人教版初二下英语教案Lesson 63(网友来稿)

发布时间:2016-11-6 编辑:互联网 手机版


Lesson 63 ( The third period )

一、Teaching aims and demands.

学习情态动词can,may表示“请求”、“许可”与“可能性”的用法;学习句型“I’m not sure.”的用法。

二、 Organization. be omitted.

三、 Revision

Ask students to answer the following questions.

1. Where was the old woman? What did she want to do?

2. Did she know the way to the hospital? Why not?

3. Who came to help her? Why did they ask to the policeman?

4. Did the policeman tell them the way to the hospital?

5. Did the woman see her husband at last?

6. Who went to the hospital with her?

7. Where was the young girl? Did she wait for their thanks?

四、 Teaching of new lesson. (用幻灯显示)

1. Drill: Put the following sentences into Chinese.

1) It may rain here the day after tomorrow.

2) I hope the cloud may lift in the afternoon.

3) She may ring you again.

4) Mr. Wang is better today. He may go on to teach us.

5) We can’t find the child.

6) Can you borrow your bike?

7) That can’t be right.

8) You can keep these books for two weeks.

A:Do you know John’s address?

B:No, I don’t. But I saw you wrote down his address on a piece of paper.

A:Yes, but I can’t find it.

B:It may be in your inside pocket.

A:No, it isn’t here.

B:It may be in your pencil-box.

A:Oh, yes! Here it is. Thank you.

B:Not at all.

Put the following into English .

1) 露西也许知道汤姆的电话号码。

Lucy may know Tom’s telephone number.

2) 我找不到自行车啦! I can’t find my bike.

3) 下星期天你准备做什么? What are you going to do next Sunday?

4) 我可以把车停那边吗? May I stop my car over there?

5) 我可以吃粒苹果吗? May / Could I have an apple, please?

2.Language points. (用幻灯显示)

1)Ah! So it is! 啊!果真如此!


如:He is stupid. 他真傻。So he is. 确实如此。(两个he指的是“同一个人”,不倒装。运用这样的句型,往往起强调作用。)

2)I’m not sure. I may help Uncle Li fix the machine.


用be not sure回答对方,口气显得客气、婉转。may在句中表示“可能性”。又如:

What are they going to do this afternoon? 下午他们要干什么?

I’m not sure. They may go to see a friend in hospital.


五、Design for exercises.


背诵课文中的句子、短语。完成Wb L63 Exx. 1-3.

2.Additional exercises.



1.A. matter B. granny C. traffic D. answer

2.A. second B. pocket C. end D. rest

3.A. until B. husband C. nut D. under

4.A. cloud B. around C. found D. brought

5.A. play B. may C. day D. Tuesday


1.How can I wait for their . (thank)

2.Those usually take the No.8 bus. (granny).

3.We want to take the second on the left. (turn)

4.The house is in , please call the police. (dangerous)

5.The little boy is very to the old woman. (kindly)


1. 他也许生病住院了。 .

2. 那位老奶奶也许不认得路。 .

3. 那时他陷于危险中。 .

4. 多好的一位工人啊! .

5. 他必定迟到了。果真如此。 .



B. 1.thanks 2.grannies 3.turning 4.danger 5.kind

C. 1.He may be ill in hospital. 2.The old woman may not know the way.

3.He was in danger at that time. 4.What a good, kind worker!

5.He must be late. So he must.