牛津译林版高中英语单词精析系列(模块8单元1) 备课资料(译林牛津版英语高二)

发布时间:2016-6-7 编辑:互联网 手机版

Module 8 Unit 1 The Written Word

1. classic ①adj.经典的/典型的(≈typical):a classic book;the classic symtoms of a cold ②adj.古典的(≈classical):★classic/classical literature;★classic music (×)→classical music (√) ③n./c/ 经典作品/古典作品/古典文学家/古典艺术家 →classical adj.古典的

2. antique ①adj.古时的/古式的 ②n./c/古董≈curiosity n.①/u/好奇心/求知欲 ②/c/古玩 →★curious adj.①好奇的:be curious about sth;be curious to do sth;be curious wh-clause ②奇怪的:It’s curious/strange that-clause

3. literature n./u/文学;culture n.文化;civilisation n.文明 →literary adj.:literary works文学作品;literary review文学评论

4. ★receive vt.①接到/收到≠accept接受 ②受到/接受:receive one’s thanks;receive a good education;receive a warm welcome;receive (a) punishment ③接纳/承认/同意:be well received ④迎接/招待:be warmly received ⑤容纳/承受;收听/收看

5. ★be well received;be well loved;be well(-)known;be well(-)prepared;be well worth doing

6. (un)wise adj.:It’s (un)wise of sb to do sth →wisdom n./u/:a man of wisdom智者

7. gather dust;Dust gathered/accumulated on the desk..→dusty/dustbin →dirt/dirty

8. ★release ①vt.(束缚中)解放/解脱/释放;免除/解除(义务):release sb/sth from sth/sw eg. He released the bird from the cage. He was released from prison. ②vt.放出/解开/松开/发射/投掷:release the rope/brake ③发行/放映/发表(唱片/电影/书等) ④n./u/意思同①②③

9. ★adopt vt.①收养/领养 ②采纳/采用→adjust①vt.调整/调节/校正(A来配合B):adjust A (to B) ②vt/vi. (使)适应:adjust (onesefl) to →adapt①vt.改造/修改/改编/改写(为…用):adapt A (for B) ②vt/vi.(使)适应/适合:adapt (A/oneself) to B →adaptation n.①/u/适应/适合 ②/u/改造/改编 ③/c/改编/改写的作品:an adaptation of a novel for television

10. ★work ①n./u/工作/劳动:hard work ②n.(用pl./单复数同形)作品/著作:the complete/selected works of Lu Xun全集/选集 ③n.工厂(用pl./单复数同形):a gas works →at work;go to work;in work/out of work 有工作/失业 ④vi.工作/上班:work hard;work on/at/in/for…⑤vt/vi.(使)运转/运作≈operate/function ⑥vi.进行顺利/起作用 ⑦vt.经营/解决 →work on;work out

11. chapter n.章节回≈section n.章节/段落;地区/区域/部分;Paragraph 1=the first paragraph

12. ★harm ①n./vt.伤害/损害:I meant no harm.;There is no harm in calling him.;do harm to…=do … hram ②n.邪恶/恶行≈vice/crime →be harmful/harmless to…

13. ★simple adj.①简单/易懂的 ②朴素/简朴的 ③纯真/单纯的 ④坦率/率直的 ⑤愚蠢/迟钝的 ⑥完全/纯粹的 →simply adv.①单单/仅仅/只=only eg. He studies so many foreign langauges simply for pleasure. ②简单/易懂地 ③朴素/质朴地 ④完全/绝对 eg. I simply can’t accept your apology. →simplify vt /simplification n.简化 →live a simple life=live simply

14. ★uncertain adj.①不确实的/不确信的:be uncertain of/about…;be uncertain wh- ②易变的/不可靠的:uncertain weather;a woman with an uncertain temper →uncertainty n.①/u/不确定/不确信/不稳定/易变:★There be (some) uncertainty about…;the uncertainty of the weather ②/c/不确定/不稳定的事物(常用pl.):the uncertainties of life 人生无常

