高三英语第十一单元The Merchant of Venice (威尼斯商人)

发布时间:2016-9-7 编辑:互联网 手机版

科目 英语

年级 高三

文件 high3 unit11.doc

标题 The Merchant of Venice (威尼斯商人)

章节 第十一单元

关键词 高三英语第十一单元




★ 单元背景知识简介

本单元课文 The Merchant of Venice 是根据英国作家威廉莎士比亚 (William Shakespeare)的同名作品改编而成。《威尼斯商人》写商人安东尼奥为了帮助朋友巴萨尼奥成婚,向高利贷者夏洛克转借现金。夏洛克出于嫉妒,以到期不还可以割安东尼奥身上一磅肉为条件把钱借给了他。安东尼奥因破产到期无法偿还借款,夏洛克坚持照约处罚,巴萨尼奥未婚妻鲍西娅乔装打扮成律师出庭,终于击败夏洛克。《威尼斯商人》是莎士比亚早期的重要作品,大约写于 1596 - 1597 。




莎士比亚是欧洲文艺复兴时期英国杰出的戏剧家和诗人,也是世界文学史上最杰出的作家之一。他的作品是人类文化史上的珍品。他的作品Hamlet 《哈姆雷特》,Romeo and Juliet 《罗密欧与朱丽叶》等反映了当时社会的现实,表达了人文主义的社会政治思想。

★ 大纲规定的单元日常核心交际用语指南

Good Wishes , Congratulations and Responses


★ 跨国语言必知

西方人喜欢收到礼物时当场打开并大加赞赏说:Wonderful !/ Beautiful !/ Marvelous !/ What a nice present / How nice a gift !

当别人祝贺你成功时,一定要用 Thank you 。不能是汉式英语“哪里哪里”。

和大家同庆同欢乐要回答用 The same to you / You , too .

为人送行用 Have a good trip . / Have a pleasant journey .

★ Idiomatic Sentences 功能套语

1. Congratulations on your success ! 祝贺你的成功 !

2. You won the first place . I'd like to be the first to congratulate you on it .

3. Many congratulations on your happy birthday ! 祝你生日愉快 !

4. Please accept my congratulations .请允许我向你表示祝贺 !

5. I hear you are admitted to Beijing University . Congratulations ! 听说你被北大录取,祝贺你 !

6. A merry Christmas and a happy New Year ! 祝圣诞快乐、新年愉快 !

7. Happy Spring Festival ! 祝你春节愉快 !

8. I wish you joy ! 祝你快乐 !

9. I wish you good health .

10. Good luck and success to you !

11. I wish you great success in your work in the future . 祝你在以后的工作中取得更大的成就。

12. I wish you lots of happiness ! 祝你幸福 !

13. May everything you want come true ! = All the best ! 祝心想事成 !

14. May New Year bring you all good things . 祝新年万事如意 !

15. Every good wish for the coming year . 祝新年一切顺利 !

16. Best wishes for Teachers' Day ! 祝教师节愉快 !

17. Best season greetings ! 衷心祝节日愉快 !

18. Good luck ! = I wish you good luck ! 祝你好运 !

19. Congratulations ! 恭喜发财 !

20. Happy birthday to you ! 生日快乐 !

★ Model Dialogues 交际示范

Li Gang:Hello , Sam . Happy Christmas and New Year !

Sam:The same to you .

Li Gang:Wish you every success in the coming year .

Sam:Thank you .

Li Gang:May New Year bring your family happiness and good health .

Sam:Thanks for your best wishes .

Li Gang:What a wonderful snow !

Sam:Yes . In fact , this is the first white Christmas in my life .


★ 单元重点新词透视

1. agreement 契约,协议;同意;一致;(时态的)呼应、一致

There is no agreement yet about what to do next .

They came to an agreement with each other . 他们双方达成协议。

〖测试要点〗由 agreement 构成的词组与搭配

come to an agreement with sb = arrive at an agreement with sb = make an agreement with sb = reach an agreement with sb 与……达成协议。in agreement with sth 同意…… 。tear up an agreement with sb = break an agreement with sb 同某人撕毁协议。

I'm quite in agreement with your decision .

