牛津8A Chapter6 Reading P79 教案教学设计(沪教牛津版英语八年级)

发布时间:2017-10-12 编辑:互联网 手机版

课 题 Lesson 8

课 型 Using and practicing

教学目的与要求 1. learn how to use the reference books and alphabetical order

2. more practice :1:learn how to undstand the main ideas

2:ask and answer some wh-questions about him

教 学

重 点 Point 1

教 学

难 点 Point 2

教学关键 Use and understand

Step 1 using English:reference books

1. Take out some reference books and ask Ss to see them

2. These books are very useful when you want to find information.We call them reference books.

3. Do P13 (A)

Step2 The Alphabetical order

1. sing ABC song

2. say A-----Z

3. Do B1 B2 B3 B4

4.I f words have the same first letter the ____letter decides the alphabetical.

Do B5

Sing and say

5If words have the same second letter the ____letter decides the alphabetical

6. Look up some words.

Step 3 More practice

A: please fill in the blanks

Hair colour brown

Hair length Short

Eye colour blue

Height Short

Age fourteen

Hobby singing

Ambition engineer

B: read the passage

1:learn new words

Came out into this world=was born

Couple 夫妇

Adopt 收养


Was detined to do sth.注定去做谋事

Safe arrival安全抵达

The Fench Embassy法国大使馆

China Drama Academy中国戏剧学院

Chife cook 首席厨师

2:Answer questions:P16

3:Describe your favourite idol(偶像) and let your classmates guess who he or she is. discuss