The Whites are going on a trip next week(人教版高三英语下册教学论文)

发布时间:2016-9-22 编辑:互联网 手机版

b. The Whites are going on a trip next week.

16.the + adj表示一类人, 如: the rich富人, the poor, the wounded伤者

17.the用于表示语法名称的名词前, 如: the past tense, the past participle, the gerund

18.the用在地名或人名前, 指“与该地该人相似的地方或人”

a. He is the Edison of today.他是现代的爱迪生

b. Shanghai is the New York of China.上海就是中国的纽约

19.用在形容词only, very (正是,恰是), same (同样的)等之前用the

a. She is the only girl in the family.

b. That is the very book I’ve been looking for.

c. We go to the same school.

20.在一些固定结构中, the用在表人的身体部位的名词前

a. Tom beat him in the face.

b. He took the boy by the hand.

c. The farmer led the cow by the nose.

21.用在表年代, 朝代, 时代的名词前, 如: the Tang Dynasty, the Spring and Autumn period春秋时期, in the 30’s

22.the +比较级表示两者当中“较…的那个”

a. Who is the more beautiful of the two girls ?



a. The China ruled by the “gang of four” is gone. A new China will be born.

2.多个限定词修饰一个名词时, 冠词一般居于首位, 但少数结构特殊, 如: all / both / half + the + n.; such / quite / what + a(n) +adj.+ n.; so / how / too / as + adj + a(n) + n., 如: all the students, half the time, such a nice boy, quite a long time, what a good teacher, so nice a boy, too difficult a problem

第六章:介 词




a. What are you talking about ?

b. I read about it in today’s newspaper.

c. When I first saw you together, I was so happy about it.

d. You are entirely wrong about the whole matter.

e. He said he had to see me about something important.

f. I have no doubt about that.

②.在…周围, 围绕

a. There was a white fence about the house.

b. I went closer, and he put his arms about me.

③.在…范围内, 到处

a. After tea I wandered alone about the town.

b. He walked for three hours about the London street.

④.在…附近, 在身边

a. The streets about the park are very clean.

b. She likes to have her children about her.

⑤.在身上, 在身边

a. Do you have two hundred yuan about you ?

b. I happen to have a pencil about me.

⑥.词组或固定搭配: see about负责处理; set about开始着手做某事



a. The moon was now above the trees in the east.

b. The shelf should be six feet above the level of the floor.

②.在.. .之上, 比…高, 高于, 超过

a. The temperature was only a degree above zero.

b. He is a head above me.

c. Above 200 people were there when the fire broke out.

d. All children above six years of age must go to school.

③.词组或固定搭配: above all首先, 最重要的是


①.穿过, 跨过(从一边到另一边)

a. There is no bridge across the river.

b. He hurried across the bridge to Waterloo.

②.在(河, 街等的)另一边

a. The bus stop is just across the road.

b. Across the street was a café full of people.


a. He sat with his arms across the chest.

b. At one point the railway line goes across the road.

④.在…全境, 在…境内

a. There are hundreds of such shops across the country.

b. The measures are already taken in a few places across the United States.

⑤.词组或固定搭配: come acorss偶然碰到



a. What shall we do after graduation ?

b. He was still weak after his long illness.

c. After sending that letter I realized how stupid I was.

d. After having had twelve months’ practice, I decided to make one more effort.


a. He entered the room after his father.

b. He called after me three or four times.

③.照…的样子, 跟着

a. Will you please make the box after this model ?

b. The boy was named after his uncle.

④.词组或固定搭配: after all毕竟, 究竟; after dark天黑之后; be after想得到, 寻求, 追求; go after追求, 设法得到; look after照顾, 照看; one after another一个接一个地



a. I will speak against anything that I know to be wrong.

b. Many of the students are against the plan.

②.(表位置)靠着, 顶着, 迎着, 衬着

a. The piano stood against the wall.

b. He could hear the rain pattering against the windows.

c. The trees were black against the morning sky.

d. He struck her head against the branch of a tree.

③.预防, 防备, 准备…时用

a. We are all taking medicine against the disease.

b. They bought some warm clothes against the cold winter.

c. We have to save some money against old age.


a. He was elected by a majority of 20 votes against 10.

⑤.词组或固定搭配: against one’s will违反自己的意愿; go against违反, 不利于

六.along作介词的用法: 表示 “沿着”

a. They traveled along the west coast.

b. There are trees all along the river banks.


