定语从句考点归纳和反思 (中学英语教学论文)

发布时间:2016-7-3 编辑:互联网 手机版



1.which 引导的非限制性定语从句。

1)Dorothy was always speaking highly of her role in the play ,_____ ,of course ,made the others unhappy.(NMET2000)

A.who B.which C.this D.what

解:这道题考查which 引导的非限制性定语从句,从句被插入语of course所割开,答案选B.

2):Whenever I speak to him, _____was fairly often ,he would talk on and on without giving me a chance to speak.

A. which B. what C. that D.when

解:可以把题目还原成Whenever I speak to him, he would talk on and on without giving me a chance to speak, ____ was fairly often.很容易判断这是由which 引导的非限制性定语从句,答案选A.



1. as引导的限制性定语从句。

例如:These houses are sold at such a low price _____people excepted.(Shanghai 2000 spring)

A. like B. as C .that D. which

解:这道题考查是such -----as 句型在定语从句中的运用,答案选B。

注意:关系代词as在限制性定语从句中常运用于句型such -----as 和the same ----as----句型。

2. as引导的非限制性定语从句。

例如:_____is known to everybody, the moon travels around the earth once every month.(NMET 2001)

A.It B.As C.That D.What

解:这道题要求学生搞清楚两个句型It is known to everybody that ------(everybody knows that------)和As is known to everybody ( as指代整个句子the moon travels around the earth once every month) 的区别。答案选B.


(1) as 作为关系代词,引导非限制性定语从句,起先行词必须是整个句子,而Which作为关系代词,引导非限制性定语从句, 其先行词既可以是整个句子也可以是名词

(2) 当as和which都指代整个句子时,as可以置于主句的前、中、后,位置较灵活;但which 不能引导定语从句置于句首。

考点三:考查关系代词whose 的用法。

例如:1)Have you seen the film “Titanic”, ______leading actor is world famous? (Shanghai 2000 spring )

A.its B.it’s C. whose D.which

解: 这道题考查这一考点:whose 在定语从句中充当定语,其先行词为物,(等同于所修饰的名词+of which)。原句可以转化成:Have you seen the film “Titanic”, the leading actor of which is world famous? 答案选C.

2) His parents wouldn’t let him marry anyone ____family was in the country.

A. of whom B. whom C. of whose D. whose

解:这道题考查这一考点:whose 在定语从句中充当定语,其先行词为人,(等同于所修饰的名词+of whom)。原句可以转化成: His parents wouldn’t let him marry anyone, the family of whom was in the country.答案选D.

注意:whose 在定语从句中充当定语时,其先行词既可以为人也可以为物。


例如:He’s got himself into a dangerous situation _____he is likely to lose control over the plane. (Shanghai 2001)

A.where B.which. C.while D.why

解:在这一定语从句中,其先行词不是表示一个具体地点的名词,而是一个抽象名词situation。那么这道题考查where 在从句中表示抽象概念的情况,其常见的先行词有 situation,point, position ,condition 等。


例如:1)The film brought the hours back to me ____I was taken good care of in that far –away village. (NMET 2001)

A. until B. that C. when D. where

解:这道题 when 作为关系副词,引导限制性定语从句,.意为“-----的时候”。常用的先行词有moment,day, time ( hour, week, month, year)。

2)It was an exciting moment for these football fans this year, ______ for the first time in years their team won the World Cup.(2000 spring)

A.that B.while C.which D.when

解:从从句的意思“这是他们队多年来第一次赢得世界杯”。可以推知:从句是对表示时间的先行词加已说明,先行词是an exciting moment,所以这道题考查 when 作为关系副词,引导非限制性定语从句,.意为“在那时”“届时”。


例如:1)The manager discussed the plan that they would like to see ____ the next year.(NMET 2000)

A. carry out B. carrying out C. carried out D. to carry out


1. The manager discussed the plan.

2. They would like to see the plan carried out the next year.很显然,运用了see sth done 这个结构。所以选C.

2)A-------- The electrical fan she ________in town yesterday works well again.

B-------- Thanks to the repairman ,it does work well again.

A. repaired B. had repaired C. has repaired D. had had repaired


1) The electrical fan works well again.

2) She had it repaired in the town yesterday. 很显然have sth done 这个词汇运用其中,所以选B.


配套练习 [参考答案1]A 2] D 3] B 4] A 5] B 6] C 7] D 8] A 9]C 10] D 11] D 12] B 13] C]

1.______ is known to all ,China has set up good relations with all the neighboring countries.

A. As B. It C. What D. Which

2.It is better to have someone smoke outside than indoors, ____there is less space for smoke to disappear.

A. which B. at which C. that D. where

3.Please think up a situation ____you can use the daily expression.

A. which B. where C. on which D. there

4.These countries would join one another against terrorism, ____ was agreed to at the international conference.

A. as B. it C. that D. what

5.A: Are you familiar with the music?

B: Yes. There was a time ____this kind of music was quiet popular.

A. that B. when C. with which D. about which

6.You are quite right on this point, ______ most of us were lacking understanding.

A . while B. but C. where D. to which

7.We must learn to deal with the condition ______ there is neither weight nor gravity ,neither up nor down.

A. which B. by which C. that D. where

8.He reached London in 1996,______some time later, he became a famous actor.

A. where B. when C.which D.that

9.The result of the experiment was very good , _____ we hadn’t expected.

A. when B. that C. which D. what

10.Don’t trust such people ____ praise you to your face but speak ill of you behind your back.

A. who B. that C. whoever D. as

11.He has reached the point ____ a change is needed.

A. which B. on which C. that D. where

12. More and more people would like to live in the countryside ________ there is fresher air and lower price of housing.

A. that B. where C. which D. when

13. My father bought an old Chinese painting, _______ was very reasonable.

A. the price of whose B. which price C. the price of which D. its price