15. tense ①n.时态 ②v.(使)绷紧/拉紧 ③adj.(神经/感情/绳索/肌肉等)紧张的/拉紧的/绷紧的→tension n.①/u/(绳/精神上等的)紧张/拉紧 ②/u/c/紧张的状态/局势:racial tensions;international tension;★the tension between…and…

16. twist ①n./c/u/扭转/弯曲:a twist in the plot情节的曲折 ②vt/vi缠绕/弯曲/旋转/曲解/转身/折行:twist…into a rope搓成绳子;twist/wrap A around/round B把A缠绕在B上;twist one’s arm反扭手臂

17. generous adj.慷慨/豁达的:be generous to sb/with money;It’s generous of sb to do sth →generosity(无u) n.:show generosity to sb →be mean with money吝啬/小气;It be mean of sb to do sth卑鄙/刻薄

18. ★fortune n.①/u/运气/幸运/命运:by good/bad fortune幸好/不幸;have fortune to do sth;seek /try one’s fortune找出路/碰运气 ②n./c/u/财富/巨款:make a fortune →(un)fortunate/ (un)fortunately:be (un)fortunate in (doing) sth;be (un)fortuante to do sth;It’s (un)fortuante that-clause →luck/ (un)lucky/ (un)luckily →misfortune ①恶运/不幸:by misfortune;bear/endure misfortune忍受不幸;suffer misfortune遭受不幸;have the misfortune to do sth ②/c/不幸的事/灾难:Misfortunes never come singly. 祸不单行

19. finance n/v.财政/金融/融资→financial adj.:financial ability财力;financial troubles/difficulties财政困难;financial worries财政困扰→financier n.资本家/财政家/金融业者/财务官

20. abrupt adj.①突然/猝然/意外的(≈sudden):an abrupt change in the weather;an abrupt death猝死/暴毙;The car made an abrupt turn/stop. 急转弯/急停 ②粗鲁的/生硬的(=rude):in an abrupt manner ③陡峭的(=steep):an abrupt slope陡坡

21. constant adj.①固定/不变的:a constant temperature恒温;drive at a constant speed稳速驾车 ②持续的/不断地:a constant pain;the constant noise of traffic →constantly adv.不断/反复/经常地:She is constantly changing her mind.

22. ★remind sb of/about sth;remind sb to do sth;remind sb that-clause提醒/使人想起→reminder n./c/(有提醒作用的)人/物提示:a reminder of sth / that-clause(同位语从句)

23. shabby adj.①破旧/破烂的 ②卑鄙/可耻的 ③邋遢/褴褛的 ④低劣/蹩脚的;shortcoming n./c/ →advantage/disadvantage;shallow adj.①浅的 ②肤浅的 ③浅薄的:It’s shallow of sb to do sth

24. ★prejudice ①成见/偏见:free from prejudice没有偏见;racial/sexual prejudice种族/性别偏见;have (a…) prejudice against…;②vt.:prejudice A against B使A对B产生偏糿.主题/主旨:theme park/song;the theme of…;educate/education/educated

30. weA25. company →companion n./c/伴侣/伙伴≈partner/mate/fellow/accompanier

26. rigid adj.①坚硬的/僵硬的 ②顽固的/死板的/刚愎的/严格的:He is very rigid in his opinions.

27. civil adj.①有教养的/礼貌的(≈polite):a civil gentleman ②国内的:civil affairs/war ③市民/国民/公民的:civil duties/rights/servant ④民事的(criminal刑事的):civil case/law

28. bend (bent/bent)①vt/vi.(使)弯曲 ②vi.弯腰/屈身:bend down ③vt/vi.(使)屈服于/顺从于:bend (A/oneself) to B:He tried to bend his daughter to his wishes. We’ll never bend to the will of anyone. ④(视线/脚步等)朝向/(心等)专注:bend oneself to…→bent adj.①弯曲的/弯的 ②专心/专注/决心的:★be bent on doing sth一心想要/决心要≈set one’s mind to do sth

