单词及词汇短语 教师随笔(人教版英语)

发布时间:2016-1-22 编辑:互联网 手机版

Lesson Fifteen The Beauty Industry

Words and Expressions

1 abdomen [ ] n. 腹部,下腹 The region of the body of a vertebrate between the thorax and the pelvis

2 aesthetically [ ] adv. 审美上的 In a tasteful way

aesthetician [ ] n. 审美家,美学家 A philosopher who specializes in the nature of beauty

aesthetics [ ] n. 美学,审美学 The branch of philosophy dealing with beauty and taste

3 apparatus [ ] n. 器械,装置,仪器 Designed to serve a specific function

4 ascetic [ ] adj. 禁欲的 Pertaining to or characteristic of an ascetic

ascetic [ ] n. 禁欲主义者,苦行者 Practices self denial as spiritual discipline

5 austere [ ] adj. 严厉的,简朴的 Severely simple

6 avarice [ ] n. 贪婪 Extreme greed for material wealth

7 beautification [ ] n. 美化,装饰 The act of making something more beautiful

8 bootleg [ ] v. 贩卖私酒 Sell illicit products such as drugs or alcohol

9 cheapen [ ] v. 降价,变得粗俗 Lower the grade of something; reduce its worth

10 cherry [ ] n. 樱桃 Fruit with a single hard stone

11 consummation [ ] n. 完成,结果,完美 The act of bringing to completion or fruition

consummate [ ] vt. 完成,使完善 Make perfect; bring to perfection

12 connoisseur [ ] n. 鉴赏家 An expert able to appreciate a field; especially in the fine arts

13 concede [ ] v. 承认,容许,让与 Admit, allow, grant

You must concede that we have tried our best to do this work.

concession [ ] n. 妥协,让步 Conceding

At last, one party made the concession.

14 conversely [ ] adv. 相反的 With the terms of the relation reversed

15 crone [ ] n. 老妇 Old woman

16 cult [ ] n. 狂热地崇拜 An interest followed with exaggerated zeal

17 cultivate [ ] v. 培养 Give care, thought, time in order to development

He tried to cultivate the people who can be useful to him in his business.

cultivation [ ] n. 开垦,培养 Cultivating or being cultivated

Many farmers are bringing land into cultivation on the mountain.

18 curly [ ] adj. 卷曲的 (of hair) having curls or waves

19 depress [ ] v. 使萧条 Make less active, cause prices to be lower

When economy was depressed, the people lived a poor life.

depression [ ] n. 萧条时期 Time when business is depressed

When there is a depression, the unemployment increases.

depressive [ ] adj. 不景气的 Tending to depress

The depressive factory has been closed down by the government.

20 diffuse [ ] v. 散布,传播 Send out, spread, in every direction

He diffused knowledge all over the country.

diffusion [ ] n. 散布,传播 Diffusing or being diffused

The diffusion of knowledge is through books and lectures.

21 disharmony [ ] n. 不和谐,不协调 Lack of harmony

His hobbies are in disharmony with mine.

harmony [ ] n. 和睦,协调,一致 Agreement of something, pleasing combination of related things

In those years the internaitonal affairs were not in harmony with one another.

harmonize [ ] v. 使协调,使和谐 Bring into harmony

The colour of your T-shirt harmonizes well with that of your trousers.

harmonious [ ] adj. 协调的 Pleasing or satisfactorily arranged

She was born and grew up in a harmonious family.

22 distressingly [ ] adv. 令人痛苦的 Unpleasantly

23 emphasis [ ] n. 重要性,重音 Special value or important, stress

This country put special emphasis on the education of the children.

emphasize [ ] v. 强调,加强语气 Give emphasis to

They emphasized the importance of learning foreign languages and computer.

emphatic [ ] adj. 强调的,语气强的 Having or showing emphasis

In the lecture, he spoke with an emphatic tone.

24 expend [ ] v. 花费 Spend

He expends all his money on stocks.

expendable [ ] adj. 可消费的 That may be expended

She thinks only part of her salary is expendable, the rest is for saving.

expenditure [ ] n. 花费,使用 Spending or using

Limit your expenditure to what is necessary.