①.在…中间, 在…当中, 是…中间的一个

a. The great leader prefers to live among the working people.

b. Divide the money among the six of you.

c. The town lies among the mountains.

d. I was among the first to arrive.

e. Shelley is among the world’s greatest poets.

f. Paris is among the largest cities in the world.

②.(和反身代词等连用)相互间, 共同, 一起

a. They quarreled among themselves for half an hour.

b. The three boys discussed the matter among themselves.

c. Among them, they collected over a hundred pounds.



a. Jenkins was not at his office.

b. He had taken a job at a children’s hospital.

c. I live at 403, Brook Street.

d. The had left the luggage at the station.

e. Watson asked him to dinner at a restaurant.

f. Let’s meet at the entrance of the station.

g. The car is waiting at the gate.

h. The girl is at the window, looking out into the garden.

i. I met her at the end of the road.

j. I sat at the back of the room, the important people sat at the front of the room.

k. The post office is at the corner of the street.

l. Did you speak at the meeting ?

m. I met him at an evening party.

②.在(某一个时刻, 时候, 时期等)

a. Dinner was at one o’clock.

b. At the present moment he is supposed to be in Paris.

c. At noon there was still no news.

d. He worked in the daytime, and at night he went to the night school.

e. At the end of the year there was a great deal to do.

f. Cyril was born in 1874 at Christmas.

g. At that time he was in his middle sixties.

h. At this time of year it didn’t get dark until nine o’clock.

i. The railway was being built at that period.

③.向, 对(表示动作的方向或目标)

a. I wish you’d come and look at my drawing.

b. Old Mr. Smith stared at his youngest son.

c. He shot at the bear but missed.

d. Then three policemen rushed at him.

④.为, 对于(表示引起某种情绪的原因)

a. He looked surprised at seeing us.

b. He was very angry at losing the game.

c. Sophia was very delighted at the chance.

d. He felt glad at what the teacher had said.

e. They were overjoyed at his return to work.

f. The whole nation was in deep sorrow at his death.


a. He was writing the story at the request of his teacher.

b. All theatres were closed at the command of the government.


a. The country was at war for 6 years in the 1920s.

b. They were at their meal when the phone rang.

c. He was at his work until late into night.


a. She is quite clever at drawing.

b. He is an expert at repairing.

⑧.表示价格, 数量, 速度等

a. I had a small room, at a cost of fifteen cents per night.

b. He sells the cloth at a dollar a meter.

c. The car is running at its top speed.

d. They are working at top speed to develop a new printing machine.

⑨.词组或固定搭配: at a time一次; not…at all一点也不; at all costs不惜一切代价; at any rate不管怎样; at first sight乍一看, 一见面; at heart在内心里; at last最后, 终于; at least至少; at most至多; at once马上, 立刻; at present目前, 现在; at the same time同时; at the top of one’s voice高声地; at times有时候, 间或; at work在工作, 起作用; at worst在最坏情况下



a. He sat before the fire to warm herself.

b. I will not have you talking that way before the children.


a. It began to rain just before midnight.

b. He had come to Europe before the outbreak of the war.

c. He waited a little while before making up his mind.

d. Before entering, Holmes made an examination of the door.

③.词组或固定搭配: before long不久, 一会儿之后; before ( one’s ) time提前, 早到


①.在…后面, 到…后面

a. There is a garden behind the house.

b. The dog was running behind its master’s bicycle.

c. We could feel the threat behind all they said.

d. He was behind the others in ability.


a. New York is twelve hours behind Peking in time.

b. He arrived at the office ten minutes behind me.

③.词组和固定搭配: behind the times过时, 跟不上时代; behind time晚了, 晚点

十一.below作介词的用法: 表示 “在…以下, 在…下面”

a. The temperature is below freezing.

b. Miners work below the surface of the earth.



a. He was sitting beside her.

b. The house is beside the river.


a. His work seems poor beside yours.

b. Beside last year’s results, the number for this year have fallen.

十三.besides作介词的用法: 表示 “除了”

a. I think there are nine pounds left, besides come pennies.

b. Twelve students passed the exam besides Jim.


①.在…之外, 在…的那一边(更远处)

a. The house is beyond the bridge.

b. The sun sets beyond the distant hills.

