
发布时间:2016-5-21 编辑:互联网 手机版

刘道义 罗少茜

《全日制普通高级中学教科书》是根据《全日制普通高级中学英语教学大纲》和《全日制义务教育普通高级中学英语课程标准(实验稿)》的精神,在1993年开始至今使用的中英合作编写的高中英语(Senior English For China)的基础上修订而成的。大纲和课程标准以学生的发展为英语课程的出发点和归宿,提出了一系列新的理念,所以在修订过程中,我们参照课程标准教材编写原则,联系我国实际国情,做了师生需求方面的调查和座谈,并研究了国内外教材编写和教材评价方面学者的理论和标准,如Cunningsworth(1995),Ur (2000), Grant(1987), Ellis (1998 in Tomlinson 1998), Tomlinson (1998)等。(见附录)本文我们综合各家理论和原则,主要从以下几个方面来介绍修订的《全日制普通高级中学教科书》:教材目的和教学思想(aims and approaches);教材设计和结构(design and organization);语言内容(language content)和语言技能(skills);教学方法(methodology);教师用书(teacher’s books)和实际考虑(practical considerations)。




为了帮助教师由采用灌输式教学转为使用启发式、创造性教学,使学生逐渐成为积极的自主学习者,修订的高中教材采用的教学方法多样化,教学活动设计灵活多样,鼓励学生动脑思考、大胆想象、发挥其创造性,让他们主动参与、自主学习。Warming up和Pre-reading中的问题旨在激活思维,调动他们已有的知识和经验主动参与主题教学活动。口语训练(Speaking或Talking)改变了让学生听读、背诵对话的方法,而是提供主题、情景和语言功能项目,让学生说话、讨论、辩论、采访或报告等。Integrating skills 和Project部分,则设有许多“任务”,需要学生独立思考,去观察、发现、探索、研究、动手实践,集体合作,课内外结合才能完成。



Student’s Book Workbook


Warming up






Language study

Word study


Integrating skills

Reading and writing








Integrating skills

Listening and speaking

Reading and writing



Achievement log

Learning log



ASSESSING (Book 1A,Unit 9)

Think back

What were your own goals for this unit?

Did you reach your goals? How?


What different ways of learning did you use? Which did you like best? Why?

Think ahead

What are your goals for the next unit?

How do you plan to reach them?


What would you like to learn next?

Ask some of your classmates for ideas and try new ways of studying.

Predict and prepare

The next unit is about science and technology. Think about the topic before you come to class.

What do you already know about this topic?

What words do you know that may be useful?

What words do you think would be useful to learn? Use a dictionary to look up ten new words about the topic and try to use them in class.



本套教材覆盖了新课程标准所要求的24个话题,教材内容涉及的话题广泛,有自然科学,环境保护,道德与法制,行为规范,文化教育,风俗习惯,文体活动,兴趣爱好,人际关系,语言学习,职业名人,旅游,幽默,新闻出版,广告,发明创造等。选材和教学活动重视学生的兴趣和他们的年龄特征。教材的话题,特别是教学活动,任务及各种练习的设计较充分地考虑到高中学生年龄特征和他们生理和心理发展的特点。例如,电影(silver screen), 音乐(music), 体育(sports), 文学(literature), 艺术(arts)、语言(language/body language), 文明礼貌(good manners),幽默(humour),饮食文化(healthy eating),友谊(good friends), 文化遗产(cultural relics), 科技(technology)等题材能够激发青年学生的兴趣,而书中的许多鲜活的事例(如主题公园(theme park)等)和人物(如杰出的女性、影视界名流等)必定会对学生有较强的感染力。其中许多课文渗透着思想情感的教育,对学生的身心发展会产生较强的感染作用,如教育他们如何做人,如何保护环境和文化遗产,怎样提高自己的文化修养,并且加深他们对国际事物的理解,提高他们对社会的责任感和历史的使命感。

教材所选语言素材具有时代性,如信息技术、航天技术、环保等,反映了当代青少年的生活和精神面貌,如涉及的对友谊、科学、文化、法制等方面的看法和态度。本套教材涉及的语言内容丰富,贴近生活,注重语言技能的综合训练,有效培养学生的英语综合运用能力。 其文化知识面很广,具有较强的跨学科的性质。其中渗透的学科为社会科学和自然科学,还有、宗教、法制、文学、音乐、医学、体育、美术,以及工、农、商等。教科书在反映世界各国文化的同时,也注意到了弘扬中华民族的文化。中外文化交织在一起,充满了跨文化交际的信息,体现了教材的国际性和民族性。



