Unit 1 M5 Key words and phrases 备课资料(译林牛津版英语高二)

发布时间:2016-1-4 编辑:互联网 手机版

1.betray=turn against betrayal

2.have a quiz take an exam sit an exam

3.pretend to do/to be doing /to have done

4.cheer cheerful cheerfully

5. admit admission

admit (to) doing 承认做了某事

admit of 容许,有。。。的可能

be admitted to/into 为。。。录取

Open the window and admit some fresh air.放些新鲜空气进来

6.beg beggar 乞丐 beg (sb) to do sth 恳求某人做某事

beg (sb) for sth

7.swear swore sworn wear wore worn

tear tore torn bear bore born

8.spy on 窥探,窥视 spy sb doing sth 发现某人在做某事

9. true truth truly

10.forgive forgave forgiven

forgive one’s doing sth (Forgive my interrupting you)

forgive sb for (doing) sth (Forgive me for interrupting you)

forgive and forget 不念旧仇 不计前嫌,不记仇

11.focus (one’s attention/mind/energy) on

The focus of public attention 公众关注的焦点

12.keep pace with

13.in this manner

Good/bad manners 有(没有)礼貌的行为

Manners are important to happy relations among people.

It is good/bad manners to do sth

14.horror horrible horribly

15.be guilty of 犯有…的过错/过失/罪行

be guilty about 对… 感到愧疚

prove one’s guilt=prove sb guilty

Have a guilty sense 有负罪感

16.be cruel to cruelty n.

17.dislike doing

18.argue with sb about/over sth

put forward an argument 提出一个论点

19.apologize to sb for(doing) sth=make an apology to sb for doing

20.quarrel with sb about sth

21.be sensitive to

22.envy sb sth (I envy you your success.)

be the envy of 成为…嫉妒/羡慕的对象

out of envy 出于嫉妒/羡慕

23.sb be to blame for 某人该对某事负责

blame sb for sth 因为某事责怪某人=blame sth on sb 将某事归咎于某人=sb be blamed for sth

Sb hold the blame for sth 某人对某事负有责任

24.be gifted at/with =have a gift for 有。。。天赋

25.in disagreement with

26.before long =not long before 不久 long before 很久以前

He will be back before long.=It will not be long before he is back.

27.overcome difficulties

28.show one’s attitude towards

29.be anchored in 扎根于

30.base A on B= A be based on B

31.be cautious about

32.be eager to do sth 急于要做某事 be eager for sth急于想得到

33.worldwide nationwide

34.adolescent adolescence

35.respond to make no response to 对…没做出反应 in response to 作为对…的反应

36.end up doing 结果…… end up in failure 以失败而告终

37.rely on=depend on =count on

36.be committed to doing 致力于做

37.have mercy on =show mercy to at the mercy of 受…的支配

Merciful 同情的,仁慈的 merciless 不仁慈的,不同情的

38.regardless of 不管 regarding=concerning关于with regards to至于

39.be sensitive to 对。。。敏感

40. remark on 评论,谈论

remarkable (显著的,非凡的,卓越的) achievements / progress

remarkably 显著地,引人注目地



1.almost everyone nearly anyone

2.make friends with =develop friendships with

3.feel betrayed by

4.no fun

5. like it that way

6. 句型转换

1.I must have sounded very proud of myself after the quiz, didn’t I ?

2.Everyone must have been laughing behind my back, weren’t they?

3.Someone must have been spying on us in the washroom, weren’t they?

4.Hannah sensed something was wrong=Hannah sensed something wrong.

5.I noticed that my classmates were staring at me= I noticed my classmates staring at me.

6.I didn’t believe her explanation. I didn’t believe what she explained.

7.Hannah must have told my classmates about my grade after promising not to.(after she promised not to )

8.I was so angry that I went straight to Hanna.=I was so angry as to go straight to Hanna.

7.get good grades at school

8.be sure to do

9.feel /be ashamed of

10.fail (in) a quiz/exam

11.I admitted how badly I had done=I admitted doing badly.

12.beg sb (not) to do beg for sth

13.keep one’s secret=keep it a secret(固定短语)

14.be shocked to do

15.feel like doing

16.after promising not to=after she promised not to

17.go straight to=go directly to


1. have a match against

2. be determined to do

3. Mathew was playing badly=Mathew was performing badly.

4. keep pace with

5. as a result of

6. get angry with=get annoyed with

7. He got annoyed, saying it wasn’t his fault if he couldn’t play as well as me, and that I shouldn’t talk to him in this manner.

8. accuse sb of sth =charge sb with sth

9. make sme cruel remarks

10. So is our friendship=It is the same with our friendship

=So it with our friendship.

11. can’t help doing

12. He wants Peter to be his best friend instead of me.

=He wants Peter to replace me as his best friend.

13. had better (not) do


1. If so(=If it is so), the problem lies with you.

2. feel guilty about feel bad about

3. Talk to your friend and I’m sure that, before long, you’ll be back playing together.

4. Do you think Sarah and Hannah should try to be friends again or go their separate ways?


1.Speaking of friends, I’ve met some nice people here in London an I think we might become close friends.


Speaking of…,

Talking of…,

Generally speaking,

Judging from…,

2.would rather… than…=would … rather than…宁愿做。。。而不愿做。。。

3.all the time一直

4.can’t wait to do = be eager to do



Have fun with 跟…玩得很愉快

P18 a conversation on a topic

1. be anchored in

2. be based on

3. be cautious about

4. When (they are)asked, they usually hesitate before responding/before they respond.

5. be busy with sth/ be busy doing

6. regardless of the basis of these friendships=no matter what the basis of these friendships are

P 19

1. When deciding (When they decide)what is most important in life, some people choose money, while others choose things like security and comfort.

2.imagine doing (I can’t imagine being without it)

mean doing (Friendship means not being alone)

mind doing(I didn’t mind being alone)

end up doing (I ended up returning to the train station and spending the rest of the day the waiting room.)

3.Luckily for me, my best friend…=It was lucky for me that my best friend…

4.Friendship means being committed to (全心全意对待)others.

Be committed to doing 致力于做…

5. make some cruel remarks about

6. in conclusion,最后,总结一下

7. look back on 回顾