We are all in agreement on that point .

She nodded to show her agreement .

Do you know a trade agreement between China and the USA ? 你知道中美间的一个贸易协定吗 ?

2. flesh 肉;肉体;

The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak . (谚语) 心有余而力不足。

Lions and tigers are flesh-eating animals . 狮子和老虎是食肉动物。


(1) 辨析 flesh , meat

flesh 是指人体的肉和(果实的)果肉、(蔬菜的)叶肉。muscle 人体肌肉。meat 是供人们食用的肉,但不包括鱼、禽的肉。 pork 猪肉 , beef 牛肉 , mutton 羊肉 , fish 鱼肉 , duck 鸭肉 , chicken 鸡肉 ,等。

(2) 搭配:gain flesh / weight = put on flesh / weight 发胖,长肉。lose flesh / weight 变瘦。

汉语中的“血肉之躯”用英语表达是“flesh and blood ”。

3. desire 作名词和动词“期望;愿望;要求;渴望”

We all desire happiness . 我们都渴望幸福。

What do you desire me to do ? 你要我做什么 ?

She has a desire to visit Egypt . 她渴望到埃及去观光。


(1) desire to do 希望做…… 。desire sb to do 希望某人做…… 。

I desire you to go at once .

(2) desire that …… (从句中 should 型虚拟语气)

The director desires that you ( should ) visit him next week . = The director desires you to visit him next week .

(3) desire 作名词后跟同谓语从句。同谓语从句中用虚拟语气。

The people expressed their desire that the war should come to an end soon .

4. according to 根据…… 。按照…… 。

According to the Tv , it will be fine today . 根据电视报道,今天会是个晴天。

According to Tom , Jane got married last month .

I will do it according to your instructions .

Our ideas will change according to the change of time .

We will be paid according to the amount of work we do . 我们将按工作量取得报酬。

〖测试要点〗according to 不与 opinion , view 等表示观点的词连用。如果想表达“根据某人的意见或者观点”时常用 in one's opinion / view 。

5. pride 自豪,骄傲

This modern library is the great pride of our university . 这个现代化图书馆是我们大学的骄傲。


(1) take ( a ) pride in sth / sb 以……为骄傲,对……感到自豪

Each of us takes pride in our socialist construction .

(2) be proud of 对……自豪,对……骄傲

We are proud of our great socialist motherland .

(3) feel proud that 对……自豪

Our football team feels proud that it has won every match this year . 我们的足球队对今年的战无不胜极为自豪。

(4) with pride = proudly 自豪地

★ 单元重点词组扫瞄

Lesson 41 - 42

1. be always ready to do = be always willing to do 总是乐于干……

I'm always ready to accept your advice . 我随时接受你的建议。

2. be in love with sb 与某人相爱,

They have been in love with one another for years .

3. scold sb for doing sth 因……而责骂某人

The boss scolded the worker for coming too late .

4. on condition that = only if 只要,只有在……条件下

You can go swimming on condition that you don't go too far from the river bank .

5. make a promise 承诺,答应

She made a promise that she would never tell the secret to anyone else . 她答应过,决不把这个秘密告诉其他人。

6. pay back 偿还借款;报复

He always borrows money from his friends and never pays it back .

7. think of 想到 (=have the idea of ),与 what 连用表达“觉得如何”。

What did you think of this film ? 你觉得这部电影怎么样 ?

Then she thought of a clever plan to save her comrades .

8. dress oneself as 打扮成…… ;穿得像……似的

He dressed himself as Father Christmas . 他打扮成圣诞老人。

注意:这个词组也相当于 dress up as , 如果不用 as 时,就是“打扮、化装”。如:

These girls dressed themselves with special . 这些姑娘们细心地打扮自己。

9. have mercy on = have pity on , show mercy to 怜悯,宽恕。

He showed no mercy to the thief and beat him hard . = He had no mercy on the thief and beat him hard . 他毫不宽恕小偷,狠狠地揍了他一顿。

10. It is useless + ing 干……没有用

It is useless repeating the same sentence .