25 Freud [ ] n. 弗洛伊德

Freudian [ ] adj. 弗洛伊德学派的

Freudian [ ] n. 精神分析学的信徒

26 gait [ ] n. 步态 A person's manner of walking

27 hagridden [ ] adj. 为噩梦所扰的 Tormented or harassed by nightmares or unreasonable fears

28 hair-lotion [ ] n. 护发液 Liquid preparation having a soothing or antiseptic or medicinal action when applied to hair

29 health motor [ ] 健身器材 Apparatus used to exercises one's body to keep healthy

30 hereditary [ ] adj. 遗传的 Passed from one generation to the following

Some diseases are hereditary.

heredity [ ] n. 遗传,遗传性 Tendency of passing the characteristics on to offsprings

The child gets the heredity genes from his parents.

31 hitherto [ ] adv. 迄今,到此时 Used in negative statement to describe a situation that has existed up to this point or up to the present time

31 hoarding [ ] n. 大广告牌 Large outdoor signboard

33 indistingushable [ ] adj. 难以辨别的 Exactly alike; incapable of being perceived as different

34 ineffectual [ ] adj. 无效的,徒劳无益的 Producing no result or effect

35 instinctive [ ] adj. 本能的,天性的 Prompted by instinct

36 intrinsic [ ] adj. 内在的,本质的 Belonging to a thing by its very nature

intrinsically [ ] adv. 内在地,本质地 With respect to its inherent nature

37 lamentable [ ] adj. 可悲的,糟糕的 Very bad

38 lasciviousness [ ] n. 淫荡,好色 Feeling morbid sexual desire

39 listless [ ] adj. 无精打采的 Lacking zest or vivacity

listlessness [ ] n. 无精打采 A feeling of lack of interest or energy

40 Manichaean [ ] adj. 摩尼教的

41 massage [ ] n. 按摩,推拿 Kneading and rubbing parts of the body to increase circulation and promote relaxation

massage [ ] v. 按摩,推拿 Give a massage to

42 matron [ ] n. 年长有威望的主妇 A married woman (usually middle-aged with children) who is dignified

43 medieval [ ] adj. 中世纪的

medievally [ ] adv. 中世纪地

44 mimic [ ] vt. 模仿 Imitate (a person, a manner, etc.), esp. for satirical effect

45 monomaniacal [ ] adj. 偏执狂的 Obsessed with a single subject or idea

46 neatankled [ ] adj. 脚踝匀称的

47 negation [ ] n. 否定 The negative of the opposition

48 paraffin-wax [ ] n. 石蜡 From crude petroleum; used for candles and for preservative or waterproof coatings

49 patent [ ] n. 专利,专利品 An official document granting a right or privilege

patent [ ] adj. 受专利保护的,专利的 Protected by the right granted to the patent

patentee [ ] n. 专利权的获得者 The inventor to whom a patent is issued

50 peach [ ] n. 桃子,桃红色

peachily [ ] adv. 桃红色的

51 pearlily [ ] adv. 珍珠般的

52 perennially [ ] adv. 持久的,长期的 In a perennial manner; repeatedly

53 point roller [ ] n. 卷发器

54 preoccupy [ ] vt. 全神贯注于,着迷于 Engage or engross the interest or attention of beforehand

55 prodigious [ ] adj. 大量的,巨大的 Of momentous or ominous significance

56 pronounced [ ] adj. 明显的,显著的 Strongly marked; easily noticeable

57 prosperity [ ] n. 成功,繁荣 State of being successful, good fortune

With the future development of reform and open policy, there has been a prosperity in every industry.

prosperous [ ] adj. 成功的,繁荣的 Successful, flourishing

He received a lot of orders recently and his business became prosperous.

58 racketeer [ ] v. 敲诈勒索,诈骗 Get profit by fraud or extortion

racketeering [ ] n. 敲诈勒索,诈骗 Someone who commits crimes for profit by fraud or extortion

59 ravishing [ ] adj. 迷人的,令人陶醉的 Stunningly beautiful

60 refrigerator [ ] n. 电冰箱

61 repellent [ ] adj. 令人反感的,厌恶的 Highly offensive; arousing aversion or disgust

62 repulsive [ ] adj. 令人厌恶的,可憎的 So extremely ugly as to be terrifying

63 retrench [ ] v. 节省开支,缩减支出 Cut down, make economics

We must retrench now in order to buy a new big house.

