一语三款 雅俗有别 (中学英语教学论文)

发布时间:2016-8-3 编辑:互联网 手机版

正如汉语语体形式富于变化一样,英语语体也是有不同层次的,一般来讲,根据语境的不同可分为三个层次:A. 正式体;B. 非正式体;C. 俚语、习语。


1. enjoyment 享受


A. We enjoy going dancing.

B. We like to go dancing.

C. We have a ball when we go danc- ing.

2. fulfillment 满意


A. Do you feel fulfilled in your new position?

B. Do you feel satisfied with your new job?

C. Does your new job cut it?

3. futility 徒劳无益


A. All of our efforts have been futile.

B. All of our attempts have been in vain.

C. We're going now nowhere fast.

4. influence 影响


A. Advertising can influence consumer decisions.

B. Advertising can change consumer decisions.

C. Advertising can brainwash consumers. (贬义)

5. option 选择


A. You can select whatever you like.

B. It's your choice.

C. Take your pick.

6. preparedness 准备


A. The football players are preparing for the game.

B. The football players are getting ready for the game.

C. The football players are getting psyched for the game. (心理上的准备)

7. prudence 谨慎


A. It is not prudent to go walking alone at night.

B. It's not safe to go walking alone at night.

C. It's not smart to go walking alone at night.

8. search 寻找


A. We searched everywhere for that book.

B. We looked everywhere for that book.

C. We have left no stone unturned looking for that book.
