江苏省启东中学高三英语语法专题复习讲义 (人教版高三英语下册教学论文)

发布时间:2016-1-27 编辑:互联网 手机版




一. 可数名词的复数构成规则:

1.规则变化:加-s, -es; 辅音字母加y结尾的去y加ies;把f/ fe变成ves;

(1)keys , three Henrys; stomachs; safes; beliefs; proofs; roofs; gulfs; chiefs; heroes; potatoes; tomatoes; Negroes; dingoes

(2) 缩写,数字,字母等在后面加s或’s都可,如: some VIPs (VIP’s); in his 50s / 50’s; in the 1990s / 1990’s; There are two t’s in the word “letter”.


(1) men , children , feet, teeth, geese, mice; oxen等;

(2) 单复数形式相同:sheep; deer; fish; means; works(工厂); Chinese; Japanese; Swiss; (teas, fruits, fishes, metals等表示种类);

(3)只有复数形式:trousers, glasses(眼镜);remains(遗体/物);clothes; ashes; contents(目录); goods; customs(海关); arms(武器);

(4)复合名词的复数形式: shoe shops; lookers-on; grown-ups; passers-by; daughters-in-law

(5)表示某国人的复数形式:A:单复一样:Chinese / Japanese) B: 把man变成men : Englishmen; Frenchmen; C:其它加s (包括Germans)

一、 不可数名词

1.量的表示:用some / a little / much等表示数量的词(组)及单位名词(量词),用得较多的有piece, article, bottle, head, loaf, bar等:a piece of advice / bread / news / information / equipment / chalk / cloth / clothing / music / work / furniture / paper / wood / baggage; a loaf of bread; a bar of chocolate ; two head of cattle

2.不可数名词具体化: These games are great successes; The party was a great success.

二、 名词的所有格:

1.表示有生命的名词后加’s, 如一样东西为几人共有,则在最后一个名词后加’s: Jack and Tom’s room(两人共有的房间); Jack’s and Tom’s rooms(两人各自的房间);表示无生命的名词的所有格用of表示:the windows of the room;

(但表示时间、距离、国家、城市、团体、机构等无生命的名词后也可加’s: China’s industry; today’s paper; ten minutes’ walk)

2.表示“某人家里”“某店铺”等的名词所有格后省略所修饰的名词:at my aunt’s (house); at the doctor’s (office); go to the chemist’s (shop);

3.双重所有格:a / an / this / that / these / those / some / any / a few / no / every / several / such / another / which 等+名词+of +…..’s / 名词性物主代词(表示“部分”的概念或表示某种感情色彩,如:赞赏、讨厌等);


a friend of her mother’s她母亲的一个朋友(强调她母亲的朋友中的一位,为双重所有格)

a friend of her mother她母亲的朋友(强调两人间的关系,为of所有格)

a picture of his brother’s(他弟弟的所拥有的照片中的一张,照片上不一定是他本人)

a picture of his brother(他弟弟本人的一张照片,照片上就是他本人)

三、 名词作定语修饰名词:前一个名词表示后一个名词的特点、性质及用途;

(1)一般前面的名词用单数形式,复数加在后面主体名词上:shoe shop(s); story book(s); coffee cup(s); physics teacher(s); 个别名词修饰另外一个名词用复数形式:sales manager; sports meet; 由man / woman与另一个名词构成复合名词两者都变复数:men/ women doctors;


a dust bag ( a bag for dust) 装灰尘的袋子/ a dusty bag布满灰尘的袋子 a chemical change化学变化(具有化学性质的变化)/ a chemistry teacher( a teacher of chemistry)一个化学老师

a gold watch 一只金表(表材质)/ a golden watch一只金黄色的表


只修饰可数名词:quite a few / a great many (of) / many / a (large / small) number of

只修饰不可数名词: a great deal of / a great amount of ( great amounts of)

既可修饰可数也可修饰不可数名词:plenty of / a lot of ( lots of ) / a (large) quantity of / large quantities of


1.No regular advertiser dare produce anything that fails to stick to the _____of his advertisement.

A. standard B. level C. message D. promise

2.-----What do you think of his composition?

------Much better, but there’s still some ______for improvement.

A. space B. room C. area D. place

3. Sometimes doctors make higher ______ for their work than they should.

A. bills B. charges C. costs D. prices

4. The ______of a big snake made her frightened, so she sat there still.

A. sight B. look C. view D. scene

5.No ______ she fell ill, considering that she had been overworking for years.

A. problem B. way C. wonder D. matter

6. -----How is it that you lost your way?

------When I came to the crossroads, I went the wrong ________.

A. way B. direction C. distance D. path

7. Little Tom asked me for small _________ for his _________piece, so I gave him ________.

A. change; ten pennies; ten pence B. changes; ten pennies; ten pence

C. change; ten pence; ten pennies D. changes; ten pence; ten pennies

8. Will you please tell me _______you are talking about?

A. which Zhang Yimou’s film B. which film of Zhang Yimou

C. which film of Zhang Yimou’s D. zhang Yimou’s which film

9. The baby broke a _______which is made of _____just now.

A. tea cup; glass B. cup of tea; glass C. tea’s cup; glasses D. tea cup; glasses

10. Look, Mother has just bought three _______ and _______.

A. fruit; lots of vegetables B. fruits; a number of vegetables

C. fruit; a great many of the vegetables D. fruits; a great amount of vegetables

11. If you get the job you’ll have to make business ______every now and then.

A. journeys B. trips C. travels D. voyages

12. I listened to his lecture about biology , but I missed the key ______.

A. messages B. sense C. notes D. points

13. He is always full of ______as though he never knew tiredness.

A. strength B. force C. power D. energy

14.There has been a great _______ in the number of cars in our city in the past five years.

A. increase B. improvement C. result D. effect

15. I don’t think it’s my ______ that the TV doesn’t work. I just turned it off.

A. mistake B. fault C. duty D. error

16. ---- What’s the ______ of this pair of shoes?

---- 500 yuan.

---- Oh, it’s really too expensive.

---- But it’s comfortable, so I think it’s good _______ for money.

A. cost; value B. price; value C. price; cost D. cost; price

17. How did you like the ________of the interpreter(口译员)at the conference on TV?

A. performance B. achievement C. material D. words

18.She is not in good _______for such heavy work.

A. state B. condition C. position D. situation

19.It’s bad _______ for a man to smoke in public places where smoking is not allowed.

A. manners B. action C. movement D. manner

20. Johnson is an honest businessman. Our company and his has had a lot of _______ in the past few years.

A. agreements B. sales C. deals D. bargains

主谓一致 (主备人: 张菊贤)



1:either , neither , each , one , the other , another , anybody , anyone , anything , somebody , someone , something , everything ,everybody , everyone ,no one , nothing ,nobody 做主语时,谓语一般用单数。

Neither of the two sentences is correct .

Everything around us is matter .

(注意:none , neither, all ,any作主语时,谓语可用单数,也可用复数,具体取决于说话人的意思。)

None of them owns/own a car .

Neither of the boys are / is interested in geography.

All are here. And all that can be done has been done.

2 :表示“时间、距离、金额、重量、面积、体积、容积”等度量的名词做主语时,谓语用单数。

Five minutes is enough .

Four hundred francs is a lot of money .

