to go to the cinema? ?No, I’d rather stay at home.

40)你不愿意你的朋友先和他谈谈吗?Wouldn’t you like some of your friends to talk to him first?

41)学生们急于知道考试的结果。 The students are anxious to know the results of the exam.

42)说实话,我不懂文学。 To tell the truth, I know nothing about literature.

43)我听到他们在隔壁房间里谈话了。 I heard them talk in the next room.

44)我已下定决心要更加努力地学习。 I have made up my mind to study even harder.

45)美国有可能消灭恐怖主义吗? Is it possible for the United States to wipe out terrorism? 46)你把你的计划向他解释一下,方便吗? Is it convenient for you to explain your plan to him?

47)如果你有机会去西山的话,我愿意和你一起去。If you have a chance to go to the Western Hills, I’d like to go with you.

48)等你想好了,请把你的决定告诉我。After you think it over, please let me know what you have decided to do.

49)探身窗外是危险的。 It is dangerous to lean out of the window.

50)遵守法律是每个人的义务。 It is everyone’s duty to obey the law.

51)约翰感到心跳得很快。 John felt his heart beat fast.

52)汤姆到浴室去洗手。 Tom went to the bathroom to wash his hands.

53)小王站在椅子上,这样看节目就看得更清楚些。 Xiao Wang stood up on a chair so as to see the performance better.

54)他走出房间以便听不到闹声。 He went out of the room so as not to hear the noise any more.

55)孩子们急于要动身。 The children were anxious to start.

56)别惹我们笑了。 Don’t make us laugh.

57)应该把这件事告诉老师。 The teacher ought to be told about it.

58)这所房子只出租,不出售。 The house is to let, not to be sold.

59)他们是来看的,不是来给人看的。 They came to see, not to be seen.

60)这个成语难于解释,但不难(be no trouble)用。 This idiom is hard to explain, but it is no trouble to use.


动名词可以起名词的作用,在句子中作主语,宾语,表语,定语。动名词仍保留动词的一般特征,可以有自己的宾语和状语,构成动名词短语。 动名词的否定形式是在前面加上not, never等否定词。


Fishing in this lake is forbidden. 这个湖里禁止钓鱼。

Going abroad for a visit and settling down abroad are two different things. 出国访问和在国外定居是两件不同的事情。

It seems that reading English is easier than speaking it.似乎读英语比说英语容易。

My favorite hobby is fishing/collecting stamps . 我最喜欢的爱好是钓鱼/集邮。

在It’s no use; It’s (no) good; It’s useless ; It’s (not) wise; It’s (not) worthwhile; It’s of great (no, little) importance 等习惯表达中,It为形式主语,而将做主语的动名词短语放在后面。例如:

It’s no use /good ringing her up now. 现在给她打电话没用了。

Is it worthwhile bargaining two hours for two cents? 为两分钱讲价两小时值得吗?

It’s wise trying again. 再试一次是明智的。

It is of great importance fighting against pollution. 制止污染有重要意义。

It is no use operating on the sick man. He should have been sent here early. 给这个病人做手术已经没用了。本应该早些把他送来。

It is no good smoking; you’d better give it up. 吸烟没好处,你最好戒掉。

(二)动名词短语作宾语。常用的能接动名词的动词有:admit承认,appreciate 感激,avoid 避免,advise 建议,can’t help 不禁,celebrate 庆祝,consider 考虑,complete 完成, contemplate沉思、打算,defer推迟,delay 延期,deny 否认,detest 痛恨,discontinue 停止, dislike不喜欢,dispute不同意,endure 忍耐,enjoy 喜欢, escape逃脱,excuse 原谅, fancy想象,feel like 想要, finish结束, 严禁,forgive 原谅,hinder 阻碍,imagine想象,keep 保持,mention 提到,mind 在意,miss 错过,pardon 饶恕、原谅,permit允许,postpone 推迟,practise 实践、练习,prevent 阻止, recall 回忆, report报告,resent 怨恨, resist抵制、阻止,risk冒险,stop 停止,suggest 建议,understand 明白、理解,等等。


He avoided giving me a definite answer. 他避免给我一个正确答案。

David suggested selling your dog and car to pay the debt. 戴维建议卖掉你的狗和车抵债。

(我们把这句话改为虚拟语气:David suggested that you (should) sell your dog and car to pay the debt. )

I couldn’t risk missing that train. 我可不敢冒误了那趟火车的险。


abhor憎恶,attempt 试图,begin 开始,cannot bear 无法忍受,cannot stand无法忍受,cease停止,continue,继续,,decline 拒绝,deserve值得,disdain蔑视,dread害怕,endure忍耐,forget忘记,hate 痛恨,intend打算,learn学,like 喜欢,loathe厌恶,love喜欢,mean意思是、意味着,need需要,neglect疏忽,omit省略,忽略,plan计划,prefer更喜欢,propose建议,regret后悔,remember记得,require需要,scorn蔑视、瞧不起,start开始,try尝试,努力,entail必须,involve涉及,necessitate使成为必要,等。以上多数动词用不定式或用动名词作宾语意思一样,个别不同。


The children are fond of listening to pop music. 孩子们喜欢流行音乐。

Are you interested in going to the show? 你有兴趣去看演出吗?

Thomas insisted on doing it in his own way. 托马斯坚持按他自己的方法做这件事。

我们把这句话改为虚拟语气:Thomas insisted that he (should) do it in his own way.

Excuse me for interrupting you. 请原谅我打扰你,
