
发布时间:2016-9-9 编辑:互联网 手机版

瑞安中学 鲍艳桦

一、 问题的提出

1996年国际21世纪教育委员会在《学习:财富蕴藏其中》提出了教育的四大支柱。即学会认知(Learning to know); 学会做事(Learning to do);学会共同生活(Learning to live together);学会生存(Learning to be)。而今,科技全球化、当代经济全球化和未来人才全球化流动的竞争和合作对学校培养人才提出更高的要求。要适应未来社会,仅仅靠在学校接受的教育已不够受用终身,而终身教育又要求人们能够培养独立于教师和课堂的自主学习能力。





我国华东师大庞维国教授认为,自主学习(self-regulated learning)与他主学习相对立,指学生自己主宰自己的学习。它可分三个方面:一是对自己的学习活动事先计划和安排;二是对自己实际学习活动的监察、评价、反馈;三是对自己学习活动进行调节、修正和控制。他还将“自主学习”概括为:建立在自我意识发展基础上的“能学”;建立在学生具有内在学习动机基础上的“想学”;建立在学生掌握了一定的学习策略基础上的“会学”;建立在意志努力基础上的“坚持学”。

当前,国外的自主学习理论有多个派别,如以罗杰斯为代表的人本主义理论认为,必须树立“以学生为中心”的教学和学习思想,教学的目的在于培养“全面发展的人”(fully functioning person);以皮亚杰为代表的认知建构主义理论认为:学习是在原有图式的基础上建构新的认知图式的过程。知识是学习者在一定的情境即社会文化背景下,借助其他人(包括教师和学习伙伴)的帮助,利用必要的学习资料,通过意义建构的方式而获得的。教师是意义建构的帮助者、促进者,而不是知识的传授者与灌输者;学生是信息加工的主体,是意义的主动建构者,而不是外部刺激的被动接受者和被灌输的对象-----这是自主学习课堂的本质特征。






本案例的教学内容是新编英语高一(下) Unit 14 Festivals的 Reading部分。这是一篇介绍Kwanzaa(宽札节)的说明文。通过学习Kwanzaa产生的背景、庆祝方式及创办的宗旨,使学生更多地了解西方的节日文化,并领会举办各种节日的真实意义。


1. 语言知识 (Language knowledge)

Be familiar with some world festivals and talk about them; Know something about Kwanzaa, like the background of the festival, the aim of creating such a festival, etc.

Words: honour /honor(Am.E), ancestor, principle, nation, purpose, creativity, faith, commercial, joy, light (v.)

Phrases: in common, as well as, get together, keep…alive

2.语言技能 (Language skills)

Develop the ability of self-regulated learning. Develop reading skills of skimming, scanning, careful reading, generalization and inference; Develop the ability of searching, gaining, consulting and integrating information; Develop the ability of creating.

3.情感态度 (Emotion & attitude)

Develop the senses of cooperation、helping and learning from each other. Strengthen the sense of team work. Get the students to know the significance of a festival. Get the students to respect their history and culture.

4.学习策略 (Learning strategies)

Develop strategies as follows: Affective strategies (情感策略), Memory strategies (记忆策略), Cognitive strategies (认知策略), Social strategies (社会策略) and resource strategies(资源策略).


Focus: To know how Kwanzaa was created

Difficulty: To know the true meaning of festivals


Self-regulated learning, P-T-P in reading


Before class: Give four groups different tasks.

Group one-get information about Chinese festivals;

Group two-- get information about foreign festivals;

Group three--get information about how the Chinese spend the Spring Festival;

Group four-- get information about how the Spring Festival came into being.

Each group leader integrates the information and make a PowerPoint, ready to give a report in class.

In class: Use self-regulated learning method, finish the reading task and understand the relation between festivals and culture. Take an active part in all activities and be masters of the class.