3:each …and each …,every …and every ;no …and no ;many a …and many a …等结构由于强调个体行为,因此谓语动词使用单数。

Each boy and each girl has got a new English-Chinese dictionary .

No sound and no voice is heard for a long time .


To say something is one thing , to do it is another .(to say something , to do 是不定式)

“How do you do?” is not a question but a greeting .(How do you do ?是句子,作主语)

(注意:what 引导主语从句时应注意其所指的具体内容来确定谓语的单复数。)

What we need is more time ,while what they need are more doctors and medicines .

5:one and a half 后面带名词的复数,谓语动词常用单数。

One and half bananas is left on the table .

6:用and 连接的两个名词表示单一概念时谓语动词使用单数。

The headmaster and Party secretary is going abroad next month .

Bread and butter is my usual breakfast .

7 :有些名词呈复数形式,但并不表示复数概念。

The news is disappointing that a chemical works is to be built in the west of the city .

8:名词由and 或both …and 连接主语时,谓语动词使用复数形式。

Both coffee and beer are on sale in the shop .

9:people , public , police , cattle 做主语时,谓语动词习惯上使用复数。

The police have caught the murderer. And people are talking about the news.


Your trousers are too long, but these shoes fit you quite well.

但有a pair of 连接时,谓语动词使用单数。

A pair of gloves is a nice present for her.

11: 不可数名词作主语,但前面有表示数量的复数名词修饰时,谓语动词用复数。

Three million tons of oil are exploited every year in the oil field.

12: 在or , either ---or --- , neither--- nor --- ,not only --- but also --- , not --- but --- , there be 等结构中,采取就近原则,即谓语动词使用单数还是复数取决于最靠近的主语的单复数。

Either the teacher or the students are to blame.

Not only the students but also their teacher is enjoying the film.

考点13 : 下列结构用于引起一个附加的成分,谓语动词的形式应不受附加成分的影响而于前面的主语取得一致: as well as ; rather than ; like ; except ; besides ; with ; along with ; including ; such --- as--- ;;

No one but Jack and Mary knows about it .

I as well as they am ready to help you .

考点14:some of ; plenty of ; a lot of ; most of ; the rest of ; all(of ) ; half (of );分数或百分之+of +名词做主语时,以名词的单复数为准。

A lot of students are waiting outside .And lots of the time has been wasted .

More than 70% of the earth’s surface is covered by water .

Ten percent of the apples are bad .

The rest of the story needs no telling .

He stayed at home and the rest of the boys were out at play .

15:由a kind of ; this kind of ; many kinds of 和名词+ of this kind 等以及与kind 意思相近的type , sort 等构成的类似的短语做主语时,谓语动词与of 前的名词取得一致。

This kind of apple sells well in China .

Apples of this kind are highly priced .

16:more than 开头的句子,看其后面的名词。

More than one answer is written on the blackboard .

More than two hundred soldiers were killed in the battle .

17: 定语从句中谓语动词的形式与先行词一致,但one of +复数名词+who/ that / which 引导的定语从句的谓语动词的形式看one 的前面是否有the (only )等修饰语,有为单数,无为复数。

This is one of the best books that have appeared this year.

She is the only one of those women who doesn’t know a thing about knitting(编织) .

18: population ; company ; class . team ; family ; group ; nation ; world ; government 等词做主语时,如果强调整体,谓语动词使用单数;如果强调组成成员,谓语动词使用复数。

Our family has a reunion every year .

His family are waiting for him .

19 :the +形容词,表示一类人,谓语动词用复数;若指单数,则用单数谓语动词。

The rich are for the plan , but the poor are against it .

The true is to be distinguished from the false .

真实应与假相区别。(the true / the false表单数概念)

20:a number of + 复数名词 结构应用复数动词。the number of + 复数名词 结构应用单数动词。如:

A number of people were killed and injured in the explosion .

The number of people who were killed in the tsunami(海啸) has grown to 160,000.


1.--Have you heard that Tian Liang , along with his parents , _______ to Canada ?

--Really ? No wonder I haven’t seen him these days .

A. has been B. has gone C. have been D. have gone

2.Over three-quarter of the city _______ destroyed in the Iraq War .

A. is B. are C. were D. was

3.This kind of stories ________ instructive while stories of that kind ________ harmful to children .

A. is ; seems B. are ; seem C. is ; seem D. are ; seems

4.Everybody in our hometown , men and women , young and old , ________ sports and games .

A. are fond of B. joins C. enjoys D. go in for

5.The Whites’ family , which _______ rather a large one , ________ very fond of their house .

A. were ; were B. was ; were C. were; was D. was ; was

6.Not his son but his two daughters ________ to Canada , never to be seen again .

A. has gone B. have gone C. has been D. have been

7.When the injured _______ to the hospital ,, they came to ________.

A. was rushed ; life B. were rushed ; life C. rushed ; lives D. were rushed ; lives

8.Despite much research , there are still certain elements in the life cycle of the insect that _______ not fully understood .

A. are B. were C. is D. was

9. _________ visitors to Hong Kong were asked by newspaper reporters what their impressions of the people were.

A. The number of B. A numbers of C. Numbers of D. Any numbers of

10. Though small , the ant is as much as a creature as _________ all other animals on earth .

A. are B. is C. do D. have

11. Between the two rows of trees _______ the teaching building .

A. have B. has C. stands D. are

12.Every possible means _________ tried but without much result .

A. have been B. had C. has D. has been

13.The rest of the story ________ no telling . Half of the students _______ no interest in it .

A. need ; has B. needs ; have C. needs ; has D. need ; have

14. John and Mary, ___ sure to come to our party this evening.

A. be B. are C. is D. to be

15. This is the only one of the books on the subject ________ ever been written in English .

A. that has B. which have C. that have D. which is

16.Every boy and every girl as well as some teachers who ____ to visit the museum____ asked to be at the school gate before 6:30 in the morning.

A. are, are B. is , is C. are, is D. is , are

17. A great many people_______ present at the meeting . But many a man ________ late for the meeting because of the traffic jam .

A. are ; are B. is; is C. were ; was D. was ; are

18. He is the only one of the children who often ________ ill of others behind their backs .

A. have spoken B. were speaking C. speaks D. speak

19. It’s I who ________ the Christmas gift to you .

A. has sent B. have sent C. is going to fetch D. are going to fetch

20. What were your problems a year ago _______ mine now .

A. has become B. have become C. becomes D. became

二、介 词 (主备人:张菊贤)



A. 要注意理解情景意义:同一介词可表达多种意义,同一场合意义不同则介词不同。

He hasn’t come for a month .(for 持续时间)

The day is warm for April .(for 就……而言)

B. 要突破几个关键介词in , on , at , with , by , from , of , to , for .

1 . 表示时间的:at; in ; on , since , from , to , after , within , during , throughout , towards , over , by , till ;

2 . 表示穿越的:through , across , over

3.表示地理位置的:in ; on; to ;

4. 表示原因、目的的:for ;with ; from ;

5. 表示关于的:about , concerning , regarding , with regard to , as for ,as to ;

6. 表示根据:on ; according to ;

7. in the corner ;on the corner , at the corner 的区别

8.between 和among

9.besides ;except ; but ;except for

10.in 和with

C. 要注意介词搭配,集中归纳,反复练习。

1. 固定与to 构成搭配的名词:key , answer , visit , apology , introduction ,note , etc.

