高中英语中名词的用法 (人教版高三英语下册教学论文)

发布时间:2016-5-7 编辑:互联网 手机版


一、 名词的分类:名词分为专有名词和普通名词

专有名词-----个人,地方,机构等专有名称. China, Shanghai, Li lei,

普通名词----又分为个体名词: 某类人或东西中的个体.如 fighter, gun, country,

集体名词:若干个体组成的集合体.如 family, team, police, class,

物质名词:无法分为个体的实物。如 cotton,tea, air,

抽象名词: 动作, 状态, 品质, 感情等抽象概念. 如 health, happiness.



二、 名词的数。可数名词都有单数和复数之分。

A: 规则的可数名词的复数变化规则:

1.一般情况加 s , books mouths houses girls

2.以 s sh ch x结尾的加 es classes boxes matches (stomachs)

3.辅音字母 + y结尾的变 y为 ies cities countries parties factories.

4.以 o 结尾的词多数 +es heroes Negroes tomatoes potatoes zeroes/zeros

以 o 结尾并且词尾有两个元音字母 +s radios, zoos, bamboos ,(pianos ,kilos photos)

5.以f, fe 结尾的多数 +es leaves lives wives knives halves wolves

The thief’s wife killed three wolves with some leaves and knives in half of her life.

但是:也有一些 + s, roofs proofs, gulfs, beliefs, handkerchiefs//handkerchieves

B: 名词词尾的读音规则:

A. 在[ p] [t] [k] [f]等清辅音后读[s] cups, hats, cakes, roofs

B. 在[s] [z] [∫] [t∫]等音后读[iz] glasses, faces, roses.

C.在其他情况下读作[z] beds days cities knives.

D.以th结尾的词原来读[ ] 加词尾后多数读[ ]

如: mouth-mouths path-paths ;

但是也有不变化的,如: month-months, ninth-ninths, youth-youths.

C: 不规则的可数名词的变化规则:

1.man-men, woman-women, tooth-teeth, foot-feet, child-children, mouse-mice,

2.单复数相同: sheep, fish, deer, means, Chinese, Japanese, works,


There are many kinds of fishes in that lake.

3.以man, woman 修饰名词构成合成词时,两个词都变化.

man servant-men servants. (boy/girl students)

woman doctor-women doctors.


son-in-law---sons-in-law , looker-on-lookers-on, 主体名词变化

film-goer-film-goers, grown-up-grown-ups 没有主体名词,在词尾加复数

5.字母,阿拉伯数字的复数形式一般加 “ ’s ”或 “ s”.

There are two l’s in the word “ all ”.

Your 7’s and 9’s look alike.

It happened in the 1960’s /1960s.

I will not accept your if’s and but’s.

6: 物质名词一般没有复数,有时用复数形式表示不同种类,

wheats, fruits, vegetables,


wood-woods, water-waters, sand-sands, manner-manners,

7: 抽象名词一般不可数;但是如果表示某一具体的情况,或各种各样的也有可数名词的用法。

He jumped with joy.------ My children are a great joy to me.

8.定冠词加姓氏的复数表示一家人。 the Turners, the Smiths, the Wangs.

9: 集体名词people, police, cattle 总是作复数,

( people 作民族,种族时有单复数两种形式)

Many cattle are kept.

Several police were on duty.

The Chinese are a brave and hard-working people.

The English are a funny people.

10:集体名词class, public, family, population, team, crew, committee 等单复数都有,但意义不同。

The class is big.---- The class are taking notes in English.

The population in China is larger.---- 80% of the population in China are peasants.

11: hair, fruit 通常作单数,表示总体。

His hair is grey. a rich harvest of fruit


He had a few white hairs. What fruits are on sale in this season ?

12:以s 结尾的学科名词只作单数。mathematics , physics, politics, 等。(news)

13:glasses, trousers, scissors, shoes, spectacles,等常用复数;但如果这些词前用 a pair of …// this pair of…//that pair of…等修饰时谓语动词有pair 来决定。

Where are my glasses ?

My new pair of trousers is too long.

Here are some new pairs of shoes.