本套教材所采用的教学方法是围绕话题开展活动,脉络清晰,在采用话题、功能、结构相结合的教学方法的基础上,设计了“任务型”的活动,易于教学操作。它以话题为核心,以结构和功能项目为主线,组织和安排了听、说、读、写的活动。在设计不同层次和多种形式的听、说、读、写活动时,特别注意以学生的生活经验和兴趣为出发点,尽可能提供真实的情景,使学生综合地运用语言完成一些任务,促使他们获取、处理和使用信息,用英语为他人交流,解决实际的问题,甚至完成某个项目(Project)。这样的“任务型”活动不仅在Integrating skills部分可见,即使在Language study中也可以找到,如高一上第1单元和高一下第13单元中的语法练习就具有运用语法知识“做事”的特点:

LANGUAGE STUDY (Book 1B,Unit 13,p6)

2 Most newspapers have an Advice Column. People can write and ask for advice about their problems. Read the letters below and write down four pieces of advice for each letter. Use had better (not), ought (not) to or should (not). Here is an example:

you try it.

教学活动设计主要启发思考,提倡创新,给学生提供思维空间。许多活动要求学生看图想象,大胆思考(Brainstorming),如第15单元Warming up (Book 1B, p15)和第21单元Integrating skills中的看图编、演、写的练习(Book 1B, p62)。

本套教材(连同初中教材)吸收了66个功能意念项目和3000多个单词(包括初中三年或四年已学的1300-1500个单词)及习惯用语和固定搭配。我们接受了师生对现行高中教材的意见,对词汇和语法的教学作了较为细致和系统的安排。专门设置了Word study着重介绍构词知识,英语释义、习惯用法等,以提高学生学习、运用和扩大英语词汇的能力。介绍语法项目相对集中,后再不断循环、逐步加深。这样,可以更好地保证高中学生切实加强基础知识和基本技能的训练。我们在教学内容和教学要求上尽量体现循序渐进的原则,由易到难、从简单到复杂逐步过渡。在培养学生的听说能力的基础上,着重提高学生用英语获取信息和处理信息、分析问题和解决问题的能力,注重提高学生用英语进行思维和表达的能力。教材内容根据不同学习阶段的特点,对学生的要求也各有侧重。







《全日制普通高级中学教科书》符合教材在语言教学中的作用(Cunningsworth,1995;Richards,2001; Grant, 1987. 附录3):有说和写的素材,学生练习和交际互动的活动,语法和词汇等资源;有激发学生思维的课堂活动;有教学大纲和教学目标;有给新教师的教学指导,如教师用书中的教学建议以及参考活动等。教材在编写设计上突出对学生听、说、读、写、视觉学习及跨学科学习等六方面技能的综合训练。以学生发展为本,以综合运用语言能力为目标的教学,贯穿于整个教材框架之中,既保证了教材的系统性,又使教材具有了多样性。以学生发展为本的教学方式,就是教材中教学活动的设计以学生为主体,教学活动以学生在课堂上做事情为主,而不是以教师做的事情为主,教师的作用是组织、引导、帮助和监控;以综合运用语言能力为目标,就是重视把学生课堂上的学习活动和过程设计成各种各样的任务,这里的“任务”指学生独立或以小组形式运用语言完成的具体事情,如projects, making posters等。这些活动都与语言运用相关,这些活动项目从设计、构思到制作都要求学生运用英语来完成真实的运用任务,在为学生运用英语进行创造提供了很好的机会,同时又有利于学生培养团结合作的精神和体验运用英语进行创造的成就感和荣誉感。在这类活动中,教师应明确要求学生必须使用英语进行交流,这也是教师对学生作品进行评价的一个重要因素,每次活动完成后,教师应及时在班内展示出学生的作品,并组织学生发表看法。

语言、学习过程和学习者构成语言学习三个重要的方面。而通过教学资料和教材我们可以不断看到学习者在语言方面的进步以及学习过程的变化和进展。Cunningsworth (1984) 指出: 好的教学资料应该赋予教师和学生灵感。我们希望教师在使用本套教材时,能够在理解学生的困难和兴趣的基础上,进行创造性的和独立自主的教学。


Cunningsworth, A. 1984. Evaluating and Selecting EFL Teaching Materials.


Cunningsworth, A. 1995. Choosing Your Coursebook. Macmillan Heinemann English Teaching. Oxford: Heinemann.

Freeman, D. L. 1986. Techniques and Principles in Language Teaching. Oxford:

Oxford University Press.

Grant, N. 1987. Making the Most of Your Textbook. New York: Longman Group UK


Richards, J. C. and T. Rodgers. 2000. Approaches and Methods in Language

Teaching. Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press.

Richards, J. C. et al. 2000. Longman Dictionary of Language Teaching and Applied

Linguistics. Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press.

Tomlinson, B. 1998. Introduction. In Tomlinson, B. (ed.), Materials Development in

Language Teaching. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Tomlinson, B. (Ed.). 1998. Materials Development in Language Teaching.

Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Tomlinson, B. 1998. Materials Development in Language Teaching. Cambridge:

Cambridge University Press.

