高三英语复习专题 (主谓一致 倒装句 习惯用法 交际用语)(人教版高三英语上册教学论文)

发布时间:2016-6-10 编辑:互联网 手机版

高三英语复习专题 (主谓一致 倒装句 习惯用法 交际用语)


1. --Have you heard that Tian Liang, along with his parents, _______ to Canada ?

--Really ? No wonder I haven’t seen him these days.

A. has been B. has gone C. have been D. have gone

2. Over three-quarter of the city _______ destroyed in the Iraq War.

A. is B. are C. were D. was

3. This kind of story ________ instructive while stories of that kind _______ harmful to children.

A. is; seems B. are; seem C. is; seem D. are; seems

4. Everybody in our hometown, men and women, young and old, _______ sports and games.

A. fond of B. joins C. enjoys D. got in for

5. The Whites’ family, which _______ rather a large one, ________ very fond of their house.

A. were; re B. was ; were C. were; was D. was ; was

6. Not his son but his two daughters ________ to Canada, never to be seen again.

A. has gone B. have gone C. has been D. have been

7. When the injured _______ to the hospital, they came to ________.

A. was rushed ; life B. were rushed ; life

C. rushed ; lives D. were rushed ; lives

8. Despite much research, there are still certain elements in the life cycle of the insect that _______ not fully understood.

A. are B. were C. is D. was

9. ________ visitors to Hong Kong were asked by newspaper reporters what their impressions of the people were.

A. The number of B. A numbers of C. Numbers of D. Any numbers of

10. Every possible means _________ tried but without much result.

A. have been B. had C. has D. has been

11. The rest of the story ________ no telling. Half of the students ______ no interest in it.

A. need ; has B. needs ; have C. needs ; has D. need ; have

12. John and Mary, ___ sure to come to our party this evening.

A. be B. are C. is D. to be

13. This is the only one of the books on the subject ________ ever been written in English.

A. that has B. which have C. that have D. which is

14. Every boy and every girl as well as some teachers who ____ to visit the museum____ asked to be at the school gate before 6:30 in the morning.

A. are, are B. is , is C. are, is D. is , are

15. A great many people_______ present at the meeting. But many a man ________ late for the meeting because of the traffic jam.

A. are; are B. is; is C. were; was D. was; are

16. He is one of the children who often ________ ill of others behind their backs.

A. have spoken B. were speaking C. speaks D. speak

17. It’s I who ________ the Christmas gift to you.

A. has sent B. have sent C. is going to fetch D. are going to fetch

18. What were your problems a year ago _______ mine now.

A. has become B. have become C. becomes D. became

19. Nowhere else in the world _______cheaper tailoring than in Hong Kong.

A. a tourist can find B. can a tourist find

C. a tourist will find D. a tourist has found

20. ----You seem to be an actor. ---____. I have played many parts in a lot of films.

A. So I am B. So am I C. So do I D. So I do

21. _____that we all went out, lying in the sun.

A. So fine was the weather B. So was the fine weather

C. The weather so fine was D. So the weather was fine

22. ____a nice man _______that we all believed him.

A. So; he seemed B. So; did he seem

C. Such; he seemed D. Such; did he seem

23. Not only _____working hard, but also ______very polite.

A. is the boy; he is B. is the boy; is he

C. the boy is; he is D. the boy is; is he

24. Not until _____ _____settle the problem.

A. he returns; can we B. he returns; we can

C. does he return; we can D. does he return; can we

25. Well _____know him and well ______know me.

A.I did; he did B. I did; did he C. did I; he did D. did I; did he

26. ______, he was unable to make such progress.

A. hard he has tried B. as hard as he tried

C. hard as he tried D. harder than he tried

27. There ______shouts for help from the river.

A. are coming B. did come C. comes D. come

28. Seeing many people coming, away_____.

A. the thief ran B. run the thief C. ran the thief D. did the thief run

29. Mr. Smith didn’t understand ______ made his son so upset this morning.

A. what was it B. why it was this C. how that was D. what it was that

30. -----Did you have a good sleep last night?

----Yes, never sleep _______.

A. badly B. better C. worse D. best

31. We are only _____ glad to do anything we can _______ her.

A. too; to help B. very; help C too; help D. very; helping

32. -----How come you are late for class again?


A. Because I missed the bus B. By bus and then on foot

C. Please excuse me D. It’s quite wrong

33. _______ more than 3,000 languages in the world.

A. There are thought to be B. There is thought to be

C. They are thought to be D. It is thought to be

34. -----George is a wise person.

-----But in my opinion, he is ______ than wise.

A. cleverer B. braver C. more brave D. less brave

35. -----So can I ask you a few fairly straightforward questions about yourself?

-----No problem. I like ________ when people are open and direct.

A. that B. this C. it D. them

36. ----______I move the picture over here?

