介词about的意义与用法 (中学英语教学论文)

发布时间:2016-5-2 编辑:互联网 手机版

1.到处,在各处(in various directions):There lay books about the room.书被扔得满屋子都是。 /Flowers dot about our school.我们学校里到处点缀着鲜花。/Sheep and cows are about the lawn.草地上到处都是牛羊。

2.向四周,向各处(to various places):He is traveling about the world.他正在世界各地旅行。 /The headmaster took the foreign guests about the campus.校长带外宾参观校园。 /The mice ran away about the house on hearing a cat coming.老鼠们一听见猫到来就向屋子的四周奔逃。

3.在四周,在周围,围绕(round): There are a lot of trees about the house.在房子的周围有许多树木。 /There is a fence about his garden.他的菜园的四周围了一道篱笆。 /The children sat about Lei Feng.孩子们围着雷锋而坐。

4.在附近(in the vicinity of, near):Mr. An bought a house about the school.安先生在学校附近买了房子。 /The parents are chatting and their children are playing with toys about them. 父母们在聊天,孩子们在他们的旁边玩玩具。

5.在里面 (within a given place or area):Mr. Zhang could only walk about the place that Mr Jiang limited. 张先生只能在蒋先生限制的地方里面走动。 /He seemed to have something hidden about his person. 他的衣服里好像藏有什么东西。

6.在身边,在身上,在手头(on or near the body of): Yesterday I wanted to buy the violin in the window, but I happened to have no money about me. 昨天我想买下窗口里的那把小提琴,但碰巧身上没带钱。 /A strange smell about her caused her much trouble.她身上的怪味给她添了很多麻烦。

7.关于,有关(concerning; regarding; in connection with):They are talking about the film they saw last night.他们在谈论他们昨晚看过的电影。 /This story is about Lei Feng.这是个关于雷锋的故事。 /Please tell me something about your country. 请告诉我有关你们国家的一些情况。

8.从事,忙于(concerned or occupied with):What are you about? 你在做什么? /Do you know how to set about it? 你知道怎样做这事吗?

9.与what或how连用,表示建议或询问: What about going out for a walk? 出去散步怎么样? /How about this blue skirt? 这件蓝色的裙子怎么样?

10 接近于,大约,左右(or so; close to):We left there about ten o’clock. 我们大约在十点钟离开了那里。 /The school is about six miles from the farm.学校离农场六英里左右。

11就要,即将(on the point of; going to):Hurry up! The plane is about to start.赶快,火车就要开动了。 /I was about to go out when it began to rain.我正要出门,忽然天下起雨来。





● 1.about East正确的(方向),对的:He found out what was about East and shaped his course accordingly. 他找到了正确的方向,于是他采取了相应的行动。

● 2.about one’s ears 彻底破灭,完全落空:I don’t believe that her hope will come crashing about her ears.我相信她的希望不会落空。

● 3.about face 向后转(指操练动作), (立场,观点的)彻底改变:He made a 180° about face.他来了个180°的大转弯。

● 4.about one’s person在某人的衣服里,在身上:He had a gun hidden about his person. 他身上藏有一支枪。


● 4.busy about ( or with, or over)忙于:What are you busy about? 你在忙什么? /Don’t disturb your sister; she is busy about her lessons.别打搅你姐,她在忙功课。

● 5.careful about (or of)当心,注意:You should be more careful about your spelling. 你要更加注意你的拼写。

● 6.cautious about谨慎于,注意:He is never cautious about his clothing. 他从不讲究衣着。

● 7.certain about确知,相信:She was not certain about the grammar and some of the idioms. 她对语法和一些成语没有把握。

● 8.clear about 明白: I am not clear about the reason why he wants to go. 我不明白他要去的原因。

● 9.conceited about为……自满,自誇:She hasn’t anything to be conceited about. 她没有任何事情可骄傲的。

● 10.crazy about狂欢于……:The villagers were crazy about their rich harvest. 村民们狂热地欢庆他们的大丰收。

● 11.generous about (or in) 慷慨,乐于:Mr. White is generous about helping the poor. 怀特先生乐于帮助穷人。

● 12.glad about对……喜欢: Mary was glad about the book I gave her.玛丽很喜欢我送给她的书。

● 13.guilty about因……而有罪:Didn’t he feel guilty about hiring children workers? 难道他不觉得雇佣童工是有罪的吗?