2. 与on 有关的:mercy , congratulations

3. 与at有关的:angry , good , bad , clever , terrified , surprised ;

4. 与of 有关的:afraid , sure , full , tired , fond , proud , worthy , certain ;

5. 与with 有关的:angry , strict , careful , busy , poplar ;

6. 与to 有关的:next, good , polite , kind , cruel , rude , known , anxious , married , close , near , similar, due ;

7. 与for 有关的:sorry , good , free , fit , unfit , eager, anxious , hungry ;

8. 与from 有关的:far , different , free, safe , absent , tired .


1.---What do you want _______ those old boxes ?

--- To put things in when I move to the new flat .

A. by B. for C. of D. with

2.Luckily , the bullet narrowly missed the captain ________ an inch .

A. by B. at C. to D. from

3.The train leaves at 6:00pm, so I have to be at the station _______ 5:30 pm.

A. until B. after C. by D. around

4.The little boy was quite alone in the world ________ an aunt in the United States .

A. except for B. except C. besides D. except that

5.________ his great surprise , his shop was robbed ________ computers .

A. To ; of B. For ; of C. From ; with D. To ; with

6.We offered him our congratulations _________ his passing the driving test .

A. at B. for C. of D. on

7. Einstein’s special theory of relativity is quite _______ me .

A. for B. beyond C. to D. against

8. How much did you pay ________ the tickets ________ tonight’s New Year Concert ?

A. for; for B. for ; to C. for ; of D. to ; for

9. He has been caught ________ the rain and is wet ________ skin .

A. by ; to B. in ; to C. in ; through D. with ; in

10. ---How long have you been like this ?

---_______ last Friday .

A. From B. Since C. In D. After

11. Besides being able to walk on for three days without drinking , camels can also live for a long time ________ small quantities of food .

A. with B. on C. by D. without

12. I’m sorry it’s ________ my power to make a final decision on the project .

A. over B. above C. off D. beyond

13. ---Did you lose the match ?

---Yes , we lost the match _______ one goal .

A. by B. at C. with D. only

14. The study you have been making ________ the living things in the ocean is an instructive job .

A. to B. for C. of D. from

15. I felt it rather difficult to take a stand ________ the opinion of the majority .

A. to B. by C. in D. against

16. ---Your daughter is tall enough ________ her age.

---Yes. I was much ________ when I was her age.

A. for ; taller B. at ; taller C. at ; shorter D. for ; shorter

17.---When will the game begin ?

---It will begin later than usual _______ ten minutes .

A. in B. on C. by D. at

18.---Is your grandma still with you ?

--- No . She still prefers to live in the countryside _________ all its disadvantages .

A. for B. except C. with D. to

19. Let’s keep in touch . You can reach me ________ this number .

A. at B. on C. from D. in

20.---Miss Li , Jack is ill , so he can’t come to school .

---Then we’ll begin our class _________ him .

A. except for B. apart from C. except D. without

21.---It’s so noisy upstairs .Peter , better go and see what they have been up ________.

---OK .

A. to B. in C. with D. for

22.---What’s your favorite sport?

---Jogging . I run _________ the river every morning .

A. around B. on C. along D. in

23. _________ running , learning English needs will .

A. As with B. As to C. As for D. As if

24. ________ left before the deadline , it doesn’t seem likely that he will finish the job .

A. Though such a short time B. Because such a short time

C. With such a short time D. As such a short time

25.He reminded me _______ the time _______ the meeting .

A. at ; at B . of; of C. in ; in D. at ; in

26.The sun will rise ________ about a quarter of an hour .

A. on B. in C. after D. at

27.Liu Xiang’s parents were overjoyed and burst ______ tears _______ the news of their son’s victory in the Olympic Games .

A. into ; at B. out ; for C. forth ; on D. to ; after

28.Hellen used to be a shy girl , but she has grown _______ it now.

A. without B. over C. away D. out of

29.This is the Audi car __________ she came here .

A. by which B. by that C. in which D. with which

30. My house is ________ a stone’s throw from school , so I often go to school _______ foot .

A. within ; on B. to ; by C. on ; on D. of ; with

31. We went on a picnic ________ the heavy rain .

A. although B. in spite of C. because of D. for

32. ---Can I borrow some money from you ?

--- You’re already in debt _________ me for sixty dollars .

A. to B. for C. from D. by

33.His best -known work that is ________ all praise can be seen in the museum .

A. without B. beyond C. with D. within

34.He likes his coffee with sugar ; I like mine ________.

A. not B. of no C. none D. without

35. Without a thorough grasp ________biology , a student cannot hope to study medicine .

A. in B. for C. of D. with

36.We decided to climb the mountain , but _______ second thought realized that it was too dangerous .

A. after B. on C. in D. at

37._________ success I don’t mean what is usually thought of when that word is used .

A. In B. By C. With D. For

38.Mr. Smith apologized _________ the children ________ the lady ________ what they had done .

A. for ; to ; to B. for ; to ; for C. to ; to ; for D. to ; for ; for

39.We live _______ a small river that flows ________ the Thames .

A. in ; into B. on ; into C. at ; onto D. in; onto

40.________ curiosity , I went to the customer service counter and asked why .

A. Beyond B. Besides C. Apart from D. Out of

41. Mr. Johnson goes to work very early in the morning and goes on working until late in the afternoon _________ a break at midday .

A. with B. for C. as D. through

42.The manned spacecraft “Shenzhou V”,________ China greets the 21st century , marks new progress in the century’s space program.

A. for which B. from which C. in which D. with which

43. He might have been killed ________ the arrival of the police .

A. except for B. apart from C. but for D. in spite of

44. Isn’t _________ rude ______ him to talk to his mother like that ?

A. that ; for B. that ; of C. it ; for D. it ; of

45.Theory is based on practice and ______ turn serves practice .

A. on B. in C. by D. at

三、代 词 (主备人:倪建辉)


1、在定语从句中,当先行词是代词he / she / those / anyone等时,从句的引导词指人时用

who, 指物时用that。

e.g. Those who know the answer can go on with the other exercises.

He who does not reach the Great Wall is not a true man.

Anything that benefits the people will be accepted.

2、all ( both, every, each)…… not = not all ( both, every, each) 构成部分否定,他们的全部否定分别是:none, neither, no one ( nothing)

e.g. Not all the students could understand his explanation.

Each child can not go to school in the mountain village.

3、 含有else的所有格有以下几种表示法:somebody else’s, anybody else’s, nobody else’s ; who else’s = whose else

4、定代词作主语,代词可用:it(指物) 、he(指人) 、they(指人、物)

e.g. Everyone knows how to do it, doesn’t he/ don’t they?

4、 all 作主语时的数:代替可数名词,是复数;代替不可数名词,是单数;作“所…的一切”解释时,不可数,动词用单数。

5、 身代词:by oneself: 亲自、独自、自动地; of oneself: 自动地; be oneself: 身体好 help oneself (to…): 自助、自己拿……; in itself: 本质上、就其本身而言。

e.g. The man is too old to live by himself. / The door closed of itself.

I’m not quite myself today. / The question in itself is not very difficult.