----I suppose it’ll look better.

A. How if B. What about C. How about D. What if

37. China has produced ______ this year as it did in 2002.

A. as twice much steel B. twice steel as much

C. twice as much steel D. as much steel twice

38. -----_______was it ______ you discovered the secret of his?

------Totally by chance.

A. How; when B. What; that C. What; when D. How; that

39. -----Who on earth could it be?

------It was _______ other than Clint Eastwood.

A. none B. nothing C. not D. nobody

40. _____his age, he did it quite well, so don’t ______ him any more.

A Given; blame B. Considered; say C. To regard; scold D. Considering; speak

41. No sooner _____ themselves in their seats in the theatre ______ the curtain went up.

A. they have settled; before B. had they settled; than

C. have they settled; when D. they had settled; than

42. -----Did you meet with the famous space hero, Yang Liwei?

------______I had come here earlier!

A. If only B. If not C. But for D. For fear

43. The students expected __________ more reviewing classes before the final exams.

A. it would be B. there being C. it to be D. there to be

44. Students shouldn’t be given so difficult a problem _____ they can not work out.

A. that B. which C. while D. as

45. It was twelve o’clock at midnight _______ they arrived at a lonely village.

A. that B. before C. since D. when

46. -----The exam wasn’t difficult, was it?

-----No, but I don’t think ______could pass it.

A. somebody B. anybody C. everybody D. nobody

47. -----I always take care when doing papers on the computer.

-----You meant it! One can not be _______careful working on it.

A. too B. very C. so D. quite

48. -----Is Miss White working these days?

-----No. It is two months since she worked here.

-----Oh, _____________?

A. where is she working now B. would you please show me the way

C. which is her office D. is she ill

49. ---I expect everything will turn out as you wish.


A. All right B. The same to you C. No, thanks D. I’d like to

50. ---I’m sorry that I can’t attend your wedding.

---_____? Haven’t we agreed on it?

A. What is it B. Why don’t you C. What do you think D. How is it

51. ---Excuse me, sir. I’m writing a research paper on Chinese medicine. Do you mind answering a

few question?


A. Yes, please B. No, of course not C. Certainly D. By all means

52. ----Excuse me, could you tell me the time?

----Sorry, I don’t have my watch with me.


A. Thanks anyway B. Thanks a lot

C. I’m sorry to hear that D. What a pity

53. ----Would you like another cup of tea?


A. Why not B. Make yourself at home

C. Oh, sorry D. It’s very kind of you

54. ---I wish you wouldn’t have your TV so loud.

---____. Were you trying to sleep?

A. That’s all right B. OK C. Sorry D. Thank you

55. ----How is everything, Rose?


A. Very well, thank you B. Not too bad

C. I’m all right, thanks D. Not at all

56. ---Why didn’t you tell Ann the truth?


A. Yes, I was afraid to be scolded by her B. No, but I wanted to

C. But I did D. I always hate telling lies

57. ---Not all present would believe what the report said, I’m afraid.


A. So do I B. Nor am I C. I agree D. I’m afraid, too

58. ---Here you are at last!


A. Are you all right B. Yes, I’m here

C. Sorry to have kept you waiting D. You are here, too

59. ---Please excuse me, but I really have to be going.

---Yes, of course. ____.

A. The same to me B. That’s OK C. Thanks a lot D. Nice seeing you.

60. ---Tom, would you like to come to our dinner party?


A. Yes, I would B. Yes, with pleasure

C. No, I can’t come D. Sure, it’s my pleasure

61. ---______ at the new school?

---Fine. I’ve got used to the life there and I’ve made some friend.

A. How are you B. How are you doing

C. Are you getting on well D. How do you do

62. ---Cliff, I lost your bike at school. I suppose I should pay for it.

---Oh, _______. It was an old bike anyway.

A. Forget it B. Take it easy C. OK D. Don’t say so

63. ---I’m going to travel to America. Would you tell me something about your experiences there?

---_____. Let’s discuss it over dinner.

A. That’s all right B. By all means C. Go ahead D. It just depends

64. ---Shall I help you with the suitcase? ---_______.

A. It’s all right, thanks B. Yes, go ahead please

C. I don’t want to trouble you too much D. No, please don’t do it

65. ---You can’t finish the book in less than an hour, I suppose? ---_________.

A. Yes, I’m sure I can B. No, hardly

C. Sorry, I can’t D. I don’t think I can

66. ---How are things going with you? ---________.

A. Quite well, thank you B. Good. And you?

C. Good. Why not? D. No, just so-so.


1-5 BDCCB 6-10 BBACD 11-15 BAACC 16-20 DBBBA 21-25 ADAAD 26-30 CDCDB 31-35 AAACC 36-40 DCDAA 41-45 BADDD 46-50 CAABD 51-55 BADCB 56-60 CCCDB 61-66 BABAAA