②.超出(能力, 范围等)

a. The noisy child is beyond her control.

b. The stars in the sky are beyond number.

c. To do this was quite beyond my ability.

d. He was beyond the help of the doctor.

e. This is much too expensive beyond my income.

f. The car was damaged beyond the hope of repair.

g. That is going beyond joke.


a. I shall not stay beyond half an hour.

b. There weren’t beyond twenty people present.

④.到…以后, 比…晚

a. Don’t stay there beyond midnight.

b. He never sees beyond the present.


①.表示 “除去, 除开”, 多和nothing, not anything, nobody, nowhere, who, all等连用, 可以接名词, 代词, 介词短语, 形容词, 不定式等

a. I never saw him reading anything but newspaper.

b. Nobody else but Robert could ever say such a thing.

c. Everyone has knows it but you.

d. Put it anywhere but on the floor.

e. You can find that sort of thing nowhere but in England.

f. She looks anything but well.

g. She was anything but pleased when he heard this.

h. We had no choice but to wait.

i. He wanted nothing but to stay there with her.

j. I did nothing but ( to ) write a letter this evening.

②.词组和固定搭配: but for…要不是…(句子谓语多用虚拟语气)

a. But for the rain we should have had a pleasant journey.

b. But for his help, I would not have finished the work in time.

c. But for the storm, we should have arrived earlier.


①.在…旁边, 从…旁边(经过)

a. I sat down just by the corner.

b. I put the vase back on the table by the window.

c. He walked by the others without looking at them.

②.通过, 经由, 取道

a. He rose quickly and went out by another door.

b. I shall return possibly by Dublin.

③.在(某时)前, 到…时为止

a. By last Friday we had stayed here for more than ten days.

b. By that time she’d have thought out a plan.

c. By next Friday I will have finished the work.

d. By then he was more than fifty years of age.

e. I will be back by three.


a. Are all these good made by machine ?

b. He was punished by the teacher for being late.

c. Have you read that novel by Shirley ?

⑤.表示手段或方式, 可译为 “通过…, 用…, 以…, 按照…”

a. Judged by what he is wearing, he is very rich.

b. Judging by the smell, the food must be very good.

c. It is nine o’clock by my watch.

d. By helping them we are helping to save ourselves.

e. He taught himself to play the violin by practising all night

f. Shall I send it by post ?


a. I came here by bus.

b. I returned to town by train.

c. She called him up by telephone to thank him.

d. This kind of shoes are made by hand.

⑦.和seize, take, hold等动词连用, 说明接触身体的哪一部分

a. She seized the child by the collar.

b. He took the child by the hand.

c. He came forward and shook me by the hand.

d. The man grabbed him by the arm.


a. These cigarettes are sold by weight.

b. Sugar is sold by the pound, and petrol by the gallon.

c. These workers are paid by the week.

d. He buys them by the dozen.

e. I rent the house by the year.


a. We lost the match by one goal.

b. He is older by five years than John.

c. The water level has risen by 2 meters as a result of the heavy rain.

⑩.表示尺寸, 距离等, 相当于 “乘以”

a. I want a piece of paper 3 inches by 5 inches.

b. This room is forty feet by twenty.

⑩.词组和固定搭配: by accident偶然地; by chance偶然地, 碰巧; by means of借助于, 靠; by mistake出于误会, 弄错了; by oneself单独地, 独立地; by the way顺便说; by turns轮流; learn by heart记熟; one by one一个接一个地; little by little一点点地; side by side并肩地, 并排地;



a. Together we walked down the stairs.

b. The boats sail up and down the river.


a. I was walking down the street when he called me from behind.

b. They walked down the path for half an hour before they got to the lake.

十八.during作介词的用法: 表示 “在一段时间内, 在某时期内”

a. He swims every day during the summer.

b. I have seldom seen her during this year.

c. Only two trains left during the morning.

d. Not a word did they say during the meal.

e. He kept silent all the time during the discussion.

十九.except作介词的用法: 表示 “除去, 除了”, 可以接名词, 代词, 介词短语, 不定式, 从句

a. Everybody is against the plan except you.

b. We go there every day except Sunday.

c. He seldom went anywhere except to his office.

d. I looked everywhere except in the bedroom.

e. I can take my holidays at any time except in August.

f. It had no effect except to make him angry.

g. He will do anything except ( to ) lend you money.

h. This suit fits me well except that the trousers are too long.

i. He has no special fault except that he smokes too much.

j. He never came to see me except when he was in trouble.



a. He would do anything for her.

b. He great writer wrote for his own people.

c. Robert is there to get material for a new book.

d. He had an operation for a heart disease.

e. The money is for buying food for the party.

f. They went for a holiday by the Black Sea.

g. He asked his father for a computer on his birthday.

