Teaching plan the Grammar : Noun Clauses (人教版高三英语下册教学论文)

发布时间:2016-3-19 编辑:互联网 手机版

Teaching plan the Grammar : Noun Clauses

By 陈柯蓓

1. Teaching Objectives:

★ Language Objectives

1.The students will know what is the noun clauses

2.The students will know when to use the subjunctive mood;

3.The students will be able to make sentences with noun clauses

★ Learning Strategy Objectives

The students will be able to use the sentences with noun clause to express themselves.

★ Moral Objectives

1. Guide the students to have active & positive attitude towards English learning.

2. Guide the students to have active & positive attitude towards sharing with group members.

2. Teaching Procedures

Step 1. Lead-in

(1)Lead in the teaching aims with a picture;

(2)Ask the students to fill in the blanks in order to make the sentence full.

Step 2. Jigsaw Time

(1) Step 1: form groups. 4 students will form one group. Each one of them are called studentA student B student C student D. They will study 表语从句,主语从句,宾语从句,同位语从句independently.

(2) Step 2 : do the exercises of your own part.

(3) Step 3: check answer with the right answers on a piece of paper the teacher handed to you while you are doing your exercises.

(4) Step 4: draw a conclusion on your note paper the teacher handed to you while you are cheching answers

(5) Step 5: expert time. Now everyone must be the expert of your own part. So everyone will share your study result togther. Your will be a teacher. The other three students will take note about what you say. After you four get full notes. Do exercise togther and chech answers one by one.

(6) Step 6: evaluation time. Some students will be invited to the front to do as teachers. They must do exersies together. Then show the teacher your answers. Then the teacher give the right answer and the reasons

Step 3. Some special attention should be paid attention to some special accasion.

Step 4. Summary by filling the gaps of conclusions.

3. Homework: write a passage with the given content
