中考例题 教学总结(仁爱版英语中考复习)

发布时间:2016-7-27 编辑:互联网 手机版



. -I called you at 4:00 yesterday afternoon, but no one answered.

-Sorry, I _____ with my friends at that time.

A. swim B. swam C. will swim D, was swimming



. -Excuse me, where is Mr. Brown's office?

-Sorry, I don't know. I_____ here for only a few days.

A. work B. worked C. have worked D. will work



-Where is Bob?

-He______to Harbin for a meeting.

went B. has been C. has gone


【解析】词义辨析。have been to 指“去过”,have gone to 指“去了”, 即不在说话者所在地。根据句义,“他去哈尔滨参加会议”,所以选C。


. Don't make so much noise. The children_______an English lesson.

A. have B. are having C. were having




. I was very angry with John-he just_______ when I spoke to him.

A. isn’t listening B. hasn’t listened C. didn’t listen D. wasn’t listening




. - Are you going to the bank, Laura?

-No, I _______ to the bank already.

A. have been B. have gone C. am going D. had been


【解析】考查动词时态的用法。由上句句意“……你打算去银行吗?-不。”和“already”推测他已经去过了,用现在完成时。Have/has been+地点意为“去过某地(已回来)”;have/has gone+地点意为“到某地去了(现在不在这儿)”。故选A。


Mr. Black is going to marry a girl he _______ in Japan last year.

A. meets B. met C. has met D. would meet




So far this year, many new houses ________ in Wenchuan with the help of the government.

A. build B. are built C. will build D. have been built


【解析】考查动词的时态。句中有So far“到目前为止”,使用现在完成时态,故选D。


. My grandmother ______ a lot of changes in Tianjin since she came here.

A.sees B. can see C. will see D. has seen


【解析】 动词的时态。 “Since,自从……以来”是现在完成时的标志词,因此这句话用现在完成时。


.The meeting _ by the time I got there yesterday.

A. was on B. has been on C. had begun D. has begun


【解析】时态的考察 “我昨天到哪儿”是过去,“会议开始在我到哪儿之前”应是过去的过去。故用过去完成时。

11. 【2011广西柳州】-You have found your lost umbrella, haven’t you?

-Yes. I _____ it behind the door this afternoon.

A. have found B. will find C. found



12.【2011沈阳】10. Listen! The phone ___. Please go to answer it.

A. rings B. is ringing C. rang D. will ring



13.(2011贵州毕节)28.I many new friends since I came here.

A.make B.made C.will make D.have made


14.【2011梧州】36. I met a good friend of mine while I on the street.

A. walks B. walk C. was walking D. am walking


【解析】时态考察 “我在街上走的时候,突然碰到了我的一个好朋友。”遇见我的好朋友时,我正在街上走着,故应用过去进行时。

15.【2011梧州】45. – I don’t know if Mr. Li ____ to the party this evening.

-- I think he will come if he ____ free.

A. will come; is B. will come; will be C. comes; is D. comes; will be


【解析】从句时态的考察 本题考察if引导的从句时态的考察,第一个if引导的是宾语从句,“李老师今晚是不是将参加我们的聚会”应用一般将来时;第二个if引导的是条件状语从句应“主将从现”。

16. Where's your brother, Jane? He's not in Guiyang these days. He________ Beijing.'

A. has gone to B. has been to C. had been to


【解析】 根据句意:你哥哥Jane在哪里?这些天他不在贵阳,他去了北京。Has gone to去了;has been to去过。故选A。

17.【2011湖南湘西】25. What’s the best present you have ever ________?

A. received B. receives C. receiving


【解析】考查时态 构成完成时态用“have/has + 过去分词”,received是过去分词。

18.【2011湖南湘西】30. -What are you doing?

-I’m ________ TV.

A. watching B. watches C. watched


【解析】考查时态 上句用进行时问,再用进行时回答,构成进行时用“be + 现在分词”,所以选择答案A.

19.【2011沈阳】8. The computer is broken. ___ it___ today?

A. Will; repair B. Has; repaired

C. Will; be repaired D. Has; been repaired



20.【2011雅安】14. She _______ this book for nearly three weeks.

A. has borrowed B. has lent C. has bought D. has kept


【解析】考查延续性动词的用法。时间状语为:for nearly three weeks,用延续性动词。borrow,lend, buy均为非延续性动词,不能与一段时间连用。故选D。

21.【2011襄阳】35. ---- Why won’t you go to the movie with me, Gina?

---- Because I it twice.

