语法系列讲座26 (新课标版高三英语下册教学论文)

发布时间:2016-1-20 编辑:互联网 手机版


It was in the library that I met Jack yesterday. 是在图书馆我昨天碰到了Jack. 原句:I met Jack in the library yesterday. It might have been on the bus that I lost my purse. 可能是在公共汽车上我丢失了钱包。 原句是:I might have lost my purse on the bus. 强调地点状语,也可改为:It was on the bus that I might have lost my purse. It was under the tree that I was sitting then. 当时我正坐在那棵树下。

3.强调宾语。 例如: It was Tom’s bike that she borrowed, not mine. 她借的是Tom的自行车,不是我的。 It is his dog that he’s sold, not his car. 他已卖掉的是他的狗,不是车。 It was a cat that your dog was running after. 你的狗追的是只猫。

4.强调宾语补足语: 例如: It was wonderful that we considered his plan. 我们认为他的计划是绝妙的。 It is Lincoln that they named the aircraft carrier. 他们把那艘航母命名为林肯号。 It was captain that the team chose him. 那个队选他当的是队长。 It was white that Tom was painting the fence. 汤姆当时正在把篱笆涂成白色的。 这句话的原句是: Tom was painting the fence white. 类似的结构有:color the sun red, color the tree green, paint the wall pink 等,这里,颜色作宾语补足语。 It is a fine player that we believe Jane. 我们相信Jane是一个出色的选手。 It is the Buckingham Palace that the British Queen’s office building is called. 英国女王的办公大楼被称作白金汉宫。 It is Cadillac that this car is named. 这辆车被命名为卡迪拉克。


用“助动词do + 动词原形”来强调谓语动词。 注意:谓语动词只有两种时态能强调,即一般现在时和一般过去时。在一般现在时中,do有人称的变化,第三人称单数用does,一般过去时do 变成did。其他时态的强调通过重读谓语动词来体现。 例如: You’re quite wrong?she does like you. 你错了,她真的喜欢你。 Do come in. 快进来。

用“助动词do + 动词原形”来强调谓语动词。

1.强调一般现在时动词谓语: 例如: I work hard. → I do work hard. She loves you. → She does love you. My father smokes a lot. → My father does smoke a lot.

2.强调一般过去时动词谓语: 例如: I called you in the morning. → I did call you in the morning. I attended the meeting yesterday. → I did attend the meeting yesterday. I handed in the paper yesterday. → I did hand in the paper yesterday. He wrote a letter to me yesterday. → He did write a letter to me. He came to see you yesterday. → He did come to see you yesterday.


1.把要强调的部分放在句首: 例如: That film?what do you think of it? Asleep, then, were you?

2.用某些特殊的词来表示强调,如really, certainly, definitely, very等。在口语中,such 和so 都常用于强调句。 如: Thank you so much. It was such a lovely party. I really enjoyed it. This is the very book that I am looking for. 我要找的就是这本书。


把下列句子改成强调句,强调黑体词部分;然后把第1-8句和第10句改为强调动词谓语的句子。 1)Mary gave me the news. →It was Mary who gave me the news. 2)We went to the Great Wall the day before yesterday. →It was the day before yesterday that we went to the Great Wall.

3)I want you to repair the bike for me. →It is the bike that I want you to repair for me. 4)The days begin to get longer in February. →It is in February that the days begin to get longer. 5)We held a meeting in the room yesterday. →It was a meeting that we held in the room yesterday. 6)I met Mr. Li in the bookshop. →It was Mr. Li that I met in the bookshop. 7)My parents began to learn to read and write after liberation. →It was after liberation that my parents began to learn to read and writed. 8)I joined the party in 1985. →It was in 1985 that I joined the party. 9)She will be waiting for me at the gate. →It is at the gate that she will be waiting for me. 10)Li Hong and Zhang Ming cleaned the classroom this morning. →It was Li Hong and Zhang Ming who cleaned the classroom this morning.

把下列句子改为强调动词谓语的句子。 1)Mary gave me the news. →Mary did give me the news. 2)We went to the Great Wall the day before yesterday. →We did go to the Great Wall the day before yesterday. 3)I want you to repair the bike for me. →I do want you to repair the bike for me. 4)The days begin to get longer in February. →The days do begin to get longer in February. 5)We held a meeting in the room yesterday. →We did hold a meeting in the room yesterday. 6)I met Mr. Li in the bookshop. →I did meet Mr. Li in the bookshop. 7)My parents began to learn to read and write after liberation. →My parents did begin to learn to read and write after liberation. 8)I joined the party in 1985. →I did join the party in 1985. 9)She will be waiting for me at the gate. →将来时,通过重读谓语进行强调.



一、语法倒装 1.一般疑问句和特殊疑问句要倒装 例如: Shall I open the door? 要我开门吗? Are you cold? 你冷吗? Can you read this poem in German? 你能用德语朗诵这首诗吗? Which of the pictures do you like best? 你最喜欢哪张画? How are you getting along? 你目前怎么样? When will there be lasting peace in the world? 什么时候世界上才能有持久的和平? 2.There be 句型当中。There be 句型表达的意思是:“某处有….”。这个句型的主语在谓语动词后面,因此这是倒装语序。 例如: There are not many people who want to read this book. 想看这本书的人不多。 There once lived a pack of wolves in this cave. 在这个洞里曾经住过一群狼。 There happened to be a taxi parked at the gate. 碰巧门口停着一辆出租车。 There is going to be a change in our arrangement. 我们的安排将有一个变化。

3.当连词as 表示“虽然、尽管”引导让步状语从句时,句子要倒装,as 相当于though,可以替换。 如: Small as/though the atom is, we can smash it.
