
发布时间:2016-7-27 编辑:互联网 手机版



人称代词(Personal Pronoun);

疑问代词(Interrogative Pronoun);

物主代词(Possession Pronoun);

关系代词(Relative Pronoun);

反身代词(Reflexive Pronoun);

连接代词(Conjunctive Pronoun);

相互代词(Reciprocal Pronoun);

不定代词(Indefinite Pronoun);

指示代词(Demonstrative Pronoun);

准代词(Quasi Pronoun)。






单 数 复 数

I(主格) we(主格)

me(宾格) us(宾格)

he/she(主格) they(主格)

him/her(宾格) them(宾格)

you(主/宾格) you(主/宾格)

it(主格) they(主格)

it(宾格) them(宾格)

one(主/宾格) ones(主/宾格)

my(属格) our(属格)

your(属格) your(属格)

his/her(属格) their(属格)

its(属格) their(属格)

this(主/宾/属) these(主/宾/属)

that(主/宾/属) those(主/宾/属)


1. 人称代词的格的句法功能


I told Toby the news. (主语)

Between you and me, the market conditions look bad. (宾语)

What would you do if you were he?(表语)

Mary is eating her dinner. (定语)

The cat has injured its foot. (定语)


1. 代替人以外的第三人称单数名词

What is this?-It is a ballpoint pen. (原珠笔)。

2. 表示天气、时间、距离、环境等情况

It is seven o'clock now. (表示时间)

It is spring/summer, etc. now. (表示季节)

It is warm/cold/rainy/foggy. (表示天气)

It is about five kilometers from here to the stadium(体育馆). (表示距离)

It is very quiet here. (表示环境)

3. 用来指一个未亲眼看到,面目不详的人

Who is It speaking?(电话用语,因不知道对方是谁,故用it,不能说“Who are you speaking?”)

Who is singing in the next room?-It is Marla.


4. 用于“It is(was)…that(who/whom)…”强势结构中

在“It is…that(who/whom)…”及“It was…that(who/whom)…”强调句型中,前者涉及现在或将来,后者涉及过去。具体应用时,把It is (was)放在需要强调的句子部分前面,然后再在强调部分与句子其它部分之间插入that或who,who只用于人,that用于人和物均可。试以Mary shot the mouse here yesterday为例:

It was Mary who(或that)shot the mouse here yesterday.


It was the mouse that Mary shot here yesterday.


It was here that Mary shot the mouse yesterday.


It was yesterday that Mary shot the mouse here.



5. it用作形式主语或形式宾语来代表句中后面真正的主语或宾语



It is my duty to help him.


I consider It my duty to help him.



It is no use+ 动名词 it is worthwhile+ 动名词

no good+ 动名词 hard work+ 动名词

dangerous+ 动名词 a nuisance+ 动名词

useless+ 动名词 a waste+ 动名词

senseless+ 动名词


It is no good taking this medicine.


It is very likely that Team B will beat Team A this time.

6. 用作无具体意义的主语


It seems(或appears, says, 等)that…

It seems(或looks as等)if…


1. 物主代词的分类


形容词性的物主代词 名词性的物主代词

my our mine ours

you’re your yours yours

his their his theirs

her their hers theirs

its their its theirs

2. 物主代词用法上的区别


Mary is eating her dinner.

My soup is cold.


即=形容词性的物主代词+ 前面提到的名词。如:

This is your book. That is mine (=my book).

Your car is the same as his (=his car. )


Our children are very friendly with theirs (their children).

The cherry tree gives its share of color to the garden, and the lilac tree gives its (=its share of color).



Ours (=Our country)is a large country abounding in natural wealth.




a(an, some, any, no, another, each, such, several, which, what, this, these, that, those)+ 名词+ of+ 名词性物主代词

Almer is a close friend of mine.