A. see B. have seen C. saw D. will see


【解析】时态考察 看过电影两次在过去,对现在的影响是不去看电影。用现在完成时。

22.【2011广东】31. -Alan, it’s late. Why not go to bed?

- Jenny hasn’t come back yet. I _______ for her.

A. waited B. have waited C. am waiting D. was waiting

答案: C

【解析】本题考查时态运用。由句意“艾伦,很晚了,为什么还不睡?”“詹妮还没有回来。 我_____她”由语境分析,艾伦现在是正在等詹妮回来。应用现在进行时态。故选C。

23.【2011四川德阳】9. – It _____ hard outside. You have to stay at home.

A. rain B. is raining C. rained

答案: B


24.【2011哈尔滨】32. English people can't give up hamburgers or fried chicken because they’re delicious. However, the French are changing. They aren't interested in food like before.A. fast B. healthy C. natural


【解析】考查形容词辨析 根据句意:英国人依然留恋汉堡和炸鸡,而法国人在改变。他们不再像从前,对快餐感兴趣了。

25.【2011呼和浩特】12. ----Wha t do you think of Tom’s speaking?

----No one does in our class.

A. good B. better C. well D. best


【解析】形容词比较级 此题是隐藏性的比较级。“你认为汤姆的口语怎样” “在我们班没人比他说得好”。

26.【2011四川达州】26.-Up to now the Chinese Communist Party(中国共产党)has nearly history.

-Yes, it was founded July 23rd, 1921.

A. 90 years; at B. 90-year; in

C. 90-years; of D. 90-year; on



27. The bag of rice is ___ heavy for Tom to carry. Let’s go and help him.

A. too B. so C. very



28.【2011广西柳州】I am glad to see you.

A. happy B. sad C. old



29. 【2011广西柳州】The girl can run very fast.

A. quickly B. slowly C. quietly



30. 【2011广西柳州】He did the work all by himself.

A. already B. together C. alone


【解析】考查副词的用法。他独自一人做的这项工作。alone=by oneself.故选C。

31.【2011雅安】6. The woman is very busy so she ________ watches TV.

A. often B. always C. seldom D. almost



32.【2011广东深圳】9. - The doctor told me____ too much but I find it difficult.

- The doctor is right. The less you drink, ______ you will be.

A. don't drink; the healthier B. not to drink; the healthier

C. not to drink; the more healthier D. don't drink; healthier


【解析】不定式与the+比较级的用法。tell sb. not to do sth.表示“告诉某人不要做某事”,“the+比较级,the+比较级”表示“越……,越……”。故选择B。33. Oxford University is ________ with tourists for its beautiful old buildings.

A. different B. famous C. special D. popular 答案:D

【解析】形容词的用法。be popular with 为固定短语意为“为…所喜爱”。根据句意可知选D。

34. Mrs Smith has a cute baby. It often smiles at people ________.

A. friendly B. lovely C. happily D. lively 答案:C


35.【2011雅安】11.-Which month has ______ days in a year?


A. few B. little C. the least D. the fewest



【2011雅安】36. His grandparents live ____ in a small house, but they don’t feel _______.

A. lonely; alone B. alone; lonely C. lonely; lonely D. alone; alone


【解析】考查形容词alone; lonely用法。句意为“他的爷爷奶奶单独住在一个小房子里,但是并不感到孤独。”alone意为“单独一个人”; lonely“内心孤独的”。故选B。

37. 【2011凉山】-What a careful boy you are!

-Thank you. In fact, Tom does everything ___ than me.

A. more carefully B. more careful C. much careful



38. Mom bought ____ oranges for me, but I’d like to drink some ________.

A. many; oranges B. much; orange C. many; orange



39.【2011广西崇左】36__Dad ,how can I get on well with my xlassmates?

-Tryto be friendly to them .That will make it much____.

A.easily B.more easily C.easy D.easier

【解析】D 考查点:动词make的用法以及比较级。解题思路:make后跟形容词充当宾语补足语,much后跟形容词的比较级。故选D。 40. Li Kai jumped in the long jump. He won the game.

A. longest B. farthest C. highest



.-Who is suitable for the new chairperson of the Students’ Union?

-David is. He is ______ enough to come up with new ideas.

A. imaginative B. humorous C. modest D. outgoing



I think these cards are than those cards.

A. nice B. nicer C. nicest D. the nicest



-Which city is your favorite?

-Hangzhou, of course. It’s the _____place that I want to visit.

A. worse B. worst C. better D .best

答案 D


44.【2011四川乐山】26. –Do you often go fishing with your father?

–No, _______. I don’t like fishing at all.

A. never B. always C. usually