29. theme n.主题/主旨:theme park/song;the theme of…;educate/education/educated

30. wealth n.①/u/财富/财产:a man of wealth;accumulate/acquire wealth 积聚财富/致富 ②丰富/大量:a wealth of…大量/许多→wealthy adj.①有钱的 ②富于…的:be wealthy/rich in…

31. fancy ①n.空想/想象/嗜好 ②vt.想象/以为/认为/喜欢 ③adj.装饰的/高档的/花哨的

32. ★settle ①vt.决定=decide:settle (to do) sth ②调停/解决/收拾/处理:settle the problem/quarrel ③vt/vi.(使)定居/(使)移民:settle (sb) +介宾/副词 ④vt/vi.放置/安坐 ⑤vt/vi.(使)平静/镇定/镇静 →settle (up) with sb和某人付清/结清账款;settle/decide on/upon doing sth决定做某事;settle/get down to doing sth安心/专心做某事;settle down ①vt/vi.(使人)坐下 ②vi.定居/安身(+介宾)③vt/vi.(使)平静/安静≈calm/cool down →settlement/settler n.

33. acquaint sb/oneself with…使某人/自己知道/熟悉/通晓/精通…→be/get acquainted with…精通/相识…→acquaintance n./u/c/ 相识/熟人:★make one’s acquaintance=make the acquaintance of sb;on/upon further acquaintance经过进一步的认识/了解后

34. novel(ist);(ab)normal;workhouse贫民收容院/orphanage孤儿院(orphan孤儿)

35. master ①n.主人/雇主/大师/硕士 ②vt.熟练/精通 ③vt.支配/征服/抑制/驯服:master nature →be master in one’s own house自己当家作主;be master of…掌握/控制/熟练使用…;be one’s own master独立自主/不受别人控制

36. abuse ①vt/n.滥用/妄用:abuse one’s power/eyes;abuse of privileges特权的滥用 ②vt/n.虐待:abuse children;child abuse ③vt/n.辱骂/诋毁

37. crime n.犯罪/不好的行为:commit/do a crime犯罪;confess a crime供认罪行;prevent/wipe out a crime预防/消除犯罪;a horrible/major/minor crime残暴/重/轻罪;It’s a crime to waste food. →criminal ①n.罪犯 ②adj.犯罪的/刑事的:a criminal act/case

38. millionaire/billionaire n.百万/亿万富翁;questionaire问卷调查表

39. ★pity ①n.怜悯/同情(≈sympathy):feel pity for…;have/take pity on… ②n.遗憾/懊悔/可惜的事:It’s/What a pity (that-clause). ③vt.怜悯/同情:pity sb

40. reform ①vt.改善/改革/改良:reform a system ②vt/vi.(使人)悔改/改过:reform (sb/oneself) eg. It’s more important to reform criminals than (to) punish them. He has completely reformed (himself) and is working hard now. ③n.改善/改革:the reform of social/educational system

41. pressure ①n.压/按/挤/榨/压迫:(high/low) blood pressure;I feet the pressure of his hand on my shoulder. ②n.气压/(精神/社会)压力/苦恼:financial/mental pressure ③vt.施压/压迫/强迫(≈force):★pressure/force sb to do sth / into doing sth;pressure sb with sth →at high/low pressure紧张地/悠闲地;★under pressure;under the pressure of… (在…)逼迫下/(因…而)迫不得已/(在…)压力下;put/bring pressure on/upon sb (to do sth) 对某人施加压力(去做某事)

42. ★threat ①n.威胁/恫吓:under threat of punishment ②威胁者/危险的人物:a threat/danger to sb/sth →threaten v.威胁/恐吓/恫吓:threaten sth;threaten to do sth;threaten sb with sth

43. violence ①n./u/剧烈/猛烈/激烈:with violence=violently剧烈地 ②n./u/暴力/暴行:do violence to 对…施暴/伤害/歪曲 →violent adj.①剧烈地/猛烈的/厉害的:a violent storm/hit ②暴戾的

44. resist①vt/vi.抵抗/反抗/抗拒:resist sb/(doing) sth ②抗/耐(寒/锈/腐蚀等) ③忍耐/忍住(诱惑等):★can’t/couldn’t resist doing sth=can’t/couldn’t help doing sth eg. She can’t resist eating sweets. →resistance n.→resistant adj.(有)抵抗力的:★be resistant to… eg. The seed is resistant to cold weather.