②.因为, 由于

a. France is famous for its wines.

b. I am ashamed of myself for not having written a letter to you.

c. I am so sorry for what I said to you the other day.

d. When he saw the exam results he wept for joy.


a. You are too old for the kind of work you are doing.

b. He had much respect for Mr. Smith.

④.供…用的, 给…的

a. Do you have a seat for me ?

b. There is no more room for such a bag at the back of the car.

c. Here is your letter for you.

⑤.就…来说, 作为…来说

a. It is quite warm tonight for February.

b. The weather was very cold for the time of the year.

c. For so young a man he has experienced so much.


a. Nobody is willing to work for nothing.

b. I sold the house for 100 dollars.

c. I paid more than 600,000 yuan for the house.

d. Can you give me change for a pound ?


a. Most of the rooms of this building are used for offices.

b. Do you take me for a fool ?

c. I had meat for supper.


a. I will leave for Shanghai tomorrow.

b. He is to start for San Fancisco in couple of days.


a. For five years Smith had lived alone at Danvers Street.

b. For miles and mile you see nothing but trees.

c. Her temperature has been normal for the last five weeks.

⑩.赞成, 主张, 支持

a. Most people in the town are for the plan of the government.


a. For every sunny day there are four sunny ones.

b. For fourteen students who passed the exam there was only one who didn’t.


a. It would be best for you to write to him soon.

b. For such an old man to run fast is dangerous.

c. The best thing will be for me to go home and settle everything now.

d. What I want is for you to talk with me for a while.

e. I’ve got some good books for your to read.

f. There was nowhere else for me to go.

g. He opened the door and stood beside for her to pass.

③.词组或固定搭配: for certain / sure肯定地, 确切地, 有把握地; for fear of唯恐, 担心; for oneself为自己, 替自己; for sale供出售; for short简称; for the purpose of为…的目的; for the moment一时间, 暂时; for the present就现在来说, 暂时; for the time being暂时; take…for…认为…是…; 把…当作…


①.从…, 由…, 来自…, 从…来

a. The sound came from the kitchen.

b. I heard them calling me from below.

c. I saw you that day from across the street.

d. He took a knife from under the pillow.

e. A car came along from behind me.

f. Lunch is from eleven to two.

g. Three weeks from today is our holiday.

h. He received a great deal of praise from his classmates.

i. This has taken a load from my mind.

j. Light comes from the sun.

k. Someone from the police station wants to see you.


a. The town is sixty miles from London

b. It is only a few steps from here to the post office.

③.由于, 因…

a. We are all weak from hunger now.

b. I have got dark rings under my eyes from lack of sleep.

④.(阻止)使不做某事, (保护)使不受…(之害)

a. Stop the boy from destroying the flowers.

b. There was nothing to prevent her from going back to London.

c. He saved the boy from the fire.

d. The shed will protect us from the rain.

e. Insurances protect us from great losses.

⑤.和…(不同), 和…(有区别)

a. He is quite different from his brother in character.

b. Can you tell one twin from the other ?

⑥.从…(判断), 根据…

a. From his appearance, you wouldn’t think he was old.

b. From what John told me, they’re very rich.

⑦.词组和固定搭配: from bad to worse越来越糟, 每况愈下; from beginning to end从头至尾; from head to foot从头到脚, 全身; from morning till night从早到晚; from now on从现在起; from then on从那时起; from the bottom of one’s heart打心眼里, 衷心地; from time to time不时地; from top to bottom整个地, 彻底地



a. The last time we met was in New Zealand.

b. They took him to hospital in the car.

c. What is in the newspaper today ?

d. Her mother was always in her mind.

e. I threw it in the wastepaper basket.

f. He was born in 1980 in Genoa.

g. An hour in the morning is worth two in the evening.

h. Rome was not built in a day.