6. 用人称代词简略回答时,要用人称代词的宾格。

e.g. ---- Who is knocking at the door? ---- Me, Tom.

Me to play Pingpong with him?

7. The rest、The remainder作主语时,谓语动词取决于它们所替代的名词。

e.g. I have read half of the book. The rest is to be finished in a week.

Several people were saved, but the remainder were still inside the burning house.


1、none, nothing, no one(nobody)

none:(指三个以上之中)没有任何(人、物),常用来否定回答以How many/ How much…?


e.g. ---- How many sheep did you see on the hill? ---- None.

---- Please give me some ink. ---- Sorry, there is none(no ink) left.

None of the students could answer the question, which made the teacher disappointed


e.g. After the fire, nothing was left on the hills.

Nothing did he say and he went home silently.

no one= nobody:没有一个人,只能指人,是单数,常用来否定回答Who…?的疑问句,后面不可接of介词短语。

e.g. ---- Who broke the window? ---- No one. It broke of itself.

2、it / they, one / ones, the one / the ones ,that / those

it / they:用来指前面所提及的名词本身,起替代作用,避免重复;

e.g. He bought a pen. It cost him 50 yuan. / He has two brothers. They are both workers.

one / ones:用来指前面所提及的可数名词中的一个或几个,是泛指; 还可以泛指人。

e.g. ---- Do you have a camera? ---- No, but my father has one.

A chair made of iron is usually heavier than one made of wood.

One can not be too careful when crossing the road.

the one / the ones:用来特指前面所提及的可数名词中的一个或几个。

e.g. ---- I’m looking for a pen. ---- How do you like the one in the box?

---- Who are the boys? ---- You mean the ones playing basketball?

that / those: “that” 用来替代前面出现过的可数名词单数= the one或不可数名词,以避免重复;“those” 用来替代前面出现过的可数名词复数= the ones,以避免重复。

e.g. The price of a pen is often higher than that of a pencil.

The weather in Beijing is colder than that in Shanghai.

The students in Class Two are more hard-working than those(the ones) in Class One.

3、some / any, everybody / anybody

习惯上,some和everybody用于肯定句,any和 anybody用于疑问、否定句。

但当some用于疑问句时,表示对所涉及的名词持肯定态度,everybody用于疑问句时,译为“大家、每个人”。 e.g. Is everybody pleased with the show?

试比较:Do you have any water? (对water持怀疑态度)

---- Do you like some more water? ---- No, thanks. (对water持肯定态度)


e.g. ---- When shall we meet again? ---- Any time you like.

Anybody here knows how to treat a stranger.

4、 who / whoever , what / whatever , which / whichever, whom / whomever

who / what / which/ whom是疑问词,引起的句子具有疑问色彩;whoever / whatever / whichever /whomever 是代词,并不引起疑问句,而用来引导名词性从句或让步状语从句。

e.g. Who will teach us English is still unknown.

Whoever did it will be punished. / Whoever did it, he will be punished.

What would you do if you had that sum of money? / Whatever you do, do it well.

5、other / others; the other / the others ; another

other:作代词时,一般不单独使用,而必须与any, some, no 等连用。

e.g. He is no other but Tom. / These are all we have, we have no other(s).


e.g. Some people like fishing, some like boating, others skating.

the other: 与one连用,构成词组:one…the other:指两者中“一个……另一个……”

the others: 指在一定范围中的“其余的”。

e.g. In our class some students are good at maths, some are good at Chinese, the others are good at physics.

another: 是形容词,“另一个、在一个”,一般作定语,既可以修饰单数名词,又可以修饰复数名词,还可以修饰数词。

e.g. We stayed in New York for another three weeks. / Please have another apple.


e.g. After eating an apple, I had another (one).

6、all ; both ; each ; every ; either




e.g. There are trees on each side / both sides of the river.

Each of us has a chance to go to university.

We each have a dictionary.



e.g. If you keep still, you can sit on either end of the boat.

I don’t like either of them. Do you have any other blouse?


1. ---- Do you want tea or coffee?

---- _____ . I really don’t mind.

A. Both B. None C. Either D. Neither

2. I read about it in some book or other, does it matter ______ it was?

A. where B. what C. how D. which

3. ---- You’re always working. Come on, let’s go shopping.

---- _______ you ever want to do is going shopping.

A. Anything B. Something C. All D. That

4. The boss decided to dismiss two workers: ________ .

A. you and Tom B. I and you C. Mary and I D. she and you

5. I don’t care for ______ of the hats. Would you show me a third one?

A. all B. none C. either D. both

6. I now do not accept ______ that is offered to me, I only choose those useful.

A. anything B. any C. whatever D. everything

7. A school is an exciting place, ____ in which new talents are being discovered every day.

A. and B. that C. there D. one

8. ---- How much vinegar did you put in the salad?

---- I’m sorry to say, _______. I forgot.

A. no B. nothing C. no one D. none

9. ---- Is this umbrella yours?

---- No, mine is here. It must be ________.

A. someone’s B. someone’s else C. someone else’s D. someone’s else’s

10.Our feelings were ___________ .

A. the same as they B. same as theirs C. same as they D. the same as theirs

11. You can reach the town ______ road you take.

A. whatever B. what C. whichever D. which

12. ______ who wish to go swimming may sign up here.

A. Any person B. Those C. Anyone D. These

13. Now that the new machines have been bought, _____ will you do with the old _____ ?

A. how ; ones B. how ; one C. what ; one D. what ; ones

14. The thieves ran away separately, _____ carrying a bag.

A. all B. each C. every D. either

15. ---- Did anybody ask for me during my absence?

---- Yes, ______ called Black asked to see you.

A. he B. it C. one D. that

四、冠 词 (主备人:沈翠微)



1.表“一个”“每一个”(=per)“某一个”(=a certain / some),如: eight hours a day; a Mr. Smith

2.a / an +抽象名词表示具体的人或物(如:a pleasure / success / failure/ comfort / shame等);

a / an +某些物质名词表示 “一阵” “一份”等,如: a heavy rain;

3. a / an +有些名词= the same+ n. 如: The students standing there are of an age (= of the same age.)




(二)1.世界上独一无二的物,或表示方位及发明物前: the universe; the sun; the moon; He invented the wheel;

2.乐器名词前: play the violin;

3.表计量单位的名词前,表示”按……”: by the dozen / yard / hour;

4.与形容词或分词连用表示某一类人或事(或某国家的人): the old / sick / Chinese;

(三)1.用于姓的复数形式前表示夫妇两人或某一家人: the Browns

2.年代的名词前表示”某十年代” : in the 1990s

(四)1.在表示江河,海洋,山脉,群岛,海峡,海湾等名词前: the Yellow Sea; the English Channel; the Rocky Mountains;

2.在由普通名词构成的表示机构、国家、建筑、历史朝代、三军、报刊,、杂志等名词前:the Song Dynasty ; the World Trade Center; the People’s Daily; the Times; the University of Beijing ( Beijing University)

(五)1.用在序数词及形容词最高级前(但:my first visit to the Great Wall) ;

2.对两人/物间进行比较表示特定的一个时(the+比较级): He is the taller of the twins;

3.句型”the+比较级……,the+比较级”中:The higher you stand, the farther you’ll see.