Ur, P. 2000. A Course in Language Teaching: Practice and Theory. Beijing: Foreign

Language Teaching and Research Press.



1.Cunningsworth (1995) 建议的教材评估四项标准:

1.They should correspond to learners’ needs. They should match the aims and objectives of the language learning program.

2.They should reflect the uses (present or future) that learners will make of the language. Textbooks should be chosen that will help equip students to use language effectively for their own purposes.

3.They should take account of students’ needs as learners and should facilitate their learning processes, without dogmatically imposing a rigid “method”.

4.They should have a clear role as a support for learning. Liking teachers, they mediate between the target language and the learner.


Choosing a textbook: questionaire (part I):

Does the book suit your students?

1.Is it attractive? Given the average age of your students, would they enjoy using it?

2.Is it culturally accepted?

3.Does it reflect what you know about your students’ needs and interests?

4.Is it about the right level of difficulty?

5.Is it about the right length?

6.Are the course’s physical characteristics appropriate? (e.g. is it durable)

7.Are there enough authentic materials, so that the students can see that the book is relevant to real life?

8.Does it achieve an acceptable balance between knowledge about the language, and practice in using the language?

9.Does it achieve an acceptable balance between the relevant language skills, and integrate them so that work in one skill area helps the others?

10. Does the book contain enough communicative activities to enable the students to use the language independently.

(Score: 2 points for every YES answer. 1 point for every PARTLY answer. 0 for every NO answer.)

Choosing a textbook: questionaire (part II):

Does the book suit the teacher?

1.Is your overall impression of the contents and layout of the course favourable?

2.Is there a good, clear teacher’s guide with answers and help on methods and additional activities?

3.Can one use the book in the classroom without constantly having to turn to the teacher’s guide?

4.Are the recommended methods and approaches suitable for you, your students and your classroom?

5.Are the approaches easily adaptable if necessary?

6.Does using the course require little or no time-consuming preparation?

7.Are useful ancillary materials such as tapes, workbooks, and visuals provided?

8.Is there sufficient provision made for tests and revision?

9.Does the book use a ‘spiral’ approach, so that items are regularly revised and used again in different contexts?

10.Is the course appropriate for, and liked by, colleagues?

(Score: 2 points for every YES answer. 1 point for every PARTLY answer. 0 for every NO answer.)

Choosing a textbook: questionaire (part III):

Does the book suit the syllabus and examination?

1.Has the book been recommended or approved by the authorities?

2.Does the book follow the official syllabus in a creative manner?

3.Is the course well-graded, so that it gives well-structured and systematic coverage of the language?

4。If it does more than the syllabus requires, is the result an improvement?

5.Are the activities, contents and methods used in the course well-planned and executed?

6。Has it been prepared specifically for the target examination?

7.Do the course’s methods help the students prepare for the exam?

8.Is there a good balance between what the examination requires, and what the students need?

9。Is there enough examination practice?

10.Does the course contain useful hints on examination technique?

(Score: 2 points for every YES answer. 1 point for every PARTLY answer. 0 for every NO answer.)

Tomlinson’s (1998) 提出的评估好的教学资料标准

Materials should achieve impact

Materials should help learners to feel ease

Materials should help learners to develop confidence

What is being taught should be perceived by learners as relevant and useful

Materials should require and facilitate learner self-investment

Learners must be ready to acquire the points being taught

Materials should expose the learner to language in authentic use

The learners’ attention should be drawn to linguistic features of the input

Materials should provide the learners with opportunities to use the target language to achieve communication purpose

Materials should take into account that the positive effects of instruction are usually delayed

Materials should take into account that learners differ in learning styles

Materials should take in account that learners differ in affective attitudes

Materials should permit a silent period at the beginning of instruction

Materials should maximise learning potential by encouraging intellectual, aesthetic and emotional involvement which stimulates both right and left brain activities

Materials should not rely too much on controlled practice

Materials should provide opportunities for outcome feedback

Ur’s (2000)的教材评估标准

Ur (2000) 认为教材评估有两种标准:一般性标准(general criteria)和具体标准(specific criteria)。下表是他提出的一般性标准:


Objectives explicitly laid out in an introduction, and implemented in the material

Approach educationally and socially acceptable to target community

Clear attractive layout; print easy to read

Appropriate visual materials available

Interesting topics and tasks

Varied topics and tasks, so as to provide for different learner levels, learning styles, interests, etc.

Clear instructions

Systematic coverage of syllabus

Content clearly organized and graded (sequenced by difficulty)

Period review and test sections

Plenty of authentic language

Good pronunciation explanation and practice

Good vocabulary explanation and practice

Good grammar presentation and practice

Fluency practice in all four skills

Encourages learners to develop own learning strategies and to become independent in their learning

Adequate guidance for the teacher; not too heavy preparation load

Audio cassettes

Readily available locally