②.在(一段时间)之后, 与将来时连用

a. I will come round in a day or two.

b. She is going up to London in three days’ time.


a. They are now in a painful situation.

b. The tigers are in danger.

c. He was obviously in good health.

d. The poor girl is in tears.

e. The baby is in a beautiful sleep.

f. John is in a bad temper.

g. Are you in doubt about it ?

h. “ How do you come to know it ?” I asked in surprise.

i. He waited in anxiety for the report.

j. She shut her eyes in fear.

k. We went on our way in great happiness.

l. We sat in silence, looking to the sea.

m. It must be done in a hurry.

n. He sat there, deep in thought.

④.有某种特征, 性质等

a. He was in his early twenties.

b. This kind of products are in great demand.

c. The chairs were in the newest style.

d. The letter was all in French.


a. She is in a white coat today.

b. She was dressed in white like a nurse.


a. The meeting was in progress at that time.

b. He was in conversation with the manager when I called.

⑦.在…方面, 在…上

a. He has changed a lot in appearance over the past few years.

b. The theory won’t work in practice.

c. He was about five feet in height.

d. In some things you must trust your elders.

e. They are quite reasonable in price.

f. They had no difficulty in finding his house.

g. He was active in taking part in the activity.

⑧.用…, 以…

a. He told us about his idea in simple English.

b. A message was written in pencil on the door.

c. He paid me in dollars for the work.

d. The room is painted in bright colours.

⑨.在…过程中, 在…时

a. In doing we learn.

b. He fell into despair in doing so.

⑩.词组和固定搭配: in a sense从某个意义上说; in advance事前, 在前头; in all总共, 总的说来; in any case不管怎样; in case of…要是, 如果, 以防; in detail详细地; in general一般地说; in one’s opinion在…看来; in other words换言之; in person亲自, 本人; in public公开地; in short / in a word总之; in spite of尽管; in the course of在…过程中; in the end最后; in the least一点儿; in the meantime与此同时; in time及时地; in turn轮流;


①.进入, 到里面

a. Come into town with me and hear a concert.

b. A look of joy came into his eyes.

c. He wouldn’t allow her into the house.

d. I looked out of the window into the street.

②.(时间)持续到, 进行到

a. They discussed their plan all day and far into the night.

b. The war lasted into this century.


a. When it is boiled, water changes into steam.

b. Can you translate the letter into English for me ?


a. All the children burst into laughter.

b. She burst into tears when she heard the news.

c. I must put the theory into practice.

⑤.分为(若干块, 份等)

a. The dish broke into many pieces.

b. The cake is divided into three parts.

⑥.look into了解, 调查; run into遇到; 撞上;


①.表示 “像”

a. The sky was like ink over my head.

b. Bobby and I are like brothers.

c. You are just like what I expected.

d. The pen doesn’t look like mine.

e. We got on together like old friends.

f. She has been working like a horse for so many years.

g. We do not want any winters like the last one.

②.词组和固定搭配: feel like想要

二十五.near作介词的用法: 表示 “接近, 靠近”

a. Don’t stand so near the train.

b. We are a little nearer the end of our journey.

c. Come and sit near me.

d. His opinion is very near my own.

e. Your answer is very near the right one.

f. Are you near the end of the book ?


①.表示所有关系, 即 “…的”

a. I am an old friend of his father.

b. This is a custom of the country.

c. Do you know anything of this new novel of Carlson’s.


a. They were both of middle height.

b. The manager is of the same opinion.

c. The work I am doing is of much value.

d. It is of no use to talk to him about it.

e. He was a person of wide social relationships.

f. He looked to be a young man of twenty.

g. I am used to dealing with matters of this sort.

h. Do you think a play of this length is too long for a magazine ?

③.和某些动词连用, 意思接近about

a. They began to talk of Paris.

b. He told his parents of what he had been doing.

c. Please inform Mary of the decision.

④.和某些形容词连用, 表示 “对于, 因为”

a. What are you afraid of ?

b. He was tired of doing things of this kind.

c. We are proud of our motherland.

d. You ought to be ashamed of yourself.


a. I am going to buy a packet of cigarettes.

b. They drank a pot of China tea.

c. There are millions of flowers in the park.

⑥.和一名词连用, 表示同位关系

a. The city of Shanghai lies at the mouth of the Yangtze River.

b. He was at the town of Holborn.

⑦.和某些动词连用, 表示 “使失掉, 摆脱掉”这类意思

a. I was robbed of my watch on the way home.

b. He could not break himself of the bad habit.

c. No medicine can cure him of the disease.