11. pass / give judgement on sb / sth 对 …… 作出判决(或者评价)

The court will pass judgement on Smith this afternoon . 法院将在今天下午对史密斯作出判决。

We find it difficult to pass judgement on these paintings . 我们感到很难评价这些画。

12. hope for = wish , expect 希望,期望(好的情况出现)

Hope for the best and prepare for the worst . 存最好的希望,作最坏的打算。

Parents have high hopes for their children . 父母对他们的孩子都抱有很高的希望。

〖测试要点〗不用 hope sb to do 。可以用 hope for sth , hope to do , hope that 。可以说 wish sb to do , wish to do , expect to do , expect sb to do 。

13. in one's place 代替;用……而不用

Will you go in my place ? 你能代替我去吗 ?

注意:take the place of sb 代替某人,take the place of sth 用 …… 而不用…… 。

Electric trains have now taken the place of steam trains . 电动火车已经取代了蒸汽火车。

If you can't go to the meeting myself , your secretary will take your place .

14. take one's seat = sit down in one's place 就座

She bought a magazine and took her seat in the train .

15. use one's head a little 稍微动动脑筋

Use your head a little and you'll work out this problem . 稍微动一下脑筋你就会解决这个问题。

16. have everything ready 做好一切准备

17. do the deed 付诸行动,生效

The agreement will do the deed next month . 协议下月将要生效。

18. be sad for = feel sorrow at 为 …… 悲痛

Everyone in the area felt / was sad for his death .

19. take … in one's arm (拥) 抱

She took the baby in her arms and left the room .

20. with all one's heart 全心全意地,衷心地

I want to congratulate you with all my heart . 我向你表示衷心的祝贺。

Lesson 43 - 44

1. at the mercy of 在……的支配下,在……的掌握中,任由……的摆布

They were lost at sea and at the mercy of wind and weather . 他们在海上遇难,任凭风雨的摆布。

2. go down on one's knees 跪下请求,屈膝

Even if you go down on your knees , I won't forgive you . 即使你跪下求我,我也不会宽恕你。

3. beg for mercy 求饶,乞求宽恕

He went down on his knees and begged for mercy . 他屈膝求饶。

4. leave … to sb 把 …… 留给;赠给 …… ;托给 ……

I'll leave everything to you then . 那我把一切托交给你了。

注意:leave … to … 把……交某人保管。

5. upon / on one's death = after one's death 在某人死后

The woman lived a hard life with her children upon her husband's death . 在她丈夫死后,那妇女与孩子们艰苦度日。

6. take pride in = be proud of 为 …… 自豪 , 为 …… 骄傲

He took no pride in his own work . 他并不对自己的工作感到满意。

7. play a role / part in 扮演 …… 角色 , 起……作用

Mrs Green always plays the leading part / role . 格林太太总是扮演主角。

An important part was played by the radio in forming my interest in music . 我对音乐产生兴趣,收音机起了重要作用。

8. fall in love with sb = begin to be in love with sb 爱上,喜欢

He fell in love with that girl at the first sight . 他对那个女孩一见钟情。


(错)His daughter has fallen in love with a soldier for two years .

(对)His daughter has been in love with a soldier for two years .



★ 单元核心句型剖析

1. (Lesson 41 - 42 ) However , Shylock agreed to lend Antonio the money on one condition . In the agreement , Antonio made a promise to allow Shylock to take a pound of his flesh from whatever part of his body if he did not pay the money back at the end of three months . 然而 , 夏洛克还是同意借钱给安东尼奥,但是有一个条件,在借约中,安东尼奥许诺如果在三个月欺满时偿还不了这笔钱,就允许夏洛克从他身上任何部位割走一磅肉。

〖剖析〗(1) on one condition 作“规定一个条件”解。其条件就是下一句的“如果 …… 就 ”。此词组也可以用 on condition that 来代替。如:… to lend Antonio the money on condition that Antonio made a promise . 作“只有 …… 条件下”, on condition that = only if “条件是 ……”,“如果 ……”(= if ), 是从属连词,引导条件状语从句,但它比 if 更正式。例如:

He was allowed to go swimming on condition that he kept near the other children .