(4)介词of+ 形容词性的物主代词+ own,即of one's own, 也可用作后置定语短语

I have nothing of my own. (我一无所有。)




1. 反身代词的构成

大多数反身代词是由形容词性的物主代词+ self或selves后缀而成的;单数物主代词+ self,复数物主代词+ selves。有三个反身代词的构成则不一样,它们由人称代词宾格+ self(单数)或selves(复数)构成。现把反身代词列表如下:

单数 复数

myself ourselves

yourself yourselves

oneself themselves

himself themselves

herself themselves

itself themselves

2. 反身代词的用法




I teach myself mathematics. I和myself系同一人,teach的动作由宾语myself再返回至主语I。

She is looking at herself in the mirror(照镜子). (说明同上)

The cat hurt itself jumping from the high branch. (说明同上)


Jessica bought her a new dress. (her指另一个人)

Jessica bought herself a new dress. (herself指Jessica)



a. 表示“对比”或“自己”这个含义:

She loves me for myself, not for my money, (她爱的是我这人,而不是我的钱。)表对比

b. 介词+ 反身代词这一结构的常见习用语:

(a)to+ 反身代词,作“单独使用/单独所有”解,如:

I have the room to myself. (这间房子归我独用。)

(b)for+ 反身代词作“自己(亲自)”,“为(替)自己”解:

If you don't believe me, you can go and see for yourself. (可以自己亲自去看看。)

(c)between ourselves=between you and me, 作“只是我们俩人私下谈谈(不可告诉别人)”解:

All this is between ourselves (或between you and me). 用作表语

(d)of+ 反身代词,作“自动地”解:

Unless we deal head-on blows to the invaders(除非给侵略者以迎头痛击),they will not retreat of themselves.

(e)in+ 反身代词,作“本身”,“本性”解:

Yours is not a bad idea in itself. (你的主意本身是不错的。)

(f)by+ 反身代词,作“alone; without help from others”或“automaticlly”解:

I am by myself today. (我今天独自在家或在办公室)。


be+ 反身代词系一习用语结构,作“身心健康”解:

Laura is not quite herself today. (Laura今天不大对头。)



You yourself (=you and not anyone else)told me the story.


指示代词用来指明某一或某些特定的人或物。指示代词有this(单数),these(复数),that(单数),those(复数)。same, such等词。


1. this/these和that/those在时空上的差别


There is this(定语)seat here, near me, or there is that(定语)one in the fourth row。Which will you have, this or that(用作宾语which之同位语)?(this均表示较近距离;that均表示较远距离。)

These(定语)machines were turned out last year, and Those(主语)were made years ago. (these表示较近时间;those表示较远时间。)

2. this和that在行文叙述上的差别


How to get the best result within the shortest time possible-that is the question. this is the question: how to get the best result within the shortest time possible.


3. this/that和these/those用于表种类、类型时的结构

this(that)sort(kind or type)of接单数可数名词或不可数名词;

these(those)sorts(kinds or types)of接复数可数名词:

Alice has this kind of plant (不能用plants)in her home.

Alice has these(those)kinds of plants (不能用单数plant)in her home.

4. that和those用于表比较结构


The position of a grandparent is easier than that of(=the position of)a parent.

5. those和they,them用法上的区别


For them interested in learning, 猼he university offers a good program.


错,因them后面跟定语短语,把them改为those,即For those interested in learning, the university offers a good program.

6. Those who…的数的含义

Those who…=People who…,相应的汉语是“凡…的人”,如:

Those who wish to visit the exhibition may sign up here.

7. and that构成的习惯用法

and that用在一起,有时构成一个习惯用法,用来代表前面的整个句子或该句的主谓部分:

Bobby has lost a gold watch, and that the one given him by his father-in-law. (and that=and he has lost)

and that的这种用法能加强句子后面部分的语气。

8. 指示代词such的用法


Such is my impression of England.