After class: Have self-evaluation and get further information through various channels. Express their opinions and suggestions on BBS of the 21st Century


A classroom with the multimedia teaching system


教师 程序 学生


教 学 步 骤 设计思想及理论依据

Step1. Pre-reading

Play DVD “Jingle Bell” during break

Activity 1: Festival quiz show (PPt.)

1. Guess the Chinese festivals. (hosted by Group one)

2. Guess the foreign festivals. (hosted by Group two)

3. Report how we Chinese spend the Spring Festival.

(by Group three)

4. Report how the Chinese Spring Festival was created.

(by Group four) 学生通过课前查阅资料,整理资料,编辑资料,在课上主持竞赛和汇报,充分体现自主学习理念。学生个个异常兴奋,很快就融入到课堂活动中。由春节的由来自然导入新课。

Activity 2: Guess

Look at the title of the passage: “The Birth of a Festival”, what do you guess the author will tell us?

Activity 3: Picture talking (PPt.)

What do the special things about Kwanzaa in the picture stand for?

Seven candles: seven days of the festival

Black: the black people

Red: their struggle

Green: for the future and hope that comes from their struggle.

The candle holder:

symbolic of their roots ---- continental Africans

Corn: Symbolic of the black people’s children and their future which they embody.

Thinker: Thinking of the seven principles.

The crops and vegetables:

Symbolic of African harvest celebrations

Gifts (some books…):

Emphasizing the African value and tradition of learning.

Step 2. While-reading

1. Skimming (PPt.) (2’)

Go through the whole passage quickly to find out which of the following items are mentioned:

a. The origin of Kwanzaa.

b. The purpose of celebrating Kwanzaa.

c. The characteristics of the African first fruit festivals.

d. The commercial activities of Kwanzaa.

e. The contents of the seven principles.

f. The safety measures to celebrate Kwanzaa.

g. The differences between the Chinese Spring Festival and Kwanzaa.

2. Scanning (PPt.) (4’)

Activity 1: Analyze the organization of the passage. Think how many parts the passage consists of and sum up the main idea of each part.

Part1(Para1-2): background information of creating Kwanzaa

Part 2 (Para 3-8): seven principles

Part 3 (Para 9): detailed information about Kwanzaa

Part 4 (Para 10): effects of creating festivals

Activity 2: Find the main idea of the passage .(c)

A . How Karenga created Kwanzaa.

B. What are the seven principle of Kwanzaa.

C. Why Karenga created Kwanzaa.

D. How Karenga got the idea of creating Kwanzaa.

3. Careful reading (PPt.) (7’)

Find out more information about Kwanzaa.

When: It was born in 1966 . It is celebrated from December 26 to January 1.

Who: Dr Karenga created it. African Americans celebrated it.

Where: It is celebrated in America.

Why: To celebrate the culture and history of African Americans.

What: Unity, Self-determination, Living together, Working together, Purpose, Creativity, Faith

How: 1. Light a candle each day.

2.Discuss one of the seven principles of Kwanzaa.

3. Gather to enjoy a large meal and to celebrate the new year.

Step 3. Post-reading (PPt.)

Activity 1:Discussion

1. Of the seven principles, which one do you think is the most important? Why?

2. What’s the significance of holding festivals?

They help us understand who we are.

They help us remember where we come from.

They help us remember our history.

They help us understand our culture.

They help share our hopes for a happy future.

They give us the chances to relax and reunite.

They promote friendship and understanding between us.

They develop tourism.

They promote peace, happiness and nature…

















Activity 2. Consolidation

1: Find out useful words and expressions and where they have problems. Then discuss the problems in groups of four. Deal with some common problems in class.

2: Think of the right words according to the explanation, then choose one letter of each word to form a new word which is the key word of this unit. (PPt.)

1) a strong belief : faith

2) two sides of one’s face below the eyes: cheeks

3) the act of destroying something: destruction

4) a country: nation

5) to touch with one’s lips to show love: kiss

6) a written or spoken request to a party, a dinner or a meeting: invitation

7) members of your family who lived a long time ago: ancestors

8) to greet someone or show respect with a formal gesture: salute


3: Comprehension (PPt.)