retrenchment [ ] n. 节省开支

64 rubber reducing belt n. 橡胶减肥带

65 ruddle [ ] vt. 给…涂色 Redden as if with a red ocher color

66 simulate [ ] vt. 模仿,假装 Make a pretence of

67 slender [ ] adj. 细长的,苗条的 Having little width in proportion to the length or height

68 slime [ ] n. 黏液,黏泥 Any thick messy substance

69 stink [ ] vi. 发恶臭 Be extremely bad in quality or in one's performance

stink [ ] n. 恶臭 A distinctive odor that is offensively unpleasant

70 stupitidy [ ] n. 愚蠢,愚笨 A poor ability to understand or to profit from experience

71 sullen [ ] adj. 闷闷不乐的 Downhearted

sullenness [ ] n. 闷闷不乐 Longface

72 symptomatic [ ] adj. 表征的,征兆的 Serving as a symptom

Cough and headache may be symptomatic of a cold.

symptom [ ] n. 表征,征兆 Sign of the existence of something

As a leader, you should pay attention to the symptoms of dissatisfaction among the workers.

73 tenant [ ] vt. 租用 Occupy as a tenant

tenant [ ] n. 房客,租户 Someone who pays rent to use a building owned by someone else

74 tidy [ ] adj. 相当大的,相当多的;整洁的,整齐的 Large in amount or extent or degree; Marked by good order and cleanliness in appearance or habits

75 transfigure [ ] vt. 使变形,改观,美化 Change completely the nature of something

76 unawareness [ ] n. 不觉察,不注意 Unconsciousness resulting from lack of knowledge or attention

77 unbearable [ ] adj. 难以忍受的 Unstandable

78 unenviable [ ] adj. 不值得羡慕的 So undesirable as to be incapable of arousing envy

79 universally [ ] adv. 广泛的,普遍的 Everywhere

80 upkeep [ ] n. 保养 Activity involved in maintaining something in good working order

81 vendor [ ] n. 小贩,叫卖者 Someone who exchanges goods or services for money

82 virtuous [ ] adj. 有品德的,善良的 Having or showing virtue

The professor is a virtuous person.

virtue [ ] n. 美德,好处,优点 Goodness or excellence

Modesty is the virtue for Chinese.

83 whitewash [ ] vt. 粉饰,美化 Beautify

whitewash [ ] n. 粉饰,美化 Beautification

84 wrinkle [ ] n. 皱纹 A slight depression in the smoothness of a surface

wrinkle [ ] v. 使起皱纹 Make wrinkled

Text Explanation

1 From the prodigious number of advertisements of aids to beauty contained in the American magazines, …

aids to beauty: virous cosmetic and toilet articles

2 …a face can cost as much in upkeep as a Rolls-Royce.

To keep a face youthful and beautiful by means of cosmetics may cost as much as to keep a luxury car like the Rolls-Royce

in good working condition.

3 who smile so rosily and creamily, so peachily and pearlily

The advertisements for soap and other cosmetics usually show a smiling girl with skin as white as cream and pearl, as rossy

as peach and rose.

4 In any case, the more costly experiments in betification are still as much beyond most European means as are high-powered

motor-cars and electric refrigerators.

beyond most European means: Most European can't afford it. The word "means" here has the meaning of the money a person

earns or has inherited which he can use.

5 Not quite so much more as in America, that is all.

The increase is remarkable in Europe, although compared with the increase in the United States it is not fast enough.

"that is all" means “仅此而已”,即也就是比不上美国而已,增加得还是不少的。

6 The diffusion of wealth -such as it is - now permits those of the poor who are less badly off than their fathers to do the same.

Wealth is less concentrated in the hands of the rich, ordinary people are getting a larger percentage of the wealth of the country

although the increase is not very big.

"such as it is" means "being what it is and no better" (不过如此)

7 The modern cult of beauty is not exclusively a function ( in the mathematical sense) of wealth.

The modern cult of beauty does not merely grow in proportion to the improvement of people's living standards.

" a function of wealth" means “财富的作用 ”。

"in the mathematical sense" means “从数学意义上来说”。



8 Women are retrenching on other things than their faces.

Women cut down expenses on other things, but they spend just as much money on cosmetics as before.

9 …the changes in our attitude towards " the merely physical".

People now pay much more attention to the physical needs and desires, whereas before it was regarded to be bulgar or bad

taste to behave like that.

10 Freer not only to perform the generally unenviable social fuctions hitherto reserved to the male, but also freer to…


"social fuctions" here means professions.