Since you are a scholar, you should show yourself as such. (such=one, 即=a scholar, 用作as之宾语)你既是个学者,就得有个学者的表现。




Such are the viewpoints or my friends on life.

b. 通常都是和that或as引导的从句一起用(从句在后):

Such was the force of the explosion(=The force of the explosion was such)that all the window were broken. (注意such置于句首,采用倒装语序。)爆炸力真大,竟使所有窗子都破了。

c. 也往往和as引导的不定式短语连用:

I hope his illness is not such as to cause anxiety. 我希望他的病还不是那样叫人担忧。




a. such a (n)接单数可数名词;such(无a)接不可数名词,或复数可数名词:

such a fool such fools such information

a film films patience

a story stories weather

a thing things elegance

an interesting story old people kindness

an old house interesting books


1. 关系代词who, whom, whose, that和which的最基本的用法



I saw the man who is famous for his fine acting. (用作主语)




The factory has 3, 000 workers, of whom about 1, 000 are women. (of whom修饰3,000 workers。)



如:Jason is a man who I believe is honest.

在定语从句who I believe is honest中,I believe是插入语,去掉该插入语剩下的便是Jason is a man who is honest,在语法及句意上都能成立,who是定语从句中动词is的主语,故用主格,不能用whom。

Jason is a man whom I believe (to be)honest.

在定语从句whom I believe(to be)honest中,如把I believe当作插入语而予以删掉的话,剩下的句子结构便成为Jason is a man whom(to be)honest,显然不合语法,因而I believe不是插入语,而是定语从句中的主谓结构,whom作believe的宾语,故不能用主格形式who, (to be)honest是whom的宾语补语。


a. whose在它所引导的定语从句中起定语作用,它既可代表人又可代表物:

This is the house whose windows(=the windows of which或of which the windows)are all broken.

b. whose在它所引导的定语从句中常和it连用,it起形式主语作用:

A writer is a person whose duty is to write.

whose引导的定语从句中,主语是duty为whose所修饰,不定式to write为表语。

2. 关系代词who(m), which和that一些常见的主要用法



Mark lost his way, which delayed him considerably. (which指“lost his way”)


当先行词是一个指人的集体名词时,如果着眼于该集体的整体,关系代词用which; 如若要表示该集体中的各个成员,则用who:

The football team, which is playing very well, will most probably place first in the league matches(联赛).

The football team, who are having baths, will be back here for tea.


当选先行词前有最高级形容词;only, any或no时,应用that,也就是说,做选择题时,在that, who和which中间应选that。如:

Linda is the only person that understands me.

(4)在little, much, all, none, everything等词后面关系代词的选用

在用作名词的little, much和代词all, everything, something, anything, nothing, none后面宜用that:

All that glitters is not gold. 闪光发亮的不都是金子(莎翁名句)。

(5)在everybody, somebody等词后面that和who/whom的选用

在everybody, everyone, anybody, anyone, somebody, someone等词后面宜用who/whom:

When I entered, they were talking about somebody whom I didn't know.



Larry spoke highly of the actor and his performance that he saw at the theater. (that代表the actor and his performance)



Here is the book about that I told you. (错)

Here is the book that I told you about. (对)


关系代词whom和which还可和不定式连用,但前面须加介词,或省掉关系代词把介词移至句末,即“介词+ whom/which+ 不定式”或“(whom/which省掉)不定式+ 介词”如:

Hob is a pleasant young man with whom to work.

Hob is a pleasant young man to work with. (省掉whom, 较口语化。)

3. 关系代词的省略


The man(whom)you saw there is head of our department.


Isabel's changed。She is no longer the girl(that)she was.


Bill's changed a lot. I wonder what has made him the man(that)he is.

(4)关系代词在它引导的从句中作主语时,则不能省略,但如果该从句带有there is这一结构时,作主语的关系代词便往往省略

Please show me the latest reference book(that) there is on this subject.

