直接引语与间接引语专练 (人教版高一英语下册教学论文)

发布时间:2016-6-6 编辑:互联网 手机版


I. 从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

1. He asked me ________ I would go to Beijing by air the next day.

A. that if B. if C. that whether D. how

2. -Joyce, please don’t open the window.


-I ______ open the window.

A. tell you don’t B. tell you not to

C. told you didn’t D. told you not to

3. He _____ they didn’t start early they wouldn’t catch the first bus.

A. said that if B. asked if

C. asked whether D. said that whether

4. He asked _______ for the violin.

A. did I pay how much

B. I paid how much

C. how much I paid

D. how much did I pay

5. The teacher asked us ______ so much noise. (北京2003)

A. don’t make B. not make

C. not making D. not to make

6. The doctor asked me what _______ with me.

A. is wrong B. wrong is C. was wrong D. wrong was

7. He asked the boy where _______.

A. his mother was B. was his mother

C. his mother is D. is his mother

8. They said at last that they _______ better start out at once.

A. had had B. had C. had been D. was

9. The teacher said that doubt _______ the key of knowledge.

A. were B. are C. was D. is

10. The actor said he _______ born in 1984.

A. was B. is C. be D. had been

II. 将下列直接引语变为间接引语,间接引语变为直接引语。

1. Mr. Stone said, “May I have a cup of tea?”

Mr. Stone ______________________.

2. The nurse said, “Let the children wash their hands themselves.”

The nurse ______________________.

3. My uncle said, “Do not open the window.”

My uncle _______________________.

4. John asked Mary, “ What do you know about the sea?”

John asked Mary ________________.

5. The teacher said, “The sun rises in the east and sets in the west.”

The teacher said that _____________.

6. The teacher told Tom to be careful with his pronunciation.


7. She asked me to open the door.


8. My mother advised me to have a good rest.


9. Peter asked me when I would leave Athens.


10. He asked me how I was getting along with my studies then.



I. 1-5 BDACD 6-10 CABDA

II. 1. Mr. Stone asked if / whether he might have a cup of tea.

2. The nurse suggested (that) the children (should) wash their hands themselves.

3. My uncle told us not to open the window.

4. John asked Mary what she knew about the sea.

5. The teacher said that the sun rises in the east and sets in the west.

6. The teacher said, “Be careful with your pronunciation, Tom.”

7. “Would you please open the door?” she asked.

8. “Why not have a good rest?” my mother said to me.

9. “When will you leave Athens?” Peter asked me.

10. He asked me, “How are you getting along with your studies now? ”