You may borrow the book on condition that you do not lend it to anyone else .

I don't mind lending you my car on condition that you return it to me before tomorrow .

We'll come on condition that John is invited to this party , too .

注意:on no condition 是“绝不要,决不,在任何情况下都不”之意。例如:

You must on no condition tell him what has happened . 你在任何情况下都不可以把发生的事情告诉他。

当 on no condition 放置句首时,主谓进行倒装。

On no condition can he travel alone .

2. ( Lesson 41 - 42 ) It is useless trying to argue with Shylock . 试图跟夏洛克讲道理是没有用的。

〖剖析〗(1) 在这个句型中 it 是形式主语,后面的动名词或者动名词短语是真正的主语。能以动名词作主语的这类句子比较少,主要用在以 no point , no use , no good 等作表语的句子中。例如:

It's no use talking without acting . = It's useless talking without acting . 光说不干是没有用的。

(2) it 作形式主语用在 it's a waste of time + ing 的句子中。例如:

It's just a waste of time talking to him .

(3) 动名词作主语还用于 there + be + no use ( good , point ) + ing 句型中,例如:

There's no use talking about it . = It's no use talking about it .

3. (Lesson 41 - 42 ) If you offered me six times what you have just offered , I would still take my pound of flesh . 即使你愿意给我六倍于刚才提出的钱数,我仍要我应得到的那一磅肉。

〖剖析〗times 在此表示三倍以上的倍数。用 times 表示“甲是乙的几倍大(长、宽、高等)”,“甲比乙大(长、高、宽等)几倍”,可以用下列句型:

(1) A is … times the size ( length , height , width ) of B

This street is four times the length of that one . 这条街是那条街的 4 倍长。(= 这条街比那条街长 3 倍。)

This river is five times the length of that stream . 这条河有那条小溪五倍长。

Nigeria is three times the size of that Great Britain . 尼日利亚是英国面积的三倍大。

(2) A is … times as big ( long , high , wide ) as B

Asia is four times as large as Europe .亚洲是欧洲的四倍大。(= 亚洲比欧洲大三倍。)

That building is three times as high as our house . 这楼房有我们住房的三倍高。

This box is three times as heavy as that one . 这箱子是那箱子的三倍重。

(3) A is … times bigger ( longer , higher ) than B

The meeting-room is three times bigger than our office . 会议室比我们的办公室大三倍。

This city is ten times larger than that one . 这个城市比那个城市大 10 倍。

(4) 三倍以下通常用 double 或者 twice 来表达两倍。

His weight is double what it was ten years ago . 他的体重是 10 年前的两倍。

This package is double the weight of that one . 这个包裹比那个包裹的重量多一倍。

This railway is twice longer than that one . 这条铁路比那条长两倍。

The room is twice the size of that one . = This room is twice as big as that one .


William Shakespeare was born 400 years ago and spent his childhood in his hometown , Stratford-on-Avon . Little was (1) about his childhood though many stories are (2) , some of which may be (3) . He probably went to Grammar School at Stratford . At 13 he (4) to leave school as his father (5) some loses and because poorer for a time . So William Had to (6) his own living . At the age of 18 he (7) Stratford for London , London was rapidly (8) . All types of people were to be (9) in it . Here Shakespeare (10) travellers , students , and scholars , and his (11) was stirred (激发) by the stories they told . He soon found some work in a (12) . Before long he became an actor and writer of plays (13) . There were a few theatres in London . One of the most famous of these was (14) the Globe . Shakespeare himself (15) one of the owners of this theatre . Shakespeare's reputation (名声) as a writer of (16) began to grow . He made (17) of the writing of others and found (18) in the old poets like Choucer . But by his genius (天才) he (19) all these old stories into masterpieces (杰作) of his (20) . Shakespeare wrote no fewer than 27 plays in his lifetime .