4. 用于限制性定语从句(Restrictive Attributive Clause)和非限制性定语从句(Non-Restrictive Attributive Clause)的关系代词



能引导定语从句的关系代词通常是who, whom, whose, that和which:

William Douglas is a man whose word is as good as his bond(一诺千金).

The student who fell sick yesterday is now well.



a. 一个句子含有两个不同层次的限制性定语从句时,怎么处理?


Is there anything (that被省略)you want that you have not?

b. 同一个先行词跟有两个并列的限制性定语从句时怎么处理?


This practice book is intended for foreign students of arts who have masteres the elements of English and who now want to use their knowledge of the language to read books on their own subjects.



I told the secret to Freddy, who(不能用that) later told it to his girl friend.





The Manager gave interviews to a few candidates, from among whom he wanted to choose one. (from among whom…相当于because he wanted to choose one…的意思,表示原因。)


除关系代词外,还有三个关系副词可用来引导定语从句。它们是when(=in/at/on which), 用于时间;where(=in/at/on which), 用于地点;why(=for which),用于原因。when和where可引导限制性及非限制性定语从句;why只能引导限制性定语从句:

I still remember the day when (=on which)you wore that beautiful pink dress. (限制性)

5. 关系代词as的用法

(1)用于the same…as和such…as的结构中

as作为关系代词常用在the same…as和such…as的结构中,除上述两结构外,as还可用在so和as的后面,仍起关系代词作用:

You can buy as many copies of this book as you want. (这本书你要多少本就能买多少本. (第一个as是副词,第二个as是关系代词。)



As you will find out, I will never let you down(决不抛弃你;决不使你失望)。as代表I will never let you down, 在它引导的定语从句中作find out的宾语。

6. 关系代词but的用法



There is no rule but has exceptions.


(=There is no rule that does not have exceptions, 即=Every rule has exceptions. )



No rule but has exceptions.

7. 关系代词what的用法

what作为关系代词通常用于插入语结构,其句型是:what is (was)+ 比较级形容词。在这一结构中what泛指下文所讲的话,作“而且;更…;更有进者;尤有甚者”解:

Tom participated and, what is more surprising(尤使人惊讶的是),won first prize.



all, both, each, every(thing, -body, -one), nothing, nobody, no(-)one, none, either, neither, other, another, one, many much, some, no, enough等,其中一部分拟在语法一致性该章中讲述。

多数不定代词都能作主语、宾语、表语或定语,但none以及some, any, no, every的合成代词(如someone, nobody等)只能作主语、宾语或表语,而evert和no只能作定语。这里就实际应用及TOEFL测试中较为常见的不定代词加以论述。

1. both, all




Both of us are fond of music.

All of us(三者以上)are fond of music.


I'll take both of the books with me.

I'll take all of the books with me.


Both (the)girls are out.

All(the)girls are out.

也用作同位语,位置在verb to be之后面,不能放在前面。

Juan and Adams are both to blame.

Juan and Adams are All to blame.


Juan and Adams both agreed to cooperate.

Juan and Adams All agreed to cooperate.



a. 表示总括性的意思时接单数还是接复数名词?

表示“包括全体中的每一个或每一类(including every one or kind of)”即“一切的;所有的”这一具有总括性的意思时,all接复数名词:

All dogs are faithful animals.

b. 表示整体或集体概念时接什么数的名词?


all Europe整个欧洲 all day整天

all the world全世界 all night整夜

all one's life整个一生;一辈子 all week整个星期

all morning整个上午


a. of all+ 复数名词系一习惯表达法,相当于汉语“偏偏”的意思:

He disappeared on his wedding day of all days. (他不在别的日子而偏偏在他结婚的那天失踪。)

b. almost+ all



all作代词意指“the whole number, quantity or amount(of)”时,可用于单复数场合。

a. 复数场合

All of us are in favor of the plan. 代词all用作主语。

They All went together. all用作复数主语they的同位语。

b. 单数场合

All of the information is outdated.


c. 代词all单独使用时后面动词数的问题

①作“all people”解时,接复数动词:

All are agreed. (大家一致同意。)

All are silent. (大家都不吭声。)

All were saved except a sick old man. (除一个生病的老人外,所有的人都被救出来了。)

All that live must die. (生者必有死。)


All was silent. (万籁俱寂。)

All is over. (全完了;全已过去了。)

All is well. (一切都好;一切顺利。)


We are All here.