14: 不可数名词没有复数形式,如果表示“一个”的概念,可用单位词。

a piece of news/information/advice/bread/cake/paper/meat/coal…

a bottle of ink, a grain of rice , a cake of soap…

说明:可数名词和不可数名词之间并没有截然的界限;可数名词可以转变为不可数名词 ,同样不可数名词也可以转变为可数名词,要看清整个上下文的具体内容。

三. 名词的所有格。

1. 有生命的名词所有格的构成:

A. 一般家词尾’s. the teacher’s office, Xiao Li’s sister’s husband’s mother.

B. 以 s 结尾的复数名词只加 ’ workers’ rest homes.

the masses’ request

C.不以s结尾的复数名词加’s. children’s toys.

D:复合名词只在最后一个词的后面加 ’s. my sister-in-law’s brother.


This is Tom, James and Dick’s room.


Jenny’s, Jean’s and Mary’s rooms face to the south.

G:名词短语只在最后一个词后加 ’s. a quarter of an hour’s talk.

2. 名词所有格的用法:

1. 名词所有格主要用于表示有生命的名词,表示所属关系。

Lei Feng’s dairy. the Working People’s Palace of Culture.


today’s paper. an hour’s drive. Friday’s work.

3. 也可用于表示地理、国家、城市等名词。

the country’s plan. the farm’s fruit. China’s population.


our party’s stand

5. 也可用于表示度量、价值的名词。

two dollars’ worth of books. a pound’s weight.


3.凡不能用’s 属格的情况可用 of 属格表示所属关系。

the City of New York. a map of China.

特别是下列情况要用of 属格:


the name of the girl standing at the gate.

Have you read the articles of the students who were with us yesterday.


a play of Comrade Li’s. some friends of my brother’s .


that performance of the teachers’ .


当of前面的名词有不定冠词、指示代词、疑问代词、不定代词或数词如 a, an, this, that, these, those, two, three, four, any, some, several, no, few ,another等修饰时,用双重所有格,双重所有格只用于表示人的名词并且都是特指的。

a poem of Lu Xun’s . a friend of his/hers .

Which novel of Dicken’s are you reading ?

some friends of my brothers’ .


the key to the door. keys to the exercises.

notes to the text answers to the question

tickets for the film//movie

a check for $1500. anyone else’s book.

the monument to the people’s heroes.

the entrance to the station//cinema

在现代英语中of属格大都可用 ’s 所有格代替。

* * * * * * * *

Choose the best answers:

1.It was a great _____for him to be pleasant to people he didn't like.

A.trouble. B.effort. C.sorrow. D.plan.

2.Although bought several years ago,the car is still in good _________.

A.situation. B.condition. C.standard D.position.

3.When you play football,what _____do you play?

A. situation. B. part C.position. D.place.

4.She is in a poor _____of health.

A.position B.situation. C.state D.condition.

5.Enough of it! Nobody here thinks what you are saying should make any _____.

A.value B.sense C. fun D.use.

6.Hundreds of people leave their village to seek their ________.

A. luck. B. chance C. future. D. fortune.

7.He spoke in such a ____as to cause them displeasure.

A.direction B.language. C.noise. D. manner.

8.The news that his sick fellow students was getting well and strong brought great ____________ to him.

A. comfort. B.courage. C.message D. friendship.

9.------How much did the coat cost ?

------Just five dollars. It's a real _______.

A.bargain B.suit. C.dress. D.goods.

10.-----Have you any _____ what this word means ?

-----Sorry, I don't know.

A.knowledge. B.opinion. C. expression. D. idea.

11.----Lin lin is very bright and studies very well.

----It's no _____he always gets the first place in any examination.

A.question. B.doubt. C. problem. D. wonder.

12.We have worked out the plan and now we must put it into _______.

A.fact. B.really. C.practice. D.deed.

13.These football players had no strict ______until they joined our club.

A.practice. B.education. C. exercise D.training.

14.If by any chance someone comes to see me, ask them to leave a ______.

A. message. B. letter. C. sentence D.notice.

15.As a _____ of fact, his success is due to his father.

A.thing. B.matter. C.reason D. result.

16.The ____of pulling down the old houses is to make room for a new highway.

A.purpose. B. meaning C.fact. D. use.

17.His name was on the _____of my tongue,but I just couldn't remember it.

A.end B.edge. C.tip. D. side.

18.It's the ____in this country to go out and pick flowers on the first day of spring. A.use. B.custom. C.habit. D. saying.