⑧.词组和固定搭配: be made of由…制成; die of死于; of one’s own will自愿地, 主动地; think much of认为好, 评价高


①.从…上下来, 脱离…(相当于down from或away from)

a. The picture fell off the wall.

b. The man jumped off the horse.

c. She was knocked off the bike in the street.


a. Green peas is now off the menu.

b. The ship was blown off its course.

c. What he said was off the subject.


a. They lived in a little house off Harbor Street.

b. There is a petrol station just off the main road.

④.词组和固定搭配: off balance失去平衡; off duty不上班, 下班



a. Let us sit on the grass.

b. The boat was floating on the water.

c. Her apartment is on the 14th floor.

d. A policeman on the street corner saw him and followed him.

e. He couldn’t keep his mind on his work.


a. She would come on Tuesday.

b. I plan to leave London on the evening of the 19th.

c. A party was held on New Year’s Eve.

d. On this occasion he said nothing.

③.在…时, 在…之后(此动作一发生, 另一动作立即发生, 相当于as soon as)

a. I shall write to him on hearing from him.

b. On his stepping out of the taxi he was seized by two men.

c. The boys stood up on the entrance of the teacher.

d. On his return he set to work in earnest.


a. He had come on a visit to England.

b. The manager is now on holiday.

c. I had to see a man in the city on business.

d. They are passing through London on their honeymoon.

⑤.说明状态, 处境等

a. She was on night duty in the hospital.

b. The workers are on strike.

c. Now I am on a rather difficult piece of work.

d. The show is on the air at six o’clock.

⑥.关于..., 对…, 就…

a. I want to speak to you on a very serious subject.

b. The editor asked me to write on unemployment.

c. Have you read the book on the birds of the world ?

d. He will give a speech on modern jazz.

⑦.靠…(生活等), 用…(喂等)

a. They lived mostly on vegetables from their garden.

b. He finds it difficult to live on his salary.

c. He went around the world on the money his aunt gave him.


a. Don’t be hard on the child.

b. His father had a great influence on his career.

⑨.词组和固定搭配: on one’s own独立地; on the left / right在左边/右边; on time准时


①.在…上方, 从…上方(经过)

a. A lamp was hanging over the table.

b. The airplane flew over the house.


a. Spread a cloth over the table.

b. He spread a handkerchief over his face to keep the flies off.

c. He folded his arms over his chest.

③.从…上面(越过, 跳过等)

a. If we can’t go over the mountain we must go around it.

b. The car run over a dog and killed it.

c. The cat jumped over the table and landed safely.

④.在(某问题)上, 对于(某事)

a. We quarreled a lot over politics.

b. It is no use crying over spilt milk.

c. She wept over the death of her dog.

⑤.经过(一段时间), 过完(一段时间)

a. Great progress has been made over the past ten years.

b. You had better stay over Tom’s birthday.

c. Are you staying in London over Christmas ?

⑥.超过, 比…多

a. The population of this town is over two million.

b. He stayed in London for over a month.



a. John threw the ball past the catcher.

b. He slowly walked past the house.

②.(时间)过去, 过后

a. It is a quarter past three.

b. She is a woman far past her youth.

③.超过, 比…多, 比…更远

a. The hospital is about a mile past the school.

b. John was past eighteen when his father passed away.


①.在周围, 向周围, 环绕, 围绕

a. The family got round the table for dinner at six.

b. Tie the belt round your waist.

c. The spaceship traveled round the earth in 40 minutes.


a. I spent an hour going round the school.

b. I walked round the centre of the town after supper.

c. Let me show you round the house.

③.大约…, 在…前后, 在…左右

a. I suggest that we go to Beijing round Christmas.

b. They arrived round 5 o’clock.

④.绕过, 在…背后

a. They had to drive round the fallen tree.

b. The car is round the back of the house.

⑤.词组和固定搭配: all round到处; round the clock昼夜不停地; round the corner在拐弯处


①.从…中通过, 穿过

a. The sunlight was coming in through the window.

b. She led the soldiers through the forest.

c. We walked through the village.

②.在(整段时间)中, 一直到

a. He worked through the night.

b. Shops are open in this city from Monday through Friday.

c. I will be there on holiday through August.

③.经受, 经历

a. He had been through hard times when he was forty.

b. He has been through a long illness.