2.星期,季节,月份的名词前(比较:in winter / in the winter of 2000 ; on Sunday / on a Sunday in May);

3.三餐饭前(比较:have lunch / have a big lunch);

4.球类或棋类名词前(play cards / chess);


6.by+交通工具的名词前(by car =in a car);

7.表示节假日的名词前(但:the Mid-Autumn Festival或可说成Mid-Autumn Day);


2.指家中雇佣的cook, nurse, teacher等时不用冠词并且大写:He was made monitor of our class; What’s the matter, Grandpa?

(三)1.动词turn后的名词前不用冠词(但become后接可数名词单数时要加冠词): turn doctor=become a doctor;

2.word表示 “消息” “诺言”时不用冠词: leave word / keep one’s word / a man of his word;

3.man表示 “人类”时不用冠词;


(四)在一些表示街名,广场名,公园名,大学名,国名,人名等专有名词前:Nanjing Road; Tian An Men Square; Hyde Park (但:the People’s Park); Yale University ( the University of Yale)


at (the) table; in (the) prison; at (the) sea; by (the) sea ; by (the) hand; go to (the) hospital; on (the) earth; out of (the) question; by (the) day; in (the) front of ; (the) three of us; the / a number of; have a word/ words with sb.; a singer and (a) dancer ; a knife and (a)fork ; a / the second time ; a / the most beautiful city


1.all / both / half / many / double / such / what / quite+ 冠词+(形容词)+名词:

half the books ; many a student ; such a fine day; What a lovely present! quite a big meal

2.as / so / how / too+形容词+冠词+名词: so fine a day; too difficult a problem; as clever a boy as you


1.-----Jack, there’s ______ Mrs. Smith on ______phone for you.

------I’m in the bath.

A. a; the B. the; a C. a; / D. the;/

2. Tell her not to stay in _____hotel next time she comes here. I can find _____bed for her in my flat. Now I’m sleepy and I want to head for_______.

A. the; / ; / B. a; / ; a C. the; a ; / D. the; a ; the

3. After I left _______university, I turned _______ lawyer.

A. an; a B. a; a C. / ; / D. the; the

4. ------What about ______lecture this morning?

------Oh, it was too difficult ________ lecture for me.

A. the; the B. a; a C. a; the D. the; a

5. The manager decided to put _____plan into ______ practice because he thought it was ______most practical one.

A. the; the; a B. a; /; the C. the; / ; a D. a; the; the

6. People of _______kind fall into ______same group and things of _____kind flock together.

A. the; the; the B. a; the; a C. a; /; a D. the; a; the

7. ------What do you usually have for_____ breakfast ?

------Some milk and bread.

-----What about Jim?

------He never has ______breakfast, for he always gets up too late, but this morning he had quite ________big breakfast.

A./ ; / ; / B. /; /; a C. the; the; a D. the; the; /

8. He told me that it was _____pleasure to help others and he would do it with ______ pleasure.

A. a; a B. /; / C. the; a D. a; /

9. ---- I have telephoned him for three times this morning, but it seems that he is still in _____hospital.

---- Why not call him for _______fourth time? Maybe he’s back now. He told me yesterday the doctor allowed him to come home this morning.

A. /; a B. the; the C. a; a D. / ; the

10.It’s often less expensive to buy goods in ______quantity, but you’d better examine _______ quality before buying them.

A. /; the B. the; / C. a; the D. the; the

11. Tim couldn’t remember the exact date of the earthquake, but he knew it was _____Sunday because everybody was at________ church.

A./; the B. a; the C. a; / D. the; /

12. The price of ________ jewel is decided by the sort of ______material used.

A. the; the B. the; / C. /; the D. /; /

13. Apples are usually sold by ______weight and eggs are sometimes sold by ______dozen.

A. the; the B. /; a C. /; the D. the; a

14. ---- I hear as many as 50 children were killed in the accident.

---- Yes, _____news came as _____ shock to me.

A. the; the B. the; a C. /; / D. /; a

15. ---- Are you used to our food here?

---- More or less, but ______knife and _______fork is still a problem.

A. the; the B. a; a C. the; / D. / ; /

16. Karl Marx first discovered ______political theory known as _______communism.

A. a; a B. the; the C. the; / D. a; /

17. _____library building in our school was completed in _____May of 1998, not in_______April, 1997.

A. A; / ; / B. The; the; / C. A; the; / D. The; / ; /

18. ----What do you think of ______ president?

----I didn’t care for him at first, but after ______ time I got to like him.

A. the; a B. / ; the C. the; the D. /; a

19. In ______Sahara Desert, _______ rain was scarce, but in my hometown there is _______ heavy rain now and then, and the river around the town rises a lot after _______.

A. the; the; a ; a heavy rain B. the; / ; a ; heavy rains

C. / ; / ; /; a heavy rain D. the; the; a; heavy rains

20.---- He sent ______word that you shall go to his office after class.

----I know. And ______word has come that you are the next person he wants to see.

A. / ; / B. the; / C. a; / D. a; the

五、形容词和副词 (主备人:沈晓红)


一: 形容词

1. 作定语

1). 多个形容词修饰名词时,其顺序为:

限定词(冠词、指示代词、人称代词、数词等)+描绘性形容词(beautiful, interesting…)+大小、长短、高低+形状+年龄、新旧+颜色+国籍、地区、出处+材料性质+用途、类别+名词中心词。

a charming big round new black French wooden writing desk

the man’s first two interesting little red French oil paintings

2) 定语后置


a language difficult to master, a leaning tower about 180 feet high

B)表语形容词(afraid、alike、alone、asleep、awake、alive等)作定语,定语后置。如a child asleep, the greatest man alive

C) 修饰由不定代词one、no、any、some和every构成的复合词如anything、something等时 eg. Is there anything interesting in today’s newspaper?

D)else常用作疑问代词和不定代词的后置定语。What else do you know?


2. 作表语

1)系表结构。 与系动词 be,grow,get,become,feel,appear,prove,seem,look,keep. smell,taste,sound,turn,remain , go, come, stay, stand, run, prove等连用

2)表语形容词。常见的有以a-起首的afraid、alike、alone、asleep、awake、alive以及well , ill(生病) ,fond, sorry, unable, worth, glad, sure 等

注意:以a-起首的词除了作后置定语外还作补语。eg. Keep the fish alive

修饰以a-开头的形容词,多有特殊的修饰词:quite alone, very much alone, wide awake, fast / sound asleep, very much afraid

3. 作状语


He went to bed, cold and hungry.

Afraid of troubles,he would not accept the duty.

4. 复合形容词

1)形容词 + 名词 + ed kind-hearted好心的,fair-haired金发的

2)形容词 + 形容词 red-hot炽热的,dark-blue深蓝的

3)形容词 + 现在分词 good-looking好看的,easy-going随和的

4)副词 + 现在分词 hard-working勤劳的,fast-moving快速转动的

5)副词 + 过去分词 hard-won得来不易的,newly-made新建的

6)名词 + 形容词 life-long终生的,world-famous世界闻名的

7)名词 + 现在分词 peace-loving爱好和平的,fun-loving爱开玩笑的

8)名词 + 过去分词 snow-covered白雪覆盖的,hand-made手工的

9)数词 + 名词 + ed four-storeyed 4层楼的,three-legged 3条腿的

10)数词 + 名词(名词用单数) ten-year 10年的,two-man两人的


1.频度副词如often, always, usually, sometimes, seldom, never, rarely, frequently, occasionally等在be动词、助动词、情态动词后,行为动词前。eg.