11 Aesthetically shocked - yes; we may sometimes be that. But morally, no.

We now know that when a woman uses cosmetics, it doesn't necessarily mean that she is not virtuous, not a good woman,

therefore we are not shocked in that respect. But the cosmetics does not make them better looking, as a matter of fact,

they look worse than without the cosmetics, so we are shocked at how they look after they use cosmetics.

12 the Body, with a large B


To spell the word Body with a capital "B" means to lay special emphasis on the physical body.

13 Christian-ascetic ideas

The Christian belief that true Christians should exercise strict control over their physical desires and needs.

14 We demand justice for the body…

We demand that the body should be treated fairly, to be given what is due to it, not to be ignored.

15 books on the culture of the abdomen

Books on how to keep on'e stomach firm and flat. "culture" here means “修炼,按需要培养”。

16 Beauty that is merely the artificial shadow of these symptoms of health is intrinsically of poorer quality than the genuine article.

To use artificial means to imitate the indications of good health so as to appear beautiful naturally can never be as good as

real health.

17 within the reach of every moderately prosperous person

A middle-range well-to-do person can afford to buy things needed to imitate the indications of good health, namely all

the aids to beauty.

18 …for real beauty is as much an affair of the inner as of the outer self.

For a person to be really beautiful, the inner beauty (a person's good qualities) is as important as the outer appearance.

19 the human vessel

Because the author has used a jar ( which is a vessel ) to illustrate his point in the previous sentences, here he used the word

"vessel" to indicate that the human body is like a vessel, but unlike the porcelain jar, its beauty can be affected by what is

inside it.

20 the pure aesthetician


21 There is an ugliness of stupidity, for example, of unawareness (distressingly common among pretty women).

例如愚蠢、无知的丑陋 (这种现象在漂亮的女人中普遍得令人悲叹)。

ugliness of unawareness: 心中只有自己,意识不到别人的存在,或对别人不感兴趣,因而形成的心灵上的丑陋。

22 All the deadly sins, indeed, have their own peculiar negation of beauty.


23 They are the outward and visible signs of some emotional or instinctive disharmony, accepted as a chronic codition of being.

People accept the disharmony as an inevitable part of existence, like an illness which lasts a long time.


24 We do not need a Freudian to tell us that this disharmony is oftenof a sexual nature.

We do not need a specialist in psychiatry to tell us the cuase of the disharmony. It is so obvious that anybody can tell us its

cause has something to do with sex.


25 …so long as human beings allow themselves to be possessed and hagridden by monomaniacal vices, …

So long as human beings let themselves be controlled by bad, irrational and immoral habits.

26 Perhaps it will transform them into the likeness of those ravishing creatures…

transform into: change into 变为

A steam-engine transforms heat into energy.

27 To what is it due?

due to: attributed to 由于

The accident was due to his careless driving.

28 We concede that the Matron is morally justified in being preoccupied with her personal appearance.

be preoccupied with: take all the attention of 全神贯注

The students were preoccupied with how to pass the exam.

29 To what have they led?

lead to: have as a result 导致

All roads lead to Rome.

30 A bent back and hollow cheeks will come to be regarded as medievally old-fashioned.

regard as: consider 认为,把……看作

Smoking and drinking are regarded as the bad habits.

31 in part to improved health

in part: in some degree 某种程度,部分

She looks in part like her grandmother.

32 The apparatus for mimicking the symptoms of health is now within the reach of every moderately prosperous person.

within the reach of: extent to which a hand can be reached out 在…范围内

I'd like to have my books within my reach.

beyond/out of reach 在…范围外

You threw the ball too far. It was beyond my reach.

Please keep the medicine out of reach of the children.

33 It makes no difference to its beauty or ugliness.

make no difference: be of no importance 没有区别

It will make no difference whether the meeting will be held today or tomorrow.

It might make no difference to you, but it was very important for me.

34 be universally acted upon

act upon: do what is suggested, have an effect on 听从建议,有效

They acted upon our advice.

This kind of medicine acted upon the disease.

35 Often it turns out to be imperfectly alive.

turn out: prove to be 证实

Everything turns out to be satisfactory.

36 The cult of beauty is destined to be ineffectual.

be destined to do something: 注定

The were destined to meet again.

37 We must be content with moderate hopes.

be content with: satisfied with what one has 满足,满意

Are you content with your present life?