适用于高二或高三各期 (人教版高考复习英语下册教学论文)

发布时间:2016-6-11 编辑:互联网 手机版




1. She must be in the office.

事实:She is in the office.

反意疑问: isn’t she?

2. He must go by bus.

事实:He goes by bus.

反意疑问: doesn’t he?

3. You must have seen the film last week.

事实:You saw the film last week.

反意疑问: don’t you?

4. They must have been here yesterday.

They were here yesterday.

反意疑问: weren’t they?

5. He must have waited here for a long time.

事实:He has waited here for a long time.

反意疑问: hasn’t he?

6. You must have been to the USA.

You have been to the USA.

反意疑问: haven’t you?


1. Look, the road is wet. It must have rained last night, ________?

2. You must be a teacher, _______?

3. They must have finished the work, __________?

4. Why isn’t he here? He must have missed the train, ________?

5. Her eyes are red. She must have cried, _________?

Keys: 1. didn’t it 2. aren’t you 3. haven’t they 4. didn’t he 5. didn’t she