● 14.happy about因……而高兴,喜于:Are you happy about your new car? 你喜欢你的新车吗? /My brother is happy about getting a new job.我兄弟因得到一份新工作而高兴。

● 15.keen about迷于:Her daughter is keen about the game on the computer.她的女儿迷于电脑游戏。

● 16.lazy about懒于:He has become lazy about doing morning exercises.他已经懒于做早操了。

● 17.mad about 着迷,狂热追求:A classmate of mine gets mad about Mary. 我的一位同学狂热地追求玛丽。

● 18.optimistic about对……乐观:Liu Hua is very optimistic about his future.刘华对他的前途很乐观。

● 19pensive about ……而忧愁:She was pensive about her losing work. 她在为失去工作而忧愁。

● 20.pessimistic about (or of)对……悲观:Luce is pessimistic about passing the examination. 露西对她能否通过考试感到悲观。

● 21.proud about (or of)因……而骄傲:We are proud about being Chinese.我们作为中国人而感到骄傲。

● 22.sensitive about对……注意: She is sensitive about her appearance. 她很注意她的外表。

● 23.serious about对……认为严重,拼命的:Dick was serious about being the champion. 狄克拼命地要当冠军。

● 24.shy about羞于:Reed is a boy who is shy about getting in with a girl. 理德一个羞于同女孩子交往的男孩。

● 25.sure about (or of)对……有把握,确实知道: Mr. Ma is not sure about the grammar and some of idioms. 马先生对语法和一些成语没有把握。

● 26.suspicious about (or of) 对……感到疑惑:I am suspicious about his theory. 我对他的理论感到怀疑。

● 27.uneasy about 担心,为……感到不安: Mrs. Wang was uneasy about her daughter who didn’t come home. 王太太为没有回家的女儿担心。

● 28.upset about心慌,混乱:Xiao Ya was upset about her missing friend. 萧雅因她的朋友失踪而心慌意乱。


● 29.ask about询问,探听:She often asks Lao Cao about Mr.Chih 她常常向老曹询问纪先生的情况。

● 30.beat about四处闲逛:The wandering boy was beating about the street. 那个流浪儿在街上四处闲逛。

● 31.beat about for搜寻,寻求:He always beats about for an excuse not to attend the meetings.他总是寻找借口不参加会议。

● 32.beat about (or around) the bush推诿,逃避:Tell me the truth; don’t beat about the bush.告诉我实话,不要吞吞吐吐。

● 33.boast about (or of)吹嘘:Jimmy keeps boasting about having been to the moon.吉米不停地吹嘘说他到过月球。

● 34.bother about因……烦扰,麻烦:Don’t bother about your little son. He has grown up.别为你的儿子麻烦了,他已长大了。/I never bother about clothes.我从不为穿着的事费心。

● 35.bring about 导致,引起,产生,实现: Her husband’s death brought her about great sadness.丈夫的死亡使她悲哀。 /What brought about that bloody incident? 那次流血事件是怎样引起的? /We hope to bring about a peaceful solution of the problem in Middle East 我们希望中东实现和平。

● 36.care about ①关心:A selfish person does not care about other people’s problems.一个自私的人是不会关心别人的困难的。 ②在意,计较:She didn’t care about anything that people might say.人们说什么她都不在乎。 ③喜欢:I don’t care much about watching TV. 我不太喜欢看电视。 /The Emperor cared more for fine new clothes than for anything else. 那位皇帝热中于漂亮的新衣胜过一切。

● 37.caution about警告:The boss has cautioned Rose about her carelessness in her work. 老板已经警告过罗斯她工作上的粗心。

● 38.close about包围: Mountains close about the small town. 群山环抱着那个小镇。 /The police has closed about the house. 警察已经包围了那座房子。

● 39.come about (adv) 发生:I don’t know how the accident came about。我不知道这事故是怎么发生的。 /A great change in people’s thinking has come about.人们的思想发生了很大的变化。/How does it come about that you are always so thin? 你怎么总是那么瘦?

● 40.concern about 关心,挂念:Don’t concern about your grades only at the end of the term.不要只在期末才关心你们的分数。 /Many people are concerning about the future of Iraq. 很多人在关心伊拉克的前途。

● 41.confuse about 使混乱:His long lecture confused about the topic. 他的长篇演讲把讲题都弄混了。

● 42.consult about请医生看病,与……商量:You should consult the doctor about your cough. 你应当请医生检查你的咳嗽。 /You can consult my cousin about buying a car. 你可向我的表兄请教购买小汽车的事。

● 43.cry about (or over) 叹惜(不幸等):She often cries about the death of her husband. 她常常叹惜丈夫的死。

● 44.deliberate about 讨论:How long did it take you to deliberate about the problem? 你们花了多长时间来讨论那个问题?