45. kick n/vt/vi.踢:kick the door open;kick (at) the ball;give the ball/man a good kick;penalty kick(PK) 罚点球/单挑

46. pale adj.①苍白无力的/灰白的:a pale face;turn pale with fear/at the news ②淡的(=light)/暗淡的(=dim):pale blue;a pale moon

47. spin (spun/spun/spinning) n./vt/vi.(使)旋转;swiftly≈rapidly迅速地;stout≈fat/strong壮实的

48. attach a stamp to the envelope;mud n./u/泥/泥泞→muddy adj.

49. ★talent n.①/c/u/才能/天赋:have a talent/gift for…②/c/人才/天才 →talented adj.;ability/able;intelligence/intelligent;gift/gifted;genius n.天才

50. sigh ①vt/vi.叹气 ②vi.叹息/惋惜/怀念:sigh for… eg. The old actress sighed for her lost youth. ③n./c/叹息:★give/draw/ let out a sigh (of relief)

51. sight n/v.视力/视野/看见/风景名胜(sights):have good/poor (eye)sight;near/far/short/long sight;lose one’s sight;★at first sight(注意:sight前面无the);at sight一见就;★at (the) sight of…一看见…;catch sight of…看见/发现…;lose sight of…看不见/失去音讯/忽略/忘记;(come) in sight进入视线/可见;(go) out of sight看不见/从视线中消失

52. sorrow=unhappiness=sadness;anger n.愤怒/生气→angry/angrily:be angry with/at sb;be angry about/at sth;be angry to do sth;be angry that-clause

53. gentle→gently→gentleman温柔/轻柔;morden-day adj.=modern/contemporary

54. an ugly face;greed n./u/贪心/贪婪:one’s greed for money→greedy adj.贪婪渴望緾

60. ★entertain ①vt.款待/招待:entertain sb to餐/with sth→treat sb/oneself to sth ②vt.使快乐/使感兴趣:entertain sb with sth →entertainment n. →enterta3茫籹tepson/daughter 配偶与前妻/前夫所生的子女

56. gravity n.①重力 ②严重性:the gravity of…→serious/severe adj.严重的;sugar→sugary

57. mistake ①n./c/:make a mistake;by mistake ②v弄错/-took/-taken/:mistake A for B→mistaken adj.?ivorce/dicount rate 出生率/离婚率/折扣率;the rate of interest/exchange利率/汇率;②n.等级=class:a third-rate hotel三流宾馆 ③vt/vi.评价/估计/视为/估价≈value/evaluate →rating n.等级/评级/评价/估计/评分:give sth a five-star rating

63. supreme adj.①(权力/地位等)最高/最高位的:supreme glory最大荣耀;the supreme commander最高统%饕?情义 →★(be) in debt (to sb)欠(…的)债/欠(…的)人情/受(…的)恩惠

68. fair adj.①公正的/公平的:be fair to/with… ②尚可的/还好的 ③晴朗的 ④白肤金发的:ining adj.快乐/有趣的

61. ★in/at the beginning (of…) (在…的)起初/开端时;from the beginning从一开始;from beginning to end从头至尾/由始至终≈throughtout adv.

62. rate ①n.比例/速度/费用:at…rate (of…);birth/divorce/dicount rate 出生率/离婚率/折扣率;the rate of interest/exchange利率/汇率;②n.等级=class:a third-rate hotel三流宾馆 ③vt/vi.评价/估计/视为/估价≈value/evaluate →rating n.等级/评级/评价/估计/评分:give sth a five-star rating

63. supreme adj.①(权力/地位等)最高/最高位的:supreme glory最大荣耀;the supreme commander最高统帅/指挥官 ②(品质/程度等)最大的/最上的/无上的/至上的/最重要的:supreme happiness至上的幸福;the supreme sacrifice最大牺牲;the Suprme Being上帝

