巧 学 妙 记 一 句 通 (人教版高三英语下册教学论文)

发布时间:2016-8-17 编辑:互联网 手机版

巧 学 妙 记 一 句 通

1.In a fair morning the fair professor who is fairly fair to his students met a fair lady and told her fair that he was going to attend a book fair.

在一个晴朗的早晨,那为对他的学生非常 公平的 白肤金发 的教授遇见了一位漂亮的女子,并彬彬有礼地告诉她他将要参加一个书展.


2.Dr Li is patient with his patients. 李大夫对那个病人很耐心

析: patient用作名词, 是可数名词,意为 “病人” 。 用作形容词,意为 “忍耐的, 容忍的” , “对某事有耐心”用be patient of sth. , “对某人有耐心”用 be patient with sb.

3.Rose rose from her seat to reach for the rose.


析:第一个rose 是人名,第二个rose 是rise 的过去式,第三个rose是“玫瑰花”

4.The electricity board men put up a broad board saying “ FRIENDS FROM ABROAD, GO BOARD BUS HERE”

电力部的人竖了一个大 牌子, 上面写着: “来自国外的朋友, 在这儿上车.”

析:board用作副词和介词,意为“搭乘(船、列车,飞机,公共汽车),用作名词,意为“木板,餐桌,膳食,委员会,会议” 也可指“(煤炭、煤气、电力、卫生的)部(局)”。broad 意为“宽大的”,强调幅面的宽。abroad常用作副词,意为“在(到)国外”可与介词from 连用。

5.---Is there a contents in this book? ---这本书里有目录吗?

---No , but we are well content with its content.

---没有, 但我们对其内容很满意.

析: content用作形容词, 属表语形容词, 不用作定语, 与worth一样不能用very 修饰, 用well 修饰。 用作名词,作 “目录”解, 须以复数的形式出现, 表示”内容, 容纳的东西”时, 常用复数形式. 作 “题材, 内容, 要旨”解, 属不可数名词.

6.The owner no longer owned their own car.

主人再也不拥有 自己的车了.

析:owner是名词,意为“所有者,拥有者” 。own用作动词,意为“拥(持)有;承认”。用作形容词,意为“自己的”常以one’s own 的形式出现。of one’s own “自己的”常作后置定语, on one’s own“独自,靠自己”起形容词和副词的作用,如:He runs a factory on his own.他独自经营一家工厂。

7.She bit a bit of apple and it tasted bitter.

她咬了一小块苹果, 但苹果吃起来很苦.

析:第一个bit是bite ( 咬、叮) 的过去式,第二个bit是名词,意为“一点,一小块” , bitter意为“苦的”另外,hot辛辣的 , sour酸的, salty 咸的salt, sweet甜的.

8. The insurance company has paid damages for the damage.

保险公司已经支付了这次损失 的赔偿金

析:damage作“损害,损失”解,属于不可数名词,常与介词to搭配,如:Frost cause heavy damage to the crops. 作“赔偿金(款)”解,要以复数的形式出现。

9. “ Mr. Wang is in charge of the class” means “ The class is in the change of Mr. Wang.”

王先生负责这个班, 意思是说这个班由王先生负责.

析: in change of表示主动意义,“负责、掌管……” 相当于have / take the charge of ,in the charge of 表示被动意义,“由某人来负责/ 掌管”

10. The meat we ate for dinner was mutton , which is the flesh of sheep


析:flesh指人和动物身上的肉, 也可只供食用兽类的肉, 与动物名词连用, meat 食用动物的肉的总称(pork , beef , mutton )不包括鱼类和家禽.

11. ---why did you fire Tom?你为什么要解雇汤姆?

-----Because he set fire to a house and tried to fired at me.


析:fire用作动词,意为“解雇;开火”,用作名词,意为“火”,常构成:set fire on sb / to sth(放火),take / catch fire (=begin to burn) “着火,开始燃烧”,on fire(=burning)“着火,失火”

12.---Dunhuang in China was once a great city. Have you been there?

敦煌曾经是一个大城市。 你去过那儿吗?

---I have there only once. Once you go there, you’ll never forget it and you’d like to go

there once more.

我只去过那儿一次, 你一旦去了那儿, 你就永远忘不了, 并且还想去

析:once 用作副词,意为“曾经, 从前, 一度”常用于一般过去时或过去完成时, 作“一次”解,常用于一般现在时、一般过去时、一般将来时、现在完成时或过去完成时。用作连词,意为“一旦”相当于if ever , as soon as . 另外once还可作名词,意为“一次, 一回”如: once is enough for him. 作形容词,意为“曾一度的,从前的” 如:I am a once friend of his我是他从前的朋友。构成短语:once more / again(再一次) once and again(再三地) once in a while(偶尔) at once(立刻;同时) all at once(突然) more than once(常常地) once upon a time.(从前)

13. She looked around and saw around ten people sitting around a round table.

她环顾四周, 看见大约有10个人坐在一张小圆桌周围

析:around 和round均可用作介词和副词,意为“在周围,环绕,朝(向)周围;大约”之意,round多用于美国英语中。round 还可作形容词,意为“圆的,球形的,丰满的,直率的,严厉的”

14. Year after year , they plant young trees, and the young trees grow taller year by year. 他们每年植小树, 这些小树逐年长高

析: year after year 意为” 每年, 年复一年” 表示每年的重复. year by year 意为 “一年一年地, 逐年”表示逐年的转变.