1. A . done B . read C . written D . known

2. A . told B . noticed C . published D . noted

3. A . exciting B . true C . wrong D . fair

4. A . agreed B . wished C . had D . ought

5. A . paid B . got C . managed D . suffered

6. A . earn B . plan C . set D . support

7. A . left B . stayed C . reached D . drove to

8. A .developed B . built C . growing D . increasing

9. A . gathered B . collected C . found D . visited

10. A .met B .invited C . respected D . called

11. A . power B . wish C . writing D . imagination

12. A . city B . town C . theatre D . concert

13. A . himself B . called C . too D . again

14. A .around B . called C . known D . made

15. A . became B . asked C . helped D . defeated

16. A . plays B . poems C . novels D . stories

17. A . lots B . use C . good D . more

18. A . habbits B . idioms C . ideas D . theories

19. A . put B . turned C . wrote D . set

20. A . life B . own C . time D . day

〖答案〗1 - 5 DABCD 6 - 10 AACCA 11 - 15 DCABA 16 - 20 ABCBB


The Longest Menu In The World

A man walked into a restaurant that advertised having the longest menu in the world . The manager was very proud of being able to provide any dish , no matter how unusual .

At the bottom of the menu there was a notice that said , “If you do not see the dish you require on this menu , please tell us and we will add to the menu immediately . ”

One day a man walked in , looked at the menu and decided to make life really difficult for the manager and his chef (厨师) . He would order something that was very unusual .

When the waiter came up to take his order , he said , “You say you can serve any dish , anything at all , even if it's not on your menu , which is the longest menu in the world .”

“That's correct , sir . We have never yet been unable to meet our customers' requirements . ”

“Very well , ”the man said . “In that case , bring me two elephant ears on toast . Indian , not African .”

The waiter wrote down on his pad ( 便笺薄) :Two Indian elephant ears on toast .

“Very good , sir ,”he said . “That shouldn't take long . ”

He walked quickly away .

The man was very surprised and rather disappointed .

Then he smiled as the writer returned , a very unhappy look on his face .

“Ah ! ”the man said . “You can't bring me elephant ears on toast , can you ? ”

The waiter was very apologetic .

“I'm so sorry , sir , and this is most embarrassing ,”he said , “but I'm afraid we can't . Unfortunately , we've run out of bread . ”

〖导练〗◆ Complete the following paragraph about the story by putting in the missing words in their correct form . 在下列有关故事的段落中填上所缺的词,并将它们变成正确的形式。

The manager of a restaurant advertised the longest menu in the world . A customer came in and a elephant ears on toast because he wanted to make life b for the manager and the chef . Unfortunately , they c not provide this dish . They had Indian elephant ears , but they didn't have the bread d make the e !

◆ Study the first paragraph of the story , and then answer these questions . 仔细阅读故事的第一段,然后回答下列问题:

6 What are the six nouns in the paragraph ?

7 What are the four preparations ?

8. What are the four adjectives ?

9. How many verbs are used ?

10. What is the superlative (最高级的)adjective ?

答案:1. ordered 2. difficult 3. could 4. to 5. toast 6. man , restaurant , menu , world , manager , dish 7. into , in , of , to 8. longest , proud , able , unusual 9. six 10. longest



★ 单元语法难点排除

◆ 动词不定式“10 注意”

动词不定式的基本形式是“to + 动词原形”,有时可不加 to。下面主要就不定式在使用时需注意的几个方面加以说明:

● 动词不定式作主语时,如果要说明不定式所表示的动作是谁做的,可在不定式前加 for 引起的短语。但是当形容词是 nice , kind , clever , foolish 等表是主语的性质时,用 of 。例如:

It's very important for us to learn English well .

It's very nice of you to do so .

● 可接不定式作宾语的动词主要有 want , like , wish , prefer , hope , try , start , decide , agree , forget , learn 等。例如:

She wanted to borrow my bike .

They decided to try again .