④.(表示方式, 途径, 手段)通过

a. We learn to speak through speaking.

b. He became rich through hard work and ability.

c. We heard about it through some friends.

⑤.(表原因)由于, 因为…的关系

a. He became ill through eating too much.

b. You are tired ? That comes through working too hard.

c. He lost his job through his own stupidity.

⑥.从头到尾, 贯穿, 遍及

a. We traveled through England visiting many old towns.

b. The news spread through the crowd.

c. She read through the magazine very quickly.

⑦.词组和固定搭配: get through通过, 度过; go through经历; 检查, 查看; look through浏览, 匆匆看


①.到(某处, 某时或某程度), 向(某方向)

a. Kurt has never been to Paris before.

b. He showed me to the place.

c. The entrance exam to high school began on Monday.

d. I didn’t stay to the end of the meeting.

e. Lanny told us about his visit to Germany.

f. He worked from midday to 4 o’clock.

②.(表示动作对象)对, 向, 给

a. Did you ever mention this to him ?

b. Give my love to John and the children.

c. I have finished my introduction to the book.

d. The exhibition will be open to the public from 10 a.m. until 6 in the afternoon.

③.对于…, 对…来说

a. He is always polite to people.

b. None of the thing you said is new to me.

c. To him this was a great progress.


a. He tore the letter to pieces.

b. The man was kicked to death by the wild horse.


a. He is junior to me.

b. Compared to his sister, she isn’t pretty.

c. We won the game by three goals to two.


a. Have you got the key to this lock ?

b. Have you found the answer to the question ?

⑦.挨近, 靠近, 帖近

a. He raised the cup to his lips.

b. He put his ear to the door.


a. They were dancing to the music for a whole night.

b. He sang to his guitar.

⑨.词组和固定搭配: amount to合计; devote…to…把…用于…; drink to为…干杯; face to face面对面地; to one’s feet站起身, 跳起身; to one’s surprise令某人惊奇的是; to the contrary相反; to the point中肯, 切中要害


①.向(某方向), 朝着

a. The stranger came towards me.

b. The house faces towards the hills.

c. When we last saw the car it was travelling towards London.

②.向(某个目标), 为了(某目的)

a. He is taking courses towards a doctor’s degree.

b. The money will go towards a holiday.

c. They are saving towards a new house.


a. I can’t feel angry towards him; I like him too much.

b. His attitude towards his son is very strange.


a. There was a storm towards evening.

b. It is getting on towards the end of the term now.

c. He must be getting on towards fifty.



a. Edna sat very still under the trees.

b. He had a picture book under his arm.

②.在…(管辖, 照顾等)之下

a. Nearly fifty workers are working under the manager.

b. We learned a great deal under his teaching.

③.不到, 少于

a. All the children here are under seven.

b. Under 100 people are present for the show.

④.在…的过程中, 正在经受

a. I can’t use my office at present; it is under repair.

b. The subject is under discussion.

⑤.根据(协议, 法律等)

a. Under this agreement, he is permitted to return to his own country.

b. The soldiers acted under orders.

⑥.词组和固定搭配: under…conditions在…情况下; under the care of…在…的照顾下; under the influence受到影响



a. The bus climbed steadily up the road.

b. The cat climbed up the tree.


a. There was a workman up the ladder when it fell.

b. His office is up the stairs.

c. The cat is up the tree.

③.词组和固定搭配: up and down来回



a. My parents are living with me now.

b. I saw you with him the other night at the Opera.

c. I won’t argue with you.

d. I have so much in common with him.

e. They are in love with each other.


a. By all means take your daughter with you.

b. I am sorry I haven’t any money with me.

c. He has left a number of his books with me.


a. The nurse is very patient with me.

b. Be careful with the glass.

c. You are still angry with me, aren’t you ?

d. I am very pleased with my small daughter.

④.用…, 以…

a. I managed to beat the dog away with a stick.

b. You can’t wish to kill all your birds with one stone.

c. He was received with open arms.

⑤.因为, 由于…

a. Her eyes shone with pleasure.

b. The poor man was trembling with fear.

c. He jumped with great joy.

⑥.有, 带有

a. Who is that girl with yellow hair and dark eyes ?

b. Do you know the gentleman with glasses ?

c. It is a country with many big cities.

