高中英语必修五第二单元第1课时 学案 (人教版英语高二)

发布时间:2016-3-8 编辑:互联网 手机版

Unit 2 第1课时



1. 重点词汇及拓展

1) vi. & vt. __________ 联合;团结 adj. _________团结的;统一的 n. _________联合;联盟

2) vi. consist _______________________ adj. _______________ 一致的

3) vt. accomplish_______________________ n.____________________ 完成;成就

4) adj. willing ________________adv. ________乐意地;自愿地 n. __________ 乐意;甘心情愿

(反义词) adj. ___________ adv. __________ n. ___________ will n. ________________

5) n. convenience ___________ adj. _____________ 方便的adv. _____________便利地;合宜地

6) adj. _____________粗糙的;粗暴的 adv. _____________粗略地;粗暴地

7) vt. attract _______________ adj. __________吸引人的n. ___________吸引;吸引人的事或物

8) n. ___________建筑学;建筑艺术 n. _________建筑师 adj. ________建筑学的;建筑上的

9) vt. & vi. collect ________________ n. ________________收藏品;珍藏;收集

10) vt. enjoy___________ n. ____________乐趣;享受;adj. ____________令人愉快的;快乐的

11) vt. ___________描述;描写 n. _______________描述;描写

12) adj. ______________ 配备好装备的;带家具的 vt. ____________供应;提供;装备

n. ______________家具

14) adj. possible 可能的 adv.______________可能地 n. _____________ 可能性

(反义词)adj. ________________ 不可能的 adv.______________ n. _____________

14) vt. _______________筹备;安排;整理 n. _____________________安排;整理;布置

15 n. & vt. delight __________________ adj. _____________欣喜的;高兴的adv. _____________

16) n. ______________共产主义 n. & adj. _________________共产主义者;共产主义的

17) vt. thrill __________ adj. ________毛骨悚然的;令人兴奋的adv. _____________令人激动地;

毛骨悚然地adj. _____________非常兴奋的;极为激动的n. ________________毛骨悚然;震颤

2. 单词拼写

①A new type of learning machine a______________ a large number of parents.

②Is it true that no two leaves are a___________?

③ I’m going for a meeting right now. Could you a___________ a car for me?

④The umbrella can be f____________, so it is easy to carry in a bag.

⑤To her d____________, she passed the examination.

⑥The curtain m______ the wall well .Do you like the color ?

⑦The result leads to a future world where people from all countries are respected and different views are t__ ___.

⑧They wanted their buildings c__ ____in a way to look unnatural.

⑨In the a____ __ of the teacher , Fang Lan will be in charge .

⑩The president is holding a peace talk with the foreign minister of another country .

The a__ ____ of the meeting is very warm and friendly.

⑾The 2008 Olympic___ ___ (体育馆) in Beijing is another design that makes us

think about nature.

⑿It is___ ___ ( 显而易见) that he is mad .

⒀They asked their teacher whether he could_____ _ (推荐) an English dictionary to them .

⒁How time flies . The time is____ __ (接近) when we are to leave .

⒂Scotland is colder_____ _ (贯穿) the year , and receives more rain .

3. 重点短语

1) 由……组成 __________________________ 2) 把……分成 __________________________

3) 挣脱(束缚);脱离____________________ 4) 省去;遗漏;不考虑___________________

5) 代替_________________________________ 6) (机器)损坏;(身体)垮下来__________

7) 为……带来荣誉;值得赞扬;在……名下___________________________________________

8) be linked to ____________________________ 9) be joined to ___________________________

10) for convenience ________________________ 11) be known as __________________________

12) keep one’s eyes open ____________________ 13) make a list (of) ________________________

14) to one’s surprise ________________________ 15) in memory of _________________________

4. 用所给短语的适当形式填空

consist of; link to; leave out; divide…into…; break down; break away from; take the place of;

1) She ___________________ 3 words when she recited this poem.