但有些动词或短语后须接动名词作宾语,这些词主要有 finish , enjoy , mind , keep , keep on , feel , like 等。例如:

He can finish drawing a horse in five minutes .

● 有些动词后既可接不定式,也可接动名词,但意义有别。现将常见动词辨别如下:

like + 不定式表示具体动作,后接动名词表示一般性、习惯性动作。例如:

I'd like to play football this afternoon . (指今天下午这一次)

I like playing football . (指我的爱好)

forget / remember +不定式表示“忘记 / 记住要去做某事”,接动名词表示“忘记 / 记得做过某事”。例如:

Don't forget to close the door when you leave . 别忘了离开时把门关上。

stop +不定式表示“停下正在进行的动作进行下一个动作”,接动名词表示“停止正在做的动作”。例如:

We stopped working at noon . 我们在中午时停止工作。

We've worked all the morning . Let's stop to have a rest . 我们干一上午了,停下来休息一会儿吧。

● 有些“be + 形容词”结构需用不定式作状语,这些形容词主要有 sorry , glad , ready , angry 等。例如:

I'm sorry to hear your mother is ill .

● 介词后接动名词作宾语,不接不定式。例如:

What about going out for a walk ?

● 不定式符号须省略或不可省略的特例:

在 hear , see , watch , notice , make , let , feel等动词后作宾补的不定式要省去 to。但在被动语态中,省去的 to 须补出。help 后动词可加 to 亦可不加。例如:

They made that man work in the morning .

Let me see you play .

hat man was made to work all the morning .

Why not , had better 后不定式须省去 to。

当一个不定式结构被省略时,to 须保留下来,以代表被省去的不定式结构。例如:

- Would you like to go with me ?

- I'd love to .

● 感观动词后作宾补的现在分词和不定式的区别:


I heard him singing when I passed his room just now . 刚才我路过他房间时,我听到他在唱歌。

I saw him go into that house . (他已在屋里)

● 动词不定式的否定式是在 to 前加 not 。例如:

Tell him not to be late .

● 不定式可以和疑问词 what , which , how , where , when 等连用,这一结构可用来简化宾语从句。例如:

I don't know when we'll leave . =I don't know when to leave .

● 慎用句尾的不定式。


The box is too heavy for me to carry . ( carry 后不可再加 it )

He is looking for a house to live in .

◆ 怎样看待动词不定式的句法作用


1. 作主语。有时用 it 作形式主语放在句首,把不定式短语放在后面。如:

To learn English well is very important .

It's very important to learn English well .

- How long does it take you to get to the airport ?

- It takes me 30 minutes to get to the airport .

2. 作宾语。

Do you want to have a cup of coffee ?

在介词 but , except 之后常用不定式作宾语。介词前如果有 to do 的某种形式时,其后的不定式一般不带 to 。如:

Last Sunday she did nothing else but do something sewing . 上个星期天她除了做了点针线活外,别的什么也没有做。

在 can not but , cannot choose but , can not help but 这类短语动词后的不定式通常也不带 to 。如:

I cannot help but tell the truth . 我不得不说实话。

3. 作宾语补足语。

She asks me to come home as soon as possible .

4. 作表语。

The biggest problem is how to make full use of our time and money .

5. 作状语。不定式可以作目的、原因、结果、方式状语等。

They worked very hard , only to get little money . (结果状语)

He stood up as if to say something .

only + 不定式表达未能预料到的结果状语。而 only + ing 表达必然的结果。如:

He hurried home , only to find his house broken into .

6. 作定语。

Xiao Lin is always the first to come to the office .


Finally they found a comfortable room to live in .

7. 作独立成分。to tell the truth 说实话,to be frank 坦率地说,to be sure 可以肯定地说。

To tell you the truth (= To tell the truth , Truth to tell you ) , I don't agree with you .

To be sure , some of them will say no .

★ 单元热点测试突破

● 如何突破作结果状语的分词和不定式

NMET 98 试题中有这样一道单项填空题

European football is played in 80 countries , ____ it the most popular sport in the world .