● 45.doubt about对……疑惑:I don’t doubt about his honesty at all. 对于他的诚实, 我一点也不怀疑。

● about的意义与用法(3)

-- about与动词的搭配


46.dream about (or of) 梦想,梦见:I never dreamed about being president 我做梦也没有想到当总统。 /Yingzi dreams about Uncle An becoming her step-father. 樱子非常希望安伯伯成为她的继父。

● 47.excite about 刺激,激动: I did not want to excite him about the fire. 关于这次解雇,我不想刺激他。 /She got excited at the news. 她因那条消息而变得激动起来。

● 48.forget about 忘记,疏忽: The game on the computer was so funny that Jimmy often forgot about his lessons. His mother told him not to forget to work hard at his lesson and she forgot saying so to Jimmy too many times. 有趣的电脑游戏使吉米常常不把功课放在心上,他母亲叫他别忘记努力学习功课,她忘记她已经对吉米这样说的次数太多了。

● 49.forget all about完全忘记:Einstein was so deep in his study that he forgot all about his friend and his supper. 爱因斯坦一头扎进研究中,完全忘记了他的朋友和晚餐。

50.fret about 为……而焦急:She told me not to fret about her health. 她叫我不要为她的健康担忧。

● 51.get about 流传,往来,四处行走: She wants to get about the world. 她想要扬名世界。 /There are people getting about the market. 市场上人来人往。 /It’s getting about that a war will break out in America. 据传在美国将要发生一场战争。

● 52.go about ①为……目的而去: How did you go about finding a new job? 你怎样找了到新工作呢? ②四处走动: He is going about with Tom. 他同汤姆一起到处走动。 ③流传、传说:The story is going about that her uncle with Ania is flying to Hangzhou. 据说她的伯父同安莉娅将飞往杭州。 ④从事,进行,干(engage; being busy with):I think they are going about the project blindly.我认为他们在盲目地进行那个工程。 /We are going about our work in high spirits.我们干得正起劲呢。 ⑤着手,开始(set about; begin):How shall we go about the job? 我们该怎样着手做这件工作? /They are going about cultivating the wasteland. 他们开始垦荒。 /How do you go about repairing this computer? 你怎样着手修理这台计算机?

● 53.grieve about (or for or over)伤心于: Mr. Zheng grieved about the loss of his wife. 郑先生伤心于他妻子的去世。

● 54.grumble about (or at) 发牢骚;抱怨:She said she had nothing to grumble about. 她说她没有什么可抱怨的。

● 55.hang about ①在……徘徊,闲荡:She was seen hanging about the bank of the river that evening. 那天傍晚有人看见她在河岸边徘徊。 /After leaving school he hung about for half a year. 毕业后他闲荡了半年。 ②在身边,在附近:It was raining outside the house and the chickens hung about the hen. 屋子外面下着雨,小鸡依偎在母鸡身旁。

● 56.hear about (or of) 听到,听说: Have you heard about what happened in September 11? 你听说了九月11日发生的事吗? /I have heard a lot about it.这事我听人谈了很多。

● 57.hedge about 围绕,封锁,束缚:He hedged about his garden with bamboo.他用竹子把菜园围起来。 /Don’t always hedge about yourself in the room. 不要老是把你自己锁在房子里。

● 58.idle about闲逛, 无所事事:Lao Zheng was not pleased with Xiao Zheng, who always idled about the town.小郑总是在镇里闲逛,老郑对他有些不满。

● 59.inform about (or of) 通知, 告诉:Have you informed them about your intended departure? 你告诉了他们你想离去吗?

● 60.inquire about打听,询问:She often inquires of me about your father. 她常常向我打听你的父亲的情况。 /He went to the school to inquire about his son. 他到学校询问儿子的情况。

● 61.kick about ①旅游,旅行:She's been kicking about Africa. 她正在非洲旅行。 ②虐待,粗暴地对待:They kicked him about until he ran away. 他们虐待他直至他逃走。 ③考虑,讨论:He is kicking about his new plan. 他在考虑他的新计划。 ④忽略,不注意:My cap's kicking about somewhere. 我的帽子放在什么地方了。

● 62.knock about ①到处流浪,漫游:He's knocked about Africa all his life. 他在非洲漂泊一生。 /He used to knock about the streets. 他曾在街头流浪。 ②冲击,碰撞:The ship had been badly knocked about by storms. 船饱受风暴的冲击。 ③闲置, 在场:The tractor has been knocking about the farmhouse for months. 那辆拖拉机在农舍里已经闲置几个月了。 /She's been knocking about here for years. 她在这儿待了好几年了。 ④虐待:It is not right that he knocks about his wife. 他虐待妻子是不对的。