We All go to bed at 10 o'clock.



Professor Black gave his All to the university where he taught. (布莱克教授把一切献给他执教的那所大学。)



I am All (=completely)in favor of your suggestion.

2. either, neither, any, each, none, every, some



either(名词)of the+ 复数名词+ 单数动词

either(形容词)+ 单数名词+ 单数动词



There are two books。Either of you can take one. (正)


either的反义词是neither, 指“两者中任何一个都不…”解,用法和either完全相同:Neither of these words is correct.



The street is lined with trees on both sides. (指街道的两边)



Any (one) of these three words is correct.



None of these three words are (is) correct.



Any book cannot solve this problem(误)

No book can solve this problem. (正)



I want a few envolopes. If you have Any, give me some. (any用于条件从句,some用于肯定主句。)

I am looking for some matches. (some作形容词用于肯定句中。)

Have you Any matches?(any作形容词用于疑问句。)

I haven't Any matches. (any作形容词用于否定句。)

(9)复合代词anything, something, nothing和everything的定语位置和这些复合代词的习惯用法




a. anything

Be anything of a(n)+ 单数可数名词(用于否定、疑问、条件)有点…的味道或气质

be as… as anything(用于口语体中)…不得了

for anything(通常用于否定句)说什么也

like anything拼命地

if anything要说有什么两样的话;甚至还

or anything或是其它别的事

b. something

be something of a(n)+ 单数可数名词(用于肯定句)有点…的味道或气质

be something of the kind某些类似的东西

have something going for one(美国通俗英语)有某种好条件。

have something on sb. (美国通俗英语)可以要胁某人因某人在他手里有把柄。

make something of 利用(某事)从中得到好处;以(某事)为借口而吵架

or something=something like this or that表示不能十分肯定时用。

something like 大约

something or other 一样什么东西;一件什么事情

c. nothing

be nothing but只是;只有

be nothing if not(后接形容词)非常

be nothing less than=be nothing short of简直是

be nothing like(后接as/so…as)绝不如

be nothing to 不能与…相比

come to nothing 失败;没有结果

for nothing

*. 免费;不花代价



go for nothing白费

have nothing in(后接人称代词宾格)毫无优点

have nothing on sb. 不比某人强

make nothing of

*. 不 把…当一回事



next to nothing几乎没有,几乎什么也不

nothing doing(用于拒绝别人请求时)不行

nothing for it没有别的办法

noth ing like

*. 没有什么(东西)能比得上…


nothing of the kind

*. 哪里的话

*/毫 不相似的事物

nothing succeeds like success一事成功什么都顺利

think nothing of认为…没什么

to say nothing of(=not to mention或let alone)更不用说…




Each of them came at a different time. (他们各人来的时间都不同。)(用作代词,them可指两个或两个以上。)


a. 在正式英语里,each用作代词和形容词时,其动词和物主代词概用单数:

Each of us has his likes and dislikes. (用作代词)

但有些人认为each代表的性别可能是男性或是女性,因而为了求其明确起见,物主代词便采用“his or her”这一拖沓的形式。如:

Each one of us has his or her duty. (我们每人都有自己的职责。)

b. “each+ 单数名词+ and+ 单数名词”及“each+ 单数名词+ and+ each+ 单数名词”后面均须接单数动词,有关的物主代词亦应用单数形式。如:

Each hour and minute has its value.

