踏踏实实地教与学 ----从2007年英语高考网上阅卷得到的一点启示

发布时间:2016-3-10 编辑:互联网 手机版

【摘要】“书面表达” 要求考生有丰富的语言语法知识,而且有较强的语言表达能力和逻辑思维能力。它也是一种融形式、文体、交际三位于一体的试题,所考查内容都体现在表达和传递信息的交流能力。

【关键词】书面表达 错因分析 写作建议

近两年,随着高考阅卷方式的变化和高考英语作文题型的变化,学生高考作文的估分与实际得分出入较大,在平时考试中笔者发现很多学生对英语写作存在畏惧心理。占了1\5 分数的作文,往往只在最后的十几分钟里草草地去写作文,显然象这样的作文是得不到高分的,书面表达是要求考生在一定情景下完成一篇100-120个词左右的短文,它不但要求考生有丰富的语言语法知识,而且有较强的语言表达能力和逻辑思维能力,它也是一种融形式、文体、交际三位于一体的试题,所考察内容都体现在表达和传递信息的交流能里,那么,在平时的教学过程中该如何提高学生的作文应试能力呢?

一、 分析考生书面表达失分的主要原因

1、 语言表达有错误,常见错误主要有以下几种形式

1) 低级错误

低级错误是指那些最基本的错误,譬如拼写(大小写)错误,冠词错误,名词单复数错误,动、名词混用,主宾格的错误,介词的错误,形容词和副词的误用,时态的混乱,主谓一致问题等等。例如今年高考中最常见的有: easy-early coin-corn choice-choose listening-lessoning improve-prove different –difference Chinese-chinese on the other hand –in the other hand It can build a English atmosphere. English teacher should spoken more English. My English is not very well. Improve their interested in English.


这种错误常见的有句子结构不完整,如漏掉be动词;在表达时试图用比较复杂的结构,但往往事与愿违,丢三落四;两个句子之间缺乏连词、多用连词 、误用连词,写出断句等等。例如

①So improve our English level is important.

②I think learn English important is that what’s the teacher said you know.

③The idea that we are taught in English only I think is very good.

④I will prefer my English class to be taught in English only until I could understand what the teacher says most.

⑤ The reason why the forengners speak English well is that they in the English atmosphere all day.

3) 中文式英语


① We must foot to foot learn English. 我们要一步一步的学英语。

② To an ox play piano. 对牛弹琴(上课如果只用英语)

③ There have many good places. 有很多好处

④ I think both in English and Chinese can learn English better.

⑤ If English Teachers were tanght in English and Chinese, students were easy to know what they say.

⑥ English is my mother and Chinese is my father. So I like them both.

2、 离题

1) 考生考试审题时不够认真,没有完全理解题意,例如今年的高考的书面表达是这样的:

在英语课堂上,你喜欢你的老师授课时只用英语,还是英语、汉语兼用?某英语杂志社就此话题邀请中学生发表看法。请围绕“How do you prefer your English classes to be taught? In English only, or in both English and Chinese?” 这个问题,参考所给要点,选择一种授课形式,写一篇英语短文。


There are two ways to learn English.

One : in English only.

That can develop your hearing and speaking. But that is heard to know what teacher’s mean. So if your English is not very bad, you can try this one.

Two: both English and Chinese

That can help you to know what teacher’s mean easy but the English atmosphere is not good. So if your English is not very well, yu can try this well.



I prefer by English to be taught in both English and chinese.

As far as I am concerned, taught in both English and chinese could improve our understood. Some students were not good at English if teacher taught in English only. Not only they Couldn’t interested in English, but also could give up it. But in both English and chinese Could made us get teacher’s messages. And it is a right way for us fond of English.

However, every coin has two sides,if we only taught in English at class. English atmosphere Couldn't very enthusiastic maybe would take some troubles for English teacher.

In my opinion, I still prefer in both English and Chinese. Though in English only could improve English listen ability. Nevertheless, if you study hard you could still get teacher’s messages, because no pains no gains. And we should take care of others who weren’t good at English. So let us learn English both English and chinese.

I prefer my English classes to be taught in English only. Although ①every coin has two sides. I think it more positive to us. In my opinion, there is few chance for us to listen English in a good atomosphere of the daily life. So we should ②strike the iron when it is hot to catch the chance if we want to improve our listening skills. At first, it is not easy for us to understand it. If we face the problem on it, we should talk with ourselves that ③there is a will there is a way. ④Rome was not build in a day and that ⑤practice makes perfect. We can be more better than others. ⑥The early bird catch thd storm easy. So we can find the better and satisfied work in future.

At total. I suggest that we should have the English class to be taught in English only.

套路有三,抄题目(加粗倾斜部分),此其一;背语篇标记和套语,(every coin has two sides.等)(单下划线),此其二;反复自己的话(双下划线)。粗略一看还不错的两篇文章,最后分别只得了12分和5分。

3、 书写是否工整也会影响考生得分


二、 如何提高书面表达分数的几点建议

1, 从基础做起。掌握好考试说明里的一些常用词汇,包括它的词性和用法,类似的词汇要多作比较,有了词汇才有写作所需要的材料。所以作为教师平时就要关注学生一些简单但是容易用错写错的词汇,例如前面所提到过的improve-prove 等等,再例如我们平时在听写的时候学生容易把proud写成pround,而这一次改错83题就很普遍的暴露了这样的问题。


1) 学会使用定语从句

Some students are not good at English. They couldn’t understand the lesson.

→Some students who are not good at English douldn’t understand the lesson.


We can use English skillfully only when we fully understan how English is spoken in our own way.→

Only when we fully understand how English is spoken in our own way can we use it skillfully.


We should practice more and we will be able to learn English well.

→With constant practice, we will be able to master English.

4) 切记不要过多的死记硬背一些套语。不要为了吸引阅卷老师的眼球而简单的堆砌所谓的好句名句,不然只会适得其反,例如上面提到的第二篇文章,让人哭笑不得。但对于英语基础不好的同学,平时多模仿一些好文章的模式去写写也不失为一种好的办法,也许得不了高分但如果运用好的话至少可以得基本分。




三、 结束语



1、 《普通高中英语课程标准》 国家教育部2003

2、 《走进新课程》 与课程实践者对话 2004

3、 胡春洞,王才仁,1999,《外语教育语言学》,广西教育出版社