19. My car is being repaired, so I had no ________.

A.problem. B.way. C.transport. D.use.

20.-----What's your ________? -----I'm from France.

A.nation. B.nationality. C.counrty D.state.

21.On hearing the sound, the bird flew away in every ________.

A.way. B. path. C. place D. direction.

22.She let herself get into a _____before the examination began.

A.condition. B.situation. C.state. D.form.

23.----Can you guess how the ______,cat's paw, came into use ?

---- No, I can't guess it right.

A.sense. B.message. C.term. D. passage.

24.At last, we got to the top of the mountain, out of ________.

A.order. B. reach C. sign. D.breath.

25.Pop music is popular with many people, but it is not to everyone's ______.

A.manners. B. taste. C.share. D. smell.

26.---Does he have much _____in teaching English ?

----No,I didn't think so.He has taught it for just two years.

A.difficulty. B.base. C.faith. D. experience.

27.----Who told you about Dad's illness?

----The doctor in ________.

A.connection. B.turn. C. public. D. charge.

28.In order to make his story interesting, he took Charlie's case as an ______.

A. advice B. lesson. C. example. D. information.

29.It took him a lot of _____to swim across the river.

A.strength. B.force. C. power. D.breath.

30.I'd like to try that coat on, but I don't know if it is my _______.

A.shape. B.size. C. model. D. pattern.

31.We have missed the last bus, I'm afraid we have no _____ but to take a taix.

A.way. B.choice. C. possibility. D. selection.

32.The lift is out of _____, so we'll have to walk.

A.order.B.work. C.control. D.touch.

33.Unfortunately,he got hurt in the boating ______.

A.match. B. contest C. running. D. race.

34.You'll find this map of great _____in helping you to get round London.

A.price B. cost C. value D. usefulness.

35.Jane has a very good _______of foreign coins.

A.habit B.interest C.connection D.collection.

36.Give my _______ to your parents.

A.best wish B.regards C.loves D. hello

37.Food and ______are very important to us all.

A.clothes B.cloth C.clothing D.dress.

38.His firm supplied ________.

A.a kitchen equipment B.kitchen's equipment

C.kitchen equipments D.kitchen equipment

39.He is ____as manager but he doesn't become proud of his _____.

A.successful;success. B. success;success.

C.a success;success. D.success; successes.

40.He gained his ____by printing _____of famous writers.

A.wealth;work, B.wealths;works C.wealths;work D.wealth;works.

41.The storms did a lot of ______and caused some _______.

A.damage;death. B.damages;deaths. C.damage;deaths.D.damages;death.

42.The woman has ______that she is unable to get a job.

A.such a little education. B.so little education.

C.so few education. D.such little education.

43.If there were no examination,we should have _____at school.

A. the happiest time. B.a more happier time.

C.much happier time. D.a much happier time.

44.A lot of special _____have been used in this film.

A.technique B.techniques.C.technical D.technology.

45.The _____were covered with fallen ______.

A.roofs;leafs. B.roofs;leaves. C.rooves;leaves.D.rooves;leafs.

46.Would you mind giving him _______?

A.an advice B.an information C.a news D. a message

47.He has twenty ______on his farm.

A.cow. B.cattle. C.sheeps D. deers.

48._____ it is to have a cold drink on a hot day.

A.What a fun B.How fun C.What fun D.How a fun.

49.There are four ____at ______, waiting for his coming back.

A.John's;doctor's B.Johns;the doctors.

C.John's;doctor's. D. Johns; the doctor's

50.He dropped the ______and broke it.

A.cup of coffee. B.coffee's cup C.cup for coffee D.coffee cup.

51.We saw a lot of ____ in the field.

A.cow and sheep B.cows and sheeps.

C.cow and sheeps. D.cows and sheep

52.My _____all _____hard for the people.

A.family;work. B.family;works C.families;work D.families;works

53.After walking for two hours,we stopped to take ____rest.

A.a few minute's B.a few minutes'

C.ten minute's D. ten minutes

54.Is Mr Douglas a friend of ________?

A.your B.Jack C.your father's D. you

55.She broke a ______while she was washing up.

A.glass wine B.wine glass C.glass of wine D.wine's glass

56.He grabbed me ____and pulled me onto the bus.

