怎样“花费” (中学英语教学论文)

发布时间:2016-11-1 编辑:互联网 手机版

新 疆 焉 耆 八 一 中 学 肖 华 (邮编:841100)

1.offer “(买方向卖方)出价”、“(卖方向买方)要价”. 常用于下列句型:

① offer + 间宾 + 直宾(金钱)+ for sth. 向某人出价……买某物

② offer + 间宾 + 直宾 (物) + for money. 向某人索价……卖某物

She offered me $ 25 for that book. 她向我出价25美圆买那本书。

I offered him a house for $ 3,000. 我卖那套房子向他要价三千美圆。


①charge + 间宾 + for (doing) sth. 就某物向某人收费

②charge + 直宾(金钱)+ for(doing) sth. 某物要价多少

③charge +间宾 + 直宾(金钱)+ for(doing) sth. 向某人索取……的费用。

They have charged us for the service.他们已经向我们收了服务费。

How much do you charge for the dictionary?这本词典你要多少钱?

She charged me $ 5 for a cup of coffee. 她一杯咖啡向我要价5美圆。

3.pay “花钱、付钱、还钱”,主语只能是人,宾语可以是人,也可以是物,常用于下列句型:

①pay + 宾语(sb / money)for sth. 对……付款 , 支付给某人货款.

②pay + 间宾 + 直宾(金钱) + for sth. 为了某物付款给某人.

③pay + 间宾 + 直宾(金钱) + to do sth. 付款使某人做某事

④pay for sth. 付某物之款

I paid 200 dollars for the watch.我花了200美圆买了这块表。

we paid him for the meal 我们把餐费付给了他。

He paid me 100 dollars for the old bike.


He paid his son 5 dollars to wash the car.他付给他儿子5美圆叫他洗车

I have paid for the TV set. 我已经付了那台电视机的款。

4.cost “花费(金钱、时间、劳力)、付代价,要价”主语常是事物名词,不用被动语态,常用于下列句型:

①sth. + cost(s)+ money. 某物值多少钱

②It + cost(s) (+间宾) + 直宾 + to do sth. 做某事花费(某人)多少钱

③sth. + 间宾 + 直宾. 某物花费某人多少钱

The jacket costs 100 dollars. 这件夹克衫值100美圆。

How much does it cost to build the building?


It will cost you 5 dollars to repair the watch.


Such a difficult job costs a lost of time and effort.


5.buy “买、买入、购买”,主语只能是人,常用于下列句型:

①buy + 间宾 + 直宾(=buy + 直宾 + for + 间宾).给某人买某物

②buy (+sb) + 直宾 + for + money.(给某人)买某物花多少钱

③buy + 直宾 + 形容词. 以……的情况买

He bought his wife a dress. 他给他太太买了一件衣服。

He bought (me) the bag for twenty dollars.


He bought a used car cheap. 他以便宜的价格买了一部二手车。

6.spend 用于花费“时间或金钱”,主语只能是人,常用于下列句型:

①spend + money + on (for) sth. / to do sth. / (in) doing sth.

②spend + time + on ( in) sth. / (in) doing sth.

He spent a lot of money on (for) books / to buy books/ buying books.


We spent five months on (in)this work/(in) finishing this work.



①It takes + 间宾 + 直宾(时间)+ to do sth.

②Sth. takes (+间宾) + 直宾(时间).

③Doing sth. + takes + 间宾 + 直宾(时间).

④sb. + takes + 直宾(时间) + to do sth.


It took me two days to finish the task.

=To finish the task took me two days.

=The task took me two days to finish.

=I took two days to finish the task.

Preparing for 2008 Beijing Games will take the Chinese Beijing government almost 7 years



1.He spent as much time as she could ______ his lessons.

A. go over B. going over C.to go over D. went over

2.The seller would _______ the customer five for the coat , but the customer______ four dollars.

A. charged ; offered B. offered ; charged C. charged ; asked D. offered ; cost

3. Though most of my classmates spent 3 hours _____ the distance of eight

kilometers on foot , it took me about 6 hours ______ the same distance.

A. covering , covering B. to cover ; to cover

C. covering ; to cover D. To cover ; covering

4.1)The diner ______ the money for the dinner and went in.

2)The diner ______ the money for the dinner and left.

A. paid B. took C. spent D. cost

5. 1)I _____ 10 dollars on the dictionary published last month .

2)I ______ 10 dollars for the dictionary published last month.

3)The dictionary published last month ______ me 10 dollars.

4)She _____ the dictionary published last month for 10 dollars.

A. bought B. cost C. paid D. spent

Key:1.B 2.A 3.C 4.BA 5.DCBA