⑦.表示状态, 境况等

a. He went home with a heavy heart.

b. They are working with great courage.

c. He looked around her with surprise.

d. Her eyes flashed with anger.

e. He was asleep with his head on his arms.

f. All the afternoon he worked with the door locked.

g. Smith fell asleep with the light still burning.

h. With winter coming on, it is time to buy warm clothes.

i. I found him lying on his bed with all his clothes on.

j. With nothing to do, I went on a round of the bookshops.


a. With some people, pleasure is more important than work.

b. Everything is getting on well with me.

c. Smoking is a habit with me.


a. The feeling had deepened with the passing of the years.

b. Temperature changes with the time of the year.

⑩.同意, 赞成, 支持

a. We are with you in theory.

b. Are you with me in thinking the plan is a good one ?



a. They were within shouting distance.

b. All was quiet within the house.

c. The farmhouse is within five miles from here.


a. I shall be back within an hour.

b. The roof should be repaired within two days.

c. He died within a few days of his hundredth birthday.


a. He could feel deep disappointment within him.

④词组和固定搭配: within limits在...限度内; with reach够得着, 能得到

三十九.without作介词的用法: 表示 “没有, 不”

a. Without a word he left the room.

b. He looked at me without expression.

c. He had advised her to come without delay.

d. There is no fire without some smoke.

e. She oughtn’t to go off like that without telling me.

f. Without waiting for any reply, he left the room.

g. Nobody can speak English without making mistakes.

h. His face was without expression.


1. this / that / next / last / yesterday / tomorrow / one / every / each / some / any / all +表示时间的名词时, 其前不用介词on或in等表示在这一时间里

a. They are planning to visit China next year.

b. I received a letter from him yesterday morning.

c. Each morning he would get up early and walk in the woods.

d. He worked deep into night every day.

2.on / in表时间的区别:

①.表示在具体的某一天用介词on, 如: on Tuesday, on September 29th; 表示在上午, 下午, 中午, 晚上一般应用介词in, 但表示在具体的某一天或有具体某特征的某一天的上午, 下午, 中午, 晚上用介词on, 如: on the morning of our sports meet, on the afternoon of the rainy day.

②.表示在某假日时, 如果假日是具体的日子, 则用介词on, 如果指的是 “时节”, 则要用at, 如: at the weekend, at Christmas, at Midsummer, at Easter在复活节

2.since / for表时间时的区别: since后接表示起点时间的词; for后接表示段时间的词

a. I have been living here since 1972.

b. I have lived here for 32 years. / after在表示“在(一段时间)之后”时, in常与将来时连用; after常与过去时连用

a. The doctor will be here in ten minutes.

b. He said he would be back in a few days.

c. He came back after two hours.

4.表示在“某街道”时, 其前有门牌号时, 介词用at; 不标明门牌号时, 英国英语用in, 美国英语用on

a. My uncle lives at 105 Beijing street.

b. She lives in / on Wuyi Street.

5.表示 “穿过”时, across表示动作在表面或近似表面上进行, through表示动作在空间里进行

a. The old man came across the street himself.

b. They went through the forest three days later.

6.表示相对方位时, in表示在内部, to表示在外部, on表示接壤

a. Japan is to the east of China.

b. The Pacific is on the east of China.

c. Shanghai is in the east of China.

7.表示 “在…上, 在…下时”, on / beneath表示与表面接触, over / under表示不与表面接触, 垂直在上或在下, above / below表示不与表面接触, 在上或在下, 不一定垂直

a. The boy is standing on the table.

b. Put some straw beneath the carpet.

c. Now the bridge is under the plane.现在桥在飞机的正下方

d. All the fields are below the plane.

8.among用于表示三者之间, between用于表示两者之间, 或三者以上的 “两两之间”

a. The distance between Beijing and Taiyuan is about 500 kilometers.

b. I found them among the crowd.

9.在throw / shout等词后, 用at表示 “对准…目标”, 用to单纯表示动作的方向

a. The hunter shot at the bear but missed.

b. He pointed to the door and shouted, “ Out !”

10.表示 “用…”时, with与表示工具的名词连用, in与表示材料, 语言, 嗓音等的词连用

a. Please write the article with a pen.

b. Please write the article in ink.

c. Please say it in English.

d. He said it in a loud voice.

11.on / about表示 “关于”时的区别: on一般用于比较大或涉及比较广深的问题, 比较正式; 而about用于表示一般的问题

a. This is a little story about a little hero.

b. He will give us a talk an DNA.