64. typical adj.①典型的/代表性的≈representative:a typical Englishman/example ②(…所)特有的/独特的/表现(…的)特征的:one’s typical way of speaking;That answer is typical of him. →★be typical of…0. rural adj.乡下的/农村的/田园的:a rural area;rural scenery田园风光 →suburb n.郊区/suburban adj.郊区的/郊外的 →urban adj.城市的/都市的:urban population/life/problems

71. constitution n.①/c/宪法 ②/u/构成/构造≈structure ③/u/c/体质/体格:have a strong/weak institution →constitute vt.构成:be constitued of=be made up of=consist of=be composed of

72. short→shorten;threat/threaten;strength/strengthen加强/变强;length/lengthen加长/延长

73. ★mourn (for) sb/sth为…默哀;widow≠window;a bronze statue;the Statue of Liberty自由女神像;monument(≈memorial) n.纪念碑/塔/馆:★build/put up/set up a monument to sb

74. publicly=in public;romance n.→romantic adj.:a romantic novelair play公平比赛;fair trade互惠贸易;a fair judegment/decision;⑤n.集市/展会

69. overnight adv.一夜之间/突然≈suddenly/all of a sudden;fortnight=two weeks两周

70. rural adj.乡下的/农村的/田园的:a rural area;rural scenery田园风光 →suburb n.郊区/suburban adj.郊区的/郊外的 →urban adj.城市的/都市的:urban population/life/problems

71. constitution n.①/c/宪法 ②/u/构成/构造≈structure ③/u/c/体质/体格:have a strong/weak institution →constitute vt.构成:be constitued of=be made up of=consist of=be composed of

72. short→shorten;threat/threaten;strength/strengthen加强/变强;length/lengthen加长/延长

73. ★mourn (for) sb/sth为…默哀;widow≠window;a bronze statue;the Statue of Liberty自由女神像;monument(≈memorial) n.纪念碑/塔/馆:★build/put up/set up a monument to sb

74. publicly=in public;romance n.→romantic adj.:a romantic novel

75. ★exhibit ①vt.展示/陈列/展览≈show/display:②n./c/展品 →exhibition n.展览会:on exhibition=on show=on display;give/have an exhibition;a/an art/trade/international exhibition

76. tend ①vi.倾向(于…)/有(…的)趋势:★tend to do sth易于…;tend to/toward sth倾向于…: eg. He tends to get angry when others disagree with him. He tends to/toward pop music of all sorts of music. ②vi.朝向/往(…的)方向:tend+介宾/副词 ③vt.服侍/看护/照料/看管/护理(病人/伤口/动植物等) →tendency n.倾向/趋势≈trend

77. emotion=strong feeling →emotional adj.;Scots=Scottish adj.苏格兰的→Scotland n.苏格兰

78. ★stress ①n./u/c/(物理上/精神上/状况上)压力/紧张:under great stress;under the stress of… ②n./u/强调/重视:lay/put stress on/upon… eg. Some schools lay/put stress on foreign language education. ③n./u/重音/重读=accent ④vt.强调/重视/极力主张:He stressed the impotance of cooperation. ⑤vt.用重音读…→stress mark重读符号;stressed syllable重读音节

79. format ①n.格式/形式≈form:in…format ②vt.(电脑术语)格式化:format the disc→fomation n.形成/组成/形态/结构/编队/队形/阵势≈structue/constitution:fly in formation编队飞行

80. ballad≈folk music民谣/歌谣;imagine one’s/sb doing sth →imagination/imagery n./u/意象

81. ★compare A to B;compare A with B;compared with/to…;compare with…比得上/媲美…→comparative/comparatively→comparison n.比较/对照/比喻:make a comparison with…/betweem…and…;beyond/without comparison无与伦比/无可比拟;in/by comparison with…与…相比较/较之于…

82. ★farewell≈goodbye再见/再会①int.:Farewell to arms!=Farewell, arms!永别了,武器!(海明威名著) ②n./u/c/:say farewell/goodbye to sb;a farewell party欢送会