● 63.know about知道……事,了解……情况(have information about):I know about Bush, but I don’t know him. 我知道布什的事,但我不认识他。

● 64.lay about奋力搏斗,四面出击,拳打脚踢(do all one can; make a long arm):We laid about the enemies by night. 乘着黑夜我们向敌人四面出击。 /The boy was seen laying about his father. 有人看见那男孩对他的父亲拳打脚踢。

● 65.learn about 听说到,了解到(hear about):I have learnt about what has happened to her. 我已听到了她所发生的事情。

● 66.leave about 乱放:The furniture with the grain was left about the floor. 家具与谷物一同乱放在地板上。

● 67.lie about 点缀, 无所事事,弃置不用:Xiao Zheng is used to lying about the town, which makes his father angry. 肖征习惯于在城里无所事事,这使得他的父亲很恼火。

● 68.order about使唤,支使:Mrs. White is used to ordering about her husband. 怀特太太习惯于支使她的丈夫。 /He likes to order people about. 他喜欢对人们发号司令。

● 69.play about玩耍,鬼混:Mr. Cock is fond of playing about young women. 柯克先生喜欢同年轻女人鬼混。

● 70.push about杀死:It was reported that they pushed about a number of the captives. 据报道他们杀害了许多俘虏。

● 71.put about ①使难过,使着急:The death of that good doctor put about everybody. 那位优秀医生的死使大家很难过。 /People were put about by sars .非典型肺炎使人们很焦急。 ②传播(谣言):It was put about that Saddam died in the war. 谣传萨大姆在战争中死亡了。

● 72.puzzle about对……感到迷惑:Black was puzzled about the headmaster’s remark yesterday. 布莱克对校长昨天的批评感到迷惑不解。

● 73.quarrel about为……争吵:Don’t quarrel about such a trifling matter with her.不要为这样的小事同她争吵。

● 74.read about (or of)获悉,听到(hear of, learn of): I have read about my friend’s sickness.我听说我的朋友病了。

● 75.see about ①查询,留意于,注意 ( inquire about ; pay attention to):He promised to see about the matter. 他答应注意这件事。 /We'll see about that! 咱们走着瞧! ②考虑(consider; think about):I want to buy a computer and my mother said she would see about it.我想买台计算机,我母亲说她将考虑这件事。 ③安排、处理(attend to; arrange):My sister saw about the appointment. 我的姐姐安排了这次约会。 ④商量(consult about):You’d better see the headteacher about your plan. 你最好同班主任商量你的计划。

● 76.set about ①开始,着手(start; begin): Let’s set about to clean the classroom.让我们开始打扫教室。 /We set about our task at once with great enthusiasm.我们立即满腔热情地干了起来。 ②散布(spread; scatter; diffuse):I wonder who set about the rumor. 我不知道谁散布了这谣言。 ③攻击(attack): They set about each other fiercely. 他们相互猛烈殴打。

● 77.sing about歌颂(pay a tribute to):They are singing about their great motherland. 他们正在歌唱他们的伟大祖国。

● 78.speak about谈到,讲起(refer to; talk of): My uncle spoke about the adventure. 我的伯父讲到那次历险。

● 79.talk about 谈到,谈论(refer to):They are talking about the Disneyland and the workers that they visited yesterday.他们在谈论他们昨天参观过的迪斯尼乐园和工人们。

● 80.tell about讲述有关……,显露出(narrate; unfold): The story tells about a fisherman who met with a fairy. 故事讲述了一位遇见仙女的渔夫。 /Her face tells about her happiness and shame. 她的脸上显露出幸福与羞涩。

● 81.think about ①考虑(consider):I am thinking about this problem. 我正在考虑这个问题。 /He is thinking about whether to buy a car. 他在考虑是否买车。 ②想到(occur; think of):I’ll be thinking about you all the time. 我会时常想到你的。 ③认为(be one’s opinion): What do you think about this film? 你认为这电影怎么样?

● 82.wait about 在来处等待着,呆呆地等:Mary had Tom wait about for her two hours. 玛丽让汤姆呆呆地等了两小时。

● 83.warn about (or of)告诉,谈到,告诫,警告:He warned us about the serious situation of Byland Korea. 他向我们谈了朝鲜半岛的严重形势。 /The Weather Bureau warned about hurricanes.气象局发出了飓风警报。

● 84.wonder about对……感到惊讶(be surprised at):I wonder about the death of Wo. 我对沃的死亡感到惊讶。

● 85.worry about担心,挂虑(be afraid for; take thought for): Don’t worry about your pay. 别担心你的报酬。 /He said he worried about nothing. 他说他没有什么可挂虑的。
