Unit 9 重难点解析 (人教版高一英语下册教学论文)

发布时间:2016-2-9 编辑:互联网 手机版

Unit 9 重难点解析

1. Modern cellphones are more than just phones - they are being used as cameras and radios, and to send e-mail or surf the Internet.(Reading)

more than本意为“多于,超过”,可引申为“不仅仅;远不止;极其”。如:

They were more than willing to help.


She was more than frightened at the sight.


动词不定式短语to send e-mail...是跟在they are being used后面的。也就是说,这个句子应该是:They are being used to send e-mail or surf the Internet.

2. The latest cellphones have features such as games, music and an electronic calendar that will remind you about appointments and important dates.(Reading)

remind 作 “使……想起”解时,后可接of引起的短语或从句。如:

The story you have just told reminds me of an experience I once had.


That reminds me that I must write to him.


remind 作 “提醒”解时, 后可接带不定式的复合结构, 也可接of或about引起的短语, 还可接从句。如:

Remind him to close the windows when he leaves.


She asked me over the telephone to remind you about the party.


3. They are being used everywhere - sometimes where they shouldn’t.


句中are being used为现在进行时的被动语态;where引导的是一个地点状语从句,表示“在……的地方”;shouldn’t 的后面省略了be used, 以避免重复。如:

Put things where you can easily find them.


These words were said where they shouldn’t.