Each hour and each minute has its value. 注意:has和its, 不能用have和their。

c. each of后面不可直接跟复数名词,须在复数名词前加上定冠词the:

Each of boys has his own private teacher. (错)

Each of the boys has his own private teacher. (对)



a. each可作代词和形容词,而every只能用作形容词,如可以说each of these dictionaries或each one of these dictionaries, 但不能说every of these dictionaries, 该用every one of these dictionaries。

b. each可指两个或两个以上中间的每一个,而every只可指三个或三个以上中间的每一个,不能指两个中每一个。如:

可以说each of my eyes, 不可说every one of my eye但可说every one of my toes(脚趾)

c. each通常用来指若干固定数目中的每一个,而every往往指“任何一个”如:

Each girl sitting over there is my student. “坐在那里的每一女孩子”指若干固定数目中的每一个,故用each。Every man must do his best. “人人都尽最大的努力”注指任何一个人,因而用every。

d. every和not连用,即“every…not”或“not…every”构成部分否定,表示“并非每一个”的意思,each则无此结构

e. every+ 基数词+ 复数名词=every+ 序数词+ 单数名词,作“每(多少)”解,但each不能用于这一结构中。 如:

every three days


every third day

*. every two days, every second day都作“每隔一天”解,但在实际应用中人们都用every other day来表示这一意思,every two days也有人讲,而every second day则可以说是不用的。

*/也可以说every few days, 相当于汉语的“隔些日子”。

f. “every+ 单数名词+ and+ 单数名词”及“every+ 单数名词+ and+ every+ 单数名词”后面均接单数动词,有关的物主代词也用单数,在这一用法上every和each相同:

Every man and woman is admitted free of charge.

Every man and every woman is admitted free of charge.

2)every one和everyone的区别

every one作“每个”解,后面通常跟of短语以对其在范围上加以限制。everyone作“每人;人人”解,着重每个人都包括在内,故后面不能再接限制性的of短语。如:

every one of us


a. everyone和everybody相同。稍有不同的是,everybody较为通俗,在口语中用得较多,另一点是everybody不能分开写成every body。

b. everyone和everybody都接单数动词,但在现代英语中该两合成代词的有关物主代词往往采用复数形式their来代替his,理由是everyone和everybody包括男性和女性,用his来代表该两词对女性则欠公平,故用their。

c. everyone和everybody同not连用时也是表示部分否定的意思。如:

Everyone(Everybody) can not do this kind of work.

3. one, other, another



a. one用作主语时的相应代词


one should love one's country. (可用his代替one's, 但不能用her)

One must know oneself. (人要有自知之明。)


b. one和it用来指物时的区别


c. one和that用来代表前面部分中名词时的区别


I prefer the climate of Los Angles to that(=the climate) of Michigan.

*I prefer a small house in a small town to one (=a small house) in a large city.

d. one作代词时它前面可用的修饰词

one作代词时,前面可用形容词或the, this, that, which, any, some, each, every等词作为其修饰语,但不能用序数词来修饰它。如:

A: Which boy is Erik Kenneth?

B: the one in the blue jacket.

e. one or two后面接什么数的名词和动词?

one or two后接复数名词和复数动词:

There are one or two points I have to draw your attention to.

f. more than one接单数名词还是复数名词?

从数的角度来看,“一个以上”自然应该接复数名词,但从靠近原则来考虑,后面的名词贴近one, 则应采取单数形式。

(2)one, other及another三词用于数的表达法

a. 怎么表示两者中的另一个和不定数目中的另一个?

两者中的另一个是the other, 不定数目中的另一个是another。

b. 怎么表示对比的两件事情?

表示对比的两件事情时,用“…one and…another, ”作“…是一回事,…又是一回事”解

c. 怎样表示全体所分成的两个部分?

表示全体所分成的两个部分时,用“some…the others”。注意,others用复数形式,前有定冠词the

d. 怎样表示三者?


one…another…and the other

one…a second…and the third

e. 怎样表示四者?

表示四者并对四者各加以说明时用“one…another…a third…and the fourth(或the other)

f. 怎样表示四者及四者以上?