A . making B . makes C . made D . to make



(1) His parents died , leaving him an orphan . 父母去世了,他成为孤儿。

(2) He ran faster than ever , reaching the school quite out of breath . 他跑得更快了,结果到学校时已上气不接下气。

(3) He cut off the electricity quickly , preventing an accident . 他迅速切断了电源,防止了一起意外事故。

(4) The glass fell to the ground , broken to pieces . 杯子掉在地上,打成了碎片。

二、不定式作结果状语,通常表示继谓语动词动作之后发生的一个相反或出乎意料之外的结果,常表达“没想到……”、“结果却……”、“不料……”等意思。其前常加 only 以强调这一意外结果。例如:

(5) I called at her home , only to find the door locked . 我去过她家,结果却发现其房门紧锁着。

(6) He hurried to the station , only to be told the train had gone . 他匆忙赶到车站,不料被告知火车已经开走了。

(7) They lifted a rock only to have it drop on their own feet . 他们搬起石头,结果却砸了自己的脚。

(8) It took her nearly half a year to find his address , only to learn that he had passed away ten years before . 她用了近半年的时间找到了他的地址,结果却得知他已在十年前去世了。


1 . The water of a hot spring (温泉) carries many dissolved minerals , usually ____ the water an unusual taste and smell .

A . to give B . gives C . to be given D . giving

2 . Mr . Brown returned to his office after a holiday , only ____ broken into .

A . to find it had been B . to find it had C . finding it had been D . finding it was

Key: 1 . D 2 . A

● 不定式作定语时的主动式与被动式



1 . 不定式所修饰的名词与不定式有逻辑上的主谓关系(相当于定语从句)。例如:

He is not a man to bow before difficulties (= who will bow before difficulties) .

Have you got a key to unlock the door (= which can unlock the door) ?

This is the best book on the subject to appear this year (= that has appeared this year) .

2 . 不定式与它修饰的名词有动宾关系,并且在句子中能找到不定式的逻辑主语。例如:

I have a lot of exercises to do today . (I 是 to do 的逻辑主语)

Do you have anything more to say ? (you 是 to say 的逻辑主语)

Mother always gives her little son some toys to play with . (her little son 是 to play with 的逻辑主语)

3 . 尽管句子中找不到不定式的逻辑主语,但不定式隐含“for sb . to do”结构的意思。例如:

This is the best book to read (= for us / you to read) .

It is already time to start spring sowing (= for peasants to start spring sowing) .

This will be a good opportunity to exchange experience (= for us to exchange experience) .

4 . 有些动词,后面常跟不定式作宾语,其同源名词常用不定式作定语,并且用主动形式。例如:

(He attempted to pass the test . ) = He failed in his attempt to pass the test .

(Do you intend to go there ? ) = Have you any intention to go there ?

5 . 有些形容词,后面常跟不定式,其同源名词也常和不定式作定语,并用主动形式。例如:

(He is determined to overcome the difficulty . )

In his speech he expressed his determination to overcome the difficulty .

(She was anxious to visit the Great Wall of China . )

We could see her anxiety to visit the Great Wall of China .

6 . 在 “with + n . + to + v . ”结构中的不定式用主动形式。例如:

With nothing to do , I sat down watching TV .

He can't go out with all these clothes to wash .


1 . 当句子中有 by 结构,明确了不定式动作的执行者时。例如:

It was the first such project to be designed by Chinese engineers .

This will be one of the highest buildings to be built by our company this year .

2 . 当不定式修饰的名词是将要做的事情时。例如:

The question to be discussed at the next meeting will be rather difficult .

三、当不定式所修饰的名词是“There be…”结构中的主语时,不定式可用主动式,也可用被动式,意义无甚区别

There are many problems to work out / to be worked out .

There is no time to lose / to be lost .