We usually go shopping once a week./ He is always ready to help others.


方式副词+地点副词+时间副词 / 小的时间/地点+大的时间/地点


1. 形容词+ly, 有时会构成意义完全不同的副词

hard(困难的)-hardly(几乎不)  dead(死的)-deadly(致命的)

late(晚的)-lately(最近)    fair(公平的)-fairly(相当)

2.注意:有些副词有两种形式,一个与形容词同形,一个以 ly结尾,但它们的含义是不同的.例如:

l) close接近地 closely仔细地,密切地

2) free免费地 freely自由地,无拘束地

3) hard努力地 hardly几乎不

4) late晚,迟 lately近来

5) most极,非常 mostly主要地

6) wide广阔地,充分地 widely广泛地

7) high高 highly高度地,非常地

8) deep深,迟 deeply抽象意义的“深”

9) loud大声地 loudly大声地(含有喧闹的意思)

10) near邻近 nearly几乎

3.以-ly结尾的形容词:lively、lonely、lovely、deadly、friendly、ugly、silly、likely、brotherly、manly、timely等。eg. (×) He spoke to me very friendly.(∨) He spoke to me in a very friendly way.


1. 构成 :

大部分双音节词、加后缀构成的词(如slowly, useful)、源于分词的形容词(如tired)、所有的多音节词,加more构成比较级,加the most构成最高级, 副词的最高级可省去the.请注意:作表语的形容词最高级前,如果不是和别人、他物相比,常不加the.

eg. We are busiest on Monday.


1) even / still / rather

much / far/ a lot/ a great deal +比较级

a little/ a bit

We are working still harder now. 现在我们工作更加努力。

2) 数词+ 名词+比较级

eg. He is two inches taller than his father.

他比他爸爸高两英寸。(或说He is taller than his father by two inches. )

She could not take a step further. 她一步也不能走了。

3) 比较级+by far

在前面,应在二者中间加“ the”.如: He is taller by far than his brother.

He is by far the taller of the two brothers.

4) the second/ third +最高级

by far

3. 无比较级和最高级的形容词

有些形容词本身含义无程度差别,因此没有比较级和最高级.常见的有:right, wrong, perfect, possible, impossible, mistaken, dead, favourite等。这些词不能被程度副词修饰,但可以被quite(完全地),completely等修饰。eg. quite right/ impossible, completely dead.

4. 和冠词连用

  the +形容词原级+v(复),指一类人或物

  the + 形容词比较级,指两者中“较…的”的那一个,eg. the younger of the two

a/ an +形容词比较级eg. The pen is expensive. I want a cheaper one.

( a) +most+形容词最高级 “非常…” eg. a most beautiful city

5. 相关结构

1) 原级比较:肯定句 as….as…., 否定句not so / as….as…..

2) 比较句: 比较级 +than….或more (less) ….than…..

The furniture in this shop is less beautiful than that in that shop.(注意代词that的用法)

3) 比较级+ and+比较级 或 more and more+比较级 “越来越… ”

richer and richer, more and more interesting

4) The more….., the more…..“越…, 越…”

The more you look at the picture, the better you will like it.

5) 比较级+than any other +n. (单) (适用于范围一致时)

(all) other +n.(复)

any +n.(单) (适用于范围不一致时)

He is taller than any other student / all other students in his class.

any student in my class.

6) 倍数表达法。

A is three(four, etc.)times the size(height, length etc.)of B.

A is three(four, etc.)times as big(high, long, etc.)as B.

A is three (four, etc.)times bigger(higher, longer, etc.)than B.

用times 表倍数通常用于三倍以上,两倍可以用twice或double.

The new building is four times the size(the height)of the old one.这座新楼比那座旧楼大三倍(高三倍)。

Asia is four times as large as Europe.亚洲比欧洲大三倍。

Your school is three times bigger than ours.你们的学校比我们的学校大三倍。

7) more…than…结构,其意往往是…rather than…,可译为“是……而不是……”或颠倒词序译作“与其说是……,不如说是……”。

That little girl is more tired than hungry. 那个小姑娘是累了而不是饿了。

She is more a mother than a wife或She is more of a mother than a wife.


8) A is to B what C is to D A和B的关系就像C和D的关系

Air is to man what water is to fish. 空气 对于人类就像水和鱼的关系。

9) no more than= only “只不过”,言其少

not more than=at most “不多于”,“至少”,指事实。

no more …than… 和…一样不… 如单音节使用比较级形式

not more…than… 不比…更…

  no less than= as much as “多达”

 no fewer than= as many as

eg. I have no more than five yuan in my pocket. 我口袋里的钱只不过5元。

I have not more than five yuan in my pocket. 我口袋里的钱不多于5元。

He is no richer than I.他和我一样穷。

He is no less determined than you. 他的决心不亚于你。(no less determined than等于“其决心不亚于你”,言其大)

He is not less determined than you. 他的决心不比你小。(not less determined than等于“其决心不小于”,无言其大或小的含义)

10) 最高级+of/ in/ among….

He is the tallest of the three/ among them/ in is class.


1.very 和much

A)very修饰形容词、副词的原级;,much修饰比较级; 修饰动词用much或very much ,eg. I very like English.(×),因改为:I like English very much.

B)表示状态的过去分词前用very。a very frightened boy, a very tired child .一般的情况下,以-ing、-ed结尾的分词多用much、very much / greatly等修饰。如:We were greatly /much shocked by the news about Tom..

C)已转化为形容词的现在分词前用very。如:very interesting / worrying / exciting

D)too前用much/ far ,不用very。You are much / far / a lot too nice.另外,在too many / much, too few / little前用far。 We’ve got far too many eggs and far too few egg cups. 

E)还有修饰词既不用very,也不用much. eg. be well worth doing, be well above the tree

2. so和such

A)so … that … 与such … that … 的区别。

so + 形容词 / 副词 + that …

so + 形容词 + a(n)+ 单数可数名词 + that …

so + many / much / little / few + 名词 + that …

such + a(n)+ 形容词+单数可数名词 + that …

such + 形容词 + 不可数名词 + that …

such + 形容词 + 复数名词 + that …

注意: 但当little表示“小”时用such。如:These are such little boys that they can’t dress themselves.下列so的用法是错误的:so a difficult problem, so difficult problems, so hot weather。

B) some/ any/ every/ no/ each/ all/ another/ several/ few/ many/ one/ two +such+n. eg. no such word

3. be too much + n.

be much too+ adj.

be too much for sb. 对…太过分了

4. can’t be too +adj.= can’t be +adj.+ enough “无论…都不为过”

You can never be careful enough.= You can never be too careful.你越小心越好。


1. John told me that _____ nothing important have ever happened.

A. hardly B. rarely C. nearly D. almost

2. ---Why don’t you like the shirt?

---Its neck is not big for me at all. Have you got a shirt of this kind with _____ neck?

A. the biggest B. a far bigger C. by far the biggest D. a more bigger

3. ---The temperature today is 10℃ below zero.

---Oh, it’s ____cold.

