whose (人教版高三英语下册教学论文)

发布时间:2016-5-18 编辑:互联网 手机版


1. I live in the house, ___ door faces south.

I live in the house, the door ______ faces south.

I live in the house, _____ the door faces south.

2. He is my best friend, __ parents both work abroad.

He is my best friend, both of ______ parents work abroad.

which & that

1. This is the very person ______ I’m waiting for.

2. Do you know the things and persons _____ they are talking about?

3. Shanghai is no longer the city _____ it used to be.

4. Who is the boy _____ won the gold medal?

5. They secretly built up a small factory, ______ produced things that could cause pollution.

6. I’ll tell you all ____ he told me yesterday.

I’ll tell you all ____ he told me yesterday.

7. When people talk about the famous attractions in Changzhou, the first____ comes into their mind is China Dinosaur Park.

A. place B. one C. that D. of them

prep. + which / whom/whose

1. The film was made at the place ____ Chairman Mao was born.

2. The film was made at the place ____ Chairman Mao was born in.

3. The film was made at the place in ____ Chairman Mao was born. (介词的位置)

4. I’d like to give my thanks to those ____ help my son has been able to survive.

A. who B. that

C. with whose D. with their


1. In the dark street, there wasn’t a single person ____ ____she could turn for help.

2. He studied in a local school, ____ _____ he entered Beijing University.

3. I have to wear glasses, ____ _____ I can see nothing.

4. By 9 o’clock, all the Olympic torch bearers had reached the top of Mount

Qomolangma, ____ ____ appeared a rare rainbow soon.


1. some/all/any/neither/none…+of which/whom

Last week, only two people came to look at the house, ____ wanted to buy it.

A. none of them B. both of them

C. none of whom D. neither of whom

2. adj. 的最高级/比较级+of which/ whom

China has a lot of islands, the largest of ____ is Taiwan.

3. 复合介词+whom/ which

We saw an old man sitting in the street corner, in front of ____ was a hat.

There are two buildings on the beach, ___ the smaller serves as a hotel. It will take us ___ ten minutes to get there.

A. of them; less than

B. of which; fewer than

C. of them; fewer than

D. of which; less than

Prep.+ n. + which结构

1. It rained all night and all day, ____ we had to stay at home.

A. during which time

B. during the time

C. at that time D. at the time

2. It will stay rainy, _____we’ll have to stop working.

A. in case B. in case of

C. in that case D. in which case

3. In the office I never seem to have time until after 5:30 pm, ______ many people have gone home.

A. whose time B. that

c. on which D. by which time

4. She lost her temper, at which point I decided to go back home.


The poor man has no house ______ to live.

The beggar has no money ______ to buy food.

The statistics ____ to base his theory proved right.

relative pron. or relative adv.


1. Yesterday I went to a town, ______ has high buildings and a park.

Yesterday I went to a town, ______ stands high buildings and a park.

2. I don’t like the way ________he speaks to me.

The way _____ he explained to us was quite simple.

3. I could hardly remember how many times _____ I have failed.

This was at a time ____ there were no radios, no TV or no telephone.

This is the second time ____ the President has visited the country.

4. Is this factory you visited yesterday?

Is this factory ___________ you worked 20 years ago.

Is this the factory you visited yesterday?

situation, condition, case, scene, stage, position, etc

1. He has got himself into a dangerous situation ___ he is likely to lose control over the plane.

A. where B. which C. while. D.why

2. I can think of many cases ______ students obviously knew a lot of English words and expressions but couldn’t write a good essay.

3. We’ve reached the point ___ both sides disagreed.

There is one point ____ we must insist on.

4. After graduation she reached a point in her career ____ she needed to decide what to do.

4. Occasions are quite rare____ I have the time to spend a day with my kids.


关系代词as & which

1. His movie won several awards at the film festival, ___ was beyond his wildest dream.

2. He failed in the last exam, ___ we hadn’t expected.

He failed again in the last exam, ____ we all had expected.

____ has been announced at the meeting, all the students should wear school uniforms.

3. ______ is known to all /______ we all know, Taiwan is part of China.

Taiwan is part of China, ______ is known to all.


What is known to all is that….

It is known to all that…

4. David is tall, ____ are my brothers.

as is often the case;

as we all expected/ is expected;

as has been mentioned above;

as you describe;

as can be seen in the chart;

as is known / said/ reported / announced

as (it) often happens, as (it) appears


such/so/as…as (定语从句;缺少成分);such/so…that(状语从句;完整)

1. This is such an interesting film____ I’d like to see.

This is so interesting a film ___ I’d like to see it.

2. Such story-book ____ I am reading is of much value to the children.

A. that B. which C. as D. what

3. Keep away from such things ___ will do you harm.

A. as B. that C. to which D. which

4. This book is not such ___ I expect.

the same…as…与先行词同样但不同一个。 the same …that.. 就是先行词

This is the same museum ___ I visited 20 years ago.

I want to buy the same skirt ____ you bought yesterday.


1. I, who ____ your husband, should be responsible for you. (be)

2. He is one of the students who ____ been to America.

He is the(only) one of the students who ____been to America. (have)

3. To own a computer in families, which we thought________ impossible 20 years ago, now becomes true. (be)



1)I didn’t believe the news ____ he had told us.

2)We all believed the news ____ our football team had won the match.

A. that B. that/which

C. what D. on which

what 与 定语从句引导词which/that

1) Finally, the thief handed everything ___ he had stolen to the police.

A. which B. what

C. whatever D. that

2) He came late again, ___ made his teacher very angry.

_____ made the teacher angry was that he came late again.

_____ made the teacher angry that he came late again.

A. it B. what C. which

where 在定语从句和其他从句中的使用

(1). Wheat can be grown _______ it is cold.

Wheat can be grown in the place ____ it is cold.

(2). Home is ____ you can stay comfortably.

Home is the place _____you can stay comfortably.

(3)It seems that we have to rebuild ___ is now used for government offices.

A. where B. which C. what D. it

(4) When you read the map, you’d better make a mark____ you have any question.

A. at which B. at the place

C. the place where D. where

(5)This place is _____ they fought the enemy.

This place is ____ they call “Pleasant Garden”.

A. where B. which C. the ones D. what


1. We feed children _____are hungry. A. whom we think B. who we think C. we think who D. we think whom

2. He made another wonderful discovery, ____ of great important to science. A. which I think is

B. which I think it is C. which I think it

D. I think which it is


(1). I’ll do everything all/everything I can______ you.

A. help B. to help

(2). They spent as much time as they could_____ on the project.

A. work B. working

(3). After a heated discussion, they agreed on the way I thought of ___ the problem.

A. solve B. solving C. to solve

(4). The letter I’m looking forward to ___ this morning.

A. arrived B. arriving C. arrive

The theory they stuck to proved right.

(5). He often speaks of the trouble he ____ helping the orphan.

He often speaks of the trouble he ____ to help the orphan.

A. had B. founded C. taken D. took

6. With everything she needed _____ , she went home. (buy , to buy, bought)

7. It’s in the house______was built by his father 2 yeas ago_______ we held the meeting yesterday.


1. If the project should be delayed for a day, ___ would mean we would be fined $100,000.

that / as/ which/ and it

2. He came late for school again; _____ made his teacher angry.

He came late for school again,_______made his teacher angry.

He came late for school again and/so _________made his teacher angry.

(but 等连词)

A. it B. which C. that D. this