15. He came here specially to see you , especially after he heard that you returned from abroad. 他专程来看你, 特别是他听说你从海外归来后.

析:表示”专门地, 特意地” 时,只用specially。 表示 “ 尤其是, 特别是” 用especially , 这时可与particularly换用.

16. They all looked sadly at the master and look quite sad.


析:第一个look是实义动词,应用副词来修饰。第二个look 是系动词,意为“看起来……”,须用形容词作表语,不能用副词作表语,类似的还有:taste (尝起来), smell (闻起来), sound (听起来), feel(摸起来) , appear(看起来)等均不能用副词作表语。

17. It was getting dark when I left my office; it was impossible for me to get home before dark . It was a dark night. There was no moon and I could not see the road in the darkness.

析:dark用作形容词,意为“黑暗的,黑色的,神秘的,坏的,阴郁的。用作名词,意为“黑暗”指通常的情况,而darkness “黑暗”则指一时情况。在at / before / after 之后只能用dark。in the dark “在黑暗中”可与in the darkness 换用,但in the dark还有“不知道”之意。

18. Mr. Smith was dressed in his old clothes while his wife was wearing a very pretty skirt.


析:wear指“穿着”的状态,可用于进行时态(have on不能用进行时态)其宾语除衣服、鞋帽外,还可以接首饰,眼镜、发型等。dressed 指“穿”的动作,其宾语只能是人,不能接衣物名词,但be dressed in指“穿着”的状态,其宾语既可以是衣服,也可以是颜色

19. ---Would you like some more drinks? ---Yes, another three drinks and something else. --- 你还想要一些饮料吗? --- 要, 再来三杯和一些别的东西.

析: more , another , else 和other 均有 “ 另外, 又一 , 再一” 之意. else只能放在不定代词、疑问代词(which除外)之后作定语。,more可放在不定代词、疑问代词之后,更多的放在数词或many , a few , several , a little , plenty , much , some , any , no与名词之间或名词之后,但不能放在数词之前,在如:The general studied the map a few more minutes (=a few minutes more。another 须放在数词或few 之前。再如:I’m going to stay in Beijing for another five days。other放在数词或some , any , several every 与名词之间,但前面如果有the ,放在数词之前。有如:Tom is going to camping with two other little boys next Sunday. / Passe me the other six books.

20. The building has twelve stories and Jack lives on the ground floor.


析:说楼房有多少层只能用story / storey. floor表示楼房的 “层面” . 英国人用ground floor 表示第一层, 而美国人用first floor.

21.(It’s) no wonder that they wonder if China’s having entered WTO is a wonder. 难怪他们想知道中国进入WTO是否是一个奇迹。

析:(It’s)no / small / little wonder (that) 意为“难怪……; ……不足为奇 ”,wonder作“惊奇、惊异(呀、叹)解是不可数名词,作“奇迹, 奇事,奇才”解,是可数名词。“创造奇迹”用do / work wonder。wonder 用作动词,意为“想知道,对……感到怀疑”

22.He has decided to work by bike for good , so he bought a bike good for 600 yuan 他决定永远骑自行车去上班, 于是他买了一辆价值6000圆的自行车.

析.for good (and all) “永久地(=for ever). good for 具有: (1)价值为…… (2) 有……的用处 , 能保持(….期间)有效 . He is good for nothing 他这个人没用. / a ticket good two weeks.一张有效期两个周的票 (3) 对(疾病)有效 The cream is god for insect bites.这药膏对昆虫叮伤有效。(4) (口语中) “干得好! 好棒!。 另外注意(1) be good at “擅长于” He is good at speaking English. (2)be good to “对…..亲切/ 温柔” She is good to old people.(3)good and “非常, 完全地” I am good and tired. 我非常累。(4) make good “ 成功;达成,履行;补偿,弥补"She hopes to make good as model她希望她的模特儿生涯成功 / She made good she promised to do他做了答应做的事 / I must ask you to make good the damage you ‘ve done to car我要求你赔偿对我车造成的损失.

23. He couldn’t help saying that he couldn’t help to repair the machine because he couldn’t help but set off for home at once.


析:can’t help doing意为“忍不住,情不自禁”, can’t help (to) do sth. 意为“不能帮助”,can’t help but do sth 意为“不得不,只好”

24.Since I made up my mind to do the work , I don't mind failing.


析:make up one’s mind(s) to do sth 意为“决定/决心做某事”, mind用作动词,意为“在乎、介意”后须接动名词。

25. The doctors insisted that the patient was badly hurt and that he be operated on at once.

医生们坚持说这个病人严重受伤, 并且坚决主张立即给他作手术.

析:insist 作 “坚持说, 确信”解 ,其后的宾语从句视情况用相应的时态, 作 “坚决要求, 坚持认为” 其后的宾语从句要用(should) + 原形动词, 在如: I insisted (that ) he be there on time.我坚持认为他应该准时到那儿.

26.I suggested she start at once , but the look on her face suggested she wouldn’t like to .


