Unit 9 When was he born? 教案教学设计(人教版英语八年级)

发布时间:2017-10-23 编辑:互联网 手机版

Unit 9 When was he born?



(1) 能对别人的出生年月进行问答,如:When was he born?

He was born in/on…

(2) 能对别人的经历进行询问,如:When did he start hiccupping?

How long did he hiccup?


(1)词汇: achievement; record; violinist; start; stop;

pianist; creative; outstanding.

(2)句型: Who is that?

That’s Deng Yaping. She is a great ping-pong player.

When was she born?

When did she start/stop…?

How long did she start…?

(3)掌握被动语态以及由when 引导的状语从句和由how long/when 引导的特






When was he/she born? When did he/she start…?

How long did he/she…?



Step 1 Warming-up and revision

(1) Intercourse

(2) A guessing game

Get the students to review how to describe the famous people.

T:. Let’s play a guessing game. I will tell you something about

a famous woman. Please listen to me carefully, and try to guess who she

is. She is Chinese. She was born in 1973.

She plays ping-pong very well. She is short. She is very great.

Do you know who she is ?

S: Is she Deng Yaping ?

T: Yes, you are right . Now please try to describe the famous persons

Step 2 Presentation

This activity introduces the difficult points.

A: When did Deng Yaping start playing ping-pong?

B: She started playing ping-pong in 1978.

A: When did she stop playing ping-pong?

B: She stopped in 1997.

A: How long did she play ping-pong?

B: She played for 19 years.

1、 Ask the students to practice the sample conversation, then make

up similar conversations.

2、 Ask several students to perform their conversations.

3、Learning the new words.

Step 3 Practice and listen

Now we are going to talk about two unusual people.

Look at this picture in section A 2a and the chart.

T: What are their names ?

S: The man is Charles Smith and the woman is Donna Green.

T: What are they doing ?

S: Charles Smith is hiccupping. Donna Green is sneezing.

(Help them answer)

T: What kinds of world record did they have ?

S1: Charles Smith had a world record for hiccupping.

S2: Donna Green had a world record for sneezing.

T: How long did Charles Smith hiccup ?

S3:He hiccupped for 69 years and 5 months.

T: How long did Donna Green sneeze ?

Let students listen to the tape and fill in the “How long” column in

the chart.

Let students listen again and fill in the “started” and “stopped”


Get the students listen and write ,then check the answers.

Step 4 Drill

Ask some pairs of students to perform the conversations.

T: You got all the answers right now. Let’s come to section A 2c pair

work. Please fill in the blanks with information from the listening.

Ask two pairs of students to Practice the conversations.

T: You did very well.

I’d like you to work in pairs and make the same kind of conversation

about Donna.

S1:How long did Charles Smith hiccup?

S2:He hiccupped for 69 years and 5 months.

S1:How long did he start hiccupping?

S2:He started in 1922.

S1:When did he stop hiccupping?

S2:He stopped in 1990.

Ask several pairs to act it out.

Step 5 Sum-up

Think about what we learn today

Step 6 Homework

1)Write down a list of famous stars about their ages, birthdays, hobbies

and achievements

2)Ask your parents birthdays and help them do something.


Unit 9 When was he born? He was born in/on…

When did he start hiccupping? How long did he hiccup?

Who is that?

That’s Deng Yaping. She is a great ping-pong player.

She started playing ping-pong in 1978.