unit topic1重点词语讲解与练习 备课资料(仁爱版英语九年级)

发布时间:2017-10-18 编辑:互联网 手机版

Unit 1 重点词语讲解练习

1. happen 为常用词。用于表明“偶然发生”,指没有预料到的事情。

常用结构:What happened to sb. ? 某人发生 什么事了?

sth. happened to sb. 某人发生了某事

take place 为稍正式用语。用于表明按照计划,安排“发生”的事件。除“发生”外,常常翻译为“进行、举行、开展”。

注意:happen 与 take place 通常都没有被动语态。


Great changes since the reform and opening –up.


What him last night?

3) 这个事故发生在星期天晚上

The accident on the Sunday night.

4) 庆祝典礼在每年七月举行。

The celebration ceremony in July each year. 2. develop v. ---development n. 发展

China has rapidly.

We should our reading skills.

With the of the country, the people’s living conditions have improved a lot.

The USA is a country, but India is a country.

The population in countries is larger than that in countries.

1. thanks to 多亏,由于

thanks for 为…而感谢

翻译: 1)谢谢你把车借给我。 lending me your car.

2)谢谢您照看我的孩子。 looking after my children.


your help, I finished my work on time.

4) 多亏政府的努力,人们的生活条件才有了很大的改善。

the government’s efforts, people’s living conditions have improved a lot.

2. improve v. 改善,改进, 提高---improvement n.

1) The government is trying to people’s living conditions

2) Has he his English a lot?

3) Working tools has greatly.

4) You should your service。

3. appear v. 出现 –----disappear v. 消失

He didn’t appear until six. 他到6点钟才来。

Many buildings have appeared in the city and old houses have disappeared.城市出现了很多高楼,旧房子不见了。

4. support v./n. 支持

give support to sb. 给予某人支持 support sb./sth. 支持某人某事

support one’s family 养家糊口

5. describe v. ----description n. 描述

1) Can you the accident in detail?

2) Can you give me a of the accident ?

7. educate v.---education n. 教育

1) We should the public to protect the environment.

2) His mother couldn’t afford his at that time.

3) Nowadays almost all the children can receive a good education.

8. communicate v.-----communication n. 通讯, 交流, 交往

communicate with…与…沟通,交流

1) Do you often with your mother?

2) Nowadays e-mail is a quick and easy .

9. organize v. ----organization n. 组织

1) He this trip to the mountains.

2) WTO is an international .

3) The is very population with young people in their community.

10. succeed v. (in /at) ----success n. ----successful adj.---successfully adv.

1) Our plan has .

2) I’m glad that you are at English.

3) I hope you’ll in solving the problem.

4) I wish you .

5) She is as an actress.

6) This meeting was very .

7) He swam across the sea .

11. consider v. 考虑: think about

consider doing sth. ----I considered (write ) to him.

12. rapid adj. 迅速的,快的----rapidly adv. 快地,迅速地

1) China has developed .

2) China has made progress.

13. quick adj. 快的; 敏捷的---quickly adv. 快地

1) Be , or you’ll be late.

2) Run .

3) They wanted her to give them a answer.

4) He is to understand.

14. main adj. 主要的, 最重要的----mainly adv. 主要地,总体上, 大致

1) You must remember your thing.

2) What’s the idea of this paragraph?

3) They talked about the population of developing countries.

15. proper adj.合适的, 恰当的---properly adv. 合适地,恰当地

1) They will visit the country again at a proper time.

2) It isn’t to visit your friend at this late hour.

3) You really need to learn how to plan your time and money .