1) According to the seven principles mentioned in the text, people should NOT ______. (B)

A. be independent B. change any of the old traditions

C. respect their ancestors

D. help to develop their own industry.

2)Which of the following is NOT true according to the text? ( C )

A. Kwanzaa is a young holiday.

B. The word Kwanzaa means first fruit in Swahili.

C. Dr Karenga created Kwanzaa to celebrate American culture and history

D. Kwanzaa is based on old African festivals

3) “…in that way we keep our culture alive.” (The last paragraph) What does the underlined part refer to? (D)

A. To create a new festival.

B. To celebrate history and culture.

C. To create new festivals every year

D. To celebrate a festival and change it a bit.

4) Is there a festival celebrated between ____Christmas and New Year’s Day in the world? (A)

A. /;/ B. the;/ C./; the D. the; the

5) On National Day, people sing and dance to___ the birth of our country. (B)

A. congratulate B. celebrate C. greet D. salute

6) Sometimes I really wonder how I could make friends with a man who has little___ with me. (B)

A. in ordinary B. in common C. the same D. in similar

7) The conflict spread everywhere, into the villages, ____ into the cities. (C)

A. rather than B. or else C. as well as D. instead of

8) ---Some young people today seem to _____ nothing more than fashion and pop music. (B)

--- I agree. But they should seek after elegant taste.

A. agree with B. believe in C. interest in D. go with

Activity 3. Role play----- Interview

Pair work. One plays the role of a reporter from China Daily, the other an African American. Finally the teacher invites some pairs to act out their interview.

Activity 4. Reflective thinking

How to keep our traditional festivals alive? And take one festival for example.

Six students work together(sitting in a circle). One is the editor, writing down all the opinions. One is the leader, encouraging everyone to express themselves. And one is the reporter, reporting their opinions to the class later.

Step 4 Expended reading

My Christmas Story (by Barbara Block)

1.) The writer writes this article to tell people ________.

A. the coming of Christmas

B. how she and her family celebrate Christmas

C. the necessity of having a frugal Christmas

D. what Christmas gifts to buy each other

2.) The following is true of the writer except ________.

A. She is warm-hearted.

B. She is living a poor life.

C. She once bought her husband expensive gifts.

D. She has no children now.

3.) The writer is probably a(n)________.

A. English B. American C. Canadian D. Australian

4.) The underlined word “lesson” in paragraph 7 means __.

A. 功课 B. 课程 C. 教训 D. 一段圣经 个人活动-小组交流













1. Oral Work: Read and recite the new words learnt in this class.

Read and recite some beautiful and useful sentences in the text.

2. Written work: Find more information related to festivals by Internet, English books and newspapers or e-pals and make a wall newspaper; Write a short passage on how to keep our traditional festivals alive and pass on your opinions and suggestions to BBS of the 21st century.

3. Useful websites:





姓名: 日期:









评价内容 自评 互评




Main plots

Facial Expression

满分:20 各项均4分








在教学上,通过Pre-reading, While-reading和Post-reading三个环节活动的由易到难、层层深入,学生的阅读技巧和识别关键词、推断、预测等微技能及独立获取信息的能力得到培养,形成良好的阅读习惯。开放性的问题,使学生能深入思考,进一步理解主旨,并形成用英语思维,用英语表达的习惯。给学生自由支配的时间, 让他们自己去发现问题、解决问题。学生在课前分组查找资料,筛选过滤,自己动手制作PowerPoint,然后在Pre-reading环节展示的过程不仅培养了学生的探究意识,锻炼了动手能力,而且也激发了其学习英语的兴趣和热情。多元评价机制的引入,极大地激发了学生课堂参与的积极性,使学生逐步学会分析自己的成绩和不足,激励自己,有效地调控自己的学习过程,增强自信心,培养合作精神,并形成有效的学习策略,这对学生的终身教育也是至关重要的。开放性的作业为学生的自主学习提供了更广阔的空间。