表示四者及四者以上还可用“one…another…and the others…”

g. 表示四者以上任取其一,其二依此类推时,怎样表示?

表示四者以上任取其一时,作为开头用one,任取其二用two,依此类推,其余则用the others。



a. another能否跟复数名词?


b. another前能否用any?

由于another已包含不定冠词an, 故该词前面不能再用any,即不能说any another…,但可说any other,这也是个容易犯的错误。

c. another的不同词义及其用法

*. 另一个,又一个(one more)

*/另外的,别的(some other)

*0另外一…,不同的(a different)

*1类似的(a similar, a second)


a. 用作代词的不同词义及其用法

*. 另一个人或物(one more person or thing)

*/另一回事(a different thing)

*0另一个那样的人或物,也是一个(a second, one also)

b. 用作代词的常见习用语

*. one after another一个一个地;挨次地


*0one…or another这样(种)或那样(种)…



a. the other指两者中的另一个

the other作“the second of two”解,故用于指两者中的另一个,两者中的第一个用one来表示。

b. the others用于两者以上

the others用于两者以上,作“所有其余的人”解,=the rest,因而具有限定范围的含义。

c. others(前无定冠词the)泛指旁人、旁物

others(前无定冠词the)相当于other people(things), 泛指旁人(物),即“其他人(事物);别人(别的东西)”的意思,不带有限定范围的含义。


a. 通常接复数名词

b. 在any other, every other, no other等后面,名词采用什么数?

在any other, every other, no other, one other, some other和the other后面,名词可采用单数形式


*. 前面无定冠词the时,基数字须放在other之前,试比较:

Give me two other books. (对,因数字two放在other之前。)

Give me other two books. (错,因two置于other之后,位置不当。)


Give me the other two books.

Give me the two other books.



a. among other things除了别的以外还…

b. among others=and others

c. every other+ 单数名词,作“每隔…”解

d. none other than不是别人,正是…

f. other fish to fry(通常与have连用)有别的事;另有打算

g. other than(也可分开为other…than)

*. 除了…以外

I can think of no other example than this.

I can think of no example other than this.

*/只能是(作此解时,句子谓语部分通常用否定式,other than不能分开,后面可接从句、形容词和副词)

h. other things being equal在其它条件相同情况下

i. some…or other(some后接单名词)某一个,哪一个(用以表示不肯定或不精确之意)

j. this, that and the other各种各样的东西

4. most



a. 单独使用时前面能否用定冠词the?


b. most of+ 宾格人称代词(most前无the)

c. most of+ the或物主代词时,后接单数名词还是复数名词?


most of+ the+ 复数名词鲎鳌按蠖嗍”解

most of+ 物主代词+ 单数名词鲎鳌按蟛糠帧苯

d. most of the+ 动名词

e. most of the+ 时间


a. 接复数名词

Most children like candy. (大多数儿童喜爱糖果。)

b. 接单数名词

Those who have (the) most money are not always the happiest. (钱最多的人不一定是最快乐的人。)

c. most作形容词修饰名词时须注意的一个问题


可以说 most friends

most money

但不可以说 most my friends 须改为 most of my friends

most my money most of my money

most John's friends most of John's friends

most John's money most of John's money

d. most能否和another, other连用?

most后面不能接another+ 单数名词,但可接other+ 复数名词。

e. most+ 名词与most of the+ 名词在含义上的区别:

most+ 名词表示泛指

most of the+ 名词表示特指


a. 用于最高级


Linda is the most beautiful girl in our school.

b. 用于通俗英语中的词义


c. 用作副词的most和副词mostly的区别

most作“very”解,参照上面(3)/6项下的说明。mostly作:“大部分(for the most pact)”解。

d. most作为副词能否和almost换用?



a. at(the)most至多;最多

b. for the most part大部分;多半;在大多情况下

c. make the most of充分利用;尽量利用