A.on my arm B.on the arm C. by the arm D. by an arm

57.Dr. Jones ordered _____for the laboratory.

A.two equipments B.two pieces of equipments

C.two pieces of equipment D.two equipment pieces

58.Miss Smith is a friend of _________.

A. Mary's mother's B.Mary's mother.

C.Mother's of Mary. D. Mary mother's.

59._____rooms are both large and comfortable.

A.Jack's and Jane's B.Jack and Jane's

C.Jack's and Jane D.Jack and Jane.

60.Grandpa Li has two _______.

A.sons-in-laws B.sons-in-law C.son-in-law D.son-in-laws

61.Julie went to the ______ to buy a pair of shoes.

A.shoes store B.shoe's store C.shoe store D.shoe's stores.

62.The _____park will be closed next week.

A.children's B.childrens' C.children D. child

63.There are many _______ in this hospital.

A.woman doctors B.women doctors

C.women doctor D.doctor woman

64.The boys are _____, but the girls are __________.

A.Japaneses;German B. Japanese; German

C.Japaneses; Germen D. Japanese; Germen

65.Did you have this dress made at the ______around the corner ?

A.tailor's B.tailors C.tailors' D. tailor

66.One must always put ________ of the people before his own.

A.interesting B.interests C.the interests D. interest

67.Let me give you ________.

A.some advice. B.advices C. an advice D.the advice.

68."Have you traveled much ? " No, I have done _____traveling."

A. few B. little C. small D. less

69.Before we moved into the new house, we bought _______.

A.furnitures B.furniture C.pieces of furniture D.furniture pieces

70.Which do you prefer, _______ or ________?

A.potatos,tomatos B.potatos,tomatoes

C.potatoes,tyomatos D.potatoes.tomatoes

71.The _______of the cottage were covered with ___________.

A.roofs,leafs B.roofs,leaves. C.rooves,leafs D.rooves,leaves

72.This post card is sent by ___________.

A. a friend of my father. B.a friend of my father's

C.my father friend D.my father friend's

73.Is this the only ______ to achieve success ?

A.mean B.meanings C.meaning D.means.

74. I saw ____running about at the foot of the mountain.

A.a cattle. B.two cattles C.much cattle D.a head of cattle

75._______is standing at the corner of the street.

A. A police B.The police C. Police D. A policeman

76.I told about some of the terrible ______I had had in the war.

A.experience B.experiences C.experiencing D.experienced things.

77.What lovely ____ you have!

A. a hair B.hair C. hairs D. of hair

78.Look at ______that dog left on the chair.

A.hair B.hairs C.a hair D. the hairs

79.________was too much for the child to carry.

A.The steel's weight B. The weight of a steel.

C.The weight of the steel. D. Steel's weight.

80.Mr William has a ________son.

A.fourteen-years-old B.fourteen years

C.fourteen-years D.fourteeen-year-old

81.Darwin didn't mean to attack people's religious __________.

A.belief B.beliefs C.believes D. believe

82.The doctor asked Charlie to take a deep _________.

A.breathe B. breath C. breathing D. breathless

83. The tree is as tall as a _________ building.

A. ten-storey's B.ten-storeys C.ten-storey D.ten-storyed

84.I'd like to see your ________.

A. ten speed bicycles B.ten speeds bicycles

C.ten-speed-bicycle D. ten-speed bicycles

85.I hope Mr Brown will come in __________time.

A.two weeks B.two weeks' C. two-week' D.two weeks

86._______uncle is an engineer.

A.Tom's and Joan's B.Tom's and Joan

C.Tom and Joan's D. Tom and Joan.

87.When he got back, he was surprised to find _______broken.

A.the room window B. the room's window

C.the room of the window D.the window of the room.

88. This is ________reading-room.

A. the teacher's B.teacher's C. the teachers' D.teachers'

89.His work is better than ________.

A.anyone B.anyone else C.anyone's else D.anyone else's

90.Do call them __________.

A.apple's trees B.apples' trees C.apples trees D.apple trees

Keys to the nouns.

1----10. bbccb ddaad 11----20. dcdab acbcb

21----30. dccdb ddcab 31----40.badcd bcdcd

41----50. cbdbb dbcdd 51----60. dabcb ccaab

61----70.cabba cabcd 71----80. bbddd bbdcd

81----90. bccdb cdcdd