★ 单元好题快递

1. Charles Babbage is generally considered the first computer .

A. to have invented B. inventing C. to invent D. having invented

2. Paul doesn't have to be made . He always works hard .

A. learn B. to learn C. learned D. learning

3. Last summer I took a course on .

A. how to make dress B. how dress be made

C. how to be made dress D. how dress to be made

4. She pretended me when I passed by .

A. not to see B. not seeing C. to not see D. having not seen

5. Rather than on a crowded bus , he always prefers a bicycle .

A. ride ; ride B. riding ; ride C. ride ; to ride D. to ride ; riding

6. Little Jim should love to the theatre this evening .

A. to be taken B. to take C. being taken D. taking

7. I would love to the party last night but I had to work extra hours to finish a report .

A. to go B. to have gone C. going D. having gone

8. She searched the top of the hill and stopped on a big rock by the side of the path .

A. to have rested B. resting C. to rest D. rest

9. - The light in the office is still on .

- Oh , I forgot .

A. turning it off B. turn it off

C. to turn it off D. having turned it off

10. The boy wanted to ride his bicycle in the street , but his mother told him .

A. not to B. not to do C. not do it D. do not it

11. The problem at the meeting tomorrow is very serious .

A. being discussed B. to be discussed C. discussed D. discussing

12. The water in this well is unfit .

A. to drink B. to be drunk C. drinking D. to be drunken

13. We mean our best to stop waste from polluting the earth .

A. doing B. to try doing C. to do D. trying to do

14. The chair looks hard , but in fact it is very comfortable to .

A. sit B. sit on C. be sat D. be sat on

15. - What did he say ?

- This room needed if you wanted to stay in .

A. cleaning B. to clean C. cleaned D. to be cleaning

〖答案与简析〗1. 选A。区分 consider 是作“考虑”跟动名词,还是作“认为”后跟不定式。本题作“认为”是 consider sb to do 的被动式,因为不定式的动作发生在目前仍被人们认为之前,故用不定式的完成式。2. 选B。使役动词 make 后的不定式做宾补时不带 to , 但是变为被动后要加上 to 。3. 选 A。疑问词加不定式作宾语。4. 选A。不定式的否定式是在其前直接加 not 。5. 选C。prefer to do … rather do 的变形体。6. 选A。语境暗示应用不定式的被动式。7 . 选B。不定式的完成式表达与过去相反的结果。即“本想但未能”。8. 选C。stop to do 停止去干……。 stop doing 停止干……。9. 选C。forget to do 忘记干……。forget doing 忘记干过了……。10. 选A。不定式的省略。11. 选B。不定式表达将来,语境要求用其被动式。12. 选A。在 be + adj. + 不定式中,不定式常用主动形式代表被动形式。13. 选C。mean to do 意思是干……。mean doing 意味着……。14. 选B。15. 选 A。作“需要”的 want , need , require 后面用动名词或者不定式的被动式。


★ 短文改错

Jack London , a great American writer , was very

poor when he began to write . He worked hardly , 1 . ______

it didn't help . Once he promised a New York 2 . ______

magazine to write a story for himself , but he was 3 . ______

busy at the time and couldn't keep on his promise . 4 . ______

The editor wrote to Jack London several times 5 . ______

asked him to send the story . At last he wrote , “Mr 6 . ______

London , if I can't get the letter within 24 hours . I'll 7 . ______

come up to your office and kicking you downstairs , 8 . ______

and I always break my promise . ”Jack London read 9 . ______

the note and answered , “Dear sir , if I can do my 10 . _____

work with my feet like you , I would keep my promise . ”


高中英语第 3 册 Unit 11

The Merchant of Venice (威尼斯商人)


1. hardly → hard 。2. it 前加 but 。3. himself → it 。it 是指纽约的那家杂志。4. 删去 on 。 keep one's promise “信守诺言”。5. √ 。6. asked → asking 。7. letter → story 。根据上下文,此处指杰克伦敦答应撰写的“文章”。8. kicking → kick 。这里kicking 与上一行中的 come 为并列关系。9. break → keep 或always →never 。编辑要表白的就是他“最能信守诺言”。10. can → could 。“用脚写文章”对 Jack London 来说是不可能的,故用虚拟语气。