考点12 情景交际 (人教版高三英语下册教学论文)

发布时间:2016-5-8 编辑:互联网 手机版

考点12 情景交际

1. - Shall we go to the art exhibition right away? -

A. It’s your opinion B. I don’t mind C. It’s all up to you D. That’s your decision

2. - It’s cloudy outside. Please take an umbrella. - .

A. Yes, take it easy B. Well, it just depends

C. OK, just in case D. All right, you’re welcome

3. - Could you do me a favor and take these books to my office? - Yes, .

A. for pleasure B. I could C. my pleasure D. with pleasure

4. - Do you think I could borrow your bicycle? -

A. How come? B. Take your time. C. Yes, go on. D. Yes, help yourself.

5. - Let’s go swimming, shall we? - .

A. It’s my pleasure B. It doesn’t matter C. Yes, let’s go D. I agree with you

6. - May I take your order now?

- .

- OK, I will come back in few minutes.

A. Could you bring us the bill? B. Sure, we’d love to.

C. Yes, have it is. D. No, we need more time.

7. - Oh, it’s you. Come in, please. __________.

- Thank you very much. You have a good place here.

A. Long time no see B. Take it easy C. Make yourself at home D. Don’t worry

8. - What kind of food would you like to have?

- _ but Japanese.

A. Anything B. Something C. Everything D. All

9. - I was wondering if we could go skiing on the weekend.

- good.

A. Sound B. Sounded C. Sounding D. Sounds

10. - Do you mind my smoking here? - .

A. No, thanks. B. No, good idea. C. Yes, please. D. Yes, better not.

11. - My family usually goes skating for vacation. I like skating, but I want to try something different this year.

- .

A. Let’s go. B. Cheer up. C. Like what? D. Take care.

12. - Shall I give you a fide as you live so far away? - Thank you. .

A. It couldn’t be better B. Of course you can C. If you like D. It’s up to you

13. - Your job open for your return. - Thanks.

A. will be kept B. will keep C. had kept D. had been kept

14. - It’s been raining for a whole week. I think it’ll get fine soon.

- . We are getting into the rainy season now.

A. Yes, it will B. Of course not C. It’s possible D. It’s hard to say

15. - You know who came yesterday?

- Yao Ming? We had a basketball match.

- He came and watched the game.

A. You guessed it! B. Well done! C. How did you know that? D. That was good news!

16. - Would you take this along to the office for me? - .

A. With pleasure. B. That’s fight. C. Never mind. D. Don’t mention it.

17. - Michael was late for Mr. Smith’s oral class this morning.

- ? As far as I know, he never came late to class.

A. How come B. So what C. Why not D. What for

18. - I didn’t know this was a one-way street, officer. - .

A. That’s all fight. B. I don’t believe you.

C. How dare you say that? D. Sorry, but that’s no excuse.

19. - I don’t have any change with me. Will you pay the fare for me? - .

A. That’s fine B. Nothing serious C. Never mind D. No problem

20. - Do you mind if I keep pets in this building? - .

A. I’d rather you didn’t, actually B. Of course not, it’s not allowed here

C. Great! I love pets D. No, you can’t

21. - You’ve give us a wonderful Chinese dinner, Mrs. Wang. - .

A. Oh, I’m afraid I didn’t cook very well B. I’m glad you enjoyed it

C. Come again when you are free D. It’s not necessary for you to say so

22. - Shall I help you with that suitcase? - .

A. It’s all right, thanks B. Yes, go ahead please

C. I don’t want to trouble you too much D. No, please don’t do it

23. - I’m afraid I can’t finish the book within a week. - .

A. Please go ahead B. That’s all right C. Not at all D. Take your time

24. - No, I’m afraid he isn’t in, this is his secretary speaking. Can I help you? - .

A. Oh, you will B. Oh, that’s a pity

C. I should think so D. I look forward to hearing from you

25. - Do you mind if I open the door? - I feel a bit cold.

A. Of course not. B. I’d rather you didn’t. C. Go ahead. D. Why not?

26. - Waiter! My wife takes great interest in most of the food on the menu.

- Thanks, .

- Salad, fried fish, fried chicken and orange juice, please.

A. What can I do for you? B. At your service. C. Shall I take your order? D. Oh, what?

27. - Excuse me, where can I find the post office?

- Go down this street. Turn right at the first light and you’ll see it on the left.

- Did you say right at the first light?

- .

A. No, left B. OK C. Thank you D. You’re right

28. - I had a really good weekend at my uncle’s. - .

A. Oh, that’s very nice of you B. Congratulations

C. It’s a pleasure D. Oh, I’m glad to hear that

29. - Will you be sent aboard for further studies? - I have !

A. such no luck B. no such luck C. no such a luck D. not such a luck

30. - How did you find your visit to Qingdao, Joanna? - .

A. Oh, wonderful indeed B. I went the alone

C. First by train and then by ship D. A guide showed me the way