A. the most B. the more C. most D. much more

4. ---Do you think him naughty enough?

---I’m afraid he’s ___than naughty.

A. more clever B. clever C. much clever D. much more clever

5. Exercise is _____as any other to lose unwanted weight.

A. so useful a way B. as a useful way C. as useful a way D. such a useful way

6. ---What’s wrong? You seem restless.

---I was reduced to paying ____ price for it.

A. double the B. double of the C. double D. double of

7. _____, the boys were shouting and singing.

A. Happy and excited B. Happily and excitedly

C. To be happy and excited D. To be happily and excitedly

8. I’m glad to say that he’s already finished _____50% of the book in these three days.

A. no less than B. no more than C. not more than D. much less than

9. I’ll get there by six, if______.

A. not sooner B. no sooner C. not more quickly D. no quick

10. The US is about the same size as China, but its population is five times ____.

A. as little B. smaller C. as few D. fewer

11. ----Is this ____book?

---- Yes, it’s ___what I’m after.

A. the very; just B. the just; exactly C. a very; just D. the right; only

12. He has given up drinking. He drinks ______.

A. never again B. not any more C. no more D. once again

13. He hurried away, _____to meet his old friend.

A. looking forward B. hoped C. anxiously D. eager

14. Everything was very expensive. I didn’t buy ____fruit, but I’ve got some _____apples.

A. any; big red B. any; red big C. much; big red D. some ; red big

15. ---Are you going to the football game?

---No, the tickets are ____expensive for me.

A. very much B. so much C. far too D. highly

16. We’ll have to wait a ____two weeks to know the examination result.

A. other B. further C. another D. more

17. The little town has now grown into a modern big city, and is ___ what it used to be.

A. twice the size than B. two times the size as C. twice the size as D. twice the size of

18. The living carried away the dead and the healthy helped ____.

A. the ill B. the wounded C. the brave D. the rich

19. He likes going fishing. He usually uses a ______.

A. bamboo long fishing pole B. long bamboo fishing pole

C. pole long bamboo and fishing D. bamboo fishing long pole

20. He was the _____at that moment.

A. only awake person B. only person awake

C. awake only person D. person only awake

21. I think his suggestion is ____ bad, and that of yours is_____ good.

A. fairly too; rather B. rather too; fairly C. fairly; rather too D. rather; fairly too

22. Would you be ___ to tell me he time by your watch?

A. so kind B. kind enough C. enough kind D. very kind

23. The winners are _____children brought up in the country.

A. almost B. mostly C. most D. nearly

24. The technical college education I playing an important part today and its role will be ____ important.

A. no less B. no more C. none the less D. no more

25. A few weeks spent in traveling can be just ______classes in school.

A. a part of one’s education useful as B. as a useful part of one’s education as

C. part of one’s education as useful D. a part of one’s education as useful as

26. ______, the thief didn’t take anything valuable but my notebook.

A. Strange it is B. To be strange C. Strangely enough D. It was strange

27. His attitude towards me proved ________.

A. well B. warmly C. friendly D. nicely

28. She is ______than her younger sister.

A. less richer B. not more rich C. less rich D. not rich

29. ---What do you think of the plan?

---I feel ___that we ought to give it up at once.

A. strong B. stronger C. strongly D. it strong

30. ---Did you enjoy the movie last night?

---Yes, I didn’t expect it ______ wonderful.

A. more B. as C. most D. much

六、动词时态、语态 (主备人:沈翠微)



(一) 现在进行时用法注意点:

1.状态性动词不用进行时态,包括(1)be和have,或者含有be 和have意义的动词,如:belong to, contain, depend on, own, possess等;(2)feel, sound, smell, taste等连系动词;(3)hear, see, find等表示结果的动词;(4)表示心理或情感状态的动词,如:believe, love, want, understand, wish等;

2.进行时态和副词always, forever等连用时,往往带有一定的感情色彩,如赞扬、批评、不满、抱怨等;

(二) 一般过去时与过去进行时的区别:


She was writing a report last night and I don’t know if she has finished it.(表示昨晚一直在写)

She wrote a report last night.(表示昨晚写了,并且写好了)

2.过去进行时与always, forever等词连用表示一定的感情色彩;

He was always throwing things about. (表示不满或讨厌)

(三) 将来时的几种表达:


be going to 表示“计划、打算、安排将要做的事”时,主语只能是人 说话人说话之前已考虑过的 主语是物时,表示说话人根据某种迹象主观推测可能发生的事 不能用于含有条件句的主句中

will 表示将要发生某事或主语的“意愿” 说话人说话时刻才考虑到的 表示客观规律必然发生的 可用于含有条件句的主句或从句中表示“意愿”

be to 表示安排、计划要做的事 与第二人称连用,表示转述第三者的话 表示命令,相当于should / must 表示“能”“该”“想要”“注定、不可避免”

be about to 表示动作马上发生;句中不能再加at once, immediately和表示具体时间的词语;常有“be about to…..when”结构;


(四) 将来进行时与将来完成时:

1.将来进行时表示将来某一时刻发生的动作,结构为:will / shall be doing

2.将来完成时表示到将来某时刻某动作已发生,结构为:will / shall have done,时间状语为:by+表将来时间的词语;

如:I’ll be climbing the mountain this time the day after tomorrow.

By the time he graduates from the college, he will have learned three foreign languages.

(五) 现在完成时及过去完成时的用法注意点:

1.瞬间性动词与延续性动词的正确使用:与how long, for, since等表示一段时间的状语连用时须用延续性动词,如:buy-have, keep-borrow, die-be dead, marry-be married, begin-be on, begin to know-know等;

2.注意have / had been to与have/ had gone to的区别;


If it has stopped snowing in the morning, we’ll go to the park.


5.有些动词的过去完成时表示过去未曾实现的意图、打算或希望,这类动词为:think, plan, mean, intend, hope, expect, suppose等;

I had intended to visit you yesterday, but the rain prevented me.

(六) 现在/过去完成进行时的用法:强调动作延续到说话时且还在进行;结构:have (has) / had been doing

比较:They have repaired the road.(表示路已修好)

They have been repairing the road. (表示路还在修)

有时两者可替换:She has taught in this middle school for ten years.

She has been teaching in this school for ten years.

注意:完成进行时不可与瞬间性动词连用,如:finish, go, marry等;

(七) 某些固定句型中时态是固定的:

1.This / That / It is the first time +从句(用现在完成时)

2.It’s / has been +一段时间+since从句(用过去时)

3.Hardly / No sooner had sb. done when / than +从句(用过去时)

4.It will be +一段时间+before从句(用一般现在时)/ It was +一段时间+before从句(用过去时)

5. It’s time+从句(用过去时或should do)

6.would rather+从句(用一般过去时/过去完成时)

It’s getting late. I’d rather you took a taxi there.

The film was boring. I’d rather I hadn’t gone to see it.


1.动词sell, write, read, open, lock, shut, wear, wash, keep, cook, cut, burn, run等与well, smoothly, easily等连用时,说明主语内在的“性能”“特点”,用主动代替被动;

2.表示状态特征的连系动词如smell, taste, feel, sound, look, prove等用主动语态表示被动意义;

3.不及物动词及一些固定短语不能用被动语态:come up, run out(用完), give out(耗尽), go out(熄灭), come out(出版), come to light, belong to, break out, lose heart, die out, own, have, possess, happen, occur等;

4.当want, require, need作“需要”解,后接doing/ to be done作宾语,此时动词do与主语为动宾关系;

5.be worth后接doing作宾语,用主动形式表示被动意义;

6.不定式to let(出租), to blame(该受责备)表示被动意义;

7.在“主语+be+形容词(for sb.)+to do”结构中,to do用主动形式;

8.在“主语+谓语+宾语(名词)+动词不定式to do(作定语修饰前面的名词,且为动宾关系;主语与to do为主谓关系时,此动词不定式用主动形式;如:

I have a meeting to attend.


1. ------I took a photo of you just now.

-----Really? I _______ with attention.

A. didn’t look B. wasn’t looking C. am not looking D. haven’t looked

2. ------You haven’t said a word about my new hair-style. What do you think of it?

-----I’m sorry I _______ anything about it sooner. I certainly think it’s pretty.

A. don’t say B. wasn’t saying C. didn’t say D. haven’t said

3. ------Can I help you, Madam?

-------No, thanks. I __________________.

A. have just looked around B. just look around

C. am just looking around D. just looked around

4. ------That famous cherry trees _________ because of pollution.

-----Yes, we have to do something to save it.

A. has died B. had died C. is dead D. is dying

5. She ought to stop reading; she has a headache because she _______ too long.

A. had read B. read C. is reading D. has been reading

6. ------You’re talking too much.

-------Only at home. No one ______ me but you.

A. is hearing B. had heard C. hears D. heard

7. -------What have you been doing? I asked you a question. Why didn’t you answer?

-------Sorry, I ___________ to the news on the radio.

A. listened B. have listened C. was listening D. had listened

8. -------You should have told him the date earlier.

-------I_______, but he forgot about it.

A. did B. have C. had D. should have

9. ------You could have asked Tom for help, for he is good at physics.

-----Really? Oh, a whole night __________. Why didn’t you tell me earlier?

A. is wasted B. was wasted C. had wasted D. has wasted

10. The thief tried to break away from the policeman who __________ him but failed.

A. held B. had held C. would hold D. was holding

11. You _________exercises at your desk! Why not take some exercise?

A. always do B. are always doing C. have always done D. have always been doing

12.----What were you up to when she dropped in?

----I ____ for a while and ____some reading.

A. was playing; was going to do B. played; did

C. had played; was going to do D. had played; did

13.Until then I _______ for him for hours in his office.

A. waited B. was waiting C. have been waiting D. had been waiting

14. -----Did you see Marty in the manager’s office?

-----Yes, he ______ by the manager.

A. is questioned B. was being questioned C. had been questioned D. was questioned

15. Look at this ! I _______ some magazines and _______ this card!

A. was looking through; found B. am looking through; had found

C. looked through; had found D. had looked through; finding

16. ------Tom’s wife took the place of him to attend the conference.

-------I would rather Tom _______ there, not his wife.

A. had been B. have been C. was D. went

17. -------Listen!

------I _______ but I _________ anything at all.

A. listened; have heard B. have listened; hear

C. was listening; wasn’t hearing D. am listening; don’t hear

18. The shop assistant promised me that the material ______ and what she said ______ to be true.

A. would be dried easily ; was proved B. will be dried easily; was proved

C. dried easily; proved D. was dried easily; proved

19. -----What place is it?

-----Haven’t you seen that we _____ back where we ______?

A. were, had been B. are, were C. were, have been D. are, had been

七、情态动词 (主备人:沈晓红)


1. 表示请求和允许: can, could , may, might. 过去式使语气更委婉,答语应用原形。

--- Could I use your computer tomorrow morning?

--- Yes, you can.( 否定回答可用:No, I’m afraid not.)


理论可能性 can

可能性 肯定句 must, may ,might, could

疑问句 can

否定句 can’t (不可能),may not (可能不)


Children can be very tiring.

2)反意问句。 He may know the plan, doesn’t he?

You must have studied English before, haven’t you?

You can’ t have been caught in the rain last night, were you?

3.could & be able to

在肯定句中could表示过去有“能力”做,was / were able to表示过去有能力而且确实做成了某一件事, 相当于managed to do…或succeeded in doing sth.

The fire spread through the hotel very quickly but everyone was able to get out.

4. may / might as well do sth “还是…好”、“不妨”

You might as well tell me the truth. 你还是把真相告诉我的好。

5. must和have to

1) must表示的是说话人的主观看法, 而have to强调客观需要。

2)否定形式含义不同。mustn’t禁止,不许可,don’t have to不必

3) must 偏要(做令人不快的事)eg. Must you shout so loudly?

6. shall和should

1) 表示说话人征求对方意见和向对方请示,用于第一、三人称。

When shall my father be able to leave hospital?

shall 2)表示说话人给对方的命令、警告、允诺或威胁以及说话人的决心。

You shall go with me (命令) / You shall have the book when I finish it.(允诺)

He shall be punished (威胁)/ Nothing shall stop me from doing it. (决心)

1) 表示劝告和建议“应该”

2) “按道理应当”“估计”(=ought to)

They should be there by now, I think.

3) 用于第一人称表示说话人的一种谦逊、客气、委婉的语气。

I should advise you not do that.我倒是劝你别这样做。

should 4) 在条件句中表示“万一”,主句不一定用虚拟语气。

Ask Tom to ring me up if you should see him. /Should I be free tomorrow, I’ll come.

5) Why / How + should 结构表示说话人对某事不能理解,感到意外、惊异等意思, 意为“竟然”,也用在某些从句中。

It seems so unfair that this should happen to me.这种事竟然发生在我身上真不公平。

7. will 和would

1) 表示意志和意愿。will 指现在,would指过去。

If you will listen to me, I’ll give you some advice.

2) 表示请求、建议,would比will委婉、客气。Will (Would ) you please pass me the book?

3) 表示习惯性动作,“总是”“惯于”,will指现在,would指过去。

Fish will die without water.

Every evening, she would sit by the window, deep in thought.

4). 表示功能, 意为“能” 或“行” The machine won’t work.

5) 表示预料或猜想。It would be about ten when he left home.猜想他离开家时大约十点。

8. would & used to

1) 表示过去持续的状态和情况用used to; would不与表示状态的动词连用。

There used to be a hospital here. / There would be a hospital here.( ×)

2) would 常与often, sometimes, for hours等表示时间的副词(短语)连用。

We would sit in the yard every evening and listened to his story.

3) used to 强调过去的行为同现在的对比,含有“过去怎样,而现在却不这样了”的含义. eg. He will not spend the money on books as he used to.

9. dare 和need

两者作为情态动词都不用于肯定句,常用于否定句、疑问句和条件从句中。习惯用语I dare say(可能,或许,我揣测)除外。实义动词用法同于一般动词。但在否定句中,dare 后的to可省略,即:don’t / doesn’t dare (to ) do…. need 作为实义动词时,用在否定句中时,其后的to不能省略。

He dare go there alone. ( ×) He dares to go there.

He dares not go there alone. ( ×) He dare not go there alone . / He doesn’t dare ( to ) go there alone.

He stood there without daring lift his head.(×) He stood there without daring